Flying the Robinson R66 Turbine "Marine" Spec Helicopter

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hey welcome to classic performance and today we got something special for you uh we're going to be taking a look at the robinson r66 helicopter and one of the unique things about the 66 compared to the 22 and the 44 this is a turbine powered jet turbine powered helicopter whereas the others are lycoming uh six cylinder gasoline power so this is the latest and greatest from robinson helicopters uh and this aircraft's only been out for about uh maybe 10 years so this is the newest addition to the fleet and what they offer and a little bit about the helicopter it uh holds four people you can potentially get five in the back we'll take a look at the inside and it has a service ceiling limited by the faa of 14 000 feet holds about 75 gallons of fuel burns about 24 gallons uh in an hour depends how you're loaded so anyway that's the robinson on the outside here good looking aircraft in black and let's let's take a look on the inside and see what we got inside here so as you can see a great view is to be had here um from the pilot seat in the co-pilot seat and then in the back back here a little bit tighter but you got basically three seats almost kind of jumpers but uh but they're there very comfortable air conditioned uh interior cabin and uh and she's ready to go so what we're gonna do is we're gonna pre-flight this aircraft right here uh get it going and we're gonna take a little little coastal tour of the uh the emerald coast so come on go with us and let's get a little work done get this thing fired up and uh let her rip before we take off we've got one more to show you which is right down the ramp here uh a little bit newer r66 this is an r66 turbine marine bet you haven't seen one of these that otherwise in raven black this one here gorgeous black metallic with silver stripes fantastic looking aircraft and one of the things about it of course makes it a marine helicopter is it's got floats right here instead of just your basic skids you gotta float these will inflate uh and so forth so if you need to land on water you can a little bit upgraded interior right here in the r66 turbine marine a little better instrumentation layout a little bit cleaner and a lot more glass so anyway just thought we'd give you a look at the r66 turbine marine and of course down the way we've got the uh the the 44s and the 22s and that sort of thing here's real action happens right here here's your exhaust from the rolls royce turbine engine rolls royce rr 300 engine in these uh very reliable and very powerful so anyway we're not going to go up in the in the turbine marine today but i just thought i'd give you a look at it and just a quick walk around see how much glass is in front of this thing and uh what a fantastic aircraft interestingly enough i thought we'd be flying on the r66 uh raven black we're gonna be on the r66 marine right here so we're gonna go ahead and switch it up and we're gonna go up on let's go [Music] [Music] we're up and away in the uh the robinson 44 marine edition so anyway we didn't expect our pilot austin over here uh great guy from east tennessee uh announcementally he is a uh he's a blackhawk pilot for the for the army so he's taking the day off gonna fly us around a little bit so we've got a good experience island with us and uh the way we're going we're going down the emerald coast here yeah on our right side over here uh you'll see the diamond ring i don't get a good look at it or not but uh we'll be on our right side going out our left side coming back [Music] right down here sand dollar ring right there [Music] but you can flip back and forth [Music] so the husky of an angle could you go over [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] here we are hopefully y'all enjoyed well that'll do it for our uh experience in the robinson r 66 marine edition uh thanks to uh our friends here at timberview choppers for giving me access to uh to the facility to to the aircraft and so forth and uh austin good buddy from uh east tennessee etsu and uh a good homeboy so anyways thanks for all you're interested in classic cars boats or planes give us a subscription we'd love to have you we're going to do more interesting things so stay tuned you
Channel: Classic Performance
Views: 88,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robinson Helicopters, Robinson R66 Turbine, Robinson R66 Marine, Robinson R22, Robinson R44, Robinson Turbine, #avaition, #avaitiongeek, #avaitionlovers, #avaitionphotography, #planespotting, #avaitiondailey, #airplane, #pilot, #aircraft, #plane
Id: XuMDTyeGqLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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