FlyByWire A320neo Full Tutorial - Cold&Dark Start-Up & Shut-Down - Canberra to Sydney YSCB/YSSY

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another one what's up guys it's more gaming here and welcome to Microsoft flight simulator today we're going to be flying from Canberra to Sydney in the flyby wire A320 Neo I'll be taking you guys all the way from colon dog startup to cold and dark shutdown at the very end I hope you guys learn a lot and enjoy the video let's get into it okay guys we are over here on simrif you can find this on any web page and I'll leave the link to it down in the description uh this is a great website for creating any sort of Flight Plan it's much more detailed than the default in-game flight planner and it works really well with the flyby wire system now before we get started with anything in simbrief we need to do some quick things over in the flyby wire website if you come over here I'll leave a link to this and the direct link down in the description and if you come over to home we'll select uh fly by wire a320nx right next to it uh we'll go down to installation guide It's one of these side options right here installation guide and we'll scroll all the way down to the bottom until we find here it is until we find some brief airframe this basically allows us to import the A320 Neo from flyby wire into the Sim brief selection of airplanes so all you need to do is come over here to simbury Fair flame airframe uh find the all versions area and click the assembly airframe link this will take you to sim brief and it'll give you this little motus and you just need to do exactly what it says here scroll down just leave everything as default and click save aircraft once you've done that you can head back over to the main page of sim Reef I'll do that here and I'll come over to this tab anyway main page of sun brief right here so to create a new flight plan you come over to the dispatch area you can just click it like this and you can create new Flight Plan okay guys so we can start filling out the various details of our flight plan so starting at the top with the airline we're going to select a Voz for Virgin Australia I'm going to select the flight number of 1137 which will do perfectly for me we'll be departing from Canberra so yscb for the Acero code and arriving at yssy which is Sydney it's automatically filled out our alternate airport which is yscb so back to Canberra in case of bad weather we're going to select our airframe now so we filled this out before but we're going to be selecting our flyby wire a320nx and it's going to fill out some Advanced aircraft options for us we're going to leave this all as default and move over to the right over here you have some different options for the flight plan we're just going to change some Reserve fuel we're going to add 30 minutes extra down towards optional entries now our schedule flight time is now departure only Runway through five arrival Runway one Runway one six right it's actually in and out time extra fuel altitude passengers Freight zero fuel away just batch a name captain name pilot ID uh these are all the various options and we'll start by changing the departure Runway the departure Runway is actually correct Runway 35 is where we'll be leaving from and we'll be arriving on Runway three four left we can click yes to change this and I'll text you in a little time is fine extra fuel fine and altitude will change this to 36 000 feet our passengers will keep the aircraft reasonably light I also like something like let's say 37. we'll keep Freight as default same as everything else here we can now continue to scroll down we can see our root is given right here and if we scroll down even more we get to see the rest of our flight plan on this map this map is going to be very useful for planning our flight in game so make sure to keep this tab open but we can now come up and click a generate flight right here this will overwrite our previous flight plan and now we can access this flight plan in game alright guys here we are at Canberra in the game and we can see our wonderful fly-by-wire A320 in the Virgin Australia livery we can start by clicking ready to fly right here and we're straight into the cockpit so the first thing to do is go to the left of our screen and click on the tablet we can now see there's an option here import some brief data if we click this it's going to import our last generated flight so as you can see that's our flight yscb camera to yssy Kingwood Smith in Sydney you can see it gives us our route right here as well as information about both airports we can also Access pin charts maintenance and checklists but we won't do that for this video the last thing to do before we start getting ready is come over to the settings tab we'll go over to realism and we can set eight hours align times instant you can also adjust any other settings here if you feel like it but this is very important since you're going to be waiting around for 10 minutes if you don't do this so once you've got your tablet all customized you can start by coming over to the dispatch area and we're gonna find our block fuel so right here block fuel is 3867 kilograms so we can now come to the ground section and we can go to fuel now we can round this up to 3 900 kilograms and I'm going to leave the refill time in real and I'm going to click play so this is going to start refueling the aircraft or in this case defueling and we're ready to get going the first thing to do when setting up the aircraft is we're going to come to the overhead panel I'm going to quickly access this panel here by clicking Ctrl 8 and it's going to give me a better view of it first thing to do is turn on the batteries so battery one and Battery two next thing that you can do is if this external power displays green and is available you can click that as well if the external power is not available you can start up the Apu right here by clicking Apu master switch and then clicking start once you've done that we're going to click on cruise Supply this is our crew oxygen supply and we're going to go up to our adars and set them all to nav once we've done that we can turn our fuel pumps on so engine one fuel pump a few fuel pumps and Engine 2 fuel pumps now we can do our lighting so emergency exit light down here will be set to Armed no smoking on seat belts on Navan logo on and strobe lights on once we've done all that we can go back to our fly pad over on the left hand side and we can start boarding our passengers so over in the ground section we can go to Services we can click on the Jet Bridge here see the Jet Bridge will start connecting to our aircraft and we can start boarding our passengers by coming over to payload in fact the download button and it's going to import what we selected in simbrief you can have this on instant fast or real instance unrealistic unreal just takes forever so I'm gonna go fast I'm going to click play and that will start the next thing to do is start adjusting our panel brightnesses over here you can see they're all quite dim so we can use these knobs to make them a lot brighter so I'm going to put these all on max twisting this one as well I'm going to go over here and there are these two and just under this panel move these all the way around if you want you can do your co-pilots panels but I don't have a copilot right now so I'm going to leave those we can go down to ecam so the up display Max and the lower display will move down there's another two here aftermarks and up to Max one more on the other side and the final one in the overhead panel again right down here so I'll set this to Max and we're going to find the Q a foreign down here we can also change this to one zero one four as well now that we've done our brightness and our air pressure we can complete the cockpit preparation checklist so coming back over to the fly pad we can click on checklists and we can click gear pins removed fuel quantity is set seat belts are on eight hours are aligned and per hour is set next thing to do is head over to the mcdu so mcdu is out aircraft's flight computer and it can be found right down here I'm going to click control 5 to get a better view of it I'm going to turn the brightness up right here and we can start by going to the mcdu menu atsu aot menu and a press and we can either fill this out manually or fly by way gives us a call option in a data request it's going to pull this from Simply and from the information it has I'm just going to fill these out for us so now that we've clicked that it's filled it out and we can now come over to the inner page now I'm going to fill this out manually just to give you the example so from two we'll start with that we're going from Canberra airport which as we saw before as the Ico go of s what yscb and we're going to yssy so back to the mcdu y s c b slash y s s y so you basically just copy what's here and we can plug that right into the top it's going to bring us here we can just click return and so that's done so now we're going to put our flight number in this is v o z one one three seven and Pop That Into the flight number area a custom next will be about 10 let's say cruising flight level we're going to select 360 for our flight level and if we pop that in it's going to automatically fill out the temperature now that we've done our knit page we can move on to our flight plan so coming over to Flight Plan click F plan right here you can see that yscb has already been filled in as well as yssy however there are no waypoints in the middle for us to get to either one so we're going to start with yscb we're going to click this here I'm going to click on departure and we're going to select the other part to run away so as we selected on simbri we're departing from one way three five so we can click that and we're going to be finding our departure we can check this by going over to the fly pad here and you can see the root it says column one which is our departure so we'll find that here Colin one here we go right at the top it's like this there's no transition so we just click insert now it's going to start inserting a couple waypoints for us to go to and if we now look at our navigation display we can also set this to plan or flight plan and move that up to about 40 miles distance we can see this is our flight plan so we're taking off from the runway going straight out to Vicky and up to column and as you can see that's exactly what has been selected down here the next thing is that we're gonna do we're going to select our arrival so we can click on yssy we click on arrival and we can select our arrival Runway now if you're doing this with ATC you'll generally be getting uh arrivals while you're in the air while you're coming in on your approach so you would do this at that point in the flight but for us we're going to do it right now on the ground to make things easier we can select ils3 for left which is our Runway and we're going to find our approach which if we check back over here is River three so back to the fly pad or back to the mcdu here's River three we can select that no buyers and we can just click insert so now as you can see directly off the colon It's Gone straight to Revit and then to Big M so now what we'll do is we'll check