Flosstube #4: Getting Out of My Comfort Zone

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hi stitchy friends welcome back to stitchy sarah reads if this is your first time joining me welcome i'm glad you're here if you've watched my flaws too before and you're back for more thanks for coming i'm glad you're here um so as i mentioned stitchy sarah reads you can find me at the same name on instagram make sure you do sarah with an h um all one word so come find me we can connect on instagram i love talking to other cross stitchers and seeing what you're stitching and and uh and just being part of the cross stitching community so hi okay so it's been quite a while since i filmed my last video it's been about three weeks um august has been a very busy month for me we recently took our kids to um back to school my daughter we had to take her up to brooklyn we live in ohio we took her up to brooklyn to move into her first apartment she and some of her school friends are living in an apartment off campus she goes to pratt institute for fashion design so um it's mildly terrifying to take your child and leave her in the big city uh when you're not from a big city she was the first person to move into the apartment so i was a little scared about her living there by herself so um but she's doing fine um as i knew she would but i'm a mom i worry so and i watch way too many true crime pop listen to too many true crime podcasts so that's not helpful um so she's at school she's been there since august 7th um then we moved my son into his dorm last weekend he's a lot closer to home thank goodness he's at columbus college of art and design he's studying illustration he's feeling a little homesick he's feeling a little nervous about school so um you know send him some good vibes if you don't mind he uh but he'll be fine he starts classes on monday so i'm hoping once he gets to meet more people and gets into a routine with school that he'll start to feel a little more comfortable and a little happier there so yeah hopefully that'll happen um tomorrow is my daughter's birthday her 21st birthday happy birthday maggie she probably does not watch this but in case she does she'll see that um so yeah we celebrated her birthday before she left but um hopefully she and her friends have a happy and safe time um so yeah that's what's been going on around here um i did go back to school myself i am a teacher i teach fourth grade so i just finished up day seven with students so here we are um it's been a pretty good start to the school year um my class is a really nice group of kids it's nice to get to know them and i'm just hoping for a very very safe and healthy and happy school year and um and starting off on a positive note so far so i can't ask for more than that so i've been very busy with all of those things um which is why i haven't been on here so sorry for the long the long wait i know you guys were waiting with baited breath for me to come back right anyway um i know one reason you might be excited to see me again is because i am doing a giveaway i promised when i reached a thousand subscribers that i would do a giveaway my mom if you haven't been here before my mom makes project bags she and my sister have an etsy shop called painted leaf company where they sell plants and project bags and other stuff so go check them out but my mom was so generous to make and donate two beautiful project bags i'll show you the backs for me to give away on my channel so thank you mom i have picked the winners i will be announcing the winners at the end of my video so you're gonna have to watch all of this to find out who wins or you can fast forward i guess i'll never know right anyway um so that's that um real quick before i get into the stitching stuff by the way i did not mention hopefully you figured it out from my cross stitch from my floss tube name this is a channel about cross stitch um i think stitchy sarah reeds might have given that away so that's what i do here i talk about cross stitch but before i do that i wanted to talk a little bit about floss tube so my friend jen and i um started a stitchy club in our neighborhood oh my god i'm sorry my dog is walking all over my stuff please stop okay he's not stopping all right i'm gonna pretend he's not here um we started a stitchy club in our neighborhood as a way to get to know some neighbors and um get to know if there's any people in our neighborhood who cross stitch there were a couple which was awesome and um and it's been a fun thing we just started a few months ago so it's been a fun experience but we just had stitchy club on thursday night and my friend jen told everybody that i have a floss tube um and most of them are like what's flosstube um and so like trying to explain flosstube to someone who who may not be as into stitching as um probably most of us are because i'm assuming if you're here watching me you're probably as obsessed with cross stitch as i am um but trying to explain that to someone who isn't familiar with floss tube was a little tricky um so you know i was like well flosstube is a place where stitchers share the things they're stitching it's a great place to like get inspiration for projects you might want to start it's a great place to be introduced to new designers that you've never stitched before i've learned a lot of great tips and tricks for cross stitching on floss tube um you know but for me in particular flosstube has been a place that's really challenged me to get outside my comfort zone as a stitcher i've been stitching since i was a little kid and i'm a very seasoned stitcher