FlutterFlow Tutorial For PhonePe Payment Gateway | Flutter Payment Gateway Integration

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Hi, my name is Shriyansh and how are you guys? I welcome you all once again in a new video and in today's video I will tell you all how you guys can use the phone pe API inside your app. You can integrate it means there is no SD card, it means there is no software development kit, you will see how you can take payment only through normal API call and I am making the video of phone pay because And all the payment gateways have stopped registering now, RBI had given some guidelines to them and on phone , this is the only payment gateway in India which is on-boarding new customers, meaning it is taking registration of those people. How to register, what to do, go to their website and check, I will only tell you the API because the API provided on the phone is not enough. Let's start the video. Before starting the video, as always, you guys. It is a request to please go and subscribe the channel and yes, this project that I am making will be available on my website, you can clone it from there, okay, let's start the video, first of all see what we have to do here. Have to come to Pho Pay's website, ok, let's come to Pho Pay's website, from here we will come to Phone Pe Developers, Ok, Phone Pe Developers, so I have already kept it open here, so its link is showing us here. So something like this you will get the developers' website, okay and what to do here is that you have to come directly, here the primary API is done, you have to click on it, by the way, this one is of your developers, there are two versions running in it, one version of yours. There is a v2, okay , you will be a little confused, so I will give you the link to it, okay, we come to the standard checkout, so now see here, if it is written v1, then it is There is an old version but we have to work in it also. What has to be done in this, we have to come directly to the primary API, okay, we have to come to the primary API, then you have to come to the API which is written here, right when you click here. So you will get these two URLs, here a prod is written which means this is the production URL and this is your test URL, okay this one, I don't have any test credentials at the moment and I had worked in testing so the test is correct. Couldn't do it, so I will use production URL where I will do live payment. Okay, so this is our production URL, we will use it and how to call it is a little bit complicated type application situation but that is the main thing right. This is yours in which you have to generate AA, so many things are fine, so I will tell you how to do it, so you guys look carefully, I will tell you by writing, then soon you guys will understand this thing, see this, it was in it. What was the first thing you had to do here, whether you had to generate SA or generate AA 256, how much base 64 was the load, okay was the pay load and what was the plus of yours, which was the end point, end point and point. Okay, that's plus salt key. Okay, this much plus hash was okay, these three hashes were yours plus your salt index. Let me tell you the things you will have in this. First of all, you will have this salt key which is yours. There is a kind of API which will provide you phone pay. Okay, you will not have it on your own, it will provide you phone pay. Whenever your business is registered with phone pay and the registration is completed, similarly you will get this. These people will provide salt along with that they will also provide you one more thing which will be your salt index. It is a normal number like it will be one or two or zero. It will be like this. Okay, so both these things will be there for you. The pass company will provide the phone pay, but we will see what we will have, here whatever we will have will be base64 payload, now what is this, let me show it in a normal way, in a way there is a session, okay there is a session. There are so many things in which your merchant ID will be there, which you will get merchant ID, there will be merchant transaction ID from PhonePe, which means in a way transaction identification, then give two which will be 100, if it will be zero minus, then it means this ₹ is yours, whatever is your amount. It will be in buy 100 and will come right below, after that here will be your redirect URL which is confusing for everyone, the redirect URL that we will keep here will be the redirect URL of which page of our page from where we are making the payment. It's okay because if we want to come back to the same page, that's our redirect. The URL will be fine. Now what will be the redirect mode? Your redirect mode will be your redirect itself. It means you have to come back to the same page again. Otherwise, we will use the redirect URL and whatever method will be ours, it will be the same method as the redirect. Then we will come. Call back on call back URL, I will keep the same page link so that we immediately come back to the same page. The mobile number will be the mobile number, you can keep the customer's number here, the payment will come. What is our payment instrument type? Show us the payment page. Hai pay page means what you must have seen whenever