simbrief to see if there are any other waypoints along the way I can see there is one that's called t-a-r-a-l so what I'll do is come over here I'll type it in t a r a l and we can plug it in on the column now we've got to select which one it is because there are two waypoints that are called the same thing so all we need to do is look at the Sim Break map and see where it is on the latitude and longitude so looking at that I can see the top one is correct and I can just select that there so as you can see it is now plugged in in between colon and rivet all I needed to do was put it over rivet and it just popped in below colon and it moved down so now that that's done we can have a look at our flight again so here we go looking at column we can scroll forward through our mcdu by using these arrows just checking that everything seems to look proper we can see there's a little problem here so we'll look back down and we can see there's a manual area and a flight plan discontinuity so this is this area here where it wants us to fly manually to get to this Waypoint so we don't want that we wanted to fly automatically so I'm going to click the clear button down here and once it says clear there I can pop that onto manual it's going to delete manual and I can do the same thing and delete the discontinuity and now you can see it's joined up these two waypoints and now it'll be a smooth approach straight in towards three four left can see it's a little squiggly there but it will align itself once we're getting close to the airport so now we can continue with our mcdu so going back down to it we can go to our inner page and we're gonna go to in a page B so using these two arrows here we're going to flick across and this is our init B page what we need to do is put in our block field so our block field is 3 900 kilograms this here is displayed in tons so we can transfer that to 3.9 tons just like that and I'll zero fuel weight and zero fuel center of gravity we can get the aircraft to automatically calculate that by just clicking this button it gives us the values and we can click it again to put it in there so now finally for our performance page we can go over to Performance we can select flap spawn for our takeoff and just pop that in there Flex the temp we can look at the temperature on the Fly pad so the temperature is 17 degrees Celsius over here so I want seven degrees so one one seven top that in flights down now transition altitude in Australia is 10 000 feet I'm pretty sure it might be eleven thousand I'm not too sure and there we go the last thing we need to do is put in our V1 VR and V2 speeds and again we can get the aircraft to calculate that by clicking on the thing it gives us our speed and clicking again and we can do the same thing VR and V2 so that is our mcdu complete we can now come back up to the overhead panel we can turn on the beacon lights and we can start off the Apu so if you already have it started up don't worry you've already done this step but Apu master switch on and if you start so at this point in the flight while the Apu is starting this is where you would start requesting your IFR clearance towards your destination I'm not going to be using ATC for this video but if you're on fatsim or using aiatc I definitely recommend that so getting IFR clearance we would then get our assigned altitude to ascend to I'm going to check our side altitude by going back to the arc menu using the constrain Tab and see if there is any pink writing over where it is so this is our approach you can see it should look like this but we gotta go find it at the beginning of our flight so just scroll until we get to here now we can see there is no pink writing so we're just gonna set our altitude straight up to our transition altitude of 10 000 feet so now that we have our departure altitude set we can go over to our checklists and we can start our before start checklist so the parking brake is on our takeoff speeds are set our windows are closed and our Beacon light is on so at this point in the flight we're going to start our pushback so coming over to Services here I'm going to disconnect the Jet Bridge go over to the pushback menu turn the pushback system on that is provided by fly by y it's very good and very easy to use I'm going to align the camera with the aircraft and call the tug over so as you can see the target is going to start attaching to the aircraft and we can just wait for the Apu to turn on now that the Apu is showing available we can see that by the green light here we can click on the Apu bleed which is right up here but the Apu does not show available down here you simply just need to wait maybe a couple more minutes and once it says shows green you can click AP bleed so now that we're ready for pushback and the pushback tug is attached as displayed here we can turn our parking brake off and we can start our pushback so we're going to be taking off from laundry three five which is over towards our right or sorry towards our left sorry so we're going to be pushing back towards our right so we can simply click the backwards button here it's going to start reversing we can also adjust the speeds with this line here I'm going to leave that as default and you can see our brush starts pushing back now we're going to come down to this menu and change the ignition to ignition start with this dial here and we can start up engine number two okay guys so as you can see in the number two is starting to rev up here so it's 6.97 and we're waiting for this to show available on it once it shows available we can start beginning engine number one and we're gonna wait for that to