just meaning i'm old so i've been doing it for a long time but i am not a very like risky stitcher i don't and i've mentioned this before i'm not a person who typically like will go with a really bold fabric choice i'm not a person who feels entirely comfortable changing my floss colors like i'm like okay the designer stitched it like this they wanted it like this i'm gonna leave it like that because they know what they're doing right um but then i watch flosstube and i see all these people who are like oh i decided to stitch it on this fabric or i decided to just change the whole color palette and i'm always amazed by people who can just do that and so um for me cross stitch or sorry floss tube has been just that place that's just kind of like nudging me out of my comfort zone and um [Music] and so i like it i like i like feeling that creativity being inspired inside of me and so um i hope you can't hear my dog ringing the bells just a disclaimer to anybody out there who's watching me my dog already went to the bathroom so you don't need to feel sorry for him that he's ringing the bells he's just ringing the bells because my husband is outside mowing the grass and so he wants to go hang out outside don't come at me because you think i'm not letting my dog outside to use the bathroom just saying it because it's happened anyway moving on um so i'm gonna go ahead anyway and get started with my haul um i've been ordering some things doing a little retail therapy to help cheer myself up since my children are long no longer home so i'm gonna start please don't step on my stuff excuse me oh my god um here since he's here i'll show you i hope he doesn't bite me this is toby [Laughter] he's my he's my old dog he's my 11 year old rat terrier he's been part of our family for a very long time he's my little old man his breath is rancid um he doesn't usually come downstairs very often but he's here he wants attention it's because my kids are no longer home so he's just kind of like he's he's feeling a little lost right now but here he is you've never met him there he is he's my he's my handsome old man okay can you go play for now okay bye or not okay um speaking of dogs excuse me speaking of dogs i got my little friend daisy here too you gotta say hi to her hello she always sits in my lap when i do these videos so she's always close by can't kiss toby because he sometimes he will bite me because he's a grumpy old man anyway there's my dogs moving on i want to start with my haul show you some things i've been buying lately so let's start with fabrics so i am a part of jody's fabric of the month club i'm talking about jody from steel city stitchers she is a fabric dyer her fabrics are amazing they're bold they're bright they're colorful and you never know what you're going to get so every month when you get that package from her it's like a surprise oh i just showed you um so i'm always super excited to see what she sent me every month and you get two pieces so i always choose i get um 36 count linen so here's my first one i love it it's very bold it's actually looking a little bit washed out it's a lot bolder and brighter than this but it's super pretty i love it i love the modeling and i'm thinking maybe like a summary pattern would look cool on this so i might be saving this until until i'm back around a stitching summer again or like a bright spring piece who knows i also got this fabric from jody which i love love i think it's probably my favorite one she's sent me so far and i have a fun plan for this one i'll show you in a little bit i love it i love all those greens i love the modeling so those were my august fabric of the month from jody and i got another piece of fabric from be stitch me this was a friday night fight night that she does on her facebook page it is a 32 count linen it doesn't have a name but i love it i'm getting all the fall vibes from this so i'm just i'm just searching for a special something to stitch on here i have an idea but i'm not positive if i if i decide to stitch something on this i'll keep you updated all right i also saw on instagram fire poppies um said that they had some x2 design fabrics in stock so i had to go snatch those up i've never stitched on x2 design so i was totally excited to get some this one is a 36 count linen called deep sea green i love it it's gorgeous and i've got another 36 count linen from x2 design this one is called early halloween i love it look at the like yellows and browns and grays perfect i know i'm pretty sure that bobby from pumpkin creek primitives i'm pretty sure she's stitching her hawk run holo halloween at hawk run hollow on a piece of this fabric it is stunning so i cannot wait to find something to stitch on that um so that's the fabric i've gotten recently i also excuse me i also got some patterns um i ordered this one this is sleepy hollow from hello from liz matthews i've had my eye on this one for quite a while i love it i love that tree i love those grumpy pumpkins and the owls and the bats i mean this one just screams halloween in your face um so here's a funny i don't know about funny but here's a story for you um i had just kidded this up um on thursday and i found a nice neutral fabric that was um similar to the one this is stitched on i pulled out all the um called for dmc's i was like cool i'm ready to go i'm ready to stitch this and then i watched the latest episode of steel city stitchers and kristen from steel city stitchers is stitching this um but is she stitching it on a neutral of course not she's stitching it in fact hold up she's stitching it on something