#FlutterFlow - Build a Multi Select Component with Callback Parameters

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so welcome to another video with inside the academy and in this particular video we are going to build a custom multi- select flood oflow component now what does that mean well chances are inside your flood oflow applications you are going to want to provide your users the ability to choose one or more options now using the power of callbacks in this custom component we can then grab hold of those values that are produced and then use those elsewhere with inside our project so if you are learning flood oflow as a platform there is a lot of technique that's here that you're definitely going to be able to reuse across your projects so without further Ado let's get into the video and let's get [Music] cracking okay if you are learning flood oflow then this is the video for you because the lot of what we're going to cover in this particular video is very very transferable to your own projects so what are we going to cover then we're going to create a component a custom built component that's going to be available to us part of a kind of a custom dialogue and what we're going to do is we're going to select a number of items with inside that particular component and we're going to then pass those back then to the parent page now why would that be important well for example if you are calling out to a third party API um or something like that where you need to pass these IDs through via the API then this will allow you to do that as well so very much follow along if you are looking to learn those particular techniques so we've got two buttons on screen at the moment one called select fruits by ID which does exactly that each one that we select we're going to pass those IDs back to our parent page there's another option on here called select fruits by fruit and that is a series of custom data types you can also then pass back to the parent page now that particular example if you would like that that's in the academy so please go and check that out but we're going to cover the first one here of Select fruits by ID and if I just select this you can see now that we've kind of got this little popup kind of component that appears here and I can choose maybe the keywe and I can choose maybe the lemon it might be that actually I don't want the lemon I might want to just choose the orange but I still got the Kiwi one selected I hit confirm fruits and those values are then passed back to the parent page using the powerful callback feature Within ins side flood oflow so that is what we're going to build and please do check the link in the description because the clonable project is there if you're looking to follow along just like all of my videos we'll walk through step by step where we'll build the look and feel of the component and then we'll add the functionality in to do kind of the the main part of what we're looking to demonstrate in this particular video so without further Ado let's get cracking okay so as with most of my videos I like to have a little bit of a walk through on the setup of the sample project the one that you're going to clone to walk through this particular video just to kind of set the scene because I've done some little bit of pre-work for this particular video so it saves it going back too far to the beginning I'd like to start from a more interesting point so um what I'm going to do is I'm going to demonstrate to you the kind of the data types I've currently created I've got one called here called fruit now this data type has got an ID it's got the name of the fruit and it's also got the photo URL so that's kind of like the schema setup now inside the application State values section you can see here that we've kind of got this field name here called fruits now this is a list of those fruits that I showed earlier on so if you've never sort of set these sort of things up previously um what I've done here for this particular sample I've kind of like pre-loaded this application up with free uh fruit fruits that you've kind of seen inside that particular sample and the way that you do that is you just you kind of add an a Ab State variable let's just call this one list here go to data type here move down to the data type option here choose the fruit and then say that it's a list hit create and of course here you can see it's just here got the just up here and of course you can come down here you can add the items in just as I've done here you can see here I've got a I've got one that's got an ID of one and then you got the lemon and I've got a photo URL that I've posted in here from my asset Library hereit cancel I've done the same thing as well I've got one here two for orange and another another one there and of course the Kiwi is here as well number three kiwi and then it's got the link to the URL so that's kind of just that there I can just delete this one out I'm not really interested in that so that's how that application State uh variable is set up and of course is dark mode there is really just a kind of track Within inside the application um whether we're in dark mode or light mode if you just click on the little logo with inside the application it will quickly toggle it to um to light mode for you so that's pretty well much the setup now we've inside the actual project itself we've got the homepage we've got one page in this particular project um we've got a component here with just the logo we're not worried about that we're going to create a brand new one at the moment and then pretty well much there's nothing else happening the buttons don't do anything or anything like that and we're going to now move into the next part of this particular video where we're going to start building the actual component itself to show those fruits that I've just shown you with inside the application State variable so without further Ado let's move on to that bit now okay so let's start by creating our components so I'm going to right click on the components here choose add component and we're going to choose create blank let's give our component a name set fruits by ID component hit create component and now of course we're into our blank canvas area so let's add our first container so choose container here now the container is going to be quite important to us I'm just going to give this a name up here it's going to be a page container it's going to be quite important to us because it's going to kind of be the wrapper for everything else is going to be in there okay but it's not really going to have any sort of style Properties or anything like that so let's remove all of that out we're going to