FLYING HOME (what's next?)

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace anything else you wanted to add to look back on this memory this is a big moment to catch you up on our current timeline we just finished our incredible Expeditions across Finland and South America and we just had one last day before our flight [Music] Although our cousins had headed off for a little weekend's day we just knew that one last visit before we said our goodbyes was needed after we spent five weeks [Music] Ella all right we've got one day left in South Africa what we're doing good let's just go we're not sure if it's us reflecting on the end of our trip or preparing for the arrival of our new little boy but we can't help but they are important our small South African family has been to us as we look back on the memories of spending time together over Christmas we feel so grateful for the time we've had together so um today officially marks seven weeks in South Africa which is flown by so quickly but I don't know how we ended up with five suitcases split across me Jess clear a hunter and now we need to try and get this all into the car to get us back to the airport [Music] one two [Music] three four five I don't know how we have so much stuff it's literally like we're immigrady from South Africa to Australia we've done so bad on this trip foreign [Music] airport and we're about to fly all the way back to Perth and the next time we jump on a plane there'll be four of us this is like giving those vibes when we were after our first year flying The Nest we were sitting at joburg airport yeah wondering what would happen if we would travel again and you know crazy that's eight years ago is that actually 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. we've been 23 nine years ago end of 2023 so like eight years ago wow so it's currently 6 p.m she hasn't napped because we're hoping she'll sleep on this fly at home but I need to show them something really cool so we're currently in South Africa flying home and on my little pregnancy app right now it says that our baby is the size there you go the size of a lion cub which I thought was fitting seeing as that we are leaving South Africa and flying back home do you know where we're flying today so we're gonna go on a plane and guess where we're going all the way back home to Australia and it's a very exciting day because do you know where we're going to be living where whose house are we going to live in we are moving in to Hunter's new house it's going to have a playroom [Music] it's gonna have a hunter bed and in the backyard there's going to be a cubby house with a kitchen inside blind blown anything else you wanted to add so look back on this memory this is a big moment last trip last trip I think Hunter's very excited for her playroom I don't think she knows what a playroom is just sounds fun doesn't it let's do this dude all right let's do this let's sleep you can have a cubby house if you sleep the whole way home deal Shake on it say Double Deal mum all right let's go do it let's go sleep [Music] 10 hours direct home which we never usually get so it should be a nice smooth ride come on get the Pez in where's see ever if there's a trick to this can someone please tell us how do you get the Pez in without opening the whole packet please someone help us thank you so much Jess you're already picturing how we're doing this when there's a another one it'll be the same except I'll be wearing him rather than him I'm just excited to push this baby up so I don't have to hold all the luggage pull her head backwards let me just show you crazy to think that don't exactly know when our next flight's gonna be we're moving the international flight that's coming up so you're gonna enjoy this also not a flight review video but with Lion airling for the first time which is going to get us to Cape Town it's like the widest economy seats I'd be in yeah let's look at them [Music] hold on we have enough on the plane all right come to the next flight's nine hours can you sleep on that one sleep on the next one all right here we go warning our flight to Perth all right guys 10 hours time [Music] went and had to freshen up at Steven's parents house but I still feel like a complete zombie right now oh my goodness it's currently 6 30 p.m I don't know I don't know but I know something that is definitely going to wake me up because we are about to pull up like the home that we're gonna be bringing our little baby boy to this is a moment that we definitely wanted to capture and I don't know why we've decided the best time to stay in this house is the day that we've just flown in all the way from South Africa to Australia I think we're just too excited plus yes the removal has come in at 7am tomorrow and I was like 2 A.M in our bodies that's gonna be no oh my gosh wait Steve is around the corner you're pulling up to it are you so excited how are you feeling right now documenting this moment I'm feeling excited because I think we've had the busiest last few months like we just we've had the busiest year 21 days of expeditions which were amazing but it it's almost like my mind was focusing on that and I haven't even thought about Coco Pops at all so I'm like ready for this new chapter this is the start of that chapter so this is just it's crazy so much excitement I feel I can finally focus on that we're having a second baby and those that like Hunter is going to have the first ever toddler room under the Sleep Hunter oh is she pretending she's got a funny like Hunter hmm let me see oh no she's asleep now we can't show her the surprise Hunter can you hold something special huh do you have the keys what are those keys for Hunter um your room you know where we're going I didn't even tell you to your brand new house oh my gosh but this is so cool had to give the keys a shake look at this house Hunter whose house is this you need yourself the tripod inside but you need to close your eyes okay okay okay so don't look but also set up the camera because I need this moment first time walking in as a family of three almost four [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know what this room's gonna be this is your playroom Hunter so in here what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put all your toys here and your toys here and you get to play in this room so there's some fun quick Play-Doh you want to play with the flavor here it is it's broken up ready to see your backyard Hunter [Music] so we're going to renovate the backyard and build you a cubby house you're gonna help build it can we tell Daddy what color do you think we should paint the cubby house a purple Cubby Cubby says is this do you want to come see your bedroom what do you think maybe you can choose this room give me your room I like this one you do there's also one more here come look [Music] um oh there's one more or what about this one down here [Music] what have you got can I play Play-Doh with you yeah let it be on the record that the very first thing to move into this house was Hunter's pink bike and her Play-Doh hey everyone we just wanted to say a massive thank you to our longtime friends and partners of the channel Squarespace for partnering up with us on this video so if you are new around here Squarespace is the amazing all-in-one platform we can easily pop together a website or blog as you guys know our website our little blog is built on Squarespace Jess easily built it using their award-winning website designs when she got stuck it was so easy to jump on their live chat they're available 24 7 to get you through what you need so if you're interested in popping together a website super easy make sure you go check out our link below you'll get a free trial you go and have a little play around and if you're ready to sign up 10 off your first purchase thanks so much guys let's head back to the video why have we already got close what is this stuff for the little one I couldn't help her it's so cute I cannot believe he's gonna be this little like look at the shop that's very cute oh it's so cute there's a lot of packages what is this Christmas no there was like a lot of sales happening over Christmas time I bought clothes I couldn't resist like look at these he's gonna have so many clothes already oh stop Hunter who's this t-shirt for [Music] I'll stop it you've got how many this is just one package look at the short ones the short Hunter how much is this giving you like 20 25 when we just first moved in there's nothing like nothing in the house we have nothing no toilet paper no nothing just us yeah at least um our unborn child is gonna be sorted this feels good this feels good until let's play Play-Doh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remind me [Music] all right this is going to be your room what is missing toys bags toys bed what else a pet house what what pet are we going what [Music] Unicorn Pet what are we gonna name it Mrs jet Lagos Sparkles the Unicorn is gonna live in your bedroom again [Music] until we wake up she's so early tomorrow should we set up our mattress dude let's go so the removalists are coming in tomorrow morning and we need a place to stay we've kind of got a blow up mattress for our first night in the house all three of us but even I'm coming to think of it we don't have a bed we wear them a mattress what is that should we sleep on this can we test it out for me tonight is it comfy no it's something like that use your muscles and one more time it'll look bigger in the picture it says it's a deluxe Queen oh Hunter this is gonna be fun he's so excited can you go switch that light switch on for Daddy please what's happening what's happening what is it okay that's it good [Music] Hunter welcome to the most annoying thing in the world and putting a fitted sheet on thank you [Music]
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 147,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, Flying home, whats next, heading home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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