Flosstube # 86 November Update

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[Music] [Music] hello my lovely blustery friends welcome back to the channel a very warm welcomes to you all although i'm saying it's a warm welcome it's not very warm here in the uk and can we really believe that it's december i can't i don't even know what happened i don't know how i ended up in december and yeah but at least i managed to get my tree up ready so i'm sort of ready um i have to confess there is very little stitching in today's video i've i've achieved almost nothing it's it's laughable but there are reasons for that there are a few um life type things that have created this situation i will do a bit of a life update a little bit further on in the video although i won't be going into too much detail um just because well just because but all will become apparent as to why there's very little stitching and for those of you that don't hang out to the end i just wanted to give you a full warning that yes i'm getting this video up today but i can't be a hundred percent sure in the current situation how frequent my videos are gonna be for at least the immediate future um but yeah like i say all of that will become apparent a little bit further on in the video so best i show you what i have managed to get done this month so with winter fastly approaching i decided that i i would you know do some wintry projects you know how i love a wintery project and how terrible i am with actually completing things in time for the season and i i honestly think that's exactly where this is going so one of the projects that i've been working on is the qriket collection winter this one and my plan was to have this stitched fairly sharpish because autumn stitched up really fast um the idea was to get winter stitched up really fast get it ffo'd and get it hanging on the wall yeah right that didn't happen did it it hasn't happened yet and well i don't know i mean i never say never you know there is that never say never i won't say never but i'm really i'm almost 100 that this is never going to be finished and hanging on a wall before the end of winter at this rate so winter by cricket collection i'm stitching this on a 28 camp brittany lugana in the callaway tempest by chromatic alchemy and it doesn't really look that much different in all honesty so here is where i've got to that's as far as it goes so i've still got um w and i that needs to go this side and i've just been working on this bit over here but also on my snowman so you'll remember i wasn't at all happy with the coverage of my snowman when it was stitched in two over two in the normal blank dmc and because he was a snowman and it doesn't matter if he looks a little uneven because well because he's a snowman a little bit of texture and depth for me is not a problem i decided that i would use the flosh i've only got it here in black next to me but this which is still a dmc but it's it's thicker and it's single stranded there we go look so initially my thought was to just go over my snowman with one strand of flosh just on the top leg of my snowman to see whether that gave it a bit more coverage and in all fairness i did sort of a portion of it and wasn't overly impressed so i decided that i would use two strands of flosh for the top leg and just repeat the top leg which is what i've done so it's probably not as nice as it could have been but that's purely because this has now got two strands over two full cross of normal dmc and then it's got two strands of flosh half cross but it has made it so that he's a bit more puffy it has made it so that he's is a lot more textured and there's a lot more coverage are the stitches as even as i would like probably not but i'm fine with that because he's a snowman and snowmen are not flat and even and yeah i mean not that you can really i don't think you can tell i mean you tell me always i know is that he looks white instead of looking partially white but like i say my intention would have been probably to have done full cross full stop like one strand but given that i'd already put the dmc blank in and already stitched him there was no way i was going to rip it out so so yeah so that's where we've got to on that my plan is to start making a move over here and do the back stitching along this section here because there's a bit of backstitching that's still needed there but yeah the plan was to get so much more done than i have and i haven't so but it is what it is right um next up is welcome christmas again the hope she says the hope was to was to get a finish on this and again i don't see it happening in all fairness so it's the drawn thread welcome christmas [Applause] it's been stitched on a 28 camp britney lugana in the colorway pearl by pole stitches and this is where we've got to and again i just i just haven't had time or the inclination to do any stitching you know in all honesty that's that's where i'm at at the moment so this is where we got to so we already had this done i think i was still working this section on the last time you saw this i've moved on to the stockings and for my sins i decided to do my stockings one over one um there's a little bit more to do on that one stocking the stockings are slower because it is one over one but i think it's i think it's going to look lovely with the one over one stockings um but bearing in mind that i'm i'm there on the design so once i get both of those stockings done that's the only section that is one over one everything else is is your standard standard stitching and then obviously i've just got those bits to do so it's within it's within reach um but given that my life at the moment and things that are happening in life uh having such a drastic impact on us all and the inclination to do any stitching or the time to do any stitching is is super limited so so yeah i mean if i don't get this finished this year it's not i mean i won't get it done before christmas