How to Set Following System on #Flutterflow #nocode

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Following system today I will explain how you can set following  system in photo flow we will begin with Firebase   structure we will open file store documents we  must Define a following list which which will   reference to users so choose a name for this  list and click select data type we will choose   is list because we must collect all followers in  Array which will be defined to authenticate user   after that click document reference and choose  users well we finished our Firebase structure   now time to set button for following system  we must create a page parameters this will   bring other users documents because we will need  other users reference ID now we will add action to   buttons we will start with follow button click  add action and search update document choose   authenticate user record reference find following  data name and list update type will be add to set   choose user document which will provide  it by Page parameters and choose reference   we will also add another action to  chain which is refresh database request   choose the widget which you put your button okay we set follow button now  we will Define our follow button   we will follow same path but we will just  change this update type as remove from set now we should hide one button which will be  depend on follow link list when user click   to follow button they should see unfollow button  and shouldn't see follow button at the same time   we will use conditional visibility choose  conditional and single condition first   value will be authenticated  users and following list   available options will be list contain  item choose user documents reference   okay now it must be equal to and second value  set as specific value and false we will follow   same path for unfollow button we'll just play  with seconds value specific value will be true and we finished all actions   we build button system and now time to build  followers and following pages I will start with   followers page we will start with page parameters  and it will be same like we did this before   we will call users documents so we will add  backend query choose your user collection   and query type will be list of document we  will filter our query with following list   relation will be array contained after that we  will choose authenticate user record reference   we finished our backend query Now set  username full name and profile picture   I will show one of them and others will be same  like what I do I will show you username settings   choose user documents and username  others will be same like this now time to set buttons again I will not  describe because it's the same what we did before   I will just show you again how you will set them foreign foreign all right now time to build the following page first of all  we must generate Dynamic children on list View   give it a name for variable after  that choose authenticate users   following list okay we generated Dynamic  children we will add backend query now   we will choose user collection and query type  will be single document and confirm query we will   call users documents now we will add backend query  again we will choose our row and add backend query   query type will be document from reference set  variable will be our Dynamic children and it is   finished we will set users information and buttons  again like we did before I am sure we give now now I would like to show you how you can  show following and followers numbers we have   go to your profile page and choose your following  number text click authenticate user follow request   available option will be number of items  and number format confirm it let's build   followers number choose your follower number  text add backend query choose user collection   list of documents we will filter query now  collection field name will be following relation   will be array contains value will be authenticate  users user record reference confirm it   now click to text choose user documents  available options will be number of items   available options will be number format that's it  well everything is ready for our following system   now time to test our system okay  let's check it is work or not   as you can see we don't follow anyone and we  have five followers now I will go to my feed see there is some accounts  this is our follow button click and click and well I follow two account  now I will add another as you can see changed we have three  following let's check and it is working   if I say unfollow it's called unfollow  I'll follow well I will show my followers I did them before because I don't  want to lose your time spend your time   I check I follow them now  well it is working as you can see   we finished another Flutterflow video. If you liked  this video please click the like button I will   continue to share new videos about Flutterflow  once a week so you can subscribe to my channel   and you will know when it published. Thank  you for watching and have a nice day :)
Channel: Theebatt NoCode
Views: 3,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutterflow, nocode, app, flutter
Id: uDK3SZexJiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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