do the same thing over on the other side we can look at our pushback once our aircraft gets on to this curved align on the taxiway we can start a turn on to the taxiway okay guys so we're moving over our turning point so we can simply either click left or right or we can change the type Direction so I'm going to move this Arrow until the line lines up with the taxiway so moving that there moving it a bit sharper so our aircraft is going to turn onto the taxiway just like so now over on the other side our Engine 2 has gone too stable it didn't show available because we were busy with the taxi thing but I can flick engine one switch now and we're gonna watch that start to rev up so as you can see the aircraft is starting to turn we're about to be aligned with the taxiway I'm going to adjust this tug Direction even more just to make sure we do line up with the taxiway line and we're still waiting for engine one so you can see it's getting close towards 20 and very soon we'll see something that is available just like that so when Engine 2 did that it was saved its startup engine 1 and now the engine one's done that we can flick the engine mode selector back to normal we can also start the taxi right about now so we're just going to click stop on moving and we're gonna turn the parking brake on we can also do that manually over here now that the parking brake is on WE simply detach the tug and turn the pushback system off so before start taxi procedure is to set our takeoff flap so it flaps on I'm gonna set our spoilers to Armed as well as our speed back to Max this is in case of an aborted takeoff but it's unlikely that that will happen now that that's all done and our engines are fully started up we can come up to them Apu turn Apu bleed off and turn the Apu master switch off since our electronics are now being powered by our engines we don't need the Apu anymore if it was a nice and frosty environment we would come up to the top panel and we would turn on the anti-ice we have anti-ice for the wings Enderman and two right here since Australia we don't need that and we'll leave that completely off for now next thing to do is to set our pitch trim we'll come over here and move this to one up I can check this by looking at our center of gravity over in the inner B page our center of gravity is 24.5 now I have a charge you can find one online for setting your picture but at around 24 you're going to have one up for your pitch trim next thing to do is to set our Rudder trim we want that to be neutral and as you can see it's completely neutral as indicated by this so now that that's all done we can start our afterstart checklist so coming back over to the fly pad after start anti-ice is set ecam status we've got to check that so coming over here clicking SDS right here and our status is normal so that's all done pitch trim is set and our Rudder trim is neutral Marco's checked and move on to Taxi so before we start taxiing we've got to check our flight controls so we can come over to the F control area right here and we can do four to the right for the rudder neutral hold to the left of the rotor neutral elevators fall down neutral pull up neutral ailerons full left neutral full right neutral and there we go everything's working as it should we can now turn our Lighting on so our Runway turn lights will come on and our notable light will be set to Taxi we can also turn predictive wind shear on down at the bottom here switch that to Auto and switch the weather system to a weather system one now we just quickly just check out ecam to display no blue so we've got to check the cabin and take off config test so we click take off config right here to test that it's all normal and we can ding the cabin up above your clear that chime and no blue so we're good to go we can start our taxi checklist now and this is where we would request taxi clearance so now that that's all done we can start taxing towards our Runway so add a bit of throttle release the parking brake and we'll start moving along the taxiway so taxing around here we want to keep a taxi speed of about 15 knots and definitely no higher than about 30 knots anyway we're coming up on our Runway you can just start turning towards it and we'll stop at the whole chart pointer right here so apply some braking to slow down holding short that Runway three five and put the parking brake back on so now that we're at the holding short point we're going to turn our Landing lights to on we're going to change our nose wheel light to take off we're going to turn our TKS on to alt Auto and we'll turn it to TA over ra now most people do this once they're on the runway but I do it now so I have less things to think about anyway just checking our navigation display where you want this to be on Arc we want constraints to be on and about 40 nautical miles should be good and now we will taxi onto the runway obviously you will need to take off or taxi onto the runaway clearance foreign to our right to make sure there are no incoming aircraft and we can make our time so here we are lined up with the runway I'm again going to stop and put the parking brake on we can do our lineup checklist now so right here we're on the runway TKS is on and packs one and two packs one and two is on the overhead panel right here pack one and pack two you just gotta make sure it doesn't say off and you're good to go so now that we've lined up just a quick briefing of our takeoff we're going to put our engines up to 50 throttle once we're sure our engines are revving up correctly we're going to put it up to the flex D turns for a nice and efficient takeoff once we've done that