Flying Squirrel Plays Tag! 🐭 Cheeky Animals | Leo the Wildlife Ranger | Kids Cartoons

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I'll get it no I'll get it you won't get away from the fastest Junior Ranger ever wa yes that makes me faster that's a bat hero the kugo is over there I got it no I got it [Music] wo huh huh anyone [Music] there Sho get away from me no my favorite scrunchie stop get back here you Thief fair warning Katie I'm super fast we'll see about that Leo 3 2 1 jetpack activate woohoo and the winner is huh me I won hi Junior Ranger Zari what's up hi Leo an animal took my scrunchie scrunchie what's that it's a hair tie that keeps my hair up like this thing then why do you need the other one it's not the same my grandmother gave me that scrunchie oh no did you see what animal took it I'm sending you a photo right now hm what animal is this let's use the computer to find out sure Katie I'll be right up let's find out more about our Thief it's a Malayan kugo the Malayan kugo also known as the sua flying lemur is a nocturnal creature which means it's mostly active at night it's found in forests usually clinging to tree trunks or gliding from tree to tree so despite its name it doesn't actually fly it Glides it can do this over really long distances Malayan kugos are herbivores that feed on leaves Leaf shoots and flower buds okay but if it can glide over long distances it might be Far Away by now I must get my scrunchie back don't worry Zari we'll come over right away to help you Ranger out let's go find the kugo hey guys hi Zari any luck finding the kugo no and the forest is huge I've got this it's a special flashlight red light won't disturb the kugos as much now let's see it's a bird look over there uh squirrel a scrunchie there it is it's the kugo it's getting away way jet jet pack activate I'll get it no I'll get it you won't get away from the fastest Junior Ranger ever wa guess that makes me faster that's a bat hero the kugo is over there I got it no I got it wa ow oh no did you get it where's my scrunchie sorry it got away no how are we ever going to find it huh is that a bird a giant bat no it's Ry hello Junior Rangers what are you doing here Ranger Rocky I'm patrolling the forest to make sure the animals are safe what about you it's quite late at night we're looking for a Malayan kugo who took zary's scr crun this crunchy is very pretty with flower buds wait a second flower buds the kugo must be hungry and thinks my scrunchie is food then maybe we can lure it out with some snacks not so fast Junior Rangers it's not always a good idea to lure Wildlife with food it may lead to a change in their behavior kugos might get too friendly with humans and that could be bad for both the animal and humans it's especially bad if they are fed human food which could make them sick oh I guess this is it goodbye Grandma scrunchie don't give up Junior Ranger Zari let's find out more about the animal if the kugo has good night vision I don't think it mistook your scrunchie for food I think it was just an accident oh what if my scrunchie is still on the kugo because it could get it off the kugo isn't the only one with good night vision we can use hero Cam let's find the kugo there uh-oh it's in trouble careful got it hello there oh someone needs a manicure to sharpen her claws I believe this belongs to you my grandma's crun thank [Music] you bye kuga mission accomplished we help Zari get her Grandma's scrunchie back from the Malayan kugo Leo ready for our rematch you bet first one to reach the house wins get ready 3 2 one jet pack activate activate good job children huh you are amazing Wildlife Rangers I guess hero is the winner hi Junior Rangers you may not see wild animals in your everyday life but if you ever happen to encounter them remember these ABC's a avoid contact with the animal b b come see call an adult to help you a kitty oh you're so cute but what are you doing here all alone and where's your mom aw don't be afraid all right Katie let me know when you're ready okay Leo I've hidden the flag I bet you'll never find it we'll see about that huh what is it hero do you know where the flag is is it here where is it hey Junior Ranger Zari hi Leo look this is Bandit my new pet kitten did you say bandit yep it's because of the stripes on his face see it looks like he's got a Masque on I don't think Bandit's a cat Zari huh what do you mean it's just a guess but let me run the picture through the computer to be sure come on Leo just hang tight Zari see you later hero I was right Bandit isn't a cat he's a baby common Palm civit oh oh I've heard of those aren't they also called civet cats they're commonly known as that but civits are not cats they are more closely related to the and hyena as nocturnal mammals they are active at night and can be found living in forests Parks mangroves and even roof spaces of buildings in urban areas I wonder where Bandit's mother is it says here that civits e insects small animals and fruit so maybe she's away looking for food or Bandit's mother is lost and can't find her baby I should look for her but wait I can't leave Bandit here alone don't worry