in all fairness um but it would be nice to have it done before the end of the year or before we go into summer next year so that i can have it ffo'd for next christmas i love the colors i love the design i love everything about it i just it's just time it's just time people and literally that got two days of stitching this month just two and that's my one that i have that i work with in in my office i mean work has been ridiculous so there's another reason i haven't got much stitching done because i would normally stitch during my lunch or when i'm on conference calls and i've actually been doing other work whilst i'm sitting on conference calls because it's that busy right now um what else have we worked on so we did touch a little bit on castles in the air i can't remember whether i showed you this already or whether i've done any more to it i think the intention was to do more to it but i can't really remember where i was last last month in october so this is what it looks like in the red and white obviously i'm not doing this colorway so we are using silks for you um two over two full cross and the silk color i think is pr161 if i'm not mistaken let me just move my needles out of the way so this is where i got to i think the last time you saw it i was working on this section i think i might have just filled in a few more bits of this section so yeah i mean to be honest there is no excuse for touching this so little or any of my stitching in but this one specifically because you can just pull one step one thread do a bit put it down pick it up just pull a thread do a bit they're actually much easier to stitch than some of the other things that i've got and yet i still don't manage to get to it so yeah enough said there but progress is progress every one stitch that i do get in is still progress in my opinion and right now that's where i need to have my headspace i really do okay so finally is that's what i mean finally it's bad isn't it that's really bad so finally is evening in the park so evening in the park is stitched on a 25 count lugana uh in the colorway abyss by fabrics by stephanie the fabric color has been discontinued i think she she's she didn't do it anymore um this is sort of what it should look like for those of you that love the chatelaines and and follow the chatelaine facebook group you know that these pictures do not do the chatter lanes justice by any stretch of the imagination um i've got some yeah i've got some threads just hanging about i've left this one on a stand pretty much about four weeks straight just so that as and when i do feel like doing a spot of stitching i've i've just picked a bit and done some stitching so here we are this is where we've got to um and you're probably thinking it doesn't really look that much different teresa it looks exactly the same as it did but so we didn't have this gate here so i've stitched i've stitched all the gate i'm just filling in with some of the um some of the sparkle threads there and then i'll start working my way down i've still got some trees to do i've still got some snow snow to go on the ground here um i could come over this side and finish this gate and just bring both sides down at the same time but like i say i'm just doing bits and pieces on this at the moment and just picking a picking a spot do a bit and then set it back down so i think probably in all fairness where am i going to go next probably if i can um i mean i've got today is friday friday the 3rd of december um and there's quite a lot happening this weekend so chances of getting much stitching done this weekend are almost impossible um but they're not just becoming a usual thing now um but if i can i might try and finish this tree here and get the snow done so that at least that bits down so that it matches this bit and then i could either do some beading if i get bored or fed up of just doing the stitching or i could come over and start on this gate over on this side so yeah i would love to make this a focus piece and i would love to tell you that i'm going to make certain projects a focus piece for 2022 but in all honesty i don't i really don't know where or what is going to be happening or where i'm at um or how much time i'm going gonna have or if i've even got the inclination to do any stitching so so yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna put all plans right now on hold just so that you know we're on hold people in my world anyway um so that is the stitching so they're a little bit of a rabbit hole which i don't normally go down in fact i can't even remember the last time i went down this rabbit hole in fact i've been i've only ever gone down this rabbit hole once i am now signed on to a stitch with me or a sal depending on what way you want to put you want to want to call it you know that i don't do those purely because i've always i think i've only ever done one once in my entire stitching life where i signed up for the cell i started stitching it and in all honesty after the first month i was a bit like it wasn't quite what i thought it was going to be and what was already showing didn't resonate with me so therefore it didn't inspire me to want to stitch on it and before i knew it i felt that i was being forced into stitching something month by month that i wasn't really enjoying and before i knew it i was like no i don't want to do this right well that's because normally the things because they're mysteries you don't know what you're going to be stitching ahead of time so so yeah it's sort of pot luck whether you're going to like what you're stitching i fell down a really really large rabbit hole the lovely sally from caterpillar cross stitch reached out to me and said trees out look i know you love your garden i know you love your gardening and you love you know your flowers and your vegetables and your you know just anything to do with gardening they are doing a stitch with me or cell kit um called how does your