we make payment through any phone pay, there you see the complete page of phone pay where you see UPI card, MI option, all these things, okay so this is We have to generate this thing , first of all we have to generate this thing, so for this I have already kept the custom code here, see this, you will come here, you will get it on the website, so there is no need to worry, okay this is our Pass json is being generated look at this json is being generated from here where I have taken the argument merchant id merchant transaction id amount what will be our merchant user id direct url what will be the redirect mode what will be our call back url mobile number ok The type we have to type here is that the pay page is already kept, or you can use other methods like, if there is only pay page here then you can use it, it is okay, so here I have kept it by default. It is okay here, so this is how our Jason will be generated. Now what to do after generating the Jason, we have to encode it in Base 64. Okay, so for Base 64 I have written the code here. We will pass the session here, the session which is coming to us from here, we will pass that session here, we will pass an argument. Okay, it will convert that argument into base64, so let me make it normal and show how. OK, first of all I come here, I put a test, OK, I center it and select table, I select it as table, then I come here, convert json to base64 in custom function, OK Now Jason, where will we get it? We will get Jason from our custom function in creation. Now we have to enter merchant ID, so let's say we put anything. H is done, H is done, let's make it 68, okay. What is the amount? Suppose we have done this much, user ID, we enter anything, it is fine, direct URL which will be the link of our current page, then the link of current page will come in the global properties, it is fine, redirect mode, what will we have? I copy this to redirect from here, see where the redirect went, your redact mode is to be done, it is okay if you do post method then this post method means in a way you have to call API, here we are simple. Here we will use only redirect, okay call back URL, we will also use it here, link to current page, mobile number, we put anything, okay and confirm, let's confirm from here, one minute, default variable. If we need it, here I do it, tap OK, confirm, OK, save it, we will come in here and the select table is ours, now I will test it to see whether it runs or not and If you ever want to check whether your Json has been encoded is correct or not, then you come to Base64 Decoder. Ok, from here your Base64 which you have just encoded means convert it into Base64. You can decode it from here. Okay, this is our build and it is ready. Okay, so look at your base64, it has been generated from here. I will copy it. After copying, I will decode it. Let's see what we decoded, which means we just encoded the json, is the same session coming or not? Okay, it will come here and I do, let's decode it, it's ok, look at your same json. There it is, I'll copy it and go to Jason Beautify. Jason Beautify. Okay, let's come here and paste it. Look at this, you've got something like this, which I just passed here. Okay, and look at this, I will show it once again, it will also be verified for you guys, whether what I had passed is correct or not, let's see the merchant ID. We came from here, what merchant ID did we have, this one. The name Thi A H means that our base 64 is generated. It has come right, so in a way, our first thing has been cleared that we have got the base 6. Okay, so once again I clear it, have we got it now, we have got the base. 64 Okay, this thing is now OK with us, okay now what do we need second, I come here, we do this thing, we give it a green tick, that means it has come to us, after that what do we need? We need this end point also for this end point, okay, so for the end point, we will just add our end point, whatever end point we had, what end point we had, let us see from here, the end point, we had this one, okay. Slush PG, this is done, okay, plus, we needed salt, so I will show you the salt from here, by the way, I will hide it later, okay, so this is done, we have the salt, okay, I would have cooked the salt. I copy our index which is from one, okay this is done, now we have to generate H, okay, to generate H, we will come here and here I have written PS 256 new, yes but I have kept the base, what is the base? Your string will be what you have just generated, this will be your base. Okay, what to do after the base is that you have to add PG which is your end point, plus salt key, so I have given the salt key from here. Well, if I want, I can keep the salt key here manually, but I am not keeping it right now because you can keep the salt key using Fire Fire Base Remote Confine, so I have not kept the salt key here right now. Okay and from here we will get generated and along with the hash, these three hashes, this one, these three hashes plus the salt index, will also be added here and visible to us, so now we can integrate this also. Let's do this, we will come here to integrate, okay, after here, I add a button here, I will replace the button, okay, here the buttons will come, I do this in the center and I wrap this, inside