Flutter Image Sharing Tutorial: Capture and Share Images in Your App

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we will learn how to share an image that is displayed in a flutter app to achieve this we can install the share uncore plus dependency follow these steps open your pubp yaml file and paste the share uncore plus dependency into it run Pub get to install the dependency create a new file for displaying and sharing the image and name it image eser screen. Dart import material dodart and share uncore plus. Dart in your Image eer Screen dodart file create a stateless widget named image share screen in the image share screen widget return a scaffold create a repaint boundary within the center Widget the repaint boundary widget is used to capture the image you want to share and is an essential part of the process for sharing images in a flutter app include an image using the image . Network widget next declare a global key variable to access the repaint boundary open the main do dot file include the Image eser Screen file and call the image share screen widget in the body run the app if you encounter an error remove the const keyword from The Constructor the image should be displayed next add a floating button with a share icon now create a share function here first generate an image file from this image widget create a function for that import the dart. package 4 file also import rendering dodart which is used to capture an image from a render paint boundary this library is used to obtain a reference to the rendery paint boundary widget so that you can capture its content as an image Global key is the global key that you've associated with the rendery paint boundary widget it helps you locate the specific widget you want to capture current context is used to access the current build context associated with the render rep paint boundary widget accessing the current context is necessary to find the render object associated with the widget dot find render object is a method used to locate the render object associated with the widget in this case it's specifically looking for the rendery paint boundary as rendery paint boundary is a typ cast that confirms that the render object found is indeed a render repaint boundary this allows you to work with it as a render repaint boundary next import the dart UI package this package is used to capture the content of a render repaint boundary as an image using the two image method the pixel ratio setting of 3.0 specifies the pixel ratio for the captured image determining the image's quality and resolution you can adjust this value as needed to achieve the desired image quality a higher pixel ratio will result in a higher resolution image additionally import the typed underscore data package which is used to convert the captured UI image into a b data object in the PNG format finally convert the bite data object into a un8 list open the pubs spec. yaml file and install pathore provider import path _ provider in the Image eser Screen doart file create a temporary directory on the device where you can save temporary files then create a new file object named file with the path of the temporary directory and the file name image.png the line await file. write asbes un8 list writes the data from the un8 list previously created from the image data into the file saving the image data as image.png in the temporary directory finally return the file next create a share image function that takes a file object representing an image file and shares the files path inside the function it uses the share packages share function to share the image files path effectively allowing you to share the file with other apps on the device Now call the function in the onpressed event first make it asynchronous the provided line of code is used to capture an image from a render paint boundary widget and save it as a file finally call the share image function passing the image file variable as a parameter run the app press the share button it's available for sharing in other applications on the device these steps explain how to run the app and share the image with other applications on the device thank you for watching
Channel: True Coders
Views: 1,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: share image using flutter, flutter image sharing, share image flutter, flutter image share
Id: tR91Mb69nFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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