and we've got a positive rate of climb we're going to put our Gear Up once we get about 1 500 feet we're going to turn the autopilot on and move our throttle back towards the climb detent now once our speed exceeds the green marker shown over here we're going to retract our flaps all the way up and then we'll start cleaning up the aircraft as in retracting our speed brakes as well as making sure the auto breaks off and turning off all take off and Landing lights so now we're ready to go we can start revving up the throttle here up to 50 we can check the ecam make sure they're all revving up correctly there we go and they stop at 50 so parking brake can come off and move the throttle up towards the flex d10 right there Now using the rudder to keep ourselves aligned with the runway coming through 80 knots just a little bit of nose down pressure 100 knots we're going to take that pressure off V1 and we're gonna rotate now so a nice gentle pitch up we're now off the Runway and we're climbing so we can now put the gear up we're already through 2000 feet because of the uh already you know raised altitude of of the terrain well we're going to keep climbing just a bit more just to make sure we're well off the ground and now I'm going to turn the autopilot on as well as Auto thrust and I'm going to move our throttle back towards the climb detail so we are well above our green marker just shown by S there so we can retract the flaps and now our speed will increase to our climb thrust so now we can clean up the aircraft so spoilers disarm lights can all go off and our auto brake is hot so there we go we have officially taken off our aircraft is on managed mode actually it isn't here so we push the knob in so it's on a managed climb up towards 10 000 feet our speed is managed as you can see by the pink marker here but aiming for 250 knots and our heading is managed as well we're following the assigned white planet we're now climbing through six thousand feet and towards 10 000 feet and I'll catch you guys once we're approaching that altitude so okay guys we are at about 10 000 feet and we've started our first turn towards the right so our ten thousand feet we can move our altitude all the way up well hell shows an altitude up to flight level 360 or 36 000 feet and I'll push the knob back in for a managed Ascent up to that altitude so our thrust is at climb as shown there and we Are Climbing for our altitude next thing to do now that we are past our transition level is as you can see the Q a is flashing telling us we need to change to standard we just push the knob in and there we go standard detent as well as down here we can just push it and it changes to standard so this is going to change the Q H up to uh basically agreed upon the air pressure once you're up in the air we can also turn the seat belt lines off now that we're in a stable Ascension up towards our cruising altitude and I'll meet you guys once we're up in the air okay guys here we are climbing through flight level two zero zero and we're climbing up towards our cruising altitude now down on the navigation display we can see this white Arrow here this indicates the point which we need to descend from our cruising altitude as you can see it's actually rather close it's within 40 nautic miles and uh that's the point which we will need to beginner descent now the fact that when already not at our cruising altitude is a bit worrying but that's totally fine we can just start The Descent early now it is quite a short flight it's less an hour from Canberra all the way over to Sydney but you can see here there are other restrictions that we need to meet so this is definitely the point in which we need to stop our descent so what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch our bruising altitude all the way down to 20 let's say 24 000 feet and we're gonna meet that pretty quickly now since I've said it to that this white marker might change as well but we'll just have to see all right guys we have met our new cruising altitude of flight Level 240 and our uh descent marker is about 10 kilometers away oh sorry 10 out of Miles not kilometers uh once we reach that point once we reach about five nautical miles away that's when I would like to start The Descent since it gives us a little extra room to slow down if needed as you can see it is getting further away from us uh slightly every so often uh indicating that it has recognized that we are at a lower cruising altitude and it's adjusting for that I can come back down here and find where we have our cruising flight level I'm going to change this to 240. now that that's changed it's minus 32 degrees here it's going to change the airspeed that we'll be flying at and you can see that the marker of descent has gone way further away anyway since the white marker is still getting closer now is a good time to start our pre-descent checklists so we're going to start by filling out the approach phase so coming to the performance tab here in our mcdu you can see we can activate the approach quiz here we need to enter destination data though so we can come over to the next phase next phase until we're on this so we need to fill out heaps of different information for our approach so the q1h for Sydney we can check over here is 11014 it just changed so it's the same as it was in Canberra but 11014 our temperature over there is 19 degrees rather cold uh magnetic winds so 150 degrees at 16 knots so 150 degrees at so slash 1 6 or 16 knots there we go our transition altitude will be 10 000 feet as before our borrow so our minimums will be uh will be displayed on a chart if you have one if you don't