Fly Corp: First Look at All Countries Mode

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today today i'm going to be playing a game i haven't played much before uh and thank you to ashish in the comments who recommended this one because this is definitely uh up my alley this game is called flycorp and basically what you do is you manage a um air system similar to sort of mini metro or mini motorways so what we're going to play on this one is i'm going to go for unlock all countries so what i have to do here is unlock a new country every six minutes so that is our goal i've just basically got to have enough money to unlock a new country so we're starting here with berlin you can see up here we've got to unlock the netherlands in six minutes and the way that this game works is um cities have people arrive at them so you can see this guy wants to get to stuttgart so to get to stuttgart he's going to have to fly to berlin and then from berlin just took out once i can actually afford to to get down there um now every time someone arrives at their end destination i will score a point for them at the moment um there's not going to be too many points flying around and to unlock the netherlands we're going to need 300 so within five minutes i need 300 worth of um money to spend and i also need to get stood gut done similar to mini metro like i said many motorways once they hit that sort of maximum capacity here then we die so we do want to get stuttgart connected i do want to connect it to berlin part of the strategy that i've found has worked best for me in the little bit that i've played is within a country everyone uh no we don't want to spend any money on anything else we want to um operate everything through the capital i think is the easiest way to function here so that was nice and close we do need some more money to upgrade berlin as well but now that we've got stuttgart actually coming out it might not be too bad down to two minutes here so we're not looking too great we're going to add munich in direct there but what i want to do is eventually i'm going to get rid of that route and i am going to um have munich go direct to berlin because the capital city has that nice little circle around it to let you know it's the capital actually find that it makes it easier for you to pay attention to go oh okay that is the significant um wait for this guy to arrive that is the significant city in this um in this country so that doesn't necessarily mean that it is the biggest but it means that when in terms of upgrading so the things that you can upgrade in this game sorry you can upgrade the size of the airport you can upgrade the amount of planes on a route and then you can upgrade the size of the planes to allow them to carry more and they travel faster too so our aim at the moment is to get everyone connected everyone in germany connected to berlin so we do want to shift munich and amsterdam is just going to so you can see that stuttgart is starting to get a bit bull here and that's purely because it's having to deal with munich's um load of planes so what we're going to do is get rid of uh minix route there we'll upgrade to car just to save us from brashing and burning here and we'll upgrade amsterdam and we've got to move to france within three minutes so what we possibly want to do as well is have a look to see in berlin where people need to go primarily munich amsterdam and now we're going to have people more people traveling to hamburg as well and we can afford france at this point so let's get harrison here and we will connect them direct to berlin as our major hub at the moment berlin is starting to buckle a bit more too this is all right as the game progresses we'll we'll sort of have a bit more of a handle on it but in these early days we are very tight for cash and it's sort of easy to um get a sense of um i mean you can see all of the red planes heading to berlin essentially everyone is traveling through berlin at the moment to get to their destination i actually won't make that connection because i'm about to put belgium in and we'll get brussels to make that connection between these two now you can see that even though i've done it faster than um what it wanted it actually just adds to that time so as opposed to now resetting six minutes till i get austria i've now got all of the time that i had between the two so it does make it a little bit more forgiving okay so what we'll do he's taking some guys out of this door we'll add a second plane to try and move some of them same goes for stuttgart um and i can imagine berlin starting to buckle under to paris actually that it needs some help with give paris a second plane annoyingly that plane is sitting right on the tail of the other one it's an interesting thing i've noticed if you drag the lion from the city to that city when you buy a new plane they'll travel um from this direction so if i was to buy another plane to try and clean up i guess uh arrow strips out of berlin they're going to start over here so they're not going to be overly effective so what we're going to do is we're going to upgrade this guy try and get him in there quicker pull a bigger chunk of those paris people out of that once that guy leaves we should be okay cool go and he's moving a bit quicker now too he's gone at about 1.2 but we do want to upgrade this because he's hitting his maximum you can see how many red planes are about to crash into him too hopefully some of these people are actually going to berlin we may be sweating on this guy arriving in paris okay paris is also starting to get a bit heavy there so we'll upgrade that we do