Zary we're on the way Ranger out let's go help the baby civit let's hurry over to Zari hey guys over here hi Zary where's Bandit there he is he's is really shy hi Hero's protecting Bandit now where are you little crawler why are you crawling hello Junior Rangers I'm looking for a rare ant what are you doing here we found a baby civet hiding under the table he's all alone oh oh he's a handsome little fellow I named him Bandit well Bandit might not be alone for long as adults civits are territorial they leave the scent or smell to tell other animals that they own the area adult civets live alone except for a mother and her young female common Palm civets can give birth to two to five babies at a time sometimes the Mom leaves her babies alone while she looks for food so I wouldn't worry too much I'm sure Bandit's mother will come back for him I've got to get back to my search Rangers remember to give Bandit a bit of space while waiting for his mom good luck thanks Ranger rocki bye-bye we have to do something let's go find Bandit's mom hero and I will stay here to keep Bandit safe great come on Zari jetpack activate it's time to roll you'll be back soon Bandit well done hero don't worry Bandit we got your back Sho Dy Sho found anything saryi not yet Leo have you no oh wait I think I found her w oh it's just a cat let's keep looking see anything hero yeah me neither everything's going to be fine Leo and Zari will find your mommy soon mommy CET where are you Leo I think I found her huh where'd she go there there no wait other side come out don't be afraid we're trying to help I'm going in after that hat gotcha gotcha huh it's just another cat the search for Bandit's mother [Music] continues hi guys how'd it go W did you find Bandit's mother no huh R rer Rocky still looking for my aunt Junior Rangers did Bandit's mom come back not yet I'm really worried and it's getting late look it's Mommy civit a bye Bandit bye-bye mission accomplished I'm glad Bandit's back with his mom I'm ready Leo oh okay Katie I'm going to hide this flag so you'll never be able to find it [Music] huh good job children you are amazing Wildlife Rangers hold it hold it Oh Ranger Leo speaking hero oops sorry about that hi Junior Ranger poo what's up olol Leo look at my llama huh okay it's not exactly mine I'm taking care of my cousin's P llama spits but I don't know anything about llamas ooh llamas don't worry po we're here to help did someone say llamas hey Katie po wants to learn more about llamas he's helping to care for one I've just sent you its photo aw it's adorable I can't wait to find out more about it come on up Leo the computer is ready to go right behind you Katie just leave it to us poo I'll call you in a bit Ranger out let's see there it is the Llama llamas are herbivores that means they eat only plants after a llama choose its food it swallows it then brings the F back up to its mouth and choose it more before it swallows it again llamas are strong they can endure harsh conditions like extreme temperatures and they need little water llamas are pack animals animals that help humans transport Goods however if the load is too heavy these stubborn animals May refuse to move and lie down on the ground that must be po right on time hey po Leo help huh what's wrong I tried to ride speeds and now I can't get down where are you going spits stop wao ah he's not stopping Leo what do I do it's dangerous oh no hang in there po we'll be right over ranger out I got his location awesome work Katie let's go sit stop oh hey how do we stop a llama by adding more weight on its back hero I need you to land on [Music] spits they're not heavy enough Leo we need you got it w it's not working Katie we're all going to stop right there huh rery hello Junior Rangers is everything all right you saved us why is everyone riding a llama I was trying to take speeds to see my favorite flowers I'm helping my cousin to take care of him and we were trying to stop spits because he went out of control heyo couldn't get down careful now thanks Ranger Rocky yo you're welcome he's one cute llama spit is so not cute I was wrong humans and llamas can never be friends he doesn't listen he's dangerous and his bits e yuck don't be so quick to judge poo llamas are usually quiet and gentle they only spit when they're feeling threatened or irritated and it's mostly directed at other llamas humans and llamas can certainly be friends in fact llamas are a huge help to us not only do they transport Goods they also guard farm animals like sheep their dried poop can also be used as fuel or fertilizer have you tried to befriend him poo well not really I did talk about it but then I got carried away literally I'm sorry I said that speeds not again cheer up poo just leave it to us we'll help you befriend spits ah friendships are beautiful that sounds like a wonderful idea Junior Rangers see you around bye bye rer Rocky huh po I think Spitz is hungry of course food P loves it when I feed him his favorite berries I just have to feed speit his favorite food what's your favorite food spits tacos cupcakes pancakes spits isn't herb of War peo he eats plants plants I have plants in