The Tanuki - Leo The Wildlife Ranger (Episode 90)

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and action now over to you leo how's this katie good take everyone my film is going to be a big hit and it's all thanks to my new video camera okay leo now i need you to cut leo oops sorry katie someone's calling me oh hi kai what's up hi leo there have been sightings of the mysterious tanuki in the japanese forest tanuki tanuki is the japanese name for raccoon dog some say that the tanuki is a shapeshifter here i'll send you a photo of it that's just a myth kai a story that isn't true it's scientifically impossible for an animal to transform itself with magic which is why it'll be incredible if my invention captures the impossible i'm going to film the exact moment that tanuki shape-shifts with my camera how about we look for more information about the tanuki first all right leo i'll send the photo to my computer great see you later hero [Music] there it is the tanaki the tamaki also known as the raccoon dog isn't actually raccoon they may look alike but tamaki's are more closely related to foxes wolves and dogs tamakis can climb trees and they can also swim it didn't say it can shapeshift but it didn't say it can't shapeshift either hmm if anyone is going to prove the impossible it's me i have to find the tanuki and filament shape shift would you guys like to come over to help sure kai myth or not we'd like to help you and find out more about the tanuki ourselves cool beans i'll share the location where the tanuki was last seen meet you guys there ranger out ranger out let's go help kai find the tanuki and see if the myth is real i'll bring my new video camera along see you downstairs ranger leo all set junior rangers to the rescue platypus one activate [Music] here we go kai should be around here somewhere whoa look out [Music] [Applause] it's just us kai that's hero oops sorry is this your video camera kai it sure is meet the chimera 1000 a state-of-the-art drone with a superior 10k ultra hd video camera it's my latest invention it's got auto focus 1000 times optical zoom night vision x-ray vision thermal imaging and it can fly at top speed of 100 kilometers an hour it's also waterproof and can go up to a depth of 100 meters underwater there's nowhere a tanuki can hide from chimera 1000 this is my new video camera it doesn't have a fancy name and it doesn't have as many functions as yours but it certainly beats my video camera it's all cool guys i could use all the help i can get great kai can wait up in the trees in case the tanuki decides to climb up katie and i will keep a lookout with our cameras on the ground great idea hero you can keep an eye on the river with so many cameras we'll be sure to capture the tanuki when it shapeshifts let's get into position rangers [Music] it's the tanuki oh not the flash i meant to take a video not a photo oh false alarm anyway it's just a bird any luck guys nope not me hero found something camera's rolling guys let's go it went behind that tree we've got you now tanuki whoa it turned into a chipmunk see i told you it was a shape-shifter um kai oh man it's getting away again it's going into that log quick before it escapes [Music] no way the tanuki turned itself into ranger rocky sorry junior rangers i'm no tanaki i'm just ranger rocky but how do we know you're not a tanoki that's shape-shifted into ranger rocky would a tanaki know how to talk well um look kai i think the tanuki got away from that hole instead [Music] oh man how are we going to find it now tanaki's can be tricky to spot it's especially easy to mistake a tanaki for a raccoon but you'll never go wrong if you look out for their paw prints and tails while the raccoon leaves paw prints that are similar to humans the tanakis are more similar to foxes and dogs also raccoons have striped tails but tanakis don't thanks for the tip ranger rocky huh where did he go hmm these paw prints look like heroes so they should belong to the tanuki look it's over there so that's a tanuki right not a raccoon there are no stripes on its tail that's definitely a tanaki yes we're coming for you you can run but you can't hide from the kinder 1000 no chimera one thousands the camera is damaged i can't video the tanuki now how could i be so careless it's okay kai we still have my camera but it can't fly unless [Music] there's the tanuki [Music] wow katie your camera is just as amazing as mine thanks kai it was a great idea to combine my camera and your drone teamwork makes the dream work we've got you now tanuki shapeshift i'm sure it's just getting warmed up any time now it's been hours kai i don't think it's gonna shapeshift i'm afraid it's just a myth after all tamaki's are not shapeshifters i guess you guys are right so much for proving the impossible well we tried come on we should head home now it's late already [Music] hiro come on boy [Music] i'm glad we managed to prove that a shape-shifting tanuki is just a myth and i'm glad you're having fun with the camera kai gave you i sure am good job children you are amazing wildlife rangers huh the tanuki just kidding good one ranger rocky
Channel: Giggle Mug
Views: 106,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super wings, sprout tv, kids, animation, cartoons, educational, family, children, planes, trains, automobiles, learning, global, language, international, world, children shows, cartoon, k-12, preschool, early education, animals, wildlife, leo wildlife ranger, junior ranger, family education, educational zoology, toddlers, interesting facts, 3d animation, cartoon for kids, edutainment, leo ranger, ranger rocky, tanooki, tanuki, tanuki video for kids, dog raccoon, dog raccoon video for kids, Tanooki
Id: hjscCxcUD7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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