the column, give this Let's come here in the middle, here we will write generate A256, okay and create action here, open it, add action here and what will be the action, our action will be S256, new salt will be required, we will paste the salt. Now we will need a base. Where will we go for the base? First we will convert the data in the custom function. For this we will need Jason. Where will we get the Jason? We will create the Jason with the second custom function and enter the merchant ID. We put the merchant ID from here. I put the merchant ID in the official merchant ID. Ok, where will we get the official merchant ID? The one on our phone from where our mail came, so we take the merchant ID from here. I come back from here and here is our merchant ID, I copy it properly, I will come here and enter the merchant ID, from here it is okay, I put anything in the merchant transaction ID or make it IB 8 or you can also random from here. You can generate it, let's enter the amount, it's 100, it means it will be one rupee, your purchase will always be 100, what will be the user ID, you ID, I will do NFS, okay, what will be the redirect URL, whatever will be ours, it will remain the same. The link of the page, what will be the redirect mode, what will be the mode of our redirect, it will come from here and I will copy it, after copying, I will paste it here, it is ok, let's call back, the mobile number will remain the same from here. I put anything here, ok, confirm, ok, this is our base generated and here we will write A 256, ok, here I do the action. Now we have to create a page state, so page state. First of all, let's write P here A 256, okay, I will make it new and this will be yours, it should be in small, okay, we will do it, we will not label it as string, we will come here after confirming. By clicking here we will update the page state. Page state is fine. We will update the page state. We will click on New here. Select update type and set the value. After that action output and this will be our text. It will be saved here. Let's close it. And let's save. Okay, right now I am just showing how your A looks and how you generate it. Okay, now I will combine everything and integrate it inside the API. We will come here and go to the page state. Will click, after that click here ok save Let's do this, now I reload it again, let us generate it from here, so this which was yours has been generated, okay so from here your A key has come, now we have to put this thing there which is our phone. It was there, we have to integrate it, so for this now we will use the API, so how to do it, let's see, we will come here, we will first copy it in the production URL, it is ok and Flutter flow will come. We had created this in the API of OK , now this is for People will make dynamic call here and here I write the same thing After pasting this, we will paste it here, the string is ok and we will save it. Now the value of this header will come to us from the variable and what do we have to add in it and by the way we do not have to add anything. Only these two things are done, it's okay for you to add something else, we see it coming down, we are not people, we don't have to add anything else, okay, we have to send the request here as well, within the body parameter, it's okay, then send the request to us. How will it be in the Jason format, so I will do this for you, after copying from this, I will come to the body, we will do the body from Jason, after Jason, we will paste it here, right here, again in the variable. After coming in the variable, I write here the request will be R E K U E S T. Okay, it will be a string, what is your request, I will take it here as Base 64. Okay, pass the base 64 that you had just generated. Have to save, after saving, I come back to the body and I delete this which is yours, okay, now let's put base 64 here, format it, okay, save, now this is your call. There is an API call and it is completely done. Okay, now if you want to check it, then we can also check it here. Here we will have to give a proper thing, that is, we will have to generate the proper Jason and then only we will have the information about the API. We will have that success which will come only then it will be visible otherwise it will not be visible, we have to give this proper thing, we got everything from here, we have confirmed the mobile number and confirm it and we also have the salt key. The generated form has come, so what do we have to do? Here, whatever is your text, I will convert it into a table so that I can copy this thing and we also have to show base 64, so for base 64, I will keep the text. I am the second one here and I give a value of 70, after that select OK from here and this is the action which I have created recently, I come here and let's do one thing here. I copy it, okay, and here we paste it in the custom function, yes, it is pasted, we confirm, by the way, if the default value is required, then we make it null from here, okay, let us confirm and we have this statement from here. Was coming OK confirmed, this is also done, now after saving, I run it, I change it a little on Y because it is possible that the meaning is not shown correctly here because I have entered the merchant transaction ID