have one that's fine we can just go over to our flight plan and we can check our final altitude so we can go over to the flight plan here move down so our final given altitude seems to be let's see seems to be 3 000 feet so we can come back to Arc uh we can go over to Performance find out approach and we're going to put 3000 feet in here it's just an easy way to do your minimums uh when you don't have um chart of the airport anyway we're coming up on our descent point so we're going to set our first descent altitude which was 8 000 feet I'm gonna push it in for a managed scent and that's going to begin that sense down towards 8 000 feet now as you can see 8 000 feet is the first restriction there so that's why I'm going down towards them all right guys we are coming in towards our rivet Waypoint here so if we zoom in on the flight plan we can see our first restriction is 8 000 feet that's Big M as we covered before but at Tammy after that we need to be below 9000 feet so we need to make sure of that and we need to be at 250 knots also indicated here by these two arrows the blue arrow is where we will reach our descent point and the white arrow is where we need to reach out this endpoint so um we definitely need to be below 8 000 feet or below 9000 feet once we get to Tammy and we need to be at six thousand feet once we get to Boogie as indicated there so I'm actually going to increase our descent rate we're currently descending still very fast at 2 500 feet per minute but what I can do is I can add some speed brakes here and I'm going to push down on the knob and change our descent down at a rate of 3 300 feet per minute let's just see how that goes so you can immediately see these lines have moved forwards uh so we will descend much quicker and hopefully we'll descend in time what I can do as well I can actually set out the sound altitude that straight down to 6000 feet because I definitely know we'll be above 8 000 feet by the time we reach Big Air continuing on with our flight plan uh just going to go into plan mode here so we can see this better so Big M yep 8 000 feet below 9 000 feet 250 knots above 6000 feet there and once we reach B we can start descending all the way down to three thousand feet now once we reach this last May point we need to be at 150 knots and we can also begin slowing down for our Final Approach so as far as our aircraft configuration goes we want to be fully configured by the time we reach our 3000 feet marker that means gear down flaps full speed brake is armed and auto brake is set so we want that all before 3000 feet just so we don't have anything else to figure out so we're moving down through 10 000 feet here which was our transition altitude so we can start taking some things off so the first thing to do is a landing system can come on this gives us some indicators of where we are in terms of the runway a seat belt sign can come back on our Landing lights can turn on as well as well as our q and H can be set to the airport so one turn 114. 11014 you can check that yep 11014 as well as this bottom one 110 well one zero one four there we go so coming almost at 8 000 feet at Big M but that's gonna be fine we can just continue descending down and as you can see we're going to reach uh we're gonna reach Tammy at about 8 000 about 6 000 feet so we can actually ease off on our descent rate and start lowering our AirSpeed so I'm going to set this to selected AirSpeed and I'm going to tune this all the way down to 250 knots because we need to be going at that speed once we get to Tammy so as you can see the aircraft begins slowing down I'm again just going to make sure we do have vertical speed so I want to be descending at at least 2 000 feet per minute right now oh now we can tune that way up we can go to about 500 feet per minute because we've got plenty of time before we get to Boogie but there's about 250 knots as we approach oh uh selected altitude and I'll catch you guys once we're at the next stage of our descent all right so uh just before we reach Tammy here we've now got everything set up for The Descent so I've got our Landing lights on we've got our seat belt sign on uh as well as our q h set so we can come over to the fly pad and we can start our approach checklist so momentums and bar is set seat belt sign is on auto brake uh needs to be set so we can do that now it's a long Runway so we're going to set it to low and engine mode selector is as we want it so yep at about 6000 feet now as we approach Tommy probably descending a bit quick then but it's absolutely fine we're at 250 knots which is just as indicated and we're going to continue heading towards Boogie some other things to note as we approach we can see our yellow lines on the side here is our current aircraft heading as well as the green Crosshair in the middle is our flight director so if I turn the flight director off as you can see it disappears but definitely want that on these purple diamonds on the side is our localizer this is where we want to match up with once we reach our car once we reach our Final Approach So currently it's saying we should be descending a bit more but we need to be above 6000 feet once we reach Boogie so I'm going to leave that what I can do is prepare for the next Ascent so over in our altitude I can tune this down to 3000 feet I won't set it yet but once we get reach Boogie I can just simply push it in and we'll start to send it down so just making sure we are on the arc mode right here so we can see we're getting really close to Boogie we can also see the airport now this is Sydney airport and we see Sydney Harbor off here so coming in we're