my bag here's spits oh no not again not the face not the face he's eating it speit is eating my plant he accepted my gift we're friends now congratulations po do you want some more oh no this is impossible I'm all out of plant no Spitz come back calm down po I think spits likes to eat that plant all we have to do is find more of it let's split up and search of course wait for me bits we're going to be best bodes after all did you guys find it nope neither did I over here guys I found it po it's dangerous get away from there but I'm so close just a bit more got it wo huh speeds you saved me heo are you all right I sure am speed saved me oh huh I guess he just wanted to save the blend h ah you did it po you're friends now yay now let's go see my favorite flowers together hero hero is this thing loud enough hero there you are Leo I could hear you all the way across the garden really oops sorry Katie huh what are you you I forgive you oh hi Junior Ranger Kai what's up Leo I really need your help I lost patches calm down Kai who's patches patches is my sister's F rabbit I brought patches to Rabbit Island to play Rabbit Island yeah it's an Island full of rabbits full of rabbits that sounds fun it was fun until I lost patches I can't find her anywhere don't worry Kai the junior Wildlife Rangers are here to help we'll be right over thanks guys see you on Rabbit Island Ranger out Rabbit Island is a small island just off the coast of Japan there are hundreds of rabbits on the island and it is a popular tourist destination how did so many rabbits end up on one small island it is said that all the rabbits came from a small group of rabbits brought there by some children oh no it also says that cats and dogs are not allowed on the island oh dogs are not allowed sorry hero you can't come with us this time look at all the rabbits I'm in heaven they're so cute cute can I take you home hi guys thanks for hopping by anytime Kai my sister is going to be so mad if I don't find Patches do you have a picture of her I sure do here I see patches is a white rabbit with black patches around her eyes but patches is special there's a patch of fur that's shaped like a heart near her tail H there are loads of white rabbits with black patches here it's going to be difficult to spot a heart I was hoping hero could help sniff her out hero you're not supposed to be here a I can't say no to that I guess you really want to join us I don't know Leo dogs are not allowed please we need Hero's help fine but you'll have to be on your best behavior hero and you'll have to wear a disguise how about some rabbit ears awesome here hero do you smell patches anywhere wait for us [Music] hero uh I think hero is a little distracted no hero stay hey it's no wonder dogs are not allowed on the island how are we going to look for patches now we can simply use my x-ray vision to see what's happening underground great idea what do you see Kai I see lots of rabbits let's find some food to lure the rabbits out or we can use a carrot smell bomb it's going to smell like carrots everywhere the rabbits are going to love it one carrot smell bomb coming right right [Music] up it's working but we're back to square one with all the rabbits around it's impossible to find Patches H does patches respond to anything special well oh oh patches falls asleep when my sister sings her a bedtime lullaby so if someone sings a lullaby and a rabbit falls asleep we'll know that's patches but how are we going to sing to all the rabbits on the island with this of course great idea Leo we should be able to spot a sleeping rabbit from here ready Kai patches patches go to sleep no more carrots time to sleep huh something's wrong none of the rabbits are falling asleep let me try patches patches go to sleep no more carrots time to sleep nope no sleeping rabbit either are we doing something wrong what if it has to be a girl's voice me all right for patches patches patches go to sleep no more carrots time to sleep rabbits are running away was my singing that bad look there's a rabbit [Music] asleep White Rabbit black patches around his eyes a heart-shaped patch near his tail patches it's her it's really her we found patches yes and it's all thanks to you Katie that was some awesome ranger work thanks Leo and just in time it's my sister calling to check on Pates can we keep today's Mission a secret what's that smell and I don't mean the flowers Katie it's coming from over there PE you we're definitely getting closer it's hero stay hero good boy when was the last time hero had a bath I think it was H um oops I don't remember come on hero it's bath time hero come back you need a bath oh hi Junior Ranger Kai what's new hi Leo I'm updating my smell collection I been collecting different smells of animals and plants to use as smell bombs wow sounds awesome it is I'd like to add the smell of a red panda to my collection we'd be glad to help Co beans thanks Leo Ranger out Ranger out Hero's bath will have to wait Katie Kai needs our help to find red pandas for his smell collection red pandas I'm sure the computer will give us more information red panda here it is even though they're called