garden grow of course a bit of handoff because i was like oh yes oh yes now that now that that sounds more like me that is something i would like to stitch because it's the sort of thing that i love so i am privileged to have the opportunity to share with you a head of a head of pre-order the caterpillar cross stitch how does your garden grow sow so i've got my pieces here so here's my little kit that's turned up isn't it adorable isn't it adorable i've got the fabric you get a choice of fabrics i decided to go with um i think it was 28 count 28 count even weave so here's my fabric but they also do evenweave and ada i believe so you've got choices on the fabrics the threads all come pre-loaded on the cards yay no organizing needs to be done that's all been done for me and in this lovely little pouch i have got an enamel needle minder it's so cute it's so cute especially for gardening people you're going to appreciate this it's the magnetic needle minder the little gnome look at him isn't he gorgeous so yeah i like i say i know i don't do sales very often but if i know that the cell well this is the first cell that i've i've been introduced to that is relevant to the sort of thing that i know that i will love regardless because it's gardening and i love the garden so yeah falling down that rabbit hole she has been kind enough to offer me a discount code for any of you that would like to get in on the action and join the cell so pre-order for the sale opens tonight which is the 3rd of december at 7 pm uk time so that's when pre-order opens i have a discount code for 10 off and i'll put the discount code here but the discount code is garden 10 teresa here it is this discount code for 10 off will be valid for two weeks for the full kit option with the needle minder so you'll only get the 10 discount if you go with the full kit option with the needle minder okay but if if you quite fancy yourself some of that i know i do because it's garden related in the description box below i will also put down their facebook group and their website so that you can head on over and go order yours if you would like to do some stitching on a how does your garden grow sell with caterpillar cross stitch so i'm super excited to do some stitching on that um what else to tell you what else to tell you so i think first things first we done a giveaway i don't know i announced a giveaway on the last video it was the lavender and lace song of christmas remember this one so i would just like to confirm that we have a winner for this giveaway which i drew this morning at five o'clock it's actually 7 39 in the morning here it's still dark outside um so the giveaway winner was i'll put the i'll put the picture here as well was jack and spratt and her comment was song and sing song so jack and sprat reach out to me all my details uh to connect with me are below you can get me on um on my email address or put a comment in the comments and i can you know correspond with you there obviously we'll need to take it offline so that you know you can share your address details with me and i will get this in the post to you asap so congratulations on the winner so the knitting i know that a lot of you have been keen to see how far i got and i at last can confirm i have a sock i have one completed sock um i've still not put that bit in i'm not quite sure what i'm gonna do with that bit i think you sort of have to weave it in but again something i need to learn but i do have a sock the toe i've done the kitchener toe i think it was there we go there's my toe looked a bit funny when i was doing it but it looked alright in the end so yeah i'm i'm chuffed it fits i can actually put it on my foot let me do a demonstration you need to use the good leg people need to use a good leg let me share with you my sock here we have one working sock um the cuff i think probably could have been a bit better i'm not quite sure what i did with that but hey first time first time sock knit there aren't any holes in it so i'm super chuffed there we go she says let me get my leg back um yeah super proud of myself that i've actually managed to get one sock where are we at she says we are on sock two and this is where i've got to so i'm much happier with this cuff much happier it looks much better and i'm just working my way down now so beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful um whilst i'm here i have to say another huge thank you to anne she's such a naughty girl such an autogirl she must see my struggles you know as you do it must be something to do with my struggles because she i think based on what i'd said about sort of the the markers and the things falling off so first things first she ordered me these these little stoppers with the little chain because yeah the knitting kept falling off the ends when i was storing it so this way it stops it stops my knitting falling off the ends because i'm really not very good at picking up stitches once i've dropped them so i find it very difficult to work out what is a drop stitch still because i'm too new at this um so yeah so now i've got these little stoppers which are like a the deal breaker so the little stoppers go on the end when it goes into storage or when i'm not knitting and then that way it doesn't just all fall off so i'm super happy with that thank you so so much anne but what she also got me or what arrived is these really really handy uh beaded instructional markers so you know i made that fatal error when i was doing i think i was doing the heel flap or i was doing uh i think it was the heel flap or it was it was when i was bringing it all back up together i think it was when i was doing is it the gusset i can't remember what you called it but where you bring the heel flap up and you connect it back up and then the idea is you start doing the decreasing to or something like that and you have to do you have to do two different things at two different ends to make it so that your