FlossTube #203 - Pam & Steph Love a Long Weekend

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hi flosstube hello flosstube i'm pam and i'm stephanie and this is just keeps kitchen episode 2 0 3 1 plus 1 plus 1 plus 100 plus 10 plus 20 plus 35 plus 30 plus 5 is 203 plus welcome back everybody hello people and a special hello to anybody that has just found our channel um welcome aboard if you are new here we hope that uh you um came for the laughs and stayed for the stitching yeah how's that or that come campus if you can stay for the last maybe or came for the last and the stitching stayed for the last because of the stitching in the in the lives hey there's we're just glad you're here okay yeah there's a flavor a floss tube for just about anybody just about everybody and the fact that you took the time out of your day on a long weekend no less in the united states anyway um to try this flavor of flosstube yeah this is this is what we would say what what flavor would it be if we were a flavor pam and don't you dare say rocky road uh i really i'm gonna say um harlequin what is that oh she doesn't even know um and i'm at ice cream cones hall and i do not know what a harlequin ice cream is we used to call it harlequin the one that came in the carton that was three flavors three flavors oh that's not called that anymore clearly nothing's called that anymore now i gotta look it up what uh the chocolate vanilla strawberry that's what i was thinking of neapolitan maybe yes that's what it is yes i was gonna say that we are like a like a peanut butter chip okay whatever we're like smooth and creamy for the most part and then there's just like little bits of crunch anyway don't ask me where she comes up with this anyway we hope that you all have had a great week we sure have yeah we've had a we've had a good week um we had some sort of off and on rain but we've also had a lot of sunshine yes so um i guess that's spring and the cool and it's been cool these last couple days which has been lovely yeah yeah lovely um it'll get hot soon enough oh it will so savor the cool days while we can correct um so a couple of housekeeping yep housekeeping type stuff um a little bit of stitch con information just a little bit um so on june 1st which is tuesday right at midnight so this is the midnight between monday and tuesday so between the 31st of may and the first of june at midnight yes the wait list will close correct so if you've been thinking about it thinking about it and thinking about it and thinking about it putting it off now is the time to put your name on the list right um to be like this year right to come this year early this year right um everyone who has put their name on the list has been invoiced so the only waiting that you'll be doing is be waiting for it to start is it's just waiting to get the invoice which will be literally a matter of hours yeah maybe yeah so um i am off tomorrow on monday and so um and i'll be working on citron stuff during the day so i will be at the computer so if you are interested we still have spots available both weekends so um the link to that is in the description box below if you are interested in attending yes um and then after that um we will not be sending any more invoices um after the first um just because i have 17 000 other things i need to worry about that it doesn't involve adding new people like name tags have been printed that kind of stuff and so if i'm not i don't like to touch things twice three times four times so yeah which i think people kind of but you've got about um but got about 12 hours yeah well 12 18 hours you more like 36 we've got the rest of today yeah and then all day monday okay 24. okay yeah okay okay so okay so i'm getting exciting around yeah and then um i wanted to talk about this really well first i just want to say a humongous huge huge huge thank you to all of you who have chosen to purchase cookie dough oh yeah um wow from uh the company that i spoke about last week and the company name is dope d-o-u-g-h-p um and i just want to say thank you it just makes me so happy and like every time i see a post to speak about it i was just like a mess like you guys are so sweet and so wonderful so thank you so much for that um and for allowing me and giving me the space to talk about that and talk about stuff that's important to me so thank you so much uh and then also something super cool that happened this week is um it was tuesday and i was working with keepsakes and so keepsakes is a local needle workshop here in cincinnati i work there and i work in the shop monday tuesdays and fridays and then the fourth saturday of every month and so i was working on tuesday and now is a little bit of you know the boxes are arriving and we're restocking the shop and all this kind of stuff and so i am like pricing things and whatever so i was sitting at the there's a stitch room where people gathered a stitch and but it was a tuesday so there's really nobody there to stitch and so i was sitting out there pricing something and the woman and the woman walked in and i of course got up and it was like hi i can help you and i didn't recognize this woman but that didn't mean anything i'm not there every day so whatever and so um she was just kind of looking around and like when someone walks in and they get that like glazed look over their face i'm like okay so you've never been here before okay um and so i got to chatting and all this and whatever so she was a very very sweet woman her name was jojo um and you know she's like i never knew you guys were here and all this and i was like oh do you live locally and she said yeah i lived and i was like oh and i said are you new to stitching and she said well i used to sit a long time ago and i picked it back up recently when you know during 2020 or whatever and i was like oh that's great she was like i just didn't have time before and i was like oh and i don't really remember exactly what turned it turned us to this topic of conversation but i said so what do you do for work she's the principal piccolo player for the cincinnati symphony isn't that cool and i was like i'm sorry sit down please i want to chat with you so if you don't know i um i played the b flat clarinet in high school i also played it in middle school but in high school and then um in college my freshman year i played b-flat clarinet and then i switched to the bass clarinet and i had the most amazing music education i could ever ask for for somebody who didn't want to be a professional musician um or a music educator but i was in that world for a long time and i know a lot about that world and so it was just amazing to talk to her and she was so fun and so cool and um it was just it was amazing and so um i was like cross stitches everywhere and even in the symphony i was like used to you isn't that cool it was so cool yeah so i immediately once she left um and she was you know if you've ever been to keepsakes you know that like you get overwhelmed that first visit she was like so so i'm just gonna take it in and then i'll come back and we're like okay fine as long as you come back we're good and um so she was just the coolest closely it was a very very cool experience i get to meet some pretty amazing people at work so um stitchers are just really fun cool story yeah and then as soon as as soon as she left i texted him and i said so fun fact the principal piccolo player for the cincinnati symphony is a cross stitcher and i just met her yeah so i thought that was really really very cool yes so yeah super cool that was my week that was yours yeah yeah so anyway i can't top that no i can't top that um so we can do a hashtag we've talked about that we've talked about that so that means it is time for determining stitch harmony and uh hashtag stitch harmony is our attempt at connecting stitchers together um for people who think that they live somewhere where no other stitchers live we are out here trying to prove you wrong right we're trying to find you a friend right so um people comment on our videos and they use the hashtags to terminate and they tell us who they are where they live and then every week we pick somebody and we share about them and we see if there's anybody else out there in the just keep stitching viewership who lives close to this person and then they make to make connections and it's a wonderful thing it is a wonderful thing so who is this week's featured harmony commenter pen okay so this week's ditch harmony commenter uh is a woman by the name of stacy blanks hello stacey hi stacy that is stacy with an ey yes and this is what she wrote she said i'm back pam and i think what she's referring to is um sometimes some weeks we have more than one stitch harmony person right and i only pick one and um so i encourage anybody who wasn't picked to comment again so stacy good on you so she says i really would love a stitching friend or friends i live in ulta tennessee which is just north of chattanooga canada i have found the east tennessee cross stitch group on facebook but it's about two hours away from for their meetups oh two hours for her too long of a drive yeah i get that love to cross stitch read tend to my indoor plants and bake it's hard finding friends who stitch or even have time to stitch i make time i love to stitch to calming music or sit outside on my porch i heart you girls you make her smile every monday when i watch your show it's better than the shows on tv oh thank you to you both happy memorial day stacy hey so i'm google mapping it because that's what i always do i know where ulta is because part of me just excuse me just interject tell us all about ulta well um i've mentioned that i work for the federal court library system yes and um i worked for the sixth circuit you can google circuit courts the sixth circuit court of appeals includes michigan ohio kentucky and tennessee okay and we have libraries in all four states some multiple libraries in some states yeah like ohio and lake michigan and we had a branch library in chattanooga okay and our branch