here only. Four letters are given, so I make some changes here, okay, and after changing, I change it a little bit, okay, let's confirm, let's confirm this too and I will read it once again, maybe. If it is wrong, then I redid it again. Okay, one more thing had to be done. I changed it here, so we had to give the same thing here too. Let's copy the variable, come here and remove whatever is yours. And give us the same thing here, paste it, okay, we will confirm and I remove the tap that is yours, confirm with this, okay, close, save it here, okay and again I load the bar instantly. After instant loading this, your base 64 was there and from here you will get it, we will copy it. Okay, after copying, I come here, we have to keep our base 64 in the API call, we will paste it, verify it, generate it. We will copy this from here, X-verify, sorry , It is not given correctly here, so once again I use base64 here, I load the instant, again it is showing 401 return, so it means something that you have given here, Incorrect X Verify header passed in request, ok, no problem No, the X-verification passed incorrectly is yours, so I copy it from here, it's okay, let's do this, after copying, I paste it here, it's okay, let's delete it, let's go to X-verification from here. Here we will generate it, let's do this from here to here, okay, let's copy this, we will come here and I will do this, paste it directly here, okay, now I call again, I am okay, look, we are successful. Okay and after success, select the recommended one, copy it from here, okay and after that I come here, I delete it, click return and see this as if verification is done on your phone as you And if you do the same in the apps, it will remain the same, okay, here you will have to make payment, as soon as you pay ₹ 1, you will be redirected, but currently you are in test mode, so it will not be redirected, I will send it to you on the phone either Now I run it on some email and show it. Now I pay it and see whether it is successful or not. Here I pay Rs. If I have to pay Rs. then I make this payment. This payment is done. Is this your look Safari can not open the page because the address is invalid No problem but our payment has been successful and this is your live payment, ok you will see this in the merchant dashboard of your phone, maybe I If you have logged in here, I will show it to you. PG appears on the phone, okay no, it will not be found here like this, I will see 'Y' coming in the dashboard, no, no problem, my 'Y' is not on right now, leave it, but this. Your payment has been done, okay, so let's do one thing, I will come again in selected, here I will come in recommended, okay, what do we have to take, this will have to be taken only, okay this will not happen, this will have to be taken, that payment will be taken for it. You will get this message, you will need a code, let's save it, sorry, it will not happen from here, I will make it successful, I will make it successful here, after that this will be your URL, this will be the payment URL, this will be the merchant transaction ID, you will need a copy of the merchant ID. Let's paste it here, paste the message, paste the code, copy it here, we will save it, okay, now your payment will be done like this, what to do, we have to come here, okay and here we have to The same thing has to be shown, by calling API, how will we do that thing, let's see how I open it, it got opened properly, here we do the action, what have to be done, we have to call API, we will come in the right API call. We have to call the API of Pay API, it is okay , we have to come in the additional variable, we have to give You will get it through But let's confirm that additional variable has to be given, base 64 has to be given, then for base 64 we will come here again or why there is no need to come, we will have someone come here and where is our action, I would have done the same thing. Copy from here, the variable is done, okay, we will come in base64 and paste it from here, we confirm, okay, this is the variable of our API call, we have it here, if it is true then what to show? Let us come to the snack bar, we do the show snack bar, from here we will come to the action output in the API call, after the API call, in the json body, okay, we will do the json path here, we will show the URL, okay and confirm. We will add another action, from here we are ok, what action will we do, we will update the page state, from here we will use the url, ok, our string will remain as label, we will confirm and I will duplicate it, where will we get this from? You will get it, let's remove it and we have to show the URL here, okay, we will copy it, sorry, we will save it, open it from here, I will come down again from here, here we will update the page state, update the page state, okay, we will update the URL, set value. will do from here From where we will get the action output, API call has been made, our json will become big, json path will be done, after that we will take it from the URL from here, we will confirm, ok and will terminate, we will do this on Y and action will be taken. We will take the bar from here, okay, we will show snake bar and after that here we will show what will come in it, we will do the action output API response status code, okay, let us confirm and terminate, okay, I would wait for it a little. So that it gets loaded properly, that's fine, this is done, let's close your wait, save it properly and now we come and check whether our work is working or not. We have to make a little change, so I come here, I come here, I come here, okay, let's add a little bit here, we have to add this too, by the way, we can keep the same, there is no such issue, confirm. Let's confirm this because we will not be able to do anything again with the same ID, so we do instant read here once again. Now I click here and see if it works or not, okay. Here let's reduce it to 417. From here the status code of 417 is coming. 