decrease is worked i messed mine up so i think based on that she got me these because that way i can mark i'll put one of the stitch markers on each of the sides so that i know what what i need to do when i get to that marker it's just game changer i cannot believe they do these so like where is it so when i get to the bit where i need to because on one part there's knit two together and then on another part it's something else so now i've got like little stitch markers that i can put in where it just like that one knit two together i can put that she says it's upside down now stop turning around knit two together and then that way when i get to the marker i know actually i'm on that side so i need to do that because yeah i found it really cool i got myself in a bit of a in a bit of a tis was over that i'll be honest um and i also got yeah so there's some little flower markers there beautiful and what else i love this one these ones are cute really really lovely and these have come so she sent these from a company called yarn craft yarn and craft they're on etsy and they've got a website www.yarnandcraft.co.uk or they're on etsy yarn and craft and look at these i love these love these so it's all bumblebee so it goes with my bumblebee goes with my bumblebee bag and it's all little bumblebee stitch markers so i've got i've got like a honeycomb one she says the camera i'll pick it up little honeycomb one and you've got tiny little b look at that how pretty and then another one there there we go yeah beautiful thank you so so much anne it's very much appreciated it's like you you know what i need before i know i need it but i i am very very grateful and very very thank you thank you thank you so much they're lovely and yeah they're all game changer type things especially for like this whole new rabbit hole of knitting whole new rabbit hole right let me put all this away so that is what i've managed to achieve as far as knitting and stitching is concerned um and like i said i i said that i would explain a little bit more further on um the reasons for all of this um let's start with the good news fair shall we so let me just let me just acquire my new family member come on pop it let me introduce my lovely coder come on pop it so here's my here's my new friend my new boy isn't he cute this is coda come and say hello coda say hello say hello yes so koda is a cavalier king charles spaniel and he's um how old are you now 10 weeks i think he's 10 10 weeks coming up 11 weeks um we've had him for i think we're in the third week now of having him um and needless to say he might look like a total angel now but he's sleeping and napping he's in his uh he's in his favorite his favorite time of the day um but in the evenings is when he comes alive and i mean we called him coda as in code of the bear because he looked so cute and he was watching code of the bear actually on the tv when we first got him home so we was like oh he he knows himself so we'll call him koda um but literally it's like the more we've got to know him it's like we should have called him rocky or kraken like release the kraken yeah that's sort of what he needs because yeah he's he's an angel when he's being an angel but he's a little devil when he's being a little devil but we love him we love him to pieces he's he's training his game really well um he sleeps through the night he does get up early so if he hears anyone getting up so darren gets up at about five o'clock in the morning to go to work so as soon as darren gets up then code is awake and he's sort of scratching on his crate for me to come and feed him um or if the kids get up because they're night owls if they get up at sort of three four o'clock in the morning and decide they want to come out and get theirself a drink or get themselves something to eat he will hear them and he'll wake up and start moaning at me that he wants to get out so yeah there's um yeah he needs to learn that anything before six o'clock really is a little bit too early but then i say that as and when i start heading back into london and working up in the city he's gonna have to get up at five o'clock in the morning anyway because i get up at five o'clock in the morning so yeah watch this space who knows who knows maybe you will just adapt you know when we sleep in he'll sleep in but you know it's a bit like kids doesn't it you know you train your kids on weekdays to get up at a certain time because you've got to go to work or you've got school runs to do and then come the weekend when you want to lay in you're like there's no reason to get up your kid still gets up he's sort of like that so but he's adorable he's their new a new member to the family koda oh i love the cuddles that said it because he loves to sit on me now on my lap i can't he doesn't like it when i put stitching over the top of him yet he hasn't quite mastered that actually just relax relax um so as soon as anything goes over the top of him like when i try and bring my stitching in he gets a bit meh and then then i actually caught him sort of trying to bite at the back end of the of the chatter lane and i was like oh no so at the moment i can only i can only actually stitch when when he's not sat on me um and normally if he's not sat on me he's getting up to all sorts of mischief i mean we have him on what's called a house lead um so that literally he's got i don't know a two meter span around me but he can't go much further than that and i just attach it to my leg so that he can't run away or go and chew on things because he likes to do that and we've also got a pen down here but i don't like to leave him in his pen when i'm sat here stitching because he sits there and looks all sad at me um sometimes he'll go in there for time out but most of the time i like to just make sure that he goes in there for like when i'm working or there's you know bits and pieces that are happening um just so that he's used to it so there's a place that i