still have nine minutes now this now means that everyone's going to be flying into all the cities of germany and that's going to become a bit busier not the worst thing in the world i mean germany is already sort of the main point of this um our design here so shouldn't impact us too much what we'll do is we'll get a few more planes on on these routes we still have eight minutes for austria it's just as long as berlin can handle sort of shifting all these people around to the various cities inside upgrading the size of these planes would be handy too but at this point um just trying to do some cheap options to to get this moving because we do need that money as well once we move into austria okay so i'll go vienna to berlin we'll give them a few extra planes too [Music] upgrade brussels and what you can do i think is at a glance if you're sort of looking at the whole thing you can go all right well i can see there's a red plane there let's upgrade him that that's a red plane and you just sort of move around just upgrading your red planes [Music] get prank in there prague break rug in there as well and uh let them go both between vienna and berlin that must i sell so there too one thing i don't i'm not a biggest fan about this is when you click on something that it sort of snap joins you there now one handy thing too if um no we'll keep our money for now um if you do reach this country where you go i wonder where that is uh if you do click on it it will center it for you so um definitely helped me once i my first attempt when i shifted into no click on that thank you the other thing you can click on routes and planes when you're trying to click on uh cities which can certainly cause you some grief so we'll let luxembourg just go via paris i think we'll sort of make paris a bit more of a hub of our network and so luxembourg which hopefully should never be that busy can sort of just operate through that my sort of idea is that i want to try and focus on which cities are going to be major so for example in this build right here paris and berlin are the two most major cities in this build that these planes here i should be upgrading because i want people to be moving between those two cities that's the main artery of the design so far we do have a few minutes to sort of build in peace here we've got 18 minutes until spain start to have a problem with us the other logic of the way that i'm operating that all of my sort of non-capital cities have only one way in or one way out for them is that you can see that say dusseldorf here is going yellow leon is going yellow here but the only thing that they're waiting to do is send people to paris so they're just waiting for a plane to come back and then they will will be better um no one is going to be traveling through them which means that for all of these for the most part i shouldn't actually have to upgrade the city because every time a plane arrives it's just going to take people because the only reason people are coming the planes are coming there is to drop people off so there's going to be no one waiting at the airport as a result of a plane arriving um and that's sort of the the logic that i've got here that i i don't want to get confused about like what do i need to be upgrading because all of those guys should not need to be upgraded okay now you can see that munich down here is is a hot spot so city traffic's increased for here so berlin is going to really start to feel that see munich will start to push the boundaries and uh all of the planes to munich are red now that's only going to be a temporary thing so we don't want to we want to try and possibly avoid spending too much money on that it's almost more worthwhile for us to spend that money upgrading berlin which will be a long-term benefit to having that as a bigger airport as opposed to the plains munich but every time we do upgrade something there's no cost to sort of maintaining something that we have upgraded so the idea that we just continue to spend money to upgrade everything is a like that's great that's never going to come back to bite us like if we put too many high expensive planes on munich i'm not going to be paying like petrol costs or anything like that to keep them in the air [Music] okay so we'll go paris to madrid we will get expect that madrid's going to be a pretty cool line getting down into so now hamburg's got bad weather does that mean that that's right this is another advantage that if you've got an outcrop city like say hamburg it's not since there's no planes are allowed to go there there's no planes trying to get through hamburg to get anywhere else that only really becomes a problem when you do that they they sort of block you on a city that um is like amsterdam or say berlin where no one will be able to get to hamburg because the only city that actually you can use to get there is blocked off okay so next up uh we'll just sort of take advantage of having money at the moment and we'll get more planes in there go to poland as well it's probably going to be another major route it's generally about three planes on each line i think is a good sort of starting point dusseldorf is still a bit of a struggle so we'll just up the size of the planes they're going on that uh i think berlin to warsaw end up being a pretty major artery too so we'll upgrade those planes as we go i said we've got 22 minutes now until we have to bring switzerland into this so we can start to just upgrade all the red planes that we see moving anywhere it doesn't really matter what the story is why they're red at the moment all right so madrid's starting to struggle a little bit