librarian was from ottawa well he lived in altar so um it just stuck in my mind that that is where he and his family live oh that's funny um this particular librarian ultimately got my job after i retired and now they live in greater cincinnati oh it's not crazy yeah but at the time when he was down in chattanooga they lived in ottawa so um that was a very familiar it's like right in the middle of the white oak mountain right right by white oak mountain okay and also one of the towns that came up that's close by is saudi daisy and i know we have some viewers yeah yes in saudi daisy um but oh yeah white oak mountain is just close by so uh so how does this work steph well hold on i want to show them on the map oh i want to show them tell them anything well it shows them where it is oh okay so it's very very very close to the georgia border the north northern georgia motor obviously she doesn't want to have to go too far right but if they come to her well that's true or they can meet in the middle okay anyway so how this works is if your ears perked up because we mentioned ultima tennessee right uh and you live in and around nearby within driving distance of multiple tennessee and you have room in your greater chattanooga greater chattanooga yeah um and so if you have room for miss stacy in your stitching group um or if you two are looking for a teaching friend and you think stacy might be a good fit i think she'd be great fit uh then please comment below and say hi stacey my name is insert name here i live in around nearby within driving distance of ultima tennessee and i would love to stitch with you and then it is up to you miss stacy to go down through and read the comments and see if there's anybody who lives in around nearby within driving distance of ultra tennessee yeah it'll be a lot easier after this video yes the comments after last week's videos were so numerous that it would probably be hard for our for our stitch harmony person last week okay it works if you're working you know i'm saying have no fear so pull to us stitches unite absolutely absolutely how'd you go all right uh that means it's time for pam's pin comment and as we say every week this is the one that tickled my fancy and this week it came from a woman named hannah g there's a popular girl on the bachelor and her name is hannah g oh okay well uh this gal's down under so i don't know whether she's that familiar probably not but um it's a bachelor but anyway this is what she wrote congratulations pam and steph on four incredible years thank you so much my boyfriend and i watch you guys each week all the way over in australia wow christmas is a little different down under celebrating the jolly season in the summer with snowman made out of beach sand really my heart sores watching my bf stitch his second ever cross stitch one over one on 32 count black linen holy bananas jump straight into the deep end you are crazy i love that this has become something we share and appreciate together and we thank you for your weekly laughter and positivity and then she added a note that uh if the giveaway isn't open internationally and i'm randomly selected can you please donate this to stitch con well it is open internationally and there'll be more about that later in the show yes so thank you hannah that was lovely and i wanted to feature you because of your boyfriend's jumping into the deepest yes with the black linen and it's his second so you go boyfriend you go boyfriend you go and um her comment was pinned to the top of all the comments after last week's video yes so okay uh let's see i think it's about time let's talk about stitching shall we we shall alright okay well what have you been stitching this week steph well pam i've been busy you know i really have i know um okay so i really to be truthful i didn't have a whole heck of a lot of stitching time this week um i did yesterday and today and well tomorrow because i'm off um but um sure there we go let me talk about first okay so um this is my round of hour lasting friendship by blackbird designs um and that particular chart this is the book and then this is the chart and uh this is a round robin that we are doing with um our whistle stop crew um and so this particular rotation needs to be done by stitch con and so thankfully katie hi andy um was very very smart about her choices and when she divvied up the sampler she made this particular rotation section a bit smaller than others knowing that it would be the right before stitch con section yeah to give us a break bless you bless you katie and so for this particular round i have miss tony and uh tony i don't know what color this is if i had to guess it would be tin roof um it's 35 or 36 count again i'm not 100 sure it doesn't say inner stuff um and it's either 35 or 36 count tin room from weak style works she's using a lot of the cold for colors but also um she's added in some blues as well and change some of the greens um and so that's what her color palette looks like it's like she added this is blue corn from classic color works added that in um so it's really really pretty um i made it not so just brown and green it's more like brown green and blue which is really pretty um and so the section let me show the book section oh yeah okay so the section that was this section is this this tree this tree this bird this tree this tree so just down here right so um i have got most of it done most of my section done so i'm working right there and down all right um and then i gotta put my initials in of course but your initials in the middle yeah but i love it i think it's really pretty very pretty yeah her colors are really awesome i love it a lot um and i like stitching on this is a non-swagger base weeks and i have no problem stitching on it i love it so um i hope tony likes it i hope tony likes it she will i think she will um and she wrote out a color conversion so there's no guessing which i very very much appreciate so huge thank you to tony for that so it's often lovely i will finish my section this week and i will show it to you all in its completed fashion yeah we've got to remember to pack those to take yeah they're together i have to the um to stitch well you know if we if we don't bring them with us we don't we don't live very far no those girls are coming to be so yeah yeah we have some time okay okay and then um stitch mania has still been going on as you know um and so um if you're new here what i've been doing for my own version of stitch mania is that i have had picked five projects that that i wanted to change the fabric on and restart so every saturday in may i have restarted a new project and so last saturday so a week basically a week ago the project that i was working that i spun on the wheel um was jolly happy soul by with the needle and thread and i had gone through about three or four different fabric choices for this and i had finally landed um on 40 counts and the 40 count fabric that i chose to restart it on is a 40 count pair from lakeside linux and y'all i think we have a winner god bless america um and so this is how much i got so i worked on it all week and um i decided i didn't want to stitch the snowman just quite yet i wasn't ready so uh i wanted to go back and be in the right frame of mind yes which i to be fair i'm really glad that i did because um i went down and counted down from that little baby snowflake kind of down and did the branches with the berries and then i did went to do the letter o in frosty the called for color for that is um muddy puddle yes muddy puddle that's colorworks which is a lovely color looks nothing like this um and it is a variegated color it's got like kind of like a dark gray and then like a light brown and variegates between all that and the light brown was the same color as this fabric and i was like i'm not i'm not picking any fabric i'm not doing it [Music] so i decided to so hickory sticks is what was used in the hat and so i decided to use that for the letters and then i pulled out gentle arts onyx for the hat and the shoes yeah that would be good that's it yeah i just i can't do it right anymore i really wanna we're gonna have a party when this thing is freaking done man uh you are telling me what so um be the death of me this freaking thing yeah so um yeah so then i worked on i told her this morning i guess it was i said you know you've got to go by the picture because that's what you fell in love with yes i mean normally we can we can acknowledge that photography on some patterns is crappy sub subpar subpar right yes but for this one that she really really loves the design and the picture struggles so much you've just got to cut your losses and go out and go by the picture that like yeah i just um right so speaking of cutting my losses and going the picture um so this last saturday yesterday was the last saturday of may and therefore i was down to my last restart for stitch mania 2021 and the last project that i restarted is winter rose manor also by what's that needle today and i love this picture i also love the model that i've seen pictures of um i even have my project bag um and so i got the charts um at the midwest rochester's retreat in the fall of 2019 when brenda gervais was the guest designer there and so the packaging and the charting of winter rose manor that i have is different than the general release she put out a few months later so now it's like in a big book form kind of like that blackbird book but mine was in the half size chart like a lot of personal so anyway so in this publication the called for fabric um is a 36 count dirty by spyguard fun fact dirty is no longer made in 36 count but we had a piece at keepsakes i love this fabric but i wasn't in love with what was happening on the fabric i just i felt like it was just too skimpy i don't know i i mean it's pretty but i don't know i wasn't like in love with it the way that i should be so this is my old start of it so it's pretty don't get me wrong it's pretty um but you weren't loving it but i wasn't obsessed with it the way that