can put him he's contained you know if i need to go out and without actually having to put him in a crate he's actually in a in like a pen so yeah yeah so we have a penned coder sometimes but yeah i'm hoping that we won't need to do that for very long and that you know he'll he'll fall into the you'll fall into the way fast enough but yeah so he's he's he's creating all sorts of fun in this house so i've had my hands full with the lovely coder and i will continue to have my hands full with this lovely little this lovely little poochie um until such time as he's old enough that he can be trusted to be left to his own devices um and not get into a ton of mischief um on top of that so the other reason that i've had very limit limited time um for stitching or anything in actual fact um is unfortunately um mum had to go undergo some testing um and we've had we've had some results back um of which yeah the news was not what we was hoping for um and we're not 100 sure of how how going forwards will pan out or you know whether there's a surgery option which i think is where we're heading at the moment um but it's whether there will be any treatment plan that will be put in place as well as or on top of or an alternative to um and because of that it's sort of thrown us all into a whirlwind because it's still very much an unknown we don't know we don't know what's going to happen um so yeah again it's it it's been you know it's been really quite difficult um to focus on anything because there's all these things you know if it's if it's not a little fur bag that i need to worry about it seems to be my mum i'm worrying about um so like i say because with my mum it's very much an unknown we still we still don't know um what the state of play is other than that we're now being referred to another team to see whether they feel that surgery is a good option for her whether there's a treatment plan that will go along with that surgery we do not know um but like i say um given that my mum lives she's like the worm at the end of the garden in her own house down now um given that my mum lives with me i am i am our main caregiver um so obviously all appointments um and bits and pieces i i get her around i take her to those appointments um as well as obviously day-to-day just making sure that she's okay so so yeah i don't i don't know i really don't know i i don't want to sit here and tell everyone don't worry i'll be back next month for another update a reality is for me right now i don't know that i will it depends whether it depends on really what the outcome is with my mum whether i've actually managed to get any stitching done i had time to do anything should we put you back you're getting all jumpy now so with everything that's going on with my mum um and obviously we're in the realms of we still don't know what's going to happen or you know what what the plan is or for how long that that plan will be in action time will be limited of course i still have to work i still have a beautiful little puppy that i need to look after and make sure that i get him trained and get cuddles and give him his exercise um but also i need to really the most important thing is make sure that my mum is okay um and that we're all looking after ourselves so that we can help look after her key most important um so this is it so in all honesty i will i mean it may be that i might have an option to do a little bit of stitching here and there or a little bit of knitting here and there but it might but not be enough that i can share it with you um on a flosstube video then it might be so minimal it's it's laughable um but then also it may be that it's just a time thing i might not have the time or the inclination to want to do a video i know that you always say how bright and bubbly and upbeat i am and i make you all smile well i have to be honest at the moment i don't think i am that bright and bubbly and everything's wonderful in the world attitude which then obviously would represent on my videos and i i wouldn't want you to sort of to see the the somber look let's say so yeah there's a lot going on in our lives here at the moment um i appreciate any well wishes that you sent to my mum my mum does read my comments um on my videos so if you'd like to leave out a nice little message there then of course we would love to have a lovely message to my mum and fingers crossed fingers crossed we will get over this hump and you know there will be nothing but good news and yeah and fun because we all love good news and fun in this house that's really the life update with an explanation as to why i've really had limited amount of stitching and limited knitting i am very limited on places like instagram and facebook right now given all the news and given all that's happening um as and where i can i do try to get on there but in all honesty i have avoided it like the plague because i just haven't been in the right mindset to go on to facebook or enter instagram so if you sent me messages on instagram or facebook and i haven't responded please don't be offended it's just yeah it's me it's not you it's me um so yeah right what else to tell you there's more people there is more and um um so a small amount of home that i got in back in november you know how much i'm loving the uh pedro's plaques needle minders well i had these on alder and they came so i have a a pumpkin here's my pumpkin and i've got a rather festive poinsettia for christmas so i've got one for one for autumnal and i've got one for festive christmas so i got those and also how can you not fall down this rabbit hole people so there are a lot of you especially those of you in the states that are all over the clay by kim's and they are gorgeous but we have a problem here in the uk in that we can't get our hands on them not for love no money and even those of you that are in the states that manage to get your hands on them sometimes i think it's it can still be quite tricky as to