here so we'll upgrade him okay so we've lost prague now at the moment i don't think anything is connecting to prague anyway this means in the future i'll have to rug is connected luckily you've got that five second little warning i mean it you say lucky it's pretty unforgiving and i'm very long to try and make sense of it usually struggling a bit more than i would have expected to do but i mean you can see these guys that it's basically the planes fly in and then they fly out and the amount of time between when they get back and not they'll just sort of accumulate people that need to go somewhere else so i can just spend say like 100 and remove them from really being a threat but i don't want to avoid it if we can all right so upgrade and we can't even well we can make a round frog good so we'll just make them direct to germany now they don't really need to be a pass through since vienna's doing that boris can't upgrade this flight path saver so let's bring switzerland into the mix uh we can have them connect through paris and vienna as well i think the capital cities unless there's something like luxembourg even in the case of luxembourg for the most part was seville down there for the most part we do want um uh sort of i think our capital city is going to at least three other capital cities i mean at the moment i've only got a couple um like you see burns only going to two but ideally if they've got options of how they can sort of get out of where they are probably get these guys to connect down here once we get italian involved you can see the size of these planes that are operating between paris and berlin are quite significant that is definitely our major artery anytime we see a red plane we've got 18 minutes to worry about sweden and definitely the speed difference between those bigger planes and smaller planes seems worthwhile and it's taking a bit of a and we should probably just upgrade it because it is a capital that we expect stuff to pass through i think generally getting three planes on each line is is pretty healthy now the problem with madrid is going to be that all the planes leaving madrid have to go via that paris route so we've got to make sure that they're all party planes that are taking that route okay let's get sweden in here stockholm will go straight from berlin let's give it a brief pause here just to sort of some separation between those planes although once we start to upgrade them they'll start to travel at different speeds depending on if we've upgraded them staggered see how much this goes out flying that guy okay so the czech republic is now where the olympics are being held which means that prague is going to be a major destination so we'll up the amount of planes that are going there and we will upgrade the landslide now like i said this probably isn't going to be the long-term benefit but surely more is going to come since prague is the capital city um maybe not too bad to have more flights and you can see that all those planes coming to prague are red so we've got to be careful of this because if if those planes aren't moving enough guys out of berlin berlin can really start to struggle okay so stockholm's happy there's nothing else beyond that croatia's up next [Music] so we'll go croatia to vienna we won't make them um bounce through slovenia i still see that munich's a bit of a getting a bit yellow and we'll do the same to frankfurt berlin is starting to buckle a little bit there now the problem is that i need 1600 to upgrade so if i hit that 5 000 sorry five seconds to go i would need to have 1600 otherwise it is gonna suddenly collapse on me that's what you can really get done in here that if you don't have enough money for those that quick fix there's nothing you can do so there's still getting a lot of attention for prague at the moment so we'll just read their planes a little bit more all right next up is algeria that's stockholm have been cancelled that's okay there's nothing beyond stockholm although now there's this guy so we've got five minutes for that to have nothing go to it what i want to do is just have that connection there but obviously he can't have any planes flying on that route um until stockholm comes back did i cancel stockholm's path no one that was gone or is that just something that actually they they just literally close it so i'm just going to keep an eye on this guy to make sure he doesn't hit his 50. i can always upgrade him or i can just build a direct route valencia the good thing is that with these ones as soon as they start to panic it just means you just need the path built worst case you can spend 100 to quickly correct them but just getting planes out of there will solve the problem too okay algeria i know my european geography well enough to know where algeria is okay so two minutes left that guy's looking okay archery is north africa right there we go [Music] all right we can see still see there's plenty of red going on between berlin and france this guy should open up momentarily great so the olympics are now in france so he's okay we'll just give him a few extra planes anyway now all of the cities of paris are gonna start to have stuff come through them brussels will probably struggle a little bit more with this um i think it's even there'll be a lot of like sort of spread to all the different cities of france so we'll just um make sure that we're well covered because we don't want the backlog just sort of ending up in paris and sort of everyone buckling under that pressure just give everyone a few extra planes and we'll since these guys are traveling so far we'll upgrade them a little bit [Music] okay