Flutter Storage, Hive, ObjectBox, Isar πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸ’» The Flutter Pod

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wait so have you did you use object box yeah i've used object box in a very small app and uh right it's mostly i was using the query um it's been it's been very it's it's working really well i have to say it's pretty good right so like compared to compared to hive mm-hmm i can see i can see here the times are a lot less compared to hive yeah it's a good thing what what's that what's the down what's the downside of object box compared to hive uh there's none on the top of my head right so i should be using object blocks uh i don't know yet because i don't know how well object box supports web but i do know that working on web is working pretty well like hive is like really good plug-in and use option and even though it's like even though it's like not the newest it still works the best um i feel like this in terms of my personal experience right yeah it does yeah it does have like the issue of migration um i mentioned but migration is like an issue for every single database right it's not like a hive issue but um another issue though that's the second issue i had with with hive was it was sort of related to migration but it's like the issue of deleting the database and from my experience deleting the database doesn't work on all platforms on web but deleting the database uh didn't work for some reason and i had to write some like platform code like i have to write some javascript code which is like three lines of code but like um but i could say that i wrote some javascript code just to delete the database it's like a very simple api to say like oh localstore.clear and then but i have to like say oh um like from dart to call the javascript function just on web um but yeah that's that's the only other downside uh but yeah hive has been working really well for me yeah from the from the experience i've had i've just i just love hive it's just so seamless it just works and i'm can i ask you about your uh david's app which is rivals which i think is a great idea because i i was um trying to make a habit tracker as well but you're making a habit forming but social connection so that it holds you accountable right so how does how does that work on your app because i imagine with hive it's obviously for local storage how do you do in your rivals app are you actually using some other uh online database as well to connect with yeah to users um yes there's there's an online database there's a post postcard sql um database um on on the back end but um obviously like you you wanna like cache the data right just for just for faster loads uh so for local you have just high for caching and it's interesting how you know the project has to move quickly you want to add features and stuff and there are so many different types of data just flowing around for example there's the user there's user there's post there's comment and aside from that there's like the challenge that's like the rivals thing there's like a challenge that users could do and in the challenges in the challenge um users could create parties so that's different object and in the parties there's like a chat there's there's so many things and like how you want to like keep you know your data consistent from from from server to client and the way we end up doing it was that so this this way was or this architecture was created by my friend who started this project and his his way of doing it is that he vaguely uses the block architecture where you know there's like a there's a there's an object that emits events and ui elements could listen to the events so this block uh business lot business logic um like component yeah that's i think that's like the full name um this architecture but for every block um there's a hive object there's a hive object tied to it and then what the app would do is that the app would you know fetch the data and then it will it will persist the data into hive and then every time when the app needs a piece of data it will always tries to read it from hive and it will like load the data it will load like maybe an outdated piece of data and then the async data will be on the way and as soon as the async data arrives it will it will replace you know the local stored piece of data and then the best part of this is that um we keep we keep the online version of the database and the local storage um you know the data structure of it to be very consistent and then when we when we move when we like when we migrate when we add new features we try to like maintain this model so that uh we have like less overhead so we always understand what's going on and i feel like hive has been really good at keeping the consistency like it's able to keep up with the server it's able to like just keep the same data structure that you have less overhead you get it gives you like a really good developer experience and that's what's been going on with with rivals wow that's amazing so how many i mean i don't know you can just share as much as you know you're comfortable sharing but like how many users are using it right now yeah currently uh we had around i don't remember the numbers but like uh but you have real people using it yeah uh we had around like 300 i don't know like a really low number of downloads um that's that's a lot but um but we we really like seek to like just um because we just started we just started our first like um campaign um of like um ads um on instagram and i have to say like uh mobile apps like apps or ads for mobile apps are are difficult you know to sell yeah it's like that's like a completely new area for me like i have no experience
Channel: Flutter Pod Clips
Views: 2,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qJj7bga7NGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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