whether you you're lucky enough to get one or not well there is another lady on etsy and on facebook and it's called agnes little minders oh my i got introduced to this from a lovely lady at the um mirabilia not just mirabilia retreat and she had them in a little tin in front of her and you know when you get wowed she pointed me in the right direction and i got lucky i got so lucky now i did actually order this for myself to give to one of my family members for them to give it to me for christmas but of course now i've seen it i'm like no i want it i want to use it now i want it on a project now so i have got here this lovely little christmas dragon now i'm sorry about the light i've got lights above which is never good but it's still pretty dark here it's just starting to get daylight here in the uk this morning but would you look at how cute he is and he's holding like a little holly look at him he is adorable there we go let's cover him up absolutely adorable and it comes with a nice little back button as well that matches the magnets are really good magnets are really good so yeah i can see me purchasing quite a lot more of these she's doing like a winter collection at the moment she's got like i say i'll put the links below she's got an etsy store she's got a facebook group i think the facebook group is closed you have to sort of apply to the facebook group to join i asked to join the facebook group um i think she's got a website so all the details i'll put in the description box below but oh my god as soon as i saw that i was like oh i have to have one and it was so lovely and well packaged it arrived really good timing um yeah what can i say absolutely love love love love love love and he comes in his little box look at him yeah super excited to have a nice project for him to sit on and since it's like almost christmas now it makes total sense for him to come out and sit on sit on a project because it's christmas and he's festive so that's a little bit of hole that i done as well as for those there's been a number of people that have kept contacting me about the flush about this this floush thread which is a dmc single strand then it comes in a hank now here in the uk you'll struggle to get this in colors you can get it in white i did put the link on i think the last video um i'll put a link below again for the white here in the uk but all of the colors i found a company an etsy store in the usa called threads and links on etsy they've got this in almost every color that's available um yes it did cost me a bit to get it shipped but for those of you that are in the us that are looking for the floush threads and links i'll put it in the description box below as well but it looks like they they carry most of the colors or most of the available colors in the flush okay so for those of you that were asking that question and i also uploaded a video where i showed you how i handle my hanks or tame my hanks from that you'll know that i had a brand new hank that came in from silks for you all the way from good old australia this is colorway pr109 so it's all it's all batched up and ready for use it did come as one big huge hank but here are the colors would you look at that beautiful beautiful beautiful love love love love love love so and there's purples at the top on those two and blue at the top on that one so now i just need to find another rather gorgeous project to use for this i did have something in mind but yeah i think i might need to revisit that i'm going to revisit what i'm gonna use these for but yeah so that's my little bit of whole people from the last monthly update the stitching one i shared with you about the high heels collection and that kate at sparkly's as soon as she had an order big enough would be organizing and ordering um to get them shipped in i've already placed my order so mine are on their way however in the processes of that and now the lovely lindsay from canada had already reached out to the company that supplies the high hills collection and because i think she was trying to trying to get charts that were sort of becoming either possibly discontinued or um quite limited she'd already decided she was going to purchase some of these and as a thank you to me she she wanted to if you like gift me the high heels collection two and three so i have now received in the post all the way from canada from the lovely lindsay the collection number two here it is and the high heels collection [Applause] number three which means there is absolutely no reason for me now to wait and i should start stitching so that i can i can have my three sets so my plan is up in my dressing room there's a wall that sits between two very long windows and the wall is just wide enough so my high heels collection one which i shared with you on my last monthly update of the high heels collection i'm gonna frame all three identically and have all three in a row one on top of the other on that wall that's my plan in my dressing room so yeah i can't wait to get these stitched up now i am mindful people that high heels collection two and three i have now just received gifted from the lovely lindsay thank you so so much for your generosity lindsay however i have also placed my own order with kate at sparkly's so because of that i am mindful that some of you were probably like didn't get in quick enough to actually get your orders with kate at sparklies if you do still want to try your luck at getting your hands on the two charts i will put kate's details in the description box below for you to email her i'm not sure whether she's placed the order already or not um but what i will be doing is as i have placed my order with kate at sparkly's when i get mine i will do a giveaway for my high heels collection two and three because i have been generously gifted them already but once i get my ones in from kate as barclays i will do a giveaway um so yeah so if you're not lucky enough that you've got in before