that looks very similar to my new x2 design fabric her she's stitching on something that's similar to this which blew my mind hold up i was like what the heck i would have never i would have never thought to stitch this on something that resembles this it wasn't exactly this fabric it was probably something that jody died but it was stunning her stitching just popped right off that fabric it was gorgeous and then i went back upstairs after the video and i was like oh i don't want to stitch it on a neutral anymore that's kind of boring so i was looking back at my fabrics and that one that jody sent me this one i think would be perfect i think it would be really pretty so i'm going to stitch it on this so we'll see how it goes so um you know how i mentioned earlier how floss tube really gets me out of my comfort zone well here i am because i would have never ever in a million years like picked this out and said okay this is this will be good never but after seeing kristin's i decided to go for it i decided to try something that i wouldn't normally do and i'm gonna go for it so thank you kristen for inspiring me to think outside the box because i want mine to look as good as yours because yours looks amazing so i cannot wait to start this it's gonna happen maybe today it's gonna be awesome so hopefully i'll have some progress to show you when i come back in two weeks on my next video okay another pattern that i got um now i got these two as a thank you gift hmm yeah i can tell you i got these as a thank you gift from liz matthews hello from liz matthews for a little something that i helped her with that i'll tell you about in a minute um but she was so generous to offer me um a couple of patterns from her collection as a thank you um i so i told her i was like oh i would i would love either um quaker pumpkins or butterfly clothes she sent me both thank you liz i love them oh my gosh i've seen this one stitched up so many times on instagram i'm dying to stitch it myself it is gorgeous and this one i've seen stitched up so many times in fact my friend milka from mega stitches go check her out on flosstube and instagram she's stitching this right now and i was uh i was telling her how beautiful it was the other day and how i want to stitch it and she was like you should join me so guess what milka i'm gonna join you i gotta get it up first [Laughter] thank you liz i love them i can't wait to stitch them i love them love them love them love them so i have those and um another thing i want to show you got my most recent issue of just cross stitch these magazines are kind of hit and miss with me sometimes but sometimes i got some really good stuff in them so uh like this month this month they've got a witchy stitcher design oh my gosh can you even with this cat look at his candy corn hat look at his little his little teal aquaman aquamarine bow tie whatever color that is look at that bat up there i mean shut up those little striped socks come on our leggings or whatever the heck those are i love him so much i need to stitch him now love it so he's in the new um just cross stitch magazine check it out okay cool so that was that was not all my haul i forgot something else uh full disclaimer this is my second time filming this video i filmed the whole thing and i was not impressed with myself so i decided to film it again um hopefully one of these will be worth putting up so we'll see okay so i did get one more thing um i was enabled by liz matthews and steph schaffner from just keep stitching and um if you've been watching those two ladies at all you know they're all into the stickers and the planners i'm not a planner person i suck at keeping up with a planner but i just love seeing their layouts and their um book of days so i wanted to give it a try i did not purchase a book of days i just went ahead and um purchased a planner at michael's um they were on sale and i had like some reward dollars so i thought i would um just purchase a plant just a regular planner i got this one from recollections it's got this bee on it and it's just got like some just basic you know monthly layouts i haven't put anything in here yet so don't get too excited but just regular monthly layouts and um then just like pages where you could you know write down things for each day and stuff so um i'd like to give it a try i even bought some stickers i just got like a little sticker booklet from michaels as well again from recollections this is the fall and winter collection and um it's got some really cute stickers in it so i thought i'd give it a try um i thought maybe i would start off by just like keeping track of what whips i um touch each day so um i know the last time i went into keepsakes with my friend jen we saw steph there and she was telling um she was telling jen about how she color codes her whips and uses that to help her keep track of you know what she's working on throughout the month so i think i'm going to give that a try so i'll keep you updated um i know steph talks about her sticker obsession on their channel just keep stitching she's got a little section called stickers with steph stuff stickers something like that um and liz just created an instagram where she talks about her stickers so um i forget what her instagram is called but i will link it below so you can go check her out too okay awesome let's move right into finishes before i show you anything new i wanted to pull this back out now i had showed this a couple videos ago and i asked for some feedback and boy did i get it and then i forgot to give you guys an update on what the feedback was sorry