all right it's a bit of a glance you've got to make to make sure you've got no exclamation marks sitting anywhere saying you haven't you've missed anything definitely upgrade him a bix he will probably become a a gateway to the rest of africa get the uk in here we'll send them to paris and we might just have them jump over to berlin as well [Music] molly is next look at why is vienna struggling so it looks like it's it's route um paris with the problem the fact there's only one plane on that route wasn't good more on that too now marley is africa yep now we're gonna get some long routes now i think that mali will be a good option for all of these cities down here like it'll become our hub of uh western africa that capital city sits in a really nice spot well for that purpose we'll just wait till we see a plane crest over here and then we'll give them a third one this will certainly be a something that we'll have to upgrade in the long term i'll go for a fourth one for him as well you can see how long this journey is going to take at least once we get faster planes on this route um i'll do all right great all first level airports now that's definitely probably going to be handy that means that all of our tiny little guys for not much money have been upgraded so those little yellows that we see on on all those sort of outliers should hopefully be a thing of the past but i mean any new ones that i build are gonna need to be upgraded to level two i have had one uh thing come in where it did offer me to um up have it that i never bought a level one plane or a level one airport so eventually that'll come in handy once we get there madrid is struggling a little bit here i would say it's probably to do with these planes on this route we just need to both speed them up and grade them always up to paris looking a little bit better it's still madrid it's iran so it's actually this route here that's causing it to struggle a bit more the marco down here yep so we've got 16 minutes till we have to worry about getting norway so we definitely want to make sure that this southern path is is all up to scratch as you can see there's a lot of red planes going back and forth between here so madrid's gonna up which means that there's gonna be more people flying there but at least their destination is going to be madrid okay let's upgrade berlin again so obviously berlin is very much the dead center of uh my build here so it certainly can be exposed to a few problems let's make sure we upgrade these planes in the south of london yeah we're down to 12 minutes now to get norway going london is still a bit of a concern there so let's just upgrade it again sure if i just upgraded the right plane there okay let's bring the way in [Music] we'll just get them to go via stockholm glasgow is what's really backing him up so we'll just upgrade our planes to glasgow birmingham a little bit too let me um does have a few there's three planes for such a short route hopefully it's not too too long-term a problem okay so we can see all of these planes here are still red oh we've just lost that you won't go into the marco anyway all right we can see stockholm is now getting a bit busier as a route because oslo's pushing through it some nice fast planes going for them i'll give them a fourth plane as well speaking of fourth planes let's give them a fourth plane and we'll give them a fourth plane as well geneva is switzerland the reason that i think that that's important that i'm not just putting say for example this city here is actually closer to paris than it is its capital city of berlin my logic is that it's going to go to munich and and sort of like there will be i i my guess is that it's going to be more likely going to go to domestic travel so that we want it to bounce through berlin to go domestically as opposed to it has to fly internationally to get to other domestic locations that's my theory that might not be true it might just be completely random but um that's what i'm going off all right they're still out of the mix for now 10 minutes for italy so we'll bring that in now and we'll get italy to connect to [Music] burn and we'll get them to connect our cheers we might go through the vienna as well so we're gonna have a that's a pretty good route for them to pick for our supersonic passenger jet [Music] so we'll upgrade roam straight away i'll get milan connecting here and we will get three planes on that three planes on that agree on that and i might just click on this guy to get that milan around might be a little bit easier okay so that is definitely going to be a long term upgrade that we're going to have to do you can see there's a lot of red planes already moving around down here it's vienna route it's taking a little red as well and i would say that's because they're using that to get the to roam from berlin um bring it back here in here too now that's very close to vienna so we'll just give it a little hop there and give that three planes just to move stuff quickly i generally find that if it's a smaller country and i know that i'm not going to get a lot of um smaller routes in there like domestic routes i'm a bit more open to just sort of trying to bring it in quick so i say denmark i mean i feel like maximum three cities is what i'm gonna get out of denmark copenhagen to berlin we'll get a few more planes in that one that's going to put me in debt but we'll give it a go [Music] yeah it's going to be a brief debt we lost it's a waste of money it's all right april's gone just keep increasing the speed of these guys these guys we can see room is still with a struggle there and again it's