Flutter: Creating OTP/PIN Input Fields

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I'll show you how to create an OTP form just like this on flutter let's head back to the visual studio code in the form there is an empty row now let's add a size block and set its height and width then insert the text form field at first it looks something like this we need to change this to a number pad by setting the keyword type to number set the maximum length to 1 because each text box only hold one number to remove the counter text at the bottom on input declaration set counter takes to an empty string Now set the text alignment to Center and font style to title alert now it looks much better on Saved allow us to retrieve the pin next let's duplicate what we have now we have two fields on change if the value length is one the focus moves to the next field this is exactly what you want let's do the same for the second third change to pin 2 then we duplicate the field twice more change pin 3 and pin 4. this is exactly what we're aiming for
Channel: The Flutter Way
Views: 18,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter, Android App, iOS app, mobile app, UI speed code, flutter app design, flutter responsive ui
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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