um i had asked uh if you guys liked my finish as is oh by the way this is the frosted pumpkins um christmas celebration sampler so i just wanted to know do you guys like the finish as is or do you think it needs a little more embellishment i was thinking maybe like a bow or something and you guys spoke i heard you loud and clear most of you were like no way no bow leave it as is it looks great and i agree i'm not a very fussy finisher so i actually like it like this but i didn't know if it looked like too sparse so um it felt nice to hear you guys say no we like it like this so it's staying like this i love it so thank you for giving me some feedback on that i appreciate it all right so moving into finishes i don't have a whole lot um i did work on the prairie schooler prairie birds i didn't stitch all of them but i stitched this little one here the little excuse me little gold i stitched that up for my dad and his wife ann as a little token of thanks they let us borrow their truck to move our kids to their respective schools and apartments and dorms and so i wanted to just give them a little thank you i did we did give them a little gift card too to go out to eat um but i stitched this little thing up for them the little girl finches just put it in this little um like frame thing uh i hope they like it it's uh stitched on i believe it's a wichita fabric it's i'm pretty sure it's a 32 count and i think the color is like mediterranean sea or mediterranean blue but there it is i hope they like it it was just a simple easy little stitch they love birds they have lots of bird feeders out back they're always watching the birds so hopefully hopefully they'll enjoy this okay um before i show you sorry i got some dog fur on my finish before i show you like the grand finale of finishes here sorry that sounds like really exciting i mean it is exciting anyway before i show you that i'm gonna show you a couple of older finishes of mine um i was watching the other day i was watching um the soda stitcher soda like minnesota i was watching shannon bromo and um she likes to show um like older cross stitch magazines she'll do like a little flip through and show you like what kind of patterns were in there or like older like cross stitch books and show you what patterns were in there and i almost died because she pulled out this magazine in her last video this magazine is from october of 1996. i've had it for a very very long time i have quite a collection of old cross-stitch magazines i used to i used to um subscribe to all of them and um she pulled this out and she was showing some of the charts in it and one of the charts she showed was this it's called harvest witch and it's designed by lori birmingham and i almost died because i stitched this a long time ago like 20 something years ago um and i still have it and i still put it out sometimes for halloween so i was i went down to my basement today because i went to get all my fall and halloween decorating stuff and i wanted to show it to you guys so there's the there's the pattern and here's mine doesn't look too bad for like 20 something years right yeah so i stitched this a long long time ago and my mom turned it into like a wall hanging for me because i did not sew it all back then um so yeah it's just a simple wall hanging um i love this it's still very vibrant i love the very bright orange color in the pumpkin and in her hair her eyes are french knots which my mom must have done because i don't know how to do a french knot to save my life but there they are right and uh just got some some buttons that i think i picked up with like joanne's or something a long time ago so i love it so i thought i'd pull that out uh because i just thought it was funny that shannon showed this chart on her and her channel the other day i was like i've stitched that i've got to show it so here you go shannon i stitched the harvest switch um i just thought that was fun uh another older finish not as not quite as old um this is another this is from another older magazine this one's from 2008 just cross stitch i stitched up this kitty cat it's a brittle cup designs pattern um aaron from steel city stitchers has been stitching some of those designs as well and so i wanted to pull mine out i stitched it a few years ago and i framed it last year so here it is it's just in a simple frame that i got from like michael's or something um i'm not loving sorry i don't give you any glare i'm not loving the finish i don't like all the blank space on either side of the cat so what i think i'm gonna do is i think i'm gonna take it out of the frame and re-ffo it as a pillow for my double but i love it it's so cute i stitched it on uh looks like a maybe a 16 count oatmeal ada but it's such a cute i just love the simplicity of the design i like how the cat is just like an outline it's not all the way filled in i like the little pink heart on his little watches there so cute so it's fun to kind of pull out some of those old charts and and old things you've stitched and and just see you know do we still like it today is it i don't think i don't think those are really outdated the harvest which might be a little bit but this one i think is so cute i think this is kind of a timeless design okay my final finish that i want to show you today is really special to me um because uh it was a collaboration that i did with liz matthews from hello from liz matthews um she asked me and some other flosstubers and instagramers to help her out with one of her new designs that she's releasing for expo and uh when she asked me i was i was honored and i just