i knew i wanted to be and for a piece that's large you want to be in love with it and i was just like i don't know i'm just not like really into it um and so i put it away and i wasn't really convinced what i was gonna do except like maybe this was long before mania yeah yeah yeah yeah and so i was like oh what am i gonna do and then she published the book for the general public and i was looking at it and when we got copies in at keepsakes and i noticed that she had changed the called for fabric um from a 36 count dirty because it's no longer available two 40 count 36 count or whatever it is brenda's brew from r r and i was like great i am literally never going to be able to get my hands on any brenda's brew ever but then i found out that brenda durbay on her website which is country stitches online i will link it below um she actually was selling cuts of brenda's brew and i was like well i'll just get it straight from her then um and so i did that i got myself a fat quarter of 40 count brenda's brew and it came and i was like this is gonna be good i feel positive about this and so sometimes the good thing about maybe waiting to start a project or setting it aside if you're not super in love with it is that it gives you an opportunity to think about things and then also see what other people do yeah absolutely um and having that inspire you to do what they're doing or whatever yeah and one thing that happened a lot at keepsakes when this chart first came out is that everyone was talking about misty purcell's conversion and they were like it's amazing it's amazing i'm going to do hers i'm going to and i was like what are they talking about and so then i looked into it and i was like okay now i get it so um but winter rose manor and all that was sort of in the back of my brain and i knew that i was focusing on other projects and so i was like when it comes time to restart it i will reach out to her so it came time to restart it so i reached out to misty a few days ago and i was like i i searched everywhere before reaching out to her directly because i was like i don't want to bother she's so busy i'm a jerk and i couldn't find it on her instagram or her website and so she was so sweet and so lovely and sent me um her conversion so i went on saturday on my day off i went to keepsakes and i got the threads i needed um she's it's not a full color conversion it's about a 50 i would say all the reds are different the white's different the house color is different um and because i like a big pink house that's why i love this chart um and the called four color is conch by weeks which is more of a peach color so anyway so missy's thread conversion is amazing i highly recommend that you look into it and you will see that as i stitch this of course but so huge public thank you to misty for providing that to me so lovely of her and so and i had the 40 count brenda's brew and also i decided this go around that i was going to start in the upper left as opposed to the center um that way when i get to that big ginormous house i can just stitch it top to bottom there you go so as opposed to it's coming at it from the side so um it's not much because i just started it today but this is what i have so the green is oscar from weeks which is called four and then um that red is lancaster red which is one of misty's colors and y'all i'm gonna freaking love it i'm gonna freaking love it um and this is probably the most i am i honestly have not stitched a whole lot on r r fabrics whether it's been back when i used to stitch on 32 and 28 or even since i've switched to higher accounts i just really haven't stitched a whole lot on r and i don't hate it so um it's beautiful yeah it it is thick i mean it's this wider base so but i know why i took a hold of it when you showed me that earlier and i was like wow this fabric is it's thick um i don't know if it has to do with their dying process and like the maybe i don't know i have no idea that was my impression the color is very the color is very similar to um like a creek bed brown type deal um it's lovely and i feel like the colors are going to look real good on this and i'm very very very excited yeah so i'm back in love with wingaro which is the idea which was um started in honor of our dear friend katie who lost her mother last year um and her mother's name was rose and so we started all any project with um rose in it on it about it around it correct and between it we started it for rose so yay very good very good so pam what have you worked on this week well um it got to the point in the month where i was anticipating starting the next and last cottage for i'll be home yeah but i've been finished i've been pretty consistent with starting on the 25th of each month yeah and i've been working on it for 12 months so she can't let it slip in the in the final hour and the final hour i've got to stay consistent you have to yes so required until that magic day came around i decided to pull out um this has got to be one of my favorite projects lately um has been little house dear works 13 colonies and as you know i got down to um did i show it to you when i got all the way down to the bottom yeah yeah okay so what i did in the interim period waiting for the 25th of the month was i just went up to the upper um right-hand corner and worked some more on the border so it's a big border this is what it looks like and oh pam i love it so you just have the border left all i have is the border now so i did put in all the trees at the bottom the fourth tree i don't think i had that in last week correct so i put the fourth tree in and then i thought well where do i go so i went back up to this corner and came around the corner and started down on this side and this is on my whip go how long do you think it would take you to finish that um probably three days three days maybe three days something so anyway it will be finished this year which is one of the goals on whip goes you should do it now while it's fresh in your brain well i have a bunch of other things in the wings now because regarding whip go um she's called she's called the numbers for june already well yes so i worked on that a little bit until it was time to pull out i'll be home yes and like i said we are down to down to it and i'm not going to take this out of the q snap today because i'm currently working on it and i'm going to work on it um the rest of this evening and tomorrow all day tomorrow until bedtime tomorrow uh more than likely okay yeah oh yeah because tuesday june 1st correct so this is the project from twin peak primitives it's called i'll be home all in one it's on 32 count dirty and i started this the day after my birthday the 25th of june last year so we've gone through 11 months and it's now time to do 12 which is december you've done a whole trip around the sun with that problem i have been the whole trip around the sun and wow um you're the most freaking donald december now dang yeah i'm sorry yeah yeah um you can't see it fully oh pam it's fine but i've got all my magnets and everything everything's all tucked in just so yeah so you do believe you told me that these colors would look christmassy i would say no way yeah i would say no way and that's why we love our designers right yeah yeah for sure so this is where i am with december oh it looks so good and you can see i'm all trust up there in the corner but trust me it is so so pretty it's gorgeous i think one of the things that appeals to me is that there's nothing more intriguing to me driving around at night is to see lights in houses at christmas or all the time mostly at the holidays i think and is that weird yes thanks no problem um their lights are on you know you just are like to look at the holiday lights it's not weird but like if someone just has their bedroom light on and you're like oh look at that pretty bedroom right now i'm not saying that i'm just but never mind no no and the other thing too is let's talk about the lights no the other thing too is look at this sweet little robin down that is very sweet and that's weird it's like the robin from the november house came over for a visit the robin from the november house oh the one that was on the roof yeah maybe these are his babies her babies yes this one is little maybe you want to stop in there anyway um i have a theory you people in the uk you can chime in um in the states i think the bird that we associate with christmas is the cardinal particularly the male cardinal the bright red cardinal and we've all seen christmas designs by various designers i also think of chickadees see i don't okay but i think in the uk i think it's robin now of course um the twins don't live in the uk watch out clearly watch out let me stick my eye out with that corner sorry but yeah eye shield i kind of like the idea of the robin anyway yeah it's cute the december will go along the bottom and then the other matching robin will be over here bring the border down here and we are done so yeah when i was pulling those colors i was like are we sure about this yeah this is orange but i love it but yeah it's beautiful you've got the lights on in the windows and you've got the garland under the windows yeah it's perfect i just i just think it's gorgeous it is so it's from twin peak primitives you can get it on their etsy yeah and um wow when you have a cell and of course we've had this facebook group going and it'll stay open yeah um and you and you pace yourself out through a whole year yeah of a of a project god a lot's happened i mean you know yeah a year is a year right it is okay you want to set that over there absolutely pam okay and so those are our whips of the week oh dang it the volume was down here we go again oh that's so funny ready there we go all right we don't ever want an accidental whip so you gotta get this one ready okay see accidental whip okay that's what i'm saying yeah yeah i can't be having that no really okay talk amongst yourselves while i get my ass together thank you [Music] it's time for promotions okay all right this week