about to make our turn here we go and there we go we've reached Boogie the altitude restrictions are so we can push the knob in and we'll begin our managed to send down towards our altitude so I'm going to engage some selected at a selected vertical speed here I want to descend it about a thousand feet per minute so I'll try to keep that I'm also going to lower our AirSpeed now we're going to go all the way down to 220 knots in fact yeah we'll keep 220 knots for now so we continue turning in trying to keep that thousand feet per minute as vertical speed quite getting it but we're going to descend in time anyway so there's 220 knots speed brakes still on which will be good if we need to decrease speeds anymore which we will do right now down to 200 knots we stay above 150 knots but we can reduce speed however much we want in time so coming down towards 200 knots now I'm going to select flaps one there we go we can see the airspeed restriction there flaps on and we're coming down towards four thousand feet so now that we're below 5000 feet we can turn our approach mode on it's just decent time so we come to the performance page on the mcdu click activate approach phase and click it one more time to confirm and we are now in the approach phase so again we can see the guidance That by The Diamonds we won't need to pay attention to those quite yet since we aren't lined up with the runway but we're staying on our correct heading continuing down at a good airspeed you can see it's changed our selected AirSpeed down to about 2 000 feet per minute right now it's quite a lot but we're keeping out uh AirSpeed which is all good I'm going to slow us all the way down to 180 knots and we'll keep that for a while now but now that we slow down to 108 knots we can start applying more flaps so flaps two there we go and I think we might be able to do flaps three there we go clap sorry at 108 knots perfect and we're about at three thousand feet 100 above so we're about to make our left hand Bank back towards the airport minimum uh now that we have turned our approach mode on we can flick the runway turn lights on as well as noticeable light can go to Taxi we're making our final bank here over the ocean there are minimums call out as we reach 3000 feet it's happening quite a lot quite frustrating probably should have the minimums at like 2 000 feet minimum geez okay I'll be fine we'll just leave it like that we can see the airport over there we are now perpendicular with it heading towards our second last Waypoint minimum so still at 180 knots below down towards 160 and we can put the speed brake up and arm it minimum Jesus this minimum call out okay new recommendation when you have minimum set them to about a thousand feet below your final altitude there you go 2000 feet that'll be better so we're at 160 knots we can yep let's do flaps full flaps now AirSpeed still being managed so we're approaching our final turn so to line up officially with the runway what we want to do is turn on the localizer what we can do is just click this button loc and it's going to line us perfectly up with the runway now today we'll be performing a fully automatic approach just to get you guys comfortable with the aircraft and how it moves uh you can do manual approaches normally you'll start you'll take over from the autopilot at about a thousand feet up but we're going to go all the way down to touchdown with the autopilot today so approaching our final turn I'm going to change our air speed oh no we'll keep it at 160 knots for now but approaching our final turn right here there we go so the localizer here will line us up with this diamond so the diamond at the bottom the horizontal and then once we align with the vertical one we can turn on our approach descent so I will turn a localizer on right about now you get lined up the runway so I'll put the localizer on I'm gonna set our AirSpeed to 150 knots and we can put the gear down there we go you can hear it coming out localizer heads on so it's laying this off with the runway so we're just waiting for this diamond to be lined up there we go still at 3 000 feet still at 150 knots you can also check our landing speed so we're going to approach at 121 knots rather slow but slow is good and here we go so this diamond is crossing over the yellow line here so now we can click appr for our approach descent and as long as this is lined up perfectly the approach descent will work fine with taking us down towards the runway so coming down now it's going well we are aligned with Runway three full left as indicated that 150 knots still I'll continue this part you know two times and I'm literally not doing anything here the aircraft is fully taking itself down so here we go that's 2 300 feet and we're dead on the approach about a thousand feet per minute that's really stable that's really good here's the 150 knot marker almost past it and then we can start slowing down even more 100 above two thousand minimum so there's our minimum call out again at two thousand feet past the airspeed restrictions so we'll go down to 140 knots making sure it does slow down make control speed Breakers arms body brakes are on everything's good we'll check the e-com so it took ecard no blue uh when you check the carbon that's all there we go no blue and I can slow down even more to that approach speed of one two one knots there we go coming down on the runway now nice and low beautiful approach at about 130 knots slowly gradually going down to 120. just making sure flaps are at four yes they are we are all good one thousand there's a thousand feet pitching up a little bit to online with the diamonds again so at this point you would turn autopilot off by clicking this one and you would manually fly it down but we're coming in here we can see the poppies on the left or right this is how you would guide yourself down so two red and two white is what you aim for if there are more white lights that means you're too high if there are more red lights that means you're too low so that's going to line you straight up with the landing if you get it right so 600 feet 121 knots and since we're getting really close our landing speed is 116. 