get rid of the width we're going to get rid of the height we're going to get rid of the fill color here so just select that and choose the eye dropper and clear the color so that's now completely empty now of inside that we now need to create some more widgets so hit the plus we're going to first choose a stack and the Stack's going to be super important to us very soon because we're going to Overlay widgets on top of each other so hold that thought for now and we'll come back to that choose the plus let's add a brand new container now this will have some visual styling to it of course the container is going to kind of contain all of our selectable fruits so just give this one a name selection container like that let's give it also some properties here so on the uh on the so on the bottom right hand corner let's choose some width there so 320 we're going to give our height a height of 200 now we're going to keep the secondary background color that that's nice we're going to choose some border radius we're going to want to curve the edges of our um sort of our borders there so let's just give this a setting of 16 here that will just bring it in from the sides and I think we are good there with all of the styling for that if I just click away you can probably just see now those kind of curved edges there just going to bring this out just slightly like that right so next up inside our container in fact what we'll do we'll come and do the widgets actually inside the container very very shortly let's now apply where the stack is going to be really important to us so we're going to hit the Plus on the stack we're going to choose another container and I'm just going to call this one up here Arrow container like that and this one is also going to uh we're going to just change the width and the height actually here so this going to have a height sorry width of 20 and this is going to have a height of 20 like that now with inside this particular container we're now going to put an icon so this little icon is going to be the little triangle that kind of sits in the middle um at the top top if you remember back to the sample we had this little I this kind of little arrow that's kind of pointing into the button that we actually selected so just choose icon and let's give our let's actually SE some properties of our icon so we're going to give our um we're going to look for say something like Arrow let's see what we've got here we need a nice thick Arrow it's going to work for us there we go that one's looking pretty good so we can grab hold of that it's pointing in the wrong direction but we'll get that one sorted let's give a icon a name I'm just going to call this one Arrow icon and with our stack of course now at the moment you can see these kind of uh these are kind of like overlaid on top of each other at the moment you can't quite see that because our in fact you can just see now that the uh the icon is top left here but if I choose the actual stack here and I now put the child def find alignment then what that'll do that means that everything that's inside that stack will be aligned centrally at at the top here but it's not going to be where we want to position we want to kind of bring down our actual kind of uh our actual container is going to contain all of our widgets but put the arrow at the top so what we need to do is we need to go to the selection container what I can do is I can give this some padding from the top so just choose maybe something like 12 and it drops down like that now what we can do with our Arrow of course you is is pointing in the kind of the wrong direction so what we can do is we can wrap a transform around it to kind of twist our icon to be in the right direction so if we just right click on the Arrow we can say wrap widget and we're going to choose a transform so if I just select transform there now it's going to have no visual properties at all but what we can do we can set the details on the right hand side you got the transform type here by default is rotate now the rotation here I can move this slider up here and I can set the value I want but I know that I'm going to want about 270 CU I want to turn it into three different or times three orientation so if I just choose 270 there you can now see that the icon is now positioned nicely at the top but we got some visual properties that we need to sort out so our we want to remove the field color out of here so if I just select this and say on the eye drop and say clear color like that then you can see now that um our sort of our icon is sort of pointing right there at the top so we want to give our kind of our icon the same color as the secondary background color so just with that Al s with this one selected here the secondary text choose secondary background color and then you'll see now it's now going to be inke keeping so if I now just choose between white um you can see now that's pretty good I think we just want to kind of set some uh some properties though of our uh our kind of our container perhaps I think we just need to drop it down a little bit so let's just choose maybe four on here let's just drop that down and you can see now it's got a very subtle kind of arrow pointing up there okay so we're ready now to move on to the next section where we're going to start populating this particular component with its child widget so I'm just going to select this back to the dark mode and let's move into that section now okay then so let's Now work on our selection container so press the plus on the selection container and what we're going to add in here is a column CU we're going to kind of want to vertically kind of Stack all of the children widgets so with the column selected hit the plus here let's add some rows in so I'm going to do one row first and then I'm going to add another row in so the rows at the top here is going to represent the actual fruits that we're selecting and the row just below that is going to contain the selectable options that we've got at the bottom I'm just going to quickly rename these okay so they're now renamed with the page column we're going to want to provide some kind of padding here so we're going to put 24 from the left 24 from the right and with our page column selected we're going to want to do some spacing as well so this all applies to everything that's actually with inside this particular column so we're going to space everything out by 16 pixels and we're going to want to also shift down from the top and and kind of just make sure we bring out from the bottom as well so with a start space and put 16 in here and with the end space and also bring in 16 as well so I highly encourage that when you kind of building your applications with inside your column to use spacing to your advantage there instead of keep padding everything out with with padding on the actual widgets try to do them on the actual columns itself it will just make it so much more uniform across your user interface okay next up let's Now work on the fruit select row this is the area that kind of has the little check mark to indicate we've got a fruit selected it's got the circle image and then the text itself and of course there's a container in there as well so with the fruit select row selected hit the plus and the first one you're going to add in is the stack itself so we can overlay these widgets very shortly now with the stack we hit the plus and then we're going to put a container in there first that's going to be the kind of the wrapper and then with inside the actual container itself we now need to put a vertical column because we're obviously going to have the Avatar first which is which sorry not the Avatar The Circle image of the um of the actual food itself hit the plus and just do a little search for a circle image like that and then we inside that column hit plus again and choose text now that's all there with the circle image we selected want to just reduce the size of that it's a little bit large so on the diameter on the right hand side just choose 40 just to bring that down I'm just going to quickly rename all of these widgets here okay that's all those renamed now now we've inside the fruit column itself let's just space out a little bit of the actual widgets itself so there we go that's now selected and with the uh with everything there SE we now in we just need to collapse down the container let's add the next uh sort of Icon indicator in on here so just choose a plus here and we're just going to look for an icon so just choose icon and you'll see it's floating to the right at the moment let's just go here and just change the icon itself so we're going to look for like a check here I think the first one will be fine with that selected just choose the secondary text and just choose the tertiary color here and we just want to reduce this down also as well to 20 that's a little bit big so with the stack selected of course we now need to align the children so just here we just choose on the right hand side there that's now moved over now with the icon selected we now want to just put a little bit of padding as well so I'm just going to do a top padding here of four four and the right four like that we'll just bring it over slightly that's all that's needed so I'm just going to quickly rename these okay so just with the page column now let's just Center everything that we want just want to choose a little Center option there we're just going to bring it down just slightly there and then now we're just going to work now on the options row so just hit the plus now we're going to add some buttons in here so just do a search for button there's the first one let's just plus here let's just choose another one let's pop that in there now with the first button here on the right hand side let's just give this a name of a cancel here and on this second one here let's just call this one confirm fruits or something like that that's fine so with the button let's just quickly rename these okay they're all renamed let go back to the cancel button let's now sort of just work on some some properties here let's just drop the font sizing down here to in fact let's just change the title here to then maybe title medium just give it a slightly gray out text here drop the font size down to 14 and let's just work on then the actual fill color itself so let's just select that oh just select the fill color here and just say primary background like that so just a a slight subtle difference there between the one that we've kind of got there is the background and this one here and then on the selected fruit button I think we just need to give it some uh some some property changes here so with the actual elevation we're just going to choose that zero so this just kind of removes any kind of look of any kind of like shadowing or anything like that that's actually on the button remove the Border width here just change the size here to 150 like that and then on the cancel button as well we're just going to reduce this we're going to actually set the size here to be 100 and then what I'm also going to do on the options row is I'm just going to kind of push everything I'm going to space everything out here so I'm going to choose this option here which is called space between so you can see here we've only got two widgets here so the space in here um you know if this was really wide for example then of course that space in the middle here would kind of just stretch out and push everything to the left and to the right so that's that so I think I've just um I need to sort out this particular container here so with the fruit container selected let's just give this then a uh some color it's just looking like it's uh not quite quite got the color we need so just choose fi color here and choose the primary background again it's just going to then sort of separate it slightly now what we also need to do is we need to set the um inside here the actual fruit column here we're just now going to Center everything up a little bit more like that there we go that's there we just with the fruit select row here let's just get ourselves ready for very shortly to put an item space in of 16 cuz there going to be more than one of these obviously and we've got now nice space now in between so that is kind of I think everything for now there's um it's not obviously going to do a lot oh in fact we just missed actually the uh the fruit container here we need to some rounded borders on here as well so let's just choose that let's move this up to eight and that might just give us a little bit more of a curved Edge there there we go we got a nice sort of curved Edge now on our container so that's looking pretty good let's now move on to the next bit okay so next up before we move any further and start getting a bit more involved in the functionality of our component let's make an update to the homepage to show the actual component on the UI so with the select fruits a button selected move over to the action flow just just choose the actions option open up that hit the add action and we just want to look for one called alert like that now I'm going to choose custom dialog here cuz that's what it is I'm going to select the component that we created so choose the S fruits by ID like that now the width I'm just going to set this now as 320 by 26 now if you recall that is the container size of the the primary