we're talking about twin peak primitives just like what was you yeah and we start that with the pattern of the week so every week we pick a chart from twin peak primitives our sweet friends in the netherlands that we love and then we pick a chart that we love that we think you'll love yes and then we tell the twins they say okay and then they make it 20 off for all of our amazing viewers for the week for the whole week yes so what is this week's pattern of the week pam every year twin peak primitives comes out with their yearly snowman and they have come out with a real real cute snowman for 2021 he's a mailman snowman and so um he's just adorable and that is our pattern of the week from twin peak primitives 20 off no code needed it's already been reduced and we're going to insert a picture of this adorable pattern from the twins here isn't he cute i love him so run over and get that yes and uh while you're there make sure that you also look for and purchase uh the springfield 1817 sampler if you haven't purchased it already um and a purchase of that chart puts your name on the list to potentially win the cash prize of one thousand dollars um and of course this is the dutch mania prize um that is the sort of consolation prize because we are not going to europe this year um but it's a damn good consolation prize if i can say so myself so yeah um we that contest is going on for the rest of the summer and then um at the end of the summer we will pick a winner yes so uh go grab those if you um you can get your pattern of the week and the springfield 1817 sampler uh you can get a pdf download at either the twin peak produce etsy shop or website both of which are linked below or if you would rather have a hard copy of the chart you can totally do that and get the discounted price uh for the pattern of the week uh through threads entwined uh which is online needleworkshop and that is the only place where you can get a discounted hard copy so we will link all those places below and you can go get your charts that's right that's right okay all right that means it's time for mail call oh okay what did we get in the mail this week um okay so um i think it was let me see for a second keep talking okay okay okay um so uh there was a lovely lovely couple of gals who came into keepsakes um i believe it was on friday yes and um while they were there they handed me the sweet card which says um thanks on it and um it was signed by kay so thank you so much kay and then um it was just a sweet thank you card so thank you so much um and she also has contributed to buy me coffee so you'll get another shout out later but and then in the mail we also got this super cool package from our sweet friend laurie and she is laurie the flying cross teacher here on youtube um and um she is coming to sichuan yes yes um and i was like yes um but she sent this um ahead of time and she's also that on instagram i think no no no sorry and then maybe she is i don't know uh and then this is the card that she sent does she say what it is no uh on instagram but anyway so thank you for the sweet card and then in side of the package there was something for me and then something for pam and she said she was gonna bring him to stitch con but she couldn't wait right so basically couldn't wait she got us eat some funny a funny t-shirt yes are you ready are you ready for this show i'm going to read it ahead of time yeah right now okay so referencing this pattern that it just got framed yes this says i hate when people accuse me of lollygagging when i'm quite clearly dilly-dallying clearly clearly isn't that hysterical so funny so funny laurie that's a riot so cool i love it thank you so much yes and then for me she got me this super funny shirt and not funny um but it's i love it because something i say all the time yeah and it says it works if you work it yeah which is how what we say about state harmony right and right other things other things too yes yes so thank you so much lori lori that was very special you are very kind yes we cannot wait to meet you yes okay put that over there sure okay and that was all the mail call all right so that means it's time for haul it's time for haul who's gonna go first well we both have pretty big plows so why don't you go first pam okay um i think i heard about this from brenda and laura pretty sure and um i thought oh that looks really pretty and it was ooh that looks really pretty i want it i want it how many of you have watched brendan lawrence said that's really pretty i want it correct um so this is 32 count zweigart belfast linen in the color marbled bunny and i went ahead and got a half a fat half yeah you did this is a real pretty color i want to show it off oh my gosh it's so pretty it's so pretty and i this is from x ju designs i guess i didn't say that no you did not uh x2 designs i love extrude designs yes um she is a phenomenal phenomenal uh fabric dyer she is in hungary in hungary she has an etsy shop and i think she also has a let me just check she has a blog she's on facebook she's on pinterest she's on instagram she's on etsy and she has an email she's doing it all so um i just love love love this marble bunny yeah and i got sent over to that from uh and laura brenda and laura and i want to keep this little i know you do her packaging is very good and her tags and so forth yes so i picked that up and that came yes it did all the way from hungary and then on instagram as well i and i don't remember who it was somebody that i follow on instagram yeah was ditching a marjorie massey and who was in france if you don't know and um it's called little apples and i fell in love with it i don't remember uh maybe if you hashtag marjorie massey you can find it on instagram i'm sure because this this rendition on the cover doesn't do it any justice so i'll show it to you here it's so cute and were they doing them with the person that you saw were they doing them all together like that yes and but a brighter red uh okay not as much of a darkish red as this so knowing that she was in france and i couldn't find it online anywhere i messaged anna meek in the netherlands and i thought maybe she carries a good selection of marjorie massey and she does look at that but she didn't happen to have this one and she said why don't you message her directly well i didn't realize but i was facebook friends with marjorie massey who knew who knew so i gave her a facebook message and i said i would really love to obtain this chart of yours called petite palms small apples small apples little apples in french and she said just send me the payment via paypal and i'll get it right out to you so i picked this up i just love it i just love it it's very very cute marjorie massey yeah so i got that okay okay i'll take it back can you hold the hold on the patterns and i'll keep the fabric sure okay and then this one i forgot to show last week um this is a remember she gotta look through the whole pile first no um i'm taking it off the top don't give me a hard time i know the funny things anyway this is a stitch along it's a mystery stitch along that i kind of was attracted to it's from notorious needle that's the etsy shop name yes okay and um there are one two three four five six seven parts um on this sheet and she's just come out with number eight so it's all kinds of uh i guess position statements if you will uh that's a good way to put it and i think it's kind of kind of good yeah we like it it's not it's better than kind of good yeah right but i just it says science is real kindness is everything no human is illegal we believe health care is a right and all bodies are beautiful and love is love so i thought all statements we heard all statements we agree with and i can't remember what number eight says okay but go to notoriousneedle on etsy and you can get all the details and so like you signed up for it so then did she do he or she email you with yeah the next installment okay very good communication very good emails like the minute i bought it you know i got something from her that said cool you're in thanks for joining oh love that it was really really good very good she knows how to work it you know works um i also decided to pick these up these are from um i'm not going to be able to pronounce that [Music] irina she sells patterns on etsy under x-stitch underscore little underscore well that's her that's her instagram name so let me uh let me look it up x stitch little yeah okay so it's x it is x stitch little little stories on etsy yeah there's no underscores oh okay take the underscores out that's just for her and stuff and stuff but these make up into little ornaments and so of course i this is called cruise i had to get these too i mean i mean you know i had to get those too and we are fortunate to have a very good finisher yes here so who will handle that that's so freaking cute with like the little rope around oh my god yeah super cute and then this guy had to get him he's freaking cute just adorable shut up yeah look at his teeth i love his eyes looking over at the goblet of blood at the vine yes it's not wine i know it's not okay and i'm all aware of what a heart is we're going to call this my hall but we're not sure who's going to stitch it yeah um because stephanie is probably going to fight over it this is also on etsy from the resting eagle and it is the most famous i think the most famous uh john f kennedy quote i love jeff kelly we're listening to a really good podcast called it was said it was said by john mitchum by john meacham it's a whole series of wonderful wonderful speeches and like and the analysis of said speeches yeah and it's historical impact yeah it's really good anyway this is called ask not of course ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country and it's very sweet it is that picture's not the best i've seen it stitched up on instagram though yeah yeah oh good i left it that's where i originally saw it i i really like it i'm not sure to tell you the truth i'm not really sure of these two little things at the buildings