Flyball - Team Final | Crufts 2016

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and we are now through to the flyball final and that's going to be coming up very shortly for teams and basically this is a relay they have to sprint four dogs from this side up towards that spring-loaded to turn at the far end where they collect a ball four dogs have to do it and it's whoever basically who does it the quickest have to go over the berry over the jumps as well four on the way and for coming back and as one dog crosses the line the other dog can be released can't cross the line until the dog before it has actually completed the course so that's basically the rules when the flyball team final and these are the qualified teams for poor's Flyers Warrington Wizards the Sunnyside is an extremely salty fast and furious who's going to be the champions our judges Brenda Holland who's had the job of trying to make some sense out of what can sometimes be very very difficult from a judge's perspective she's there somewhere here's the judge Brenda Holland she's got a smile she has a tough job and the four teams relying on her as well as their dogs here come the Warrington wizards will be on this near side Warrington Wizards will be on the near side a team from Runcorn and four pours flyers who have gathered from all over the UK they'll be on the far side you can't miss the four paws Flyers box loader that's Richard liver since there is they have the loudest voice in Birmingham I think he's the one who encourages the dogs to sprint as fast as they possibly can to pick that ball up and to bring it back Warrington Wizards have Dave Shackleton doing the same thing for them for false Flyers he's a real demonstrative individual is Richard Lewis äj-- and now we have the first race the forepaws Flyers on the far side get a good start and there's nothing in it on the first turn but now a great turn there from the fourth or Lars who have a clear lead over the Warrington wizards third dog goes good turn again and they are flying beautifully and there's the wicked hustle who's created such an impression here this week a terrific run and it's one nil to the 4 ball Squires the judge about to confirm it which she does one nil for Paul's Flyers take the first leg and this is probably one of the quickest fly ball dogs I've ever seen I'd love to get a stopwatch on it wastes no time - and it really does help out the football supplies what a great start and hustle the Whippet not two years old yet he's the star of their team the good nurture in those welcome Strider have to have one non border collie each team here and the second race about to go Warrington wizards on the near side have to win it or four paws flyers into the final race the far side you see again that great turn from four paws flies first dog second dog looks as they work very very close to being too soon but it's okay for pause flyers and for pause Flyers coming home and winning it to nil the judge about to confirming they have done and for Porsche Flyers are through and another brilliant performance there's the first leg and what a turn what a turn and I think that's it for fantastic turns off the box and for great changeovers confirmation of the result of our first race and into the final are they bound for a route towards being champions for Poor's Flyers win it to nil who's going to face for pores flyers in a battle to be champions the Sunnyside is from the north of England on the far side and on the near side extremely salty they've got competitors from Edinburgh and for him South Yorkshire two really talented teams the sunny side us with box loaded James bins extremely salty their box loader Lesley McCune there's James doing the job for the sunny side us they're not allowed to wave their hands but they can shout and trust me they really do shout they make themselves heard come on come on he bellows down to the dogs at the far end they can't wait to go Sunnyside is on the far side extremely salty on the near side judge Brenda Holland she's poised they're ready to go and they go on the leadoff leg on the near side for extremely salty what a good leg they're an extremely salty a little bit slow on the second but there's a fault on the far side on the second dog so the Sunnyside us I don't think you're going to take this one even though they may be ahead extremely salty come through and you see there that the Sunnyside is have to have a dog go again went too soon I think on the second leg and so it goes the direction of extremely salty have to have four clean runs to actually get through a leg and they had to read run a dog and that ultimately pasta warm oil extremely salty the leg has to be completed before the next dog can go we're now in the situation where the Sunnyside errs just have to win this or extremely salty will be through into our final dogs are boys absolutely love it real dramatic excitement here in the main arena great start on the near side from extremely salty and the good term they've got a lead of three or four meters and another good turn there from the Whippet Bedlington cross for extremely salty and it's theirs to lose their if they just get home safe they're going to take it an extremely salty cross the line now they celebrate they celebrate and the judge confirms it extremely salty are through into the final and there they will face their they will face the four paws flyers great flyball racing one thereby the first dog I think for extremely salty had a fantastic start I mean they went over the line of seven hundredths of a second before the just after the lightweight brilliant timing brilliant to there's confirmation of the result extremely salty beating the Sunnyside as to nil so still have a chance of being the flyball champions so who's going to win it for balls Flyers on the far side or extremely salty on the near side for Poor's Flyers demonstrative with big Richard bellowing the instructions extremely salty on the near side with Leslie McEwen doing the same thing for them they qualified in Scunthorpe for false Flyers qualified in Newark who's it to be you might say the forepaws Flyers will be the favorites judge about to get them underway terrific excitement around this big arena Han this is for the title of fly ball champions best of three ready and they go good start on the far side for board Flyers but the dog on the near side is streaking and regains the ground nothing between them and is it extremely salty your head the little weapons for for Thor's Flyers on the final leg he's going to have to fly but it's not it's the lurcher who goes let's try her face on the year Dreamland salty extremely salty taking that one terrific teamwork one bill one nil and a little bit of a turn up for the book said the poor poor starts deciding not to run the Whippet now whilst that tactical there are six dogs and a team they have to choose four so it's going to be really exciting to see what they decide to do for this second leg for Paul's Flyers were British flyball champions in 2013 and winners in Crufts that year as well but now have to take two legs here or the Scottish Yorkshire combo the extremely salty team are going to take this one one-nil for extremely salty one more and they're the champions good start this time on the far side for the four paws Flyers and they've got the early lead here and still have the lead but now extremely solji starting to come back it's neck-and-neck on the near side this extremely salty you had them now here comes the Whippet Kelly Jones an extremely salty take it poor poor lawyers have to settle for second place and extremely salty the team of Sheldon Mills Spencer Thomas Claire Kennedy Lee Murray Ryan wood and Chris Haslam with their box load and Leslie McEwen are our flyball champions here in crux 2016 and what a dramatic finale that was the little the little whip it just couldn't get it back fabulous brilliant amazing great fly ball racing a really great advert and the crowd here at absolutely loved it and I am so pleased for extremely salty they've done fantastically and look at them they're just congratulating each other they've done so well fantastic television and a dramatic finish an extremely salty who come from Edinburgh and South Yorkshire are our champions and look what it means to them they just love it and there's the confirmation which will make very sweet viewing for them and their fans extremely salty are the crafts 2016 champions what if the nipples though
Channel: Crufts
Views: 5,803,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crufts, crufts 2016, flyball, crufts flyball, crufts 2016 flyball, crufts flyball 2016, fly ball, flyball crufts 2016, flyball rules, rules, flyball final, final, flyball competition, crufts live, agility, obedience, heelwork to music, 2016, 2015, staffordshire bull terrier, whippet, crufts 2016 live, team flyball, flyball crufts, flyball team final, team final, four paws flyers, warrington wizards, sonny siders, extremely salty
Id: Drp8Gu4lx5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2016
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