red pandas they don't look anything like pandas well both pandas share similar names and eat lots of bamboo they're not closely related to each other does it say where we can find them red pandas can be found in the eastern himalay and forests they spend most of their time in trees I'll talk K about what we found hi Leo did you guys find anything we sure did Red Pandas can be found in the Trees of the Eastern Himalayan forest and they eat bamboo so we'll have to search for a forest with lots of them great I'll narrow down the search and send you a location Ranger out Ranger out hi hi guys this is the perfect spot to begin our search there's bamboo every everywhere ew what's that smell H hero hasn't had a bath in a while well it's a very strong smell I've never smelled anything like it speaking of smells we should really begin our search for the red pandas of course red pandas but what now which way should we go do you guys hear he that is that a red panda Ranger Rocky hello Junior Rangers what are you doing here we're helping Kai look for red pandas so he can collect their smell but we don't know where to start like skunks red pandas release a strong smell to drive others away when they are afraid I believe that's the stink Kai is looking for red pandas also use their smell to mark their territories they leave a smell behind to inform others that the area belongs to them good idea hero we can trace a red panda by the smell it leaves behind I'll use my smell detection Vision to find the red pandas the smell detection Vision detects the chemicals present in different animal smells right now it's searching for the red pandas got it over there guys bye Ranger Rocky the smell is strongest here it's a red panda cool beans time to get it stink it's headed this [Music] way oh man it's your new smell bomb an earthworm I already have that one I just want the red panda stink what if we tried getting closer to it jetpack activate hey wait for me hover boots activate it's just sleeping how can we get it to release its stink Ranger Rocky did mention that the red pandas released their strong smell when they're afraid hero it's not right to frighten the red pandanda like that but do you smell that it worked that's the smell I'm love looking for be careful Ty yes the red panda stink has been successfully added to my collection stay away there's nothing for you in my backpack oh no Katie is in trouble what are those animals up to no worries the red panda stink would Ward them off one red panda smell bomb coming right up what's going on Kai where's the smell bomb it's not shooting I don't understand there's nothing wrong with my smell bomb I'll take that hang tight Katie and hold your breath yay we did it mission accomplished surprise it's a hot spring a hot spring you were looking a little stressed this morning a dip in the hot spring will help with that the heat will soothe your muscles and help you relax hero wait for us come on let's get in too I'm sure you'll feel better after this thanks guys I hope this works M it's so nice and warm in here it sure is Katie are you more relaxed Kai absolutely thanks for bringing me here guys it's like I'm high up in the clouds without a care in the world is that your tail hero it tickles huh hero but if you're all the way there then what's this furry thing next to me monkey H monkeys waa they're everywhere what are these monkeys doing in the hot spring let's find out I've sent you a photo Katie thanks Leo these monkeys are Japanese maacs also known as snow monkeys Japanese maacs live in very cold climates they are known to soak in Hot Springs to keep themselves warm for some of the younger Macs it's also a popular play area they even have a special hot spring built just for them oh no are we in their special hot spring I think so Kai we should look for another hotring let's quickly grab our bags and our bags are gone wow I think I know who took them they're messing around with our stuff we need to get them back from the Maat but how they're everywhere hey put that down that's mine it's freezing neat clothes much better they got our clothes too hey not my smell bomb e of course you had to activate the skunk smell [Music] be careful with that I got it hey I don't have it ah this is bananas bananas Ranger Rock hello Junior Rangers these Hot Springs are so relaxing that I fell asleep what's this we're in the special hot spring of the Japanese maacs we were about to leave but the maacs took all our stuff they're always so playful do you know how to get them back Japanese maacs are very intelligent and often curious they're quick to learn and may pick up behaviors they observe you know what they say monkey see monkey do monkey C Monkey do we just need to do something that'll get their attention surely they'll copy us and stop playing with our gadgets h i wonder look the macac is coming this way it dropped the Grabber I know how to get the maac's attention but we're going to need more stones and some sticks got it Leo cold we'll have to find them quick let's go I hope your idea Works um I'll just wait here and see if there are any stones in the water ah I mean uh ah Stones