Florida Therapist with * Shoulder pain * Relieved In Minutes (REAL TREATMENT!!!!)

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hello everyone my name is dr. Jacobs I'm a doctor of physical therapy and I'm the inventor of advanced soft tissue release Astor specialty I'm also a cancer survivor and I used to suffer from chronic migraines headaches pain and fatigue before I invented as their specialty right now you tell me what's going on your shoulder what happened how much you do this when you do this is 45 okay so can you give me a little history how did you injure your shoulder I entered it by doing a particular massage therapy stroke watching massage therapist yes okay so you were working back well show me now I was doing a stroke like this well the good news you will have tools now again all right so what's happened when this happened what did you do to help massage myself just work it myself and I think I went to a massage therapist also so I want to aggravate your sentence just to test it for now to to see how is your appeal model nothing then we're going to the treatment and then we'll try to aggravate it again to see if you respond to the treatment or we need to give more work okay all right so do the motion that aggravate and give me pain level isn't more with way to imitate Oh back like this how much room do to turn I would say maybe like a five five yeah that spots can you do this from me and step on your limited rights here how much was your teacher so this is like 90 degrees here yeah heavy nine out of ten I would say needs and is it sharp dull aching I think is aching you can and a pizza will have you actually sit here it's in this way so I'm gonna work with the skin and you said you feel like and write it right here right there yes well yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think I had a head injury I remember when I was a very young child who told you my bed and there was a heavy gate that my mom used to googles and under windows nobody gets in we loose oh my did you have such searches are no citrus that I remember bleeding a lot Oh what else so I go action two spots like that I know it's usually tight but they probably want to assess the whole thing what is it here I remember the things so long ago but I kinda remember someone's you try to feel it I'm not sure acting missile your hairstylist but it sounds like it's look like a hairstylist that's immature accept it make a mess at the end you're really tight okay so we'll see okay this is doing a range of motions just working in here for now some up and bring it this is a and let's do the front and when I brought it down I felt it here [Music] all this did anyone work on you in the series so far myself right now okay so we have a master class or that's just the end of the class too much your clothes your kids or grind like clench but I catch myself doing it I actually live more with the truth then might handle actually I did not feel the spots but near the Twin Cities there to feel like it's really I don't know why it's just very tiny that it's easy to feel it with your tool and that's the tender spot I'm assuming that's where sure it's not painful how's that pressure but this your foster story type you feel all those the sides and line your back so I worked on your head and your intuitions and proved a little bit does that make sense did you notice that okay so now too much [Music] Yeah right there all right of you you can feel the situation you can see and you as accident were just this one feel the tightness in your forehead you see you can see the type is you do you see the pulling here it's all her deck right go away with it yeah yeah because the foster system is like a wraps around the entire body's like a spider-man suit sooo when you have tightness in one area it's similar to the you wearing a spider-man suit dead 2 to 3 size too small so it's it's actually you can see the house where areas too that first shot straight up to your [Music] sorry if I get some in your lotion okay yes you feel that - I do not this is like a band [Music] [Music] no fill this one here yes yep those pumps oldest well hey this is very good picture okay yeah it's not that one I felt that my sister she she did you work on that yeah for me try it again their range of motion is better you're going up higher quite what what make it stuck there squeeze your shoulder plate and relax shrug your shoulders too much Susan okay Jewish again it's how much subjects like right here this was here yeah time QL my left side meaning needs to be a fitness instructor that had to do have it in some kind of a social stomach surgeries no oh yeah I did what they went to my bellybutton in a generation that's me appendicitis kids do pay to work on stomach yes [Music] that was that try it again now when I do a rotation like that I felt it a little bit thumb up and bring it up let's look at this still that's much better let's do the front okay let's do the front now I know someone back again sorry so she said transportation man [Music] so that when I was looking for [Music] what about now that deflection come up and bring it up as far as again okay but you see how far you can go much better they say are your four inch of motion yeah it's me four inch of ocean before you were so let's do the abduction because the abduction was 19 degrees and see that thumb up and bring it up that's 180 degrees yeah beautiful yeah so what do you think about the treatments I think it's very effective [Music] the treatment I think it's very therapeutic mm-hmm and it definitely works I do feel amazingly it's a quick fix thank you thank you thank you doctor feel free to subscribe to my channel to get helpful tips on how to relieve pain and if you are a health care provider and interested to be as they're certified you can follow the link below you will get information on how to register for aster online class there is over for you study that support aster treatment model and also there is over 400 study that utilized by a cert Reitman and feel free to check over more over 220 videos that most of them actually real treatment videos we'll see you soon
Channel: Dr. Joseph Jacobs DPT
Views: 15,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shoulder pain, shoulder pain relief, shoulder arthritis, shoulder pain treatment, rotator cuff tendonitis, impingement syndrome, shoulder strain, shoulder tendinitis, bursitis, dislocated shoulder, osteoarthritis, arthritis, Dr.Jacobs, physical therapy, Chiropractor, ASTR, massage, release, myofascial release, advanced soft tissue release, scar tissue release, chronic pain, pain treatment, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, IASTM, shoulder blade pain, Florida Therapist
Id: cQ9Ztd8n0tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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