adding uh stuff down to the marco i think getting making it three planes probably i mean you can maximum amount of five planes but three planes there's only 100 for the first pla second plane 200 for the third plane so i think it's a good little deal uh get going in there that sort of like the fact that they stagger it means that they're not all going to arrive at the same time i mean some of them will if i i've hit them they are sort of too quick together but once they start to go faster it's going to create like a really staggered approach for them i think that's the first good spot to really be spending your money all right greece is up next all right so it's just an all round increasing passengers okay here we go greece i'll get grease fire roam certainly get some more planes going on that one you wonder if i need to go direct belin to rome but i'm in vienna's a little bit of a hub in between them that i guess is sort of helping with that load though interestingly vienna's got a lot of apples there's three capital cities that i've just got running to vienna it's sort of like a little the capital of those capitals i guess all right let's try and address some of these red planes we see flying around there's the jet too if you see that guy flying through there it's definitely making some uh some quick work of london to berlin now the other danger you can have too is if you say we've got um right so munich is about to get pummeled so we're going to need so three times upgrade is going to really hit this now i did say that we don't want too much like we don't want to sort of build too much on a single uh path but i also do have a theory that this game is german made which is why you always start in germany and uh and so oktoberfest is probably going to come up a little bit more so you've got to be careful so with vienna we need to make sure that this path from berlin to vienna is about as as stacked as the path from rome to vienna because what will happen is the um the amount of like people that are traveling that route rome will be dumping people on vienna but vienna has to be able to dump these the same amount of people in berlin otherwise you're just going to get overloaded so it's certainly something you've got to be careful and well aware of as it's happening the three plans on there let's get this guy connected to rome these extra planes will speed things back up that guy upgraded athens is almost full so let's get [Music] certainly we'll upgrade athens and we'll give athens a few more speedy planes let's see everyone on that route is red which means that there's definitely a problem point for rome and it's where i'm trying to get to madrid too much because i could possibly give them a direct route too so we've got 12 minutes to get morocco into this so we've got plenty of time to spend some money and you can see how much how many people are going to munich here and the munich is still over stacked on that so i think we're doing an okay job of managing that we've just got to be sure that we're clearing out as many people as we're gaining because a lot of these red planes are going to berlin probably also carrying on to munich upgrade vienna cheese is also needing an upgrade marco is really the long shot of my uh my build at the moment okay so new planes and upgrades are going to be expensive for the next six minutes let's make an argument for me to sit on my hands well that takes place and i can obviously buy a morocco but then [Music] so we will give morocco a triangle between madrid and algiers you won't really buy any new planes for that just yet now at the moment there's nothing beyond morocco that's right beyond robot so we don't have to um sort of that there's going to be more than just that one location going there because our cheese isn't going to send guys to madrid via robot either so it should be pretty quiet so hopefully we can survive through these three minutes without needing to replace him [Music] okay but this guy will send him to rome see milan starting to struggle a little bit too but again we don't want to upgrade anyone while our planes are expensive watching that jet do one of my most important uh routes is thing of beauty because that's generally a pretty random thing of what route they give that to i think it's really nice to see him just swinging back and forth taking care of business now guinea is down here i think yeah there it is chuck that into the mix as well get them connecting uh should we hire lawyers sure [Music] all right so we'll get that right in there we'll give them three planes now that we've finally got all right so that was worth losing money those three go on we'll get yeah he says fez addressing his issues and get these guys in here and that's what what we'll do is we'll [Music] save her about now that it's a bit more of a hub and we'll call it there for now so what i'll do is i'll save that game and we'll return to it uh thanks for watching definitely if you enjoy mini motorways and mini metro eric and this is the next closest game to the two of them that i've played it is thoroughly enjoyable hopefully that's come across and watching me play but i can tell you playing it is a lot of fun so till next time i'll catch you later see ya
Channel: Drawing Dead
Views: 71,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fly Corp, Fly, Corp, Sky Corp, Sky, lets play, let's play, play through, play, through, review, gameplay, game, what is, do you play, help, tips, all countries, all country, all, country, countries
Id: iBaaXA-LbJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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