i couldn't say yes fast enough um let me first show you her design and then we'll talk about it so here is one of her new designs it's called after the rain you can see it's a collection of these really bright and colorful like boho style rainbows and uh you can see all the different color combinations that she's got there and um so she had an idea for this pattern she really wanted to showcase the versatility of the pattern um by by presenting different color conversions but instead of her creating the different color conversions she asked she asked us to come up with our own color conversion our own color palette so she gave us the chart and said what colors would you use and so um some of the color conversions that i've seen are so beautiful she like i mentioned shannon a minute ago from soda stitcher she did a color conversion she did like a skin tone color conversion to honor um the diversity in her family she has several people of color in her family so she wanted to create like a a piece of diversity and inclusivity which i thought was really cool um julie from uh kansas city girl in colorado world she designed a really fun conversion she did she stitched hers on like a chalkboard um color fabric and she did like pastels so it kind of looks like kind of looks like when you go outside and little kids have been like drawing on the on the pavement with chalk and that's what it looks like it's so pretty um just so many pretty i know elizabeth inc and stitch did a color conversion and kia b um i think olivia from pumpkin hollow quilts and so just to be included in that group already just like blew my mind i was really honored um so i was like yeah i'll do it and then it came time for me to choose my color palette and i've already mentioned several times i'm not the type of person who's good at that i'm not the type of person who would think to do that i would get this chart i would i would go and pull the floss colors that are called for and i would just stitch it up how it looks and that and i would be thrilled with that so for me to have to come up with my own color conversion was a bit of a challenge um but it was an awesome challenge because again flosstube gets me out of my comfort zone so here we are i'm out of my comfort zone and i think i did okay um i hope you think i did okay so i did stitch up a little piece of this model um i didn't stitch the whole thing i just kind of took like a chunk of four rainbows here um just to showcase my color conversions and so here's my finished piece i love it i love it i love it i love it so you can see i've got some like bright yellows i got some oranges and mustardy colors this one's actually like a rust color it's coming across a little more like red some pinks and blues and i got a brown in there um so and i stitched this on the same fabric that i stitched this on so that's that witchalt 32 count in the mediterranean blue mediterranean sea mediterranean something um so yeah i stitched it up i really loved how it turned out i love the simplicity of the design um so i really just wanted to kind of i didn't want my finish to be very fussy because i just wanted to i wanted the design to be the focal point um and so i'm very pleased with that i have actually been having it sitting on my shelf in fact i'm going to sit it here behind me so you can still see it so that's what i stitched up so let me show you my color palette and kind of talk a little bit about my thought process with that now um don't get too excited there's nothing like like ground breaking or like amazing about my about my inspiration or anything but um i just went to i just went to joann's and i was standing in front of the dmc floss and i didn't really go in with a plan i was just like i'm just gonna like pick up whatever speaks to me so i was literally just going in and like grabbing colors like oh i'd love that one that grabbed my eye oh i love oh that's gonna look good with this color and so i had like whole bunches of colors when i got home and i just spent some time just trying let's just grouping them in different groupings and looking at them and thinking about them and i finally after like days of just reconfiguring i finally settled on this color palette right here um so there's 12 different dmc colors i will put the um numbers in the description box below but i really liked this color combination it really spoke to me um it really felt like like very current for me as far as like you know seasonally um you know being like kind of like the dog days of summer we're leading into fall these colors you know you've got like the golds and the and the orange you know the rusty colors um those kind of those are really like fall colors to me but then you've got like these pinks and blues over here and those kind of like feel summery to me and so i just you know it's kind of the changing of the season kind of like those dog days of summer where you know you might have some really hot days but then you might get up in the morning and there's a chill in the air you know something that one that makes you want to go grab a sweatshirt or a sweater and and just cozy up with a nice steaming cup of coffee so i just i like the feeling that it evoked in me seeing these colors together and so that's um that's where my color palette came from just the feeling of late summer just uh transitioning into early fall and and fall is my favorite time of year it's when my birthday is so come on um so i just i it just made me feel cozy i loved this color com combination and i hope you guys will like it too i just thought those colors all worked really