Flyball - Team Final | Crufts 2016
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Crufts
Views: 5,803,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crufts, crufts 2016, flyball, crufts flyball, crufts 2016 flyball, crufts flyball 2016, fly ball, flyball crufts 2016, flyball rules, rules, flyball final, final, flyball competition, crufts live, agility, obedience, heelwork to music, 2016, 2015, staffordshire bull terrier, whippet, crufts 2016 live, team flyball, flyball crufts, flyball team final, team final, four paws flyers, warrington wizards, sonny siders, extremely salty
Id: Drp8Gu4lx5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2016
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