container with inside the actual component itself so I always like to make sure that by default that I just set them to that particular height now there might need to be some further adjustments needed but it's a good starting point when you're working like this so with the dialog alignment here we're just going to set this to be the top the top here um otherwise if I don't select that then the uh the actual the actual component will completely overlay the button so that's a good start there by setting the position to the top there and then align with targets of course a Target this being the actual button itself we're going to set this right at the bottom so we're going to position right at the bottom there that's all that we need to do so now that's all in place so we just close that down that's all set up let's quickly fire this up in test mode and let's see what happens okay so here we are in test mode hit the select fruits by ID and there we go looks like it's displaying quite nicely for us there I can just quickly hit on the if I just close that down there if I just away there hit the no code academy icon there and if I just select this here you can now see a little bit more easier in obviously the light mode theme there you can see got a little bit of elevation there this um I must have inadvertently left on the actual button I can go back and literally set that to zero and get rid of that but other than that everything's looking quite nice for us and we can now move forward with this episode okay so that's pretty well much most of the kind of the main sort of UI bits that we need to do in this particular example if you would like to kind of get a hold of the full project that contains a little bit more polish on the UI such as kind of animations and all that kind of stuff feel free to take a look let's now get ourselves more into the more functional part of this particular component so firstly let's talk about one of the features that this component supports so obviously we know that when we press the button the kind of the dialogue kind of gets displayed we can then choose which fruits that we would like the values are then passed back to our page now what we're do is we're storing on our page which ones have actually been selected but what we might want to do is pass that selected list back in again allow the user to then make additional choices or change what they've already selected now to support that we need to do a couple of different things we need to create a component parameter to to pass in those IDs which we're going to do now and then once we've got that component parameter value we then need to store inside the component itself the selected IDs and then we can then update them and then we can send those back out to the to the actual page itself so the way that we do that is at the very top level of the widget hierarchy with that selected move over to here the component parameters option just choose the plus add a parameter and we're just going to call this parameter selected fruits like that and with the type we're just going to choose integer now this is going to be a list so just choose list here and hit confirm so that's now got the component parameter so our component can now take receip of that data but once it's got receip of that data we need to then store it locally with inside the actual component itself and how do we do that well we need to create a component State variable so choose the component State option there and hit add field and we're going to give this one a name so we're going to call this one selected fruits like that and the type again is going to be an integer and this is going to be a list as well so just have that selected hit confirm so that's now all ready for us now once they're hooked up the best thing that we can do now is now set up our action at the very top level to then uh sort of save and persist those values that are passed in into that local state varable so let's go and do that now okay so let's set up our actions then let's move over to the actions up here and click open the action flow editor and now we need to do a conditional action so just press add a conditional action and then we're going to need to do an if condition so just choose that and say a single condition here and the first value we're now going focus on the actual component parameter itself so here is the selected fruit so with that selected we're going to say available options and we're going to choose is set and not empty so just choose that hit confirm and we're going to say it's going to be of true here so we're going to basically say if the values that are passed in are currently set and they're not empty so it's it's like we're passing something in here then what we need to do is we then need to then update the component State and actually set that component State variable to the values that's being passed in so hit the plus here hit the add action just type in here State like that update component State here add the fields and this is the one that we just created that selected fruits that local component State variable choose the update and we're going to set the value and we're just going to choose the value to set and of course it's going to be the component parameter here and the selected fruits like that so that's is simple as it comes we just simply selecting it and setting it and that's all that we need to do so of course if nothing is passed in here um has no has nothing inside it at all no values then it's going to obviously to go down in this particular direction and it's not going to do any kind of component State update whatsoever so just hit close there that's all Now set okay so now what we need to do is we now need to uh set up our application to actually display the fruits that we've actually got up inside our application stat so the way that we do that is we choose the fruit select row so just with that selected we can now move over to the children option up here and we're going to give our variable name of fruit so this is going to represent each and every fruit this come from that list of fruits remember there's three of those inside the application State choose the value to where they're coming from move to application State and then you see that there is our fruits there so just choose fruits hit confirm hit save there and then just hit okay here and you can see now we've got the kind of this ghosted look now which is representing this is something that is dynamic now one thing that we need to do is we just need to make sure that this is a scrollable row so just with this selected here move to scrollable so going to allow us to sort of slide this kind of left and