500 so I'm just going to tune that back to 116 knots now do get ready because you will have to manually take over once we haven't touched down but there's 400 300. remember to engage a reverse Frost after touching down try to keep the nose wheel up for as long as possible but tail strikes as well 100 . so any second now 50. 20 Frost title then touchdown first back there's reverse thrusters keeping ourselves aligned with the runway nose is still up there we go put the nose down now slowing down reverse sources can come off as far as the auto brake off as we roll down at about 40 knots and we'll take the high speed exit right here just off towards the right adding some manual braking just to make sure we do slow down and that's perfect so here we go entering the taxiway now and I'm just going to stop once we're past that marker going to turn on the parking brake so we're now stopped on the ground everything's good so we can start cleaning up the aircraft so it flaps can retract them all the way up to zero we can put the TKS to standby uh what we can do is we can turn speed brakes they can go off while the radar can come off Apu can come on SO apma switch on if you start there we go anti-ice can come off if you have it on all these Landing lights they can come off we'll keep the taxi and turn light on though so your after landing checklist now begins so you come here after lying checklist it's just radar weather radar and windshield and now we request taxi clearance to our gate so I can just pick a gate here Row the engines and begin taxing so here's the domestic terminal in front of us I'm just going to take this taxi away seems like it'll work texting through here making sure there's no one Crossing this Runway or Landing in this Runway yep we're all good so I can continue to cross this felt so many problems goes a bit fast but that's fine there's no one at the airport just aligning with the taxiway that's a smooth ride over to our gate so we will apply some braking now and we'll take this right hand turn I'm gonna apply some thrust just because this time I can does elevate and go to the left here as well and we'll take the next stand so this one right here We're Gonna Take It so start turning off towards the right there we go I'm turning in those fire trucks Crossing you know it's probably slow down a bit don't hit the terminal and we're just gonna slow down and try to get that nose wheel right over the yellow line so there we go we've stopped we are at our gate and now we can turn our external pal on so come up to the top panel our external power is already on we've got to turn it off but it should look like this and you can just simply click it to turn it on so once the external power is now on we can turn the runway turn lights off the taxi no steel light can go off our Apu bleed will come on and our engines will come off sorry engine two off engine one off there we go so once we've done that seat belt line that can come off uh APU can now come off as well we can turn the beacon lights off and we'll turn all the fuel pumps off hole six now we do the parking checklist so over on the Fly part over here parking engines Wing lights fuel pumps parking brake and trucks are set fly pad we're gonna connect to the jet way so over to Services connect the Jet Bridge gonna come and connect to our aircraft and we can disembark our passengers so there's some passengers here set to zero and we can just click the play button then we'll start and do some barking so now that we've done that back up to the top panel now A Dials can come off now I'll create oxygen that can come off we're on the ground it's all good emergency exit light that can come off no smoking they can also come off now Navan logo lights those can come off and once all the passengers are off we will turn the external power off and we can shut down the aircraft so there we go no more passengers on board backup external power can come off and we can also turn the batteries off so battery two off battery went off uh once we've done that we can do the secure aircraft tracklist right here so oxygen emergency exit lights batteries and EBA afbs and there we go aircraft turned off the Apu finally turned off there we go and I can shut down fly pad just like that so there we go guys it's been a full flight from cold and dark startup to cold and dark shutdown Canberra to Sydney in the flyby wire A320 Neo hope you guys really enjoyed this video hope you learned a lot and comment down below any other aircraft you want me to cover in the future but that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching and goodbye
Channel: Morgaming
Views: 45,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, Flight, Simulator, Sim, MSFS, MFS, FlyByWire, FBW, A320, A320neo, A32nx, Airbus, Canberra, Sydney, Full, Cold, And, Dark, Cold&Dark, Start, Up, Shut, Down, Take, Off, Landing, Tutorial, Virgin, Australia, Xbox, Controller, 3060ti
Id: 1O6QKtDfiK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 1sec (3601 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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