Florida street fight over boyfriend ends in death

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two beautiful girls in love with one bad boy these two girls get lovesick over the wrong guy but this romantic rivalry has a very modern twist social media what were some of the things that were being said back and forth this is my man I'm gonna kick your ass a nasty war of words plays out online and over the phone we put a brand new picture of you and John till one steamy Florida night it goes from words to deadly weapons what is your emergency all over a love triangle a love triangle and a little Applebee's knife Rachel Wade and Sarah Ludemann grew up just a few blocks apart in the small town of Pinellas Park Florida they were both beautiful attended the same high school and ran and similar circles but in every other way the girls were polar opposites Rachel 19 years old was a petite girl fiercely independent a waitress and a blonde bombshell Rachel Wade was like one of the girls that all the girls wanted to be liked and all the boys wanted to be with Sarah Ludemann was just 18 years old a high school seniors still living at home with a curfew she loved animals and had dreams of becoming a veterinarian Simon she was kind of a daddy's girl who liked to go into baseball games and country rock concerts but the two beautiful teens did have one thing in common Josh Camacho what did these girls see in Josh to be honest I don't know Rachel met Josh in elementary school but her best friend Ashley decosta says it wasn't until high school that the sparks flew I never got a good feeling from him ever ever I just that gut feeling you know 19 year old Josh was a player reportedly a deadbeat dad to a toddler and according to journalist Lane DeGregory loved being the bad boy I think he he fashioned himself to be that little thug kid pitchers with guns pictures smoking weed pictures with pit bulls that was the image he was striving for as a 17 18 year old and it was working and he was getting the girls Sarah never had a real boyfriend but that would all change one fateful day when she walked into a chick-fil-a where Josh was a cook he came out of the back smelling like french fries and wait at her and no one had ever really flirted with Sarah and said she was just completely blown away that this guy was interested in her Rachel and Sarah both though hard for Josh there was just one problem he didