Flutterflow E-mail Verification Check System | #flutterflow #nocode #app #mobile

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today we're gonna talk about how we can set up an email verification check in our app while a user sign in when we want to build an app we should also try to protect our users from "Bad" users this must be so important thing for safety and we must provide this for our users a way of security is email verification check while user sign in to app if users didn't verify their account they can't sign in to app and must verify their email so I am talking about how you can set up email verification check now okay we should start this with sign in page when user create an account we should send them an email to verify their email address so how will we do when user click to create account button we must also add and send their email verification link action this button must create user document and send email verification Link at the same time as you can see you will click add action button and choose Firebase authentication and choose send email verification link this flow provide us what we need I want to show you a warning system about unverified user before we set up email check system when an unverified user tried to sign in we should remind them that they didn't verify their email how will will do we will use a bottom sheet for this this bottom sheet will be a pair if an unverified user try to sign in I'm gonna show you how you will create this bottom sheet you can customize as you wish [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] system on our sign-in page as you can see there is our ordinary sign in button we will look at it closer now first of all we will click to button and look at action flow there is only sign in action on our system we're gonna add email check system on sign in action click click to add conditional don't forget if you need a checking system you can always use conditions on action flows okay now choose conditions and single condition choose email verified option in authentication user it must be equal to because we want to check it is true or false valuesource will be specific value and value will be true okay now we should put there true and false path if a user verified own account we should navigate to feed or which page you want if user didn't verify own account we will remind them to verify account so we will show our bottom sheet choose false path and add an action search Bottom sheet and choose show choose the component which we created at the beginning and that's it we have provided our button to action when user click to sign in button button will check email and password are matching and check this account is verified before this is what we want for our app okay let's create a code create now okay let's check will it work or not as you can see but sheet is working and remind us verify your email okay let's check event okay okay let's try again as you can see we are inside now okay folks this is how we set up a email check system don't forget to click like button and subscribe the channel if you have any question please don't hesitate and comment below, I will try to help you as I can see you next video
Channel: Theebatt NoCode
Views: 5,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HceJmLxxfHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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