right so if I were to run this up now what you would see obvious we've got one little error that we need to sort out here but um if we ought to run this up now you see that we would then get the fruits now in sort of shown with inside the actual row itself or we just haven't bound the actual sort of characteristics the property should we say of the actual fruit so we can do that now so we can simply just move on to the text here move up to where it says the text up here go to the fruit item choose available options and say the data struct structure field so we're kind of going inside that custom data type now choose select field and we're going to choose the name there hit confirm and what we can also do here is on the circle image and move down to where it says um the actual path here go to fruit item choose available options do data structure field select field here and choose the photo URL hit confirm so that is all set up for us now okay so the reason why that we got this error that's just up here and that is because our component parameter was set as required we're going need to pass in a list actually into this particular component so go back to the homepage here now up here we now what we need to do is we now need to create a brand new uh kind of application uh sort of page State variable there to kind of store kind of these selected fruits so with the homepage selected move up to here and we choose ad field here and we're just going to say here selected uh fruit like that choose the type that's going to be of integer here it's going to be a list and we just hit confirm and then what we can now do is we can select the actual action we can go to the action flow editor we could do it there actually on the other screen there we can pass in now the component parameter which is what what it's expecting so just hit pass we're going to do selected fruits and we're going to pull this one here out of the page State variable there so there's a page State there and we've got the selected fruits there just select that hit confirm and that error will now go away because we're now passing the selected fruits in so remember remember now what we're going to do very shortly is we're going to call back we're going to pass those back we're going to store the values is selected with inside that page State variable okay so now it's time to put some interactivity into this particular component and we're going to allow for the option for actually selecting the fruit itself so when this component loads for the first time there's going to be no fruits selected by default so what's going to happen is we're going to tap on each of the fruits and we're going to put that ID with inside that selected fruits list now if the user selects that fruit again we're going to want want to remove it out of that particular list so let's now handle that here so what we're going to do is we're going to put the action on the fruit container itself move over to the action flow editor open that up here add a conditional action in so just choose add conditional and choose the single condition at the top here select single condition now the first value we just need to select this now this is going to be our component State and our selected fruit so just select selected fruits now available options are does the list contain a particular item so just choose that one there and then choose this particular option here and now we need to now get a hold of the ID of the actual fruit itself so choose fruit item choose available options here say the data structure filter we're now going to go in and get that ID choose ID here just select that and hit confirm now if the list contains this item so if it contains one two or three hit confirm we now need to then say well if it equals to True which is what we're going to do here so if it's already in that particular l list then we need to go down here now of course if it's already in there we need to remove it out and of course if we go down here and it's not in there we need to add it in so how do we do that we'll press the plus on here add the action and we need to go to the state here go to open uh update component State hit the set Fields here do selected fruits because that's the local component State variable so we need to up go up here on the update type here we're going to remove from the list here and the value to remove just select that and of course we're going to go down here to the fruit item we're going to go to available options choose a data structure field and then we're going to grab hold of the ID itself hit confirm so we're now going to kind of remove that out so what we can do now we can just assly now copy this action we can go down H over here and we can paste that action in and of course we're going to want to do the reverse so choose the uh where it says remove from list we're going to choose add to list we're going to go back down here again we're going to go back down to the fruit item to playable options choose the data structure field and choose the select value here and just choose ID there and just choose confirm so that is all now nicely set up for us if I just hit close that interactivity will now be applied to our particular component okay so next up we need to handle the little check there we need to kind of determine is this particular fruit already selected or not and we just need to Simply actually put a conditional visibility on this little check here so with this selected move over here and we've got this conditional option up here so we're going to kind of do that kind of dynamic check are you already in the list or not so it's very similar to what we kind of just done so just up here on the conditional just choose conditions choose a single condition on the first value here just select that and of course we're going to go down here to the component State and we're going to go to the selected fruits just choose here and say list contains item just choose that and then of course here we just want to move down here to the actual fruit item itself and just choose the data structure field and we're going to set the ID like that just hit confirm just hit confirm there and we're going to basically say is equal to true so this is very similar to what we did before so really we're just going to show this check if that particular fruit item matches the ID of one that is already in the list that we've actually are tracking with inside that local component State variable just hit confirm and that is quite simply all that we need to do so let's quickly fire this up let's see what happens we might have made some mistakes along the way but we'll give it a wh and let's uh let's see what happens okay so