417 means this API call has not been made so what is 417, let me see, maybe it is not showing the thing, it has not given anything like 417, so what is the issue? And we have to see that the status code is coming our 417 means in this we come again and if I call this f test API from here I see okay transition ID you have entered seems to be invalid okay someone It doesn't matter, that one error was that our transaction ID is being repeated from somewhere, okay, so I come here again, I come in this and I change this thing again, okay this is done, the user ID is also a little. I will change it. Well , there is no need to change the user ID. I will further confirm it. I will confirm it from here. Base64. Okay, we will have to change this also. It is correct that we will have to change this also, so in the same way. Let's copy the thing from here, come here, base 64 and remove it, come here, paste it, OK, confirm, OK and save, we will save this thing here , OK, save. You are done, now I load the instant from here, again I click to call the API, see this is your payment URL, I have got it, I copy it here, paste it here, okay, by the way, Breb. I am fine, it is working fine, no problem please wait processing your request is ok, processing payment will be done, then I will have to pay Rs here, by the way, it will not be shown to you here, if it is not shown then it is given, no problem, here I will make my payment. Let me do it again, our payment of ₹ 1 has been done, okay, the payment of ₹ 1 has been successful, now this will not be done directly because we are running it in test mode, okay, so I do one thing, this is the thing I will tell you here. But come on, okay and come to this, open it, now we will come to this, add action, do the latch URL, where will we get the URL from our action output, we will get it from here, from the body, it is okay, the entry path, after that, the URL is okay, we will confirm. And we will close it, okay, we will save. Now let's come to our Git Hub , what am I going to do from Git Hub, that I will run it in which in my Android Studio , so this is our Git Hub already connected, I push to repository here. I push it, from here now I will run it on my virtual phone and see whether it is direct or not, then from here I open my ad studio, from here it will come down to us on the phone, from here I I will do it from here, I will pull it, okay, whatever changes are ours, they will show everything here, we had some new page which we do not have at the moment, it was showing some such issue, but okay, no problem. No, there is no issue, okay, here we ignore the gear dependency, it is done, it is done, now I open it in the device here, it is connected to the meter, okay, let's come here and run it. I will do it from here, it will take some time to build, but till then you all wait, see this is yours, ok, I click on generate, see here it is showing 41 401 cars, so there may be some issues in it. So I do one thing, once again I pull whatever is from Git, okay, now we have pulled it here. So there is an issue of error which is that your X-verify is not passed properly, right, that one is showing the error, let me do one thing here and change it a bit, okay and again from here I read it like this. Wait a minute, I have only changed here, I have to change one more place where our base64 is being generated, so for that I copy it here, okay , after copying it, I do the same here. I paste the thing here, it's ok and save it, after saving, I click on it again and read it because see, whenever both the base 64 tokens are being generated, after that, your true 256 tokens are generated. That is, if both of them are difference then it will not be your success, there will be no API call, so we will have to make both of them same, whenever you do, then let us read again, okay, now I click on this again. Look, this is yours, it has arrived, okay, now your cum is opening from here, cum is opened, let's use it without an account, okay, from here, I will make it a little bit, right here in the center, this is yours, look now on the phone page. Now see, this redirect has happened on its own, it has not actually happened because we are currently running it on an emulator. Emulator means that we are running it on a test device, so it may be due to some security reasons. From here it has failed, ok if something like this happens, I will try once again. If there will be some such issue, then it will fail again, ok but it is being done in trying, so I will try from here. Let's copy, okay, from here, I'll copy and paste it here. See, we do n't allow any payment gateway for Meter. Okay, and where I am calling the API, that too from my live production URL. It is possible that they immediately canceled it and did not allow us to make the payment. No problem. Once we check again here, we will come back to it. It is okay. Come here, I will delete it. Okay. I come here again, generate this, click on this, this is your URL, now it will be redirected to your Chrome, now we have to enter our UPI ID from here with which we have to make the payment, okay, I click on this and come to another page. I am ok and enter my UPI ID 6393 4257 ok, rate is AXIS, we will verify your ID and we will pay you. Ok, this has just come to me for payment. Request for payment has come . And I complete this payment, okay, our payment has been completed, payment has been done, now this redirect is done, we are back on the page, okay, so in this way our redirected URL works here. Now we have understood that now we have to update the status also, that is, we have to check whether our payment has been completed or not. How to do it till now, let me tell you further, I will do it for now. Close, did you understand the redirection from here ? Now we just have to check the status that now our payment has been made, how do we check it? Okay, so we will come here again, after that let's go to our API. API We had this payment API, but what will we do by removing it? We will make version 2 here, ok, I will do b2. From here, I will show you a little issue of page not found, after that when you click on it . After clicking here, you will get the API here. Here comes your primary API. Look at the version two which is your API and from here you will get it. Check payment status here, which will be our base URL to check the status. And this is fine, so I copy it, after copying it from here, we will come again and create API call from here, we will make the status on the phone, we will make the status ok and enter the base URL from here, just like that. After this, what do we have to do, we have given this end point, I will copy it and paste it here and this is your merchant ID, so we will have to keep it here, something like this, it will also remain like this here and do this. Let's give okay, this will be which method will be yours, this will be your get method, okay get method is done, what else in the header, what do we have to pass, okay, this But I put Merchant ID from variable, create new variable, transaction ID and enter query parameters from here. No, we don't have to put one min query parameter. We have to keep it in the variable here. This will be the session ID string. This will also be this string. We will call OK and what will remain in the header. Directly in the header, we will keep our This thing will be accepted application slide from here and after that it will be our I do this , I come in the variable here, I do it, okay, this will be our string, we will save it, now in the get method, we have to check the status of the phone, okay, we will come here to check the status and I will create a normal button here. What I do here is I give a round of 50 70 and this is what we have to do in pay now okay and what to do in generate is we have to check status check status okay so here we will call AI. We have to open it, I delete all this, we will take action on the data, we will take action, here we have to take action on API call, here we have to take action on API call, it is OK on API, sorry, not this one, we have to check status, additional What will be the variable? Merchant ID has to be given. Where will we get the merchant ID from the action output? Okay, what will be in it, what will be the body, what will be the path, after the path, we will need the merchant ID and confirm with this. What will the additional variables do? We will need the transaction ID. We will do the action output from here. This one will call Jan Body Jan Body J Path Path, we will get the transaction ID. We have to confirm. Now we have to give one more additional variable which will be our X Verify's X Verify gives us the same. You have to generate it like this, which will be your end point, then Mergent ID, then Tra ID, after doing SL status, plus salt key, your is ok, after that, it is three times, then salt index will come here and come in the action output. No, action output will not have to be done in this. We have to do one thing , here it is ours, I add this action, put it on top and here we do what is a custom action, okay, which we created for S to check the status, so give us the merchant ID. Merchant ID will be required, we give it from here, I come to Pay Now, I open it, we will get the merchant ID from here, we come here, this is our merchant ID, ok, cancel, close, open it . Sorry, let's open it, here the merchant ID is our transaction ID, from where to give the action output API key, we have to give it from the sorry API call, we have to give the path, after that we will have the transaction ID, confirm salt key, we have to give it from here, here We will open it, this is done, let's copy our salt key, close it from here, check the status, salt key will come, ok and this status will be SAA 256, ok, this is done, we will wait a little here. It's okay for around 5 