that look like log cabins those might need to be changed i don't know you think of lincoln when you think of it i mean that's very true you don't think of kennedy holy ghost what do you want to be yachts well now that would be that would be good that would be good um i don't know it's not supposed to be primitive you know well i suppose but anyway um do whatever you want pam it doesn't matter because you're not going to stitch it because i am so ask not okay and then and then see i know i'm picking them up okay from keepsakes uh stephanie brought these home for me too from paulette at plum street yes the equality sampler love it love it love it give me well there you go oh my god it's so good wait i'm gonna ask the question that that because i'm curious to know oh yeah so these three women down here yeah are lucrative elizabeth katie stanton and um um blanken marianne mcintosh okay she's lesser known right okay so and then there's houses that are above them see those houses i wonder if those resemble those three ladies houses yeah does anyone know anybody have any idea and i'm obsessed with this eagle yeah and um i was telling so excited she brought it home the other night oh yeah yeah um when i was at simmons college now university in boston um for an internship i worked at the schlesinger library on the history of women which is around the corner off harvard square from harvard and i worked there probably a couple of afternoons a week for a semester and they have all these ladies papers it was interesting so i i was doing archival organization and you had to inventory what was in the archive box and that's really you know you couldn't help but read you know some of the course some of this stuff so this is particularly meaningful to me it does say 1920 down in the corner which of course was um the coverage year yeah the suffrage year for white women you must remember for white women yes and then the other one um is another plum street winner winner chicken dinner um holy cow always remember holy cow since what do you say holy cow holy moly there you go always remember this beautiful beautiful house just encompassed in this poppy field it is absolutely stunning poppy and it does have the words on it we will always remember yes three eagles a flag yes all the things pam loves yes please yes so i love those yeah well i have a lot of haul this week i do too so and then i saw this where did i see this where did this come from they came from treehouse minutes oh the treehouse knits i must follow them on instagram um okay we need to keep notes during the week maybe but this is called songbird sandwich or treehouse fiber art is where it came from yeah treehouse fiber ox and it's it's from artful offerings the chart is yes and fiber how geez tree house fiber arts made a kit out of it with the it comes with 36 count flax 18 by 27 yeah that's the fat quarter fat quarter all the call for themselves all the call for and this is songbird sampler i just love this thing there you go i love the little house down here so this is just this is an oreo that's a cardinal i don't know what any of those other ones are yeah yeah bird identification with stuff maybe it'll be mentioned in some yeah maybe um yeah of artful offerings cool and then show them the little gifts that came with oh which is i think it's super cute yeah so rachel beauville who is treehouse fiber arts yeah put in this little wally lily lolly from sea's candy how freaking cute is that yeah that's gonna get eaten real soon yep so that is pretty much it except for yup and brenda was saying today that she likes to just sit down with this and peruse it without any interruption yes which i think is legit which is totally legit and there are so many wonderful patterns in here it's the new punch needle and primitive stitcher magazine [Music] and it is absolutely i mean even that one on the front cover yeah that's what virus uh yeah that'll get stitched so cute and then and then it's on the back so you don't have to open it back but um this one that isn't that's the one that's marked yep and twin peak so cute i love pamela loves this in twin from twin peak i mean look at that whale just look at that whale look at that well not a big mermaid person but it's got a whale but the whale but the whales it's so good um the whale is great yeah yeah so you know if you are not getting this magazine you are missing out um i um went back this week to um i was kind of on a hunt you know how you go on a hunt yeah and i was on a hunt for an abe lincoln design that was in um her premiere issue oh like the very very first issue issue from deb and um so i went on and found it and and it was by the whole issue and it was seven dollars and i went yeah seven dollars i could swing seven dollars and um paid her through paypal and got the pattern and i was thrilled i don't know what i did with the pattern now it's digital oh it's digital because you didn't print it right that's right i just downloaded it right onto the pc anyway so um she said pam as a print subscriber you get you get access to everything everything before everything before that's pretty cool you know and to have access to to it's amazing all the patterns that are put out in this magazine such as suction and um ours came in the priority mail yeah so that's something to be appreciative of the priority mailer absolutely um our mailman still managed to bend it a little bit because he hates our guts yeah but um that's okay but it's fine but we set it out it's flat now if you are not getting this magazine unsubscribe to all your other magazines and just get this i'm serious i'm serious okay all right that's all my haul okay well let me show you mine then okay okay so first this is a bit of non-stitchy but you all seem to enjoy when i share stickers yeah and so i wanted to show you this is quite a bit of haul from stickers that i got and i'm not going to show you every single one of them don't worry but this package came from um a artist on etsy whose name is audrey okay um and i will link her etsy shop below and it's literally okay e y a and this is the package that they all came in how freaking cute is that she wrote my name on it um and then she has this like ticket thing and you get tickets in your package and then you're entered to win this like drawing it's amazing i think that's really cool anyway so and then a slew of extras just because and there's a really sweet note again wrote my name on it like how freaking nice is that and then you people look at these freaking stickers the artistry is just bananas this is called a spooky autumn i particularly enjoy this one the spooky mail yeah a little black cat orange stripe sweater yes so cute so i got those ones and then this one is called calm winter and she actually has two different sheets for calm winter but there's a lot of like knitting and the cocoa and these are the ones i'll use in january in my book of days yeah because blue is the color i use in january and what did you say oh yeah there's even a crock pot and then um it also came with washi tapes for that too and then these ones are for february for next year says love always wins and it was cool because you get like a little bit of washi too but then um i love these little quotes over here love yourself first be kind and then i like i love all the mail yeah i don't know why but i do yeah um and then this one might be my favorite this is the hello autumn sticker sheet because look at that fox yeah that's a great he's so cozy yep so cute love it so um i will link uh her etsy below um her yep her etsy and um you guys can go shopper stickers anybody who's doing the book a day yeah i mean these are perfect they are perfection yeah okay um so next is the excuse me color and cotton fabric of the month club both from crazy annie and from colored cotton directly so from crazy annie this is march's fabric right okay so the color this month is aged paper and i get 40 count fat quarter and pam gets 32 count when in fact quarter so there you go slight variegate variations pam's a little bit more peach right mine's a little bit more yellow yeah but i love aged paper and with annie's it is knitted i got the fabric over here um with the color and cotton from annie it is um fabric that's already in her line it's not new colors but from um angela color and cotton directly it is new color so if you are a member of the club and you know and you haven't gotten your may 2021 fabric yet fast forward about 47 seconds yeah okay so the may 2020 fabric i get 40 count fat quarter and you get what 32 lugano fat quarter right and it is garden pass it's so good yeah this fabric is absolutely so good you just want to put a needle in it right away right away right away right away so okay um and um okay next more fabric so there seems to be a little bit of like misconception or confusion about that i've heard from people about picture this plus and so picture this plus which is a fabric dying company now somebody who knows better than me and if i'm saying this incorrectly then please correct me however this is my understanding as a professional in the industry is that picture this plus they're they have a wholesale side of the business right that they sell to shops like keepsakes all right but then they also have a retail side of the business however it is not called pictures plus it is called rogue stitching so when you order from rogue stitching on their website or whatever as a retail customer you're ordering directly from pictures plus right so they at rogue stitching was having a fabric sale and so i was like well oh i'll look sure so um this is the fabric that i got from them um they their website was good in the fact that like um if it only showed what they had in stock it wasn't like you could order anything and then they'd be like oh half that stuff you order we don't have so that was nice that it was an accurate um online shop or whatever um but because of the sale there was like a lot of traffic and so sometimes there was some long story short as they had to call