kate's placed her older and you do want to get your hands on it then use there is still a chance and fingers crossed you might be the lucky winner on the giveaway but like i say i can only offer that giveaway once my charts arrive from kate as barclays so watch that space what else to tell you um oh we do have another giveaway now please bear in mind that like i said i can't guarantee that there will be a video from me next month i can't guarantee what videos i'm gonna get up whether i just do a little bit of stitch with me or a little bit of something or or a lot of nothing you never know i really don't know what where where and what is gonna happen over the coming months um but i will place these as offers up now so if you are interested in some charts so the lovely cat hazel has had some charts that she said she thought my viewers might like i might enjoy to win so i said well if you've got anything that you want me to you know share with the flosstube community then let me know and i can do them as giveaways on my video so she has shared three gorgeous patterns or three three gorgeous charts of which i have to confess they're not something that i would stitch personally but that's not to say that you won't stitch them so the giveaway options we have here so she's offered up three charts one is marty bell the ginger cottage here it is so if you think you would like to stitch that in your comment say the word ginger it doesn't matter what you say just as long as ginger is in the word again don't mention the word giveaway just the word so the next one that she offered was a stoney creek collection and it's called a lamp upon my feet here it is so if you would like a chance to win this one then please say the word feet there we go say the word feet in your comment and you will enter the draw for that one and the final one that she's offering is uh again a stoney creek collection all things bright and beautiful here we go so if you like all things bright and beautiful then let's say the word rabbits because there's rabbits in it if you look lots of little rabbits so say the word rabbit or rabbits and you will get entered in the jaw for all things bright and beautiful like i say my intention is that you will see me again either before the end of the year or if not for a december update in january but given that right now i'm unsure what's what's happening in our world what's likely to happen i can't guarantee for sure so please know that if you do not see me um [Music] we are we are okay we are dealing with life and we're dealing with family stuff um and if i don't comment on comments or reply on instagram or facebook again please know it's just that i'm not i'm not doing the whole social media thing right now i mean i don't do it very much anyway but i'm doing it even less now but i just wanted you all to know that so don't don't think that you're being ignored there's just there's just a lot going on in our lives right now that we need to be focusing on us and family and not so much of the other stuff so yeah so there we go that's the update um update on the loft conversion so darren love him has basically been spending all of his time up there doing it like a one-man band uh the building inspectors came in yesterday and signed off all the insulation so we're all good and the building has started so we're building all the rooms out now so again that's all still moving that's all still going on um and as and when i can very limitedly i do go up there and give him a hand you know taping things and you know sweeping those sorts of things i'm not really good to men or beast at the moment um so i'm not that much help to him but it is still moving forwards we are hopeful that at some point early next year we will be up now um i think i think darren's idea of having us up there by christmas or new year is a bit unrealistic i could be wrong i doubt that though because we've still got to bring plasterers in so i think if we didn't need to bring plasterers in we might be in with the shot of going getting up there by christmas but or christmas or new year but in all honesty the fact that we've still got to bring trades people in to come and come and do the plastering i really don't see that happening so yeah so i think i think january sometime in january will be more more in line with when we're likely to be upstairs so there we go thank you so so much people um and i will thank you ahead of time for the love and support that i always get on this channel and i'm sorry if i don't appear to be as upbeat as i normally am um i think you have to be in the right headspace and right now i'm probably not right there i'm not not there that's not to say that it's all doom and gloom and i'm beside myself because i'm not i'm just maybe not up there where i normally am so so yeah but if i don't see you all or you don't all see me before christmas then for those of you that celebrate christmas i wish you a very merry christmas and hope you have all wonderful festivities we will be having festivities here my whole family are coming please stay safe please make sure you get the opportunity to to love the ones that we love spend time with the people that we love and until next time people bye bye for now [Music]
Channel: Teresa Little Stitcher
Views: 9,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flosstube, cross stitch, WIPS, hardanger, drawn thread, cross stitch full coverage for beginners, teresa little stitcher, teresalittlestitcher, purelite, lowery stand cross stitch, bella filipina cross stitch, blackwork cross stitch, soda stitch cross stitch patterns, mirabilia cross stitch, longdog samplers, dmc floche, floche thread, stitching ideas, arts and crafts, cross stitching, arts and crafts ideas, caterpillar cross stitch
Id: 3dbFO4jay2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 3sec (3303 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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