where are [Music] you is everybody ready yep let's get on gadgets back all set now let's get their attention yes it's working now that we're playing with stones they want to play with them too these cheeky maacs just want to have some fun after all woo this is so fun I wonder if they'll play with the sticks too hero fetch [Music] good boy hero one more [Music] time it looks like the maacs are having loads of fun theyve forgotten about our stuff quick let's get them and get out of here before they notice [Music] thanks Ranger Rocky have fun with your stones and sticks [Music] maax oh finally some peace and quiet thanks for finding another hot spring without Japanese Macs Katie H you're welcome how are you feeling now Kai Kai h ah can we stay in here forever woohoo thanks for bringing us up here Kyle I'm looking forward to this hike do we have everything we need Leo I've got my tablet water bottle and some food let's see I've got my rope my water bottle my binoculars I've Got My Boomerang right here just your Boomerang it's all I need oh oh not forgetting some hero snacks I think we have everything Katie whoa did you guys hear that now what could that be it came from our backpacks what's it doing hey be careful with my tablet let's take a picture of you you curious bird I sent you the photo lady can you check what bird it is I'm on it Leo it seems this bird is a k AIA AA is the world's only Alpine parrot it means it lives high up in the mountains the Kia is easily recognizable by its distinct Kia call [Music] [Laughter] you're one curious bird aren't you I think Thea is trying to get friendly with you Leo hey that's the Kia platypus one get that back KIA KIA KIA it's flying away with our key we need that key to get back home or we'll be stuck here we have to get it back let's use our jetpacks to go after the Kia got it Leo jet activate follow that parrot I'll catch up with you guys at my ATV there good work Katie let's go get our key back well what are we waiting for let's go no if we scare him he'll just fly away again Katie mentioned that the Kia is a playful bird what if we build something that'll distract it long enough for us to get key back something to distract it h I've got an idea what do you thinking of Katie okay the first thing we need to do is I call it the Inside Out cage on Inside Out cage that's right the Kia will be attracted to the yummy berries and he'll try to get them but since the berries are trapped inside the cage there's no way he's going to get them the key will be stuck outside as he tries to reach for the berries so instead of having the Kia in a cage the Inside Out cage keeps the Kia outside that's right and once he's too busy to pay attention to our key that's our chance to get it back hero will sneak up to it and grab the key an inside out cage I love it here it comes quick everyone h [Music] hi I hope it works me too you can say that again hero I would not underestimate the intelligence of the Kia Junior Rangers rer what do you mean Ranger Rocky the Kia doesn't have your everyday bird brain they're highly intelligent they can solve puzzles and they even use tools to help them get food your inside out cage might be a little too easy for this clever parrot but who knows let's see what the Kia will do I think he saw the berries he dropped the key your turn hero be careful not to alert the Kia there's no way the Kia will get to the berries he's using a stick no way he's got the berries quick hero get the key how did he do that K are puzzle solvers like other parrots Kia have four toes on each foot two that point forward and two that point backward that means they can use their feet just like hands that's how it held the stick and used it to get the berries out so quickly wow that's impressive you are right Ranger Rocky the Kia is too smart for us don't be disheartened Katie I'm sure you'll be able to find other ways to distract the K thanks Ranger Rocky I'll try checking my tablet again there's something I have to attend to Good Luck Junior Rangers bye Ranger Rocky I found something else it says here that the Kia gets into a playful mood when they hear a play call when they hear other Kia make that sound they drop everything and they start to play a play call huh I think I know how we can get our key back come on Kia it's time to play [Music] w wow easy there now hero yes he got it it worked wow hey Leo you might want to turn around W I think they all want to [Music] play what an adventure hero huh why is hero burying his treat H he could be storing it for later oh hi Junior Ranger Kai how's it going hi Leo not too well my smell collecting capsule was stolen stolen yes I just collected the precious smell of a super rare animal I haven't stored it in my database and now it's gone I'll never be able to collect that smell again never do you know who stole your smell collect encapsule I took a photo of the thief before it got away here I'll send it to you I think it's a squirrel I don't think that's a squirrel Kai but I can look for more information about the thief on my computer thanks Katie we'll find out who stole it and get your capsule back send us your location and