me because somebody they somebody got my fabric before me yeah it was all fine i was like whatever i just like fabric so like send me whatever so um i got a mixture of some 36 and 40 counts but um so there's like a picture of this plus color that you are just like dying to have for a project and you can't seem to find it at your needle workshop go to rogue studios try rogue stitching okay um because they reflect what they have and so as here's here's my best assessment as someone who does the ordering for a needle workshop when i sent send an order to picture this plus it's not for one piece of fabric it's for yards and yards and yards and yards and yards of fabric so picture this plus on their end is not going to send me one piece at a time they're gonna at least get a good chunk of it done and ready before they send out the door so that's why i think that there's such a big delay to getting to shops is because the shops have a higher demand for fabric therefore their orders are larger therefore there's more work for pictures supposed to do to complete said larger order therefore the delay in getting the large order to the shop is larger okay so if you're just one person looking for one cut of fabric go to rogue stitching and you might be able to do that there you go when possible please support your local new workshop keep me employed please however yeah i know that we have an order that's months and months old which we knew going into it but still yeah okay so um so these are the fabrics i got uh this is a 36 count ancient i almost said from a picture of this plus and this is a fat quarter but i'm just going to show you this little piece okay and then this is 40 count dapple which i love it is a great gray yeah so pretty also at that quarter then this is a fat quarter of a 40 count bramble yeah i love this so much this is a new color and like not that long ago um then this is 36 so this is the one that they replace for i ordered like legacy or something and they were out of the legacy by the time they got to my order and so this was the one that i had them send instead and this is 36 count have a sham which i've literally never heard of but it's very very pretty it's like a creamy like yellowy purpley a little bit in there but it's really pretty yeah um and so this is what their fabric tags look like so it says rogue stitching see okay and then the last piece i got oh i don't know what that one was because they sent me this one too which is 36 count legacy and this is a fat half yeah so you don't know what you didn't get i can't remember what i didn't get to be fair yeah it's all fine okay then i did a little bit of stash on load shopping and um i picked out a patriotic chart because i love america too who let her out of the box who let me out of the box um and so this is by shepherds bush and i just think this is the sweetest and this is called lamb that i love i got that off of stash unload and then what's super cool for all of our international viewers is the inside of this chart they also include flags for wait for it canada britain france and australia so you know i think that's really cool so i got that chart pop please okay then i got some charts from keepsakes um and so this is from chessy me now i saw belinda from blue ribbon designs finished this for a customer on our instagram page and i was like must stitch this chart and this is from jesse and me and it's called christmas cabin i love it that is so sweet isn't it though yes i love it and it comes with everything yeah fabric and the little chelsea and me kits and the threads all the things yeah good to go uh and this is new from hands-on design this is a part of her um a banner year collection and this is called language of liberty i love that i really like this eagle over here that mean all my patriotic cross stitch um and there is a thread pack that is coming from color and cotton we have them on order at the shop so and then i got a couple of the new plum street releases too good um and so this is hedge row now i don't know why i love this i don't really have like a thing for hedgehogs but for some reason hedgehogs remind me of nicole buckeye stitcher and i don't know why that is she was she stitched a hedgehog did she yeah and so that's why i posted a lot about it as she was going along and so that was probably about a year ago is that why when i see how drugs i think oh probably yeah well i think it's cute regardless yeah yeah um and then this is also from plum street this is falling and part of her wait for f word series um and sure though yes it says um all the f words that can complete this series the first one was called falling which we have and then this is flirting yep and i think it's pretty it's the saga of the colonial couple i think it is yeah um and then new from um with anyone thread render durate these came in um at the end of the day on friday and so i was like i'm gonna take mine home so i can show the people that we have them uh and so this is happy birthday america i love it i think that is amazing yeah um and then you also get the sampler fabric as well so you can finish it as a little birthday cake i just love that and then this is red white and bloom and i love her very very very much i also really like this one for some reason i mean they're all really cute but yeah and then um i found so my office which is used to be the back porch to keep things uh is transformed inside yes they gave me my own space okay as opposed to putting me in the stitching room with a bunch of people um i was like needed yes um anyway so um we for stitch con we clean the office out because that is where you check out so as to kind of control the flow of traffic throughout the shop or through the shop on the first floor and so because there's a door that goes out and around the back so we have not really like cleaned out the office in a long time since before covet yeah so it's not like it's a big old mess but it's just like stuff that we haven't gone through in over a year and anyway so i found a bag that had my name on it forgot it was even in there and in there were all five charts why was i waiting to purchase these i don't know all five charts of the new world series from barbara anna yeah i've had this on my wish list since i started stitching so i have not maybe i forgot where they went i forgot i think i probably didn't know that they were in the office and probably thought i bought them and brought them home and didn't know where they were well you paid for them oh absolutely for the record yeah for the record yes i may or may not have paper one twice i don't know um and so part one is the night of all fears it's a great great piece you're going to stitch it all in one hell yeah yeah night of all fears and so they should sorry so they show them all on like five different pieces of fabric i would probably won't do that um and then part two is plentiful meadows look at this very angry wolf plentiful meadows that's part two part three which might be my favorite part is deep in the woods because look at that fox okay i also very much like the bear wearing an apron holding a fish yeah the bear is great yeah yeah part four is a visit to town yep i love those houses it's a beautiful beautiful piece it is and then pam fair part which is part five is called over the seas yeah look at that whale with a little seagull on its back yeah and a lighthouse and the man's stitching and that it's just freaking cute the man's stitching no fishing oh okay um then i made um okay okay um i placed an order where'd this come from oh yeah i placed an order with um traditional stitches um and i hear i don't remember who it was on flosstube who said this the other day but they said that traditional stitches is absolutely fantastic and i literally could not agree more oh yeah yeah we love them and they have a great system of checking the progress of your order right um and so they had um they have an exclusive chart um to celebrate their 20th anniversary as a shop which is incredible right and the chart is by blackbird designs and i think they're in like their fifth round of printing or something insane um and so um if you've ordered it don't worry it's coming because mine came and i ordered it a long time ago so yeah but i didn't run out of things to stitch in the meantime so just remember that that was brenda when we watched them oh it was saying just don't worry yes true yeah yeah and so this is their exclusive and it's called what remains and it's absolutely beautiful i love it so much i love the border i love the colors it's great um and it is exclusive to traditional stitches and you can only get it from them um and i don't know why but when i ordered this i just ordered the chart i mean i also to bump up my shipping i also got 36 count winter um vintage country mocha a flat quarter of that um but i didn't get the freaking threads or fabric for this so as soon as i got this i went on their website and ordered the fabric and threads yeah then it'll come when it comes it will and i'm not even worried about it so um so they give you a great information sheet so i will link um traditional stitches below um and you can get your exclusive what remains is love from them okay uh then i made a purchase i saw that uh threadwork primitives on etsy um was having a sale and um so i made some perk of a purchase without consulting pam and she says she thinks we have this one already but we'll find out we'll find out if we do good for you because you'll get it and this is called land that i love the reason i remember that design particularly is because i think there was a conversion for the canadian flag now i may be all wrong on that so don't quote me but i think that's why this design sticks in my brain okay we will find out okay we will find out yes we will um and then i also got this one which is called be mine i really love that i like those colors those corals i would use dmc look at that um and then this one which is oh this is so good this is new to them and this is called patriotic rose look