well together so i had a lot of fun choosing those so liz thank you so much for including me in this project i had a lot of fun with it it really got me out of my comfort zone but it felt so awesome to take a piece of ownership in this project and and create something new using your beautiful designs so best of luck to you releasing all of your new designs i i think this is going to go over well with stitchers i'm interested to see if other people come up with their own color conversions that would be really fun if you want to see all of the color conversions go watch liz's most recent video she just posted a video yesterday august 20th with her mom kathy barrack and they showed all their new releases for expo so i've already um placed a pre-order with my lns uh because there were definitely some things i want to get for my own collection um to stitch so go check that out she also um sent out information in her newsletter so if you're not subscribed to her newsletter i believe that you there's a link in her bio that you could follow to do that so go check it out and support liz because she is a beautiful human she's awesome okay fantastic let's move in to my whips okay so what have i been stitching let's start with this one one of my excuse me one of my favorites this is halloween at hawk run hollow i've shown it to you before i'm still working in this top block here with that little skeleton and the creepy haunted house and that grumpy moon up there so let me show you where i'm at it's still in the uh q snap cause i'm still working on it here we are i have finished the tombstones and the grass down here got my skeleton and the words we do lie beneath beneath the grass i put a little ghost in here and now i'm working on the house and i'm i just have so much fun with this i'm stitching this on a 40 count linen from mystic fabrics in the color viterus i just love the modeling in there i don't know if you can tell but there's like some greeny colors in here which makes it look kind of spooky to me so i love it i'm going to keep working on it which is why it's still my q snap um i am not going to finish this anytime soon but i'm going to have fun making progress so there we are okay moving on i am also stitching let me grab something else here sorry like i said this is my second time filming so i kind of threw all my stuff farther out um oh my next one is in my pumpkin bag i got one on my own and of course i got the notions bag for all my flosses um i'm stitching i just started this this is a new start by the way i'm stitching midnight watch from uh blackbird designs i saw this in mellie ellie's whip parade on flosstube hers looks lovely so i was like i gotta stitch this don't get too excited i haven't done a whole lot yet i just have a tiny start on that house i'm a center starter so i'm starting like right on either on one of the sides of these door of this door here um so yeah that's all i've got that's all i've got nothing too crazy um i'm it's interesting though because the the color that i'm using is more like a tan beige brown type of color whereas the house in this picture is like gray um so i'm using the called for floss i didn't change anything um so i'm guessing just the dye a lot looks a little bit different this this design came out in like 2008 i think um so maybe the dial-ups just look a little bit different but i'm not i'm not sad about it it looks cute so far the little tiny bit i have got my new needle minder i needed a fall needle miner so i got the black fall cat from flamingo toes on etsy love it um so i'm gonna keep working on this this is actually the same fabric as this i love that fabric that's that 40 count viterus from misty mystic fabrics um so i thought it would look good for this one as well okay moving right along oh boy sorry uh sticking with the blackbird designs i am also stitching away we ride um i love this i saw it stitched up at keepsakes when i was there recently so i knew i needed to stitch it myself and so here's where i'm at so far i'm working on sorry you just see through that i'm working on the house um i'm in the middle of doing the door right now i love the variegation in the color of the house itself i am using all of the called for floss um mostly the fancy flosses but the dmc conversion for the ones i couldn't to get my hands on i'm stitching this on 32 count murky from picture this plus and i'm using my new needle minder that i got at the summer stitch day for keepsakes it says keeps peeps um it was designed by rebel stitcher um for all of her keepsakes friends because she was local to us but she recently moved away so thank you colleen for designing such a cute needle binder okay all right what else have i been stitching goodness gracious um oh my next one i'm keeping in my cats on bicycles bag from my mom's company she does have some of these in stock in her shop um in here i keep my lindy stitches stars bright i love this one i've shown it before i love those birds i love all the colors i love the saying it says we would be together and have our books and at night be warm in our bed together with the windows open and the stars bright i am stitching this on a beautiful vibrant jody fabric that i purchased at stitch con um hold on a second it's a little darker than i probably would have chosen but once i saw it i couldn't unsee it so i had to use it for this chart and i'm not sad about that gosh sorry that's a mess so here's where i'm at i've been working on the um quilt squares around the outside edges i have um the top part of the words done and now i'm starting on um on this bird over here