we'll be right over thanks a million Leo Ranger out Ranger out all right let's go find out more about the thief that stole Kai's smell collecting capsule it seems the animal that stole Kai's capsule isn't a squirrel it's a Siberian chipmunk a Siberian chipmunk that's right the Siberian Chipmunks are the only Chipmunks that live in Asia they are typically found with five dark stripes just like the one in Kai's photo Siberian chipmunks eat nuts seeds and fruits like berries do you think the iian chipmunk mistook the capsule for food you're probably right Leo it looks like the Chipmunk didn't mean to be a thief but we still have to help Kai get his capsule back let's go find the Siberian chipmunk and return Kai his capsule hi Kai hi guys I'm so glad you're here to help I can't wait to get my capsule back it wasn't a squirrel that took your capsule it was a Siberian chipmunk a Siberian chipmunk how are we going to find it Well it likes to eat nuts and seeds we can lay a trail to lure it out great idea Katie let's gather some nuts that's the last one I've got I hope this works yes it's working come closer chipmunk come closer uh the Chipmunk isn't eating the food food it's stuffing the food in its Mells wao its cheeks are growing I wonder if that's normal it's going to blow huh popcorn oops sorry Junior Rangers ranger don't worry Kai the Chipmunk is not going to explode like other chipmunks Siberian Chipmunks carry food in their cheek pouches and their cheeks can expand up to three times the size of their heads wow they then carry the food to their Burrows where they will store it away so they can eat it later see you around Junior Rangers bye Ranger Rocky the Chipmunk is here hi there we don't mean you any harm you have a capsule in your cheek that belongs to my friend it's very precious to him and it's definitely not food can you return it to us not an acorn a capsule not a blueberry not a nut no nuts this is going to be a tough nut to crack hero oh no it's getting away jetpack activate P boots activate it's over there I just want my capsule back we've got you now chipmunk aha where is it hey come back chipmunk look it went into that burrow I'll see what it's doing underground What Do You See Kai I see a tunnel wait there's the Chipmunk it's taking my capsule out of its cheek I think I can reach it with my Grappler ants abort abort e yuck what's wrong Kai I have to get close enough to reach inside the burrow with my Grappler but there ants there I don't like ants that's okay Kai I'll help you cool beans I'll direct you with my goggles wow this is cool now let's aim for the burrow got it I'll guide you with my goggles aha a little to the left uh now to the right go straight and grab you got it Leo thank you guys I couldn't have done without your help my smell collecting capsule is back I can't believe I nearly lost it I spent so many days tracking this rare animal it smell is just incredible a real treasure what rare animal does it belong to the rarest animal on this planet no other Ranger has seen it except me it's one of a kind it's the smell of a mission accomplished far [Music] far over here guys why is far hiding behind that tree uh-oh it's the invisible prankster take cover hero over here I got you hero is he okay stay with us hero he's all right just have to dry him up a little how about you guys all good here me too so who's shooting at us what is that huh it's a fish huh what are you doing Leo it's a fish a fish is shooting at us a fish the fish won't understand you Leo just talk normally right well then huh oh never mind over there wow a spitting fish now I've seen everything say [Music] cheese I sent you a photo of the fish Katie do you know what it is the spinning fish is an Archer fish Archer fish catch bugs and insects by spitting water jets at them sometimes the Archer fish even jumps out of the water to catch the midair Archer fish have great eyesight and they can hit targets up to 2 m High they're no quitters either if at first they don't succeed they'll spit spit and spit again but if an Archer fish spits to catch bugs why is this Archer fish spitting at us a cricket over here oh I think the Archer fish is just trying to catch this Cricket but it's not very good at it well from what we just learned the Archer fish will get the cricket soon let's wait and see um any minute now its aim was way off oh no is there any way we can help it not my glasses I need them to see oh I have an idea the Archer fish probably can't aim very well because it's eyesight is bad just like mine it needs a pair of glasses are you you sure they'll fit positive there a it looks like one smart fish but why is it sinking oh no I think the glasses are too heavy for the fish Katie H what if we used a lighter frame or maybe its eyesight is not the problem rer Rock what do you mean Ranger rocki the Archer fish sees just fine it's just not a very good Good Hunter yet yet shooting at bugs that live outside the water is pretty tricky business because things look different from underwater every Archer fish needs to learn how to aim properly it's not something they can do right away when a young archer fish starts hunting