at that i freaking and i'm obsessed with that i love it so much yeah i love those flags um okay and then i'm so sorry that i do not remember who i saw this from on instagram but i saw this and i was like i've never seen anything like this before and i must have it so this sampler is from a designer called erna hiscock is her name i promise you that's her name the chart is called mary katherine harris 1873. it also is being called the zebra sampler and this is what the antique looks like and i am obsessed with this because it's a freaking sampler with a freaking zebra on it and it's just cool and interesting and like different and unique and like it's a zebra it's a zebra i mean who doesn't want a zebra on their sampler wall right so um how i ended up getting this was um i searched and searched and searched and searched and searched because apparently there's a zebra style sal going on did i just say zebra saddle cell i think i did why did you do it i don't know um there's a zebra sampler cell that's what i meant so there's one of those happening yeah and so i was searching through this that hashtag on instagram trying to figure out where in god's green earth do i find this chart right and i found the website and then there was like a pro so this the pers erna she also sells on her website she sells actual old samplers like the actual sampler um not for this one but for other samplers and i could not for the life of me find this chart for sale so there was a contact us button and so i just contacted her and i was like i just want to stitch a zebra please right i mean i was i said other things other than that and she got back to me within maybe 24-48 hours and she said thank you so much you just send it was dollar five pounds which equated to like 750 eight dollars american to this paypal address and uh pdf you send you the chart pdf so i paid her and she sent it to me and this is what i got a zebra in my inbox yep so uh i will find the website that i used for that um and like i said just that's how i got it i don't know if there's other ways out there in the world to get it but that's how i got it okay so i'm very excited okay you guys i did this thing and i know that i'm like late to the game but i just want you all know that i've been lurking since january okay i've been lurking on this since january and finally plus didn't we also see lisa's yeah i think so at some point this year probably when we were over there okay i have seen so many baskets of berries with a bird on top that i just couldn't handle it anymore and so i bought the yep modern folk embroidery 2021 stan is sticking along call the free plenty and um i'm obsessed with that i just i've been following the hashtag since january and i've never and i haven't bought the chart until this weekend so i bought the chart directly from modern folk embroidery's website and however i'm not the biggest blue person i do want to do it in two colors so um i will of course link motherfuckerboard website below in case this is the first time i can't met is there anyone who's just seen this for the first time raise your hand that would make me feel really good though um and so i realized that a lot of people out there are stitching this and all of that um and the color combinations are phenomenal and that's what just like i'm not stuck on but i'm just like okay what do i want to do because i don't want to do blue red is my favorite color but that's a lot of red so what i want to do well you've been looking at that palette website yes so there's a website that i wanted to tell you all about and it is called palette color.net um and it is been incredibly incredibly helpful um yeah color palettes.net and so this is the kind of thing that comes up is it like you pick a color so like i just picked okay so that that kind of thing comes up and wow that's really blown out hold up so colorpalettes.net okay and then you can pick from this range of colors and i like red so let's pick red and then it will give you different combos different color options that's nice and yes there's a bunch of ads but you can just scroll through them it's fine and it's so lovely and it's been really helpful and can you see i've been having lots of fun with it so i'm going to get there eventually but um i haven't fully fully decided yet all right so um and is that it that's it holy moly i know i had a lot of haul a lot of haul sorry all right well what do we usually do after we um show off sorry it's i had it ready and then i went and then i went to show them the other website okay are you ready volume up volume up add to cart okay all right well this is the part in the program you've all been waiting for yes and are you ready for this we are happy to announce all ten of our giveaway winners one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's right yes four shirts just keep stitching t-shirts and six bundles yes and we're gonna start by saying thank you to everybody again yes for getting us to this point in foster bland and thank you for entering to win your stories your combinations of all the words uh very talented just super talented so um we've pre-recorded all of our all of our drawings and we're gonna insert all of them hello people welcome to this week's giveaway portion of the program which is the four year flosstube aversary giveaway extravaganza situation that's what we're calling this um so um we have a lot of giveaways i usually like show you what the items are here and then go and do it but there's a lot of different bundles and knowing me i would get the items mixed up and i don't want to do that so i'm just gonna we're gonna go through them one at a time um if you need a refresher on what those items are we'll go through that after we do the live picking of the winners so i promise we'll go through all the items again but for now let's just pick winners how does that sound okay so if you're new to this channel um the way that we do giveaways is um we use the youtube random comment picker which is this lovely tool here um and then we put in the youtube video url which is this up here right here and then we filter duplicate users so that if you comment a word six times you're not entered six times you're entered once just like everybody else um and then include replies comments and then filter comments based on the specific text and that's why we ask you all to use um a word in a sentence or in your comment somewhere um that it will search for that and enter you in for that specific drawing so um we're going to start with journal and so the word that we asked you to use in your comment was of course journal well i'm typing with my right hand there we go journal okay journal okay and then let's see how many comments we have this one was insanely popular so 347 comments using the word journal all right let's pick a winner diana m h i'm pretty sure the fancy word you're looking for is solarium hope that which wasn't ideal due to lighting and like okay i absolutely heart your customized journal i have a few beautiful pieces of fabric but i've never tried her ada i can't go to stitch comb but i hope you all have a jolly time and spider will work thank you so much diana for your lovely comment and you have won the journal so congratulations to you okay next we are going to pick the winner for the halloween bundle and the word we asked you to use for that is the word spooky so let's see how many comments we had 253 unique comments for spooky all right let's pick a winner wow darla k once decay stitcher one stitch at a time okay let's um let's see [Music] i wanted to let you know that last night i took down my journal to write a spooky story about a beating heart wrapped in fabric that i found on my wall okay um look at you putting all of the words in the sentence you guys are so so you are the best um love you darla congratulations my dear you have won the halloween bundle all right the next bundle that's up for grabs is the from the heart bundle and for this to win this we ask you all to put the word heart in your comment so let's see how many comments we had using the word heart 332 comments using the word heart all right let's pick a winner rose heck i heart the journal and it's not full of corn twin peppers congratulations rose you have won the from the heart bundle congratulations all right the next bundle up for grabs is the christmas bundle and we asked you all to use the word jolly in your comment to be entered to win so let's see how many comments we got that used the word drawing 390. 390 unique comments using jolly all right let's pick a winner dawn myers oh my gosh gamma's treasures the corn journal made me with the corn journal made with the spooky fabric made my heart jolly happy anniversary congratulations dawn you have won the christmas bundle oh that's so exciting okay the next bundle up for grabs is the fall bundle and we asked you all to use the word corn in your comment to be entered to win the comment the people the using of the word corn in the comments is hysterical i loved it you guys are funny funny funny all right let's see how many comments we have 370. all right let's pick a winner shelly meldrum happy anniversary to two very jolly gals i enjoy having a journal to keep my progress that's my pattern pattern i like the spooky corn mazes make my heart flutter i've been happily adding to my fabric chest there were 41 same with yesterday i absolutely love this episode stuff thank you so much have a great week congratulations shelly you have won the fall bundle okay now the last bundle before we get to the trivia questions and the t-shirts um the last bundle is the be stitch me ada bundle uh and so the word that we asked you all to use if you wanted to be entered in for that was the word fabric yes i said check my notes all right let's see how many people use the word fabric in their comment 459 holy guacamole that is a lot of people okay let's pick a winner elaine sir right congrats on four years thank you so much love the fabric colors really enjoy your videos thank you so much elaine