here we are then in test mode let's hit the select fruits there excellent there we go we've got our fruits all kind of being displayed which is nice let's try selecting one excellent try turning off there we go that's great if we've unselected that one that's great let's just choose that one here and the Kiwi so that is looking pretty good actually looks like we're kind of keeping track of those inside the local component State variable now of course I've got no interactivity in any of these buttons yet so let's now move on and do that and this is where we can then start executing those callbacks to return back those selected items back to our parent page for safe storage and of course we can then pass those back in again so let's go and do that now okay so let's Now set up that callback that's now going to pass those values back to our homepage in this particular example so what we now need to do is we now need to create another component parameter here so we've inside the actual component itself just choose the edit option up here add parameter and on this one we're going to call the parameter on select action callback and the type here is going to be an action just down the bottom here just choose action and this is going to have some action parameters we now need to kind of specify okay I'm going to pass some parameters in what is a type and I want to send those back so choose add action parameter here so I'm just going to call this one selected fruits like that with the type here let's go to the integer and of course this is going to be a list of IDs in our particular example hit the confirm option and that is now all created for us so how do we now sort of invoke that particular parameter well what we do is we go to the confirm fruits option here move over to the actions open up the action flow editor and go to add actions and up here we just need to do a search for execute callback just press that choose the Callback and we've only got one which is the one that we just created just choose that one here and of course now this is the parameter that we just selected so now all we got to do is now pick up our local component State variable and pass in here so just select that here go down here to the component State move down here to selected fruits so those are the values that we're going to pass back and that is quite simply all that we need to do on the execute so once we've done the execute all we then need to do is then close the actual uh sort of dialogue itself so choose add action just do a search for in fact close I've just got it right there close a dialog draw and that's all that we need to do just hit close there we go so that's now all in place what we now need to do is go back to the homepage and we now need to kind of configure up this particular button once more because here you can see on the right hand side we've now got this kind of coolback that we've got so if I just uh sort of add in here the pass and choose the actual callback itself so we've now got that we can bring up the action flow editor here and this is where we can add an action in and this is where we're going to go to the state we're going to say update page State because that's the page State variable that we've got here choose ad fields and this is the selected fruits on the page itself now we we're going to want to we now we want to set that page State variable with the values that's coming back from that particular callback so with the select update type we're just going to go to set value choose the value to set and now we've got this option available to us called action parameters just select that and here it is selected fruits these are the values that is coming back so choose selected fruits hit confirm and that is all that we need to do so what will happen now of course is when we run up our application we'll select the fruits the values will be passed back they be stored in the page we can then press that button again and any values that we had stored will then be passed back into the to the component everything will be updated in there we have get all the ticks against all the ones that we need and and it can just carry on like that so let's Now quickly go back to test mode and try this one out okay so here we are then in test mode hit the select fruits there they all are for us and let's choose the lemon and let's choose the kiwi and hit confirm fruits okay so nothing visual there let's hopefully I can press that button again and see that they're already there excellent we still got the tick there and we still got the tick there that's good let's just make a change choose maybe just the orange on its own take the Kiwi out hit confirm fruits and then select fruits again and there is the only one that there is sated so there we go so we've got kind of that two-way kind of binding now that's happening between our page State variable and the the kind of the component State variable that's actually with inside that particular component so that is looking pretty good so there you go hopefully you found this example pretty useful um if you would like the more Fuller example then please do pop over to the academy me where I've got the additional example where we're using custom data types in and out of the actual component itself but please do check the link in the description to grab yourself a copy of this particular project here so thank you for watching hopefully you found that really really useful and please do check out um lots of other video content with inside the academy and of course with inside my YouTube channel as well I'm sure there is something there's loads of flood oflow that is covered throughout if you are interested in this particular platform and of course I cover so much more on YouTube and in the Academy as well so please do head over to the academy because there's a great Community there as well ready to support you and um ready to have a good discussion about no code in general so uh and of course lots more exclusive content there as well so hopefully I'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: The Digital Pro's NoCode Academy
Views: 1,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: android app development, flutterflow, flutterflow crashcourse, flutterflow training, flutterflow tutorial, flutterflow tutorial for beginners, flutterflow tutorial playlist, ios app development, learn flutterflow, no code tutorial, nocode tutorial, nocode tutorial for beginners, flutterflow components, flutterflow app builder, flutterflow callback parameters, callbacks, parameter callbacks
Id: 4yDUFm77Cjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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