it's not very good at it at first but after watching other Archer fish and practicing it gets better at aiming and shooting all it needs is more practice more practice well the Junior Rangers are here to help we'll teach the Archer fish how to aim and shoot perfectly I'm sure you'll do great good luck Junior Rangers see you around bye Jun but how are we going to teach an Archer fish to shoot with a little shooting practice of course h ah how did it even get to me wo my handbook ah no you've got to stay cool remember take a deep breath then go for it I know you can do it all right way to go you did it that was amazing hey run like the wind Hero ready to try a moving Target this time on your mark get set go just keep going you're doing great come on just take a deep breath you can do it yes yes all right I think it got the hang of it then let's up the difficulty hero time to take this to the next [Music] level cool look at it Go all [Music] right huh Hey where's it going the targets that way our bags but that down down you saved our stuff thank you you're an expert now aren't you there's nothing more to teach you Archer [Music] fish bye Archer fish good luck what am I easy a chicken next a tiger ar ar ar a uh uh a mouse huh a hero time's up it's a dog a dog how could I have missed that oh hi Junior rer far what are you up to today hi Leo I'm compiling a list for my junior Ranger handbook and I need your help sure thing far what's the list about have you heard of the mimic octopus a mimic octopus here's a photo of it it looks like an ordinary octopus but it can disguise itself to look like another animal it's really tricky to spot and I need your help to find it you can count on us we'll be right over excellent see you guys soon Ranger out the milic octopus the mimic octopus can be found in Shallow murky Waters of the Indo Pacific region in its original form it is light brown in color but the mimic octopus is a Master of Disguise it can change its appearance and behavior to look like other animals wow I hope we get to see its Transformations only if we find the octopus first baru Leo over can you hear me loud and clear awesome once you find the mimic octopus tell me everything it mimics I'll write it down my handbook you got it far now remember the mimic octopus can be anything so keep your eyes wide open don't worry I won't be fooled aha I bet this is a mimic octopus disguised as a an anemon that was fast anemon anemones are Marine creatures that look like flowers and are related to corals that's not a mimic octopus Leo it's a real anony oops you're right Katie sorry far false alarm that was not a mimic octopus disguised as an anemone it's not okay no anemone then let's look somewhere else the mimic octopus could be anything H I wonder what are you doing Katie dad I just installed a scanner from my computer we can identify animals and plants now huh it says here that the coral is human is there something wrong with the program hello Junior Ranger Ranger Rocky what are you doing here Ranger Rocky I was practicing my mimicry by pretending to be a coral what are you Rangers doing here we're trying to find out what creatures the mimic octopus mimics ah The Master of Disguise while the mimic octopus is not venomous it is able to mimic other creatures that are venomous by doing that the octopus tricks others into thinking it's venomous and protects itself from danger so we should look out for venomous creatures thanks Ranger rocki Ranger rocki where did he go his mimickry worked but now we have a mimic octopus to find what's that hero it's on the move again now it's mimicking a jellyfish jelly now it's a oh a bandit Soul a bandit Soul it's a stingray Bandit Soul Stingray Soul band Ray fish sing jelly wait what that doesn't make any sense what is it turkey a turkey what I think it's a turkey turkeys don't live in the ocean Leo a special underwat turkey huh now it's walking what about a duck Ducks don't live in the ocean either I agree that's obviously not a duck far you're here I had to see this for myself besides my handbook was getting very messy oops sorry I still think it's a turkey nah it looks like an underwater mushroom to me oh oh Fried Chicken how about some algae an underwater furball it's obviously a wait where did the octopus go it's disguised itself again could it be that rock I'll use my scanner that's a rock Rock that's a rock too still rock or that seaweed the ocean floor it could be anything hit subscribe and click the like icon
Channel: Leo the Wildlife Ranger - Official Channel
Views: 67,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leo, leo the wildlife ranger, animal behavior, animal kingdom, animals, animal cartoon, education, wildlife, zoology, nature, edutainment, preschool, cartoon, habitat, living things, organisms, learning, kindergarten, explore, animal crossing, animal planet, animal facts, for kids, for children, animal videos, junior ranger, explorer, animation, songs, rangers, behavior, compilation, fun, episodes, malayan, colugo, lemur, cute
Id: jd9op6t2e7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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