you have won the be stitch me ada bundle congratulations okay now it is time for the t-shirt giveaway so we're going to give them away in the same order that we talked about them in the video last week so the first is for the large t-shirt and the question that we asked was what designer does pam and steph collaborate with for the pattern of the week and the answer is twin peak primitives you must have used all three of those words in that order to be entered okay let's see how many people got it right 78 i know it's blurry and i'm sorry about that but for some reason the phone has a hard time focusing on the computer text which is weird 78 people all right let's pick a winner is that how i say that susan i'm so sorry if that's not congratulations on your five-year-old student anniversary all my sunday nights are spooky as i journal and watch every episode 41 times 41 times that's so many times that's like more than that's just under two days where the pam has stepped straight bless you my heart is full of corn and twin peak primitives while learning about pam's passion for genealogy looking forward to the next five years love you susan you have won the large just keep stitching t-shirts congratulations okay on to the second t-shirt giveaway which is for one of the extra-large t-shirts and the trivia question we asked was how many stay homeless staff episodes are there are you ready to know the answer there were 41 stay home with steph episodes the last episode that i did um was the cross stitch tools part 4 video and then i went back to work and didn't have time to do stay on my steps anymore and i'm so sorry about that uh but i made a total of 41 episodes y'all so let's see how many people guessed 41 correctly 54. all right let's pick a winner rachel lasky congrats on the start of your fifth year thank you so much cheers to many more dope is such a great concept thanks for the suggestion oh my gosh i hope you tried it my teenage son will love it 41 oh i've never seen anyone do this shws that's dealing with steph's and there you go congratulations rachel you have won the just keep kitchen t-shirt yay all right on to the third t-shirt giveaway so for this uh giveaway we asked you all the question of what is pam's other pastime now we got a little bit of a variety of answers here so it'll be interesting to see if you got it right or not but the answer is genealogy except for all your other answers she does like other things besides crosstalk and genealogy but from a pastime perspective our family history is most definitely her other pastime so let's see how many comments we got that got it right and spelled it right because frankly that word is hard to spell 60. congratulations you 60 people just for spelling it correctly okay let's pick a winner southern blue skies the stitchy witch lost her spooky heart journal in the jolly corn field under the fabric of the night sky genealogy congratulations southern blue skies you have won the one of the just keep stitching t-shirts congratulations okay now for the final giveaway uh for the final just keeps kitchen t-shirt the question that we asked is what room in our house did we record our first flosstube episode now if you remember from last week we said please use the fancier word and if you go and watch even our first episode we use the word and we tell you what we're in so that is the word we're looking for so let's see how many people got it right the word we were looking for the name of the room where it all happened is solarium solarium um not sunroom not back deck not that porch not living room not basement not bathroom not kitchen solari so congratulations you got that right and let's see how many of you did 84. i'm so proud of all 84 of you all right let's pick a winner while sitting in my solarium i was making an entry in my genealogy journal on page 41 while eating corn you guys are so funny um it makes my heart happy to congratulate you guys on your philosophy and to say thanks for sharing and happy stitching thank you so much deanna congratulations you have won uh the fourth and final just keep stitching t-shirts all right i will go ahead and send you all back to regular schedule programming now bye okay so so i got my list of people yes so congratulations are in order to diana you won the diana mh you won the journal so how that's gonna work diana so i'm gonna go down through each of them and say a little message to all 10 of you lovely people so diana how this is how this is going to work for the journal is that please reach out to pam her email address in the description box below yes and generators are standing by yes and by operators i mean yeah and then um we will put you in contact with chris yo and then she and you will chit chat about how what you want for your journals are made to order so and then um you can get your custom journal made yeah uh okay and then elaine uh connister uh you won the fabric bundle shelley meldrum won the fall bundle don at gamma's treasures won the christmas bundle rose heck won the heart bundle darla won the halloween bundle uh and the t-shirts went to susan wassudia wasuda rachel lasky southern blue skies and deanna elliott ellet ellet excuse me so um if any of you who've won gifts would like are coming to stitch con and would rather us give you them there just let us know yes um i know that um like darla i know we have your address but even if you think we have your address please reach out to pam regardless just so we know that you know you won and if you want to get it at stitch con it's perfectly cool yes that's totally fine we just want a record of that just so we know yeah um i know susan you're coming to sitcom so um yeah this isn't australia um and then southern blue skies please make sure that you tell us what your first and last name is yeah um but pam's email address is in the description box below and um just reach out to us and i would like to get these out as soon as possible just because stitch gun stuff is coming fast and furious and so um of course all of the the big things happen together like the anniversary and the everything the all the things so congratulations to all of our winners um it was so so so much fun and if you didn't want to just keep stitching t-shirts we do have things in the works um before post stitch con middle of the summer um for details on how to get your just keep stitching shirt right it's coming i promise yes okay when time allows and in the tune of saying thank you so much we would like to um at this particular junction say thank you to all of the people who have supported us this past week using the buy me a coffee option in our description box if you are unfamiliar with buy me a coffee it is an online platform for you to monetarily support your creators that you love on their social media platforms like youtube and so it is a way for you to help us and um we in turn take the money that you donate and we turn it around for framing like you see behind us um every penny that you give to us is used for that manner and it's just great so you can say that you were part of the things that are hanging on our wall absolutely isn't that great yes and so the people who have donated this week that we would like to say thank you to are okay we want to thank sincerely cindy cheryl bonnie lisa now teresa gill or jill not sure yeah very true christine danette angela sue laurie louise mary and kay and then we had three people who would like to stay anonymous totally fine by us um and so thank you all so very much for your incredibly generous donations we appreciate you all very very much right the uh just link for the buy me our buy me a coffee page is in the description box below right so we thank you so much um paula has uh our framer paula has sent us pictures of the ones we left up there a few weeks ago i of course warned her that we would not make the trip up the road until after stitch con correct cool with that yes but we have some more frame pieces coming uh probably uh late june early july so you'll see more of the fruits of your donations yes and we thank you most sincerely really and all the wonderful wonderful notes that you've attached to your donations you're so nice all right plans i'm going to try and sleep when i'm able right um things are moving along we're up to weekly stitch fun meetings at this point and we're getting a lot done and i'm very excited to have tomorrow off yes also because tuesday is the first of june i will be starting one of my whip go june projects not starting obviously working on one of my whip go whips um i think if i recall it is rural post office at christmas oh that's exciting and my goal is to put in um 10 days on that so you might see that next week are you gonna have a stitch card start i doubt it only because um okay i don't i don't know how much bedlam i can i can withstand and still start a new product i don't know what that sentence means it's a there's a there's a lot going on at stitch gone and i don't think i put in more than five stitches in 2019 oh well i'm gonna have i'm gonna have a stitch count start so you know what it's gonna be maybe okay well stay tuned folks all right that's about uh it for us for this week um spare ribs in the crock pot it's been smelling pretty good here all day yes we're anxious to serve them up and um we hope that uh you enjoyed your time with us and if you have a long weekend we hope you enjoy it we hope that you're finishing out stitch mania well yep and um that's gonna do it have a good long weekend if you are entitled to one yes and remember why you are and remember why you are and that's very well said thank you um in the meantime i'm pam and i'm stephanie and this is just keep stitching bye
Channel: JustKeepStitchin'
Views: 11,489
Rating: 4.9360466 out of 5
Keywords: FlossTube, JustKeepStitchin', Pam and Steph, Cross Stitch, Twin Peak Primitives
Id: y7GegO2xrqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 7sec (6547 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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