seconds, let's save it, it has to be I will do this so that you will get whatever your session is, you will get all the things from here, I do one thing, come here and after coming here, I take the transaction ID, okay and we have to take the merchant user ID, we have to take two things. So here I do one thing, I save it, this is ok, this is done, and what happened, not your merchant user ID, a merchant ID and a merchant transaction ID, ok, let's cancel, let's do this, cancel and close. Here we come in the API call, we will come here Merchant ID, what will be yours, what will be the transaction ID, what will be this, let's copy what I have placed here, paste it here and X-verify, we will have to generate it, right? Let's work to generate Paste and what else we had to give, here we had to give merchant ID, I come here for merchant ID, copy it, do it right, copy it, after copying from here, paste it on ya, after that, slush, what did we have to do, do the transaction by slush I had to give the ID, we will copy it from here, we will paste it here, what else we had to do, status is ok, status Done, we will copy it here, status slash status, it was ok, it is done and this is your generation, okay, salt key will also be required, let's see it here, yes, salt key will also be required, so we will come here for the salt key. And by clicking on Pay Now, I will generate our salt and copy it from here. Sorry, after copying it will come here. Okay, this is our generation. I copy it from here. After copying it, I will come again. In the API response test of the API, we put our Or Tashan ID is please check invalid Here we will come here in the code, here we will write the code is ok, let's make payment status and this will be our response ok, save it, close it and save it, we will come here and come to check status, ok, we will open it, we will merchant it. Our transaction ID is done. Now what to do after getting true? We have to show the snake bar. Show snake bar. Action output will come from here. This is the API call. This is our session body. After the session body, the session path. After the session path, we will confirm our payment state. OK. We will terminate the ad from here, we will do a snack bar here, we will do an ad, so we will do a snack bar, okay, then the action output will come in the API call and this will be your status code and we will confirm here, we will terminate the ad, okay Now I run it and see whether it works or not. Here we click on Pay Now. Ok and it may show an error because yes it will show an error because we have not changed the Tashan ID. Now let's open it. Okay, this base is ours, let's do it with a little change from here, let's make it okay, let's confirm it, let's close it, save it and again and again, I will instant load it from here. I do it one more time, otherwise it doesn't load instantly, I click on Pay Now, it is showing 401 from here, no problem, okay, wait a minute, maybe I did not change this one, let's open it. Whatever it is, let me copy it, okay, we will come here in base64, we will also have to change this here, let's paste, confirm, okay, let's close this and save this, from here again we are here. But let's check it, I click on it again, it is showing the same thing from here, no problem, we load it again instantly, I come here, I check again, there is no error anywhere else here . Will come _ 64 Must be 7 H Pay add here also must have happened here Yes let's do pay now I click again see this your URL is opening ok from here we have to add payment and add payment To do this, if I give the payment ID here, let me verify, let's pay, one payment will be made from here but it will not be completed, okay because this test of yours is going from the test page, let's come in test mode, okay. You will check the status from here. Pending payment is fine, it means that the payment that was due to you has not been made. Similarly, by using this, you can also transfer pages by imposing a condition, that is, if the payment has not been made, then the pending page has to be shown, if the payment is made. If you want to show a successful page, then you can create all the pages in this way too, so that's all for today. If you want the complete flow, then I will make a separate video for it. With flow, it means an e-commerce app. I will integrate the payment gateway on the phone and show it to you in a proper way. It was normal that you guys had requested me for a video how we can integrate the payment gateway on the phone in our app. So let's meet you in the second one. Till then in the video you guys take care have a nice day bye bye
Channel: No Code Academy
Views: 5,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phonepe payment gateway, FlutterFlow Tutorial, flutterflow tutorial for beginners, flutterflow tutorial 2023, phonepe payment gateway integration in wordpress, phonepe payment gateway integration in php, phonepe payment gateway registration, phonepe payment gateway integration shopify, phonepe payment gateway for website, phonepe payment gateway woocommerce, phonepe payment gateway integration android, phonepe payment gateway charges, phonepe payment gateway review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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