so that's where i'm at so far slow progress but it is a very fun stitch um there is a lot of color changing especially when you're working on those quilt squares so it does seem to take a little bit longer sorry about all my frayed edges i need to take care of that that's messy looking and i'm using my little made to create needle minder from caterpillar cross stitch love that one as you guys know lindy stitches is one of my favorite designers she's got some really cool um new releases coming out for expo so definitely go check her out i love it she's so quirky and fun i love her designs okay um let's see next in another painted leaf company bag this one was called bees and blooms um i am working on another one of my favorite designers the blue flower this one is called huckleberry farm i love it i love all of the little animals the little bears the little bird i love um the little beast gap up here so beaut like there's so many things to look at in this chart it's just so beautiful to look at so i'm stitching it on a 40 count linen from color and cotton in the color mocha and sorry that my fabrics are so wrinkly i don't iron anything before i show it to you so here we are i've been i'm a center starter so i started in the center there i've got my butterfly i've got this little motif here and the bird my huckleberries and my little bear so it's coming along i'm making some progress here and there i think it's pretty i love it the stitches are this 40 count the stitches are just so tiny and dainty i love it i'm newly i'm a i'm a new 40 count stitcher i just started stitching on 40 count at stitch cons so i've been doing it very long but i really like uh how tiny and and sweet the the um stitches look and stitching with one thread versus two is so much faster because um you don't have to worry about how your stitches are lying you don't have to worry about like railroading your stitches so although it does take a little bit longer because sometimes the holes are hard to see but it's fine i really like how it looks okay um let's see what's next i showed that already um oh here we go a couple videos ago i had shown you guys two charts from the blue flower that i was considering starting and this was one of them and you guys said definitely do this one so i had started this it's called acorns by the blue flower and if you recall from my last bit well if you watched my last video you saw that i'd actually started it i'm stitching it on a 36 count linen but i did one thread over two and um and i didn't like the coverage it just wasn't the coverage wasn't um enough so i decided to frog it and restart now i'm stitching this on a 36 count linen from mystic fabrics in the color lemongrass so let me show it to you so i had a restart this one i worked on in the car on the way to and from taking my daughter to new york so i've had a little time to work on it let me put it on my board here okay and i am so glad i restarted i think it's looking so much nicer than it was i like the coverage a lot better sorry this isn't only laying flat there we go liking the coverage a lot better i love how bold all of the colors are showing up on this fabric this fabric isn't it's a little more green in person than it's showing up maybe if i hold it back here yeah you can see that a little bit better um so i finished the letters and now i get to work on those adorable little squirrels and their little acorns and all the leaves and stuff and then of course put the um border around it eventually so this has been a really fun stitch too i just love i love all those colors it's beautiful yeah um speaking of favorite designers and expo releases i don't know if you guys have seen the blue flowers new releases but they are gorgeous she's got a new one called moonlight sampler that has all these adorable little animals on it it's got a little owl and i know it has a dog and a cat and i cannot wait to get my hot little hands on that one i'm gonna stitch it up and it's gonna be beautiful it's gorgeous it's probably my favorite of her designs so far as soon as i saw it i contacted keepsakes and i said can you put that on my pre-order list please thank you yes i can't wait okay couple more to show you um i've been working on my sals my stitch alongs so this first one is from the frosted pump well they're both from the frosted pumpkin and this one um i purchased the kit so it's being stitched on uh the ada that came with the kit it's um picture this plus heartland in 14 count aida and i just love this i love how brilliant the colors are now up until yesterday i was all caught up but yesterday where they released the final clue it goes down here so um i'm really excited to get that stitched up and finished and then i believe next month they're going to give us um the finishing instructions to turn this into a pillow so i cannot wait i cannot wait to display this at christmas time i love that they made this a cell if they just like released this pattern all at once i would have been like that's cute but i am not stitching all that that's a lot but just having it all split up month by month over several months has made this a really manageable and enjoyable project and i love it i cannot wait to finish it it's going to be awesome so hopefully when you see me again i'll have the stitching all finished so there's that i'm also doing the frosted pumpkin cozy cafe cell i'm not all caught up on that i am still working on the most recent clue but i think another one's coming out soon so i gotta i gotta crack down and finish this one so this one features all the really cute um drinks right we've got the got the mocha we got the tea the matcha got the strawberry lemonade now i'm working on a sparkling water over here i purchased the kit this is the 28 count opal cashel linen from picture this plus um and this is just a fun one too this is gonna be so cute so cute [Applause] so hopefully i'll be all cut up on this one the next time i see you too i do like to try to stay current on my cells i don't like to get behind because it stresses me out [Music] okay um oh i think that was i think that was all my lips okay fantastic so that's what i've been working on recently what have you guys been working on recently i'd like to see or i'd like for you to tell me i hope you can't hear the lawn mower outside my husband's mowing he's probably gonna be finished in a minute so i gotta hurry um so those are all my whips i do plan on working on my styles getting those caught up i know the final clue for little women the stitching book club was released so i want to get that out and finish it it would be fun to have that ffo before i see you next time so maybe i'll try to get that done um so those are my tentative plans um what you guys are really here for is my giveaway right yes so it's time to give away these beautiful bags now don't fear if oh gosh i bent it sorry there we go if uh never fear if you do not win one of these beautiful bags my mom has them in her shop she's got both of these in her shop but uh supplies are limited so don't dilly dally if you want these okay she is working on some amazing new fabrics um and i think she just posted a sneak peek on her instagram on their instagram today for their um shop painted leaf company so go check it out and i'll be posting it on my instagram as well but here let's get down to the winners of these beautiful bags so our first winner of the bee bag and you guys liked this one there were 236 of you that wanted this our first winner is barb weiss congratulations barb likes um spelled w-y-k-e-s if i can figure out how to put a picture in i'll put it here otherwise i'm gonna look really silly pointing at nothing so hopefully there's a picture there so barb if that's you and that's your comment contact me give me your address and i will ship this out to you okay the next one i was giving away was the beautiful pumpkins bag um there were 208 of you who commented on this one and wanted this one and our winner is shelly metfeld shelley sorry shellymatfeld m-a-t-t-f-e-l-d and again if i can i'll put a picture of her comment here so shelley if that's you please contact me i'm going to put my email in the description box um or you could contact me on instagram give me your address and i will ship those right out to you now if i don't hear from either of you ladies i will be going to the next person on the list so i did i did pick a couple of winners so i do have somebody lined up after you guys if i don't hear from you but hopefully i hear from you because i would like to get those bags out to you so you can start using them okay fantastic um well i got that in under an hour awesome um i hope you guys enjoyed my video i will not be doing a book talk today i did read a book um but it's been almost three weeks since i finished it so i'm a little fuzzy on the details uh as i mentioned before this is my second attempt at doing this video and the first one i really botched my book talks i'm not going to try that again there was just so much going on in the book that i read that i had a really hard time talking about it without giving any spoilers and that's no fun um so i might just post like a mini review on my instagram if you want to see it um but i'm not going gonna try to just freestyle talk about it here um just because like i said i'm a little fuzzy on the details i just haven't read a whole lot lately because i've been so busy but i'm hopefully uh now that i'm starting to get back into a routine hopefully i'll get back to my um reading and be able to do the book talk because uh you guys liked my book talk thank you i got a lot of positive feedback about it i will always keep the book talk at the end of my video that way if it's not your thing you can just sign off and you won't miss any of the cross stitch um but for today i'm not gonna we're gonna skip it for today so anyway i hope you guys are doing well um i hope all of your families are staying safe and healthy and and especially with people going back to school and everything um yeah so i would love to hear from you i'd love to hear your comments i do read all of the comments um as i mentioned i i was busy the last few weeks i did not get to reply to all of the comments i replied to some of them but i read every single one and i do give the little heart like like um thing to all of them so i really appreciate all of your comments and i read all of them so thank you for taking the time to comment on my video and and to show me um that you enjoy my content i couldn't do it without you guys and if you guys weren't here watching i would just be sitting and talking into the void so thank you so much um i'll see you soon i'll see you in a couple of weeks i'm hoping to post another video by september 4th or 5th so that's going to be about two weeks from now um and maybe if i ever get into a really good groove maybe i'll do every week but for now we'll stick with two weeks i think that'll be sufficient um so until then happy stitching guys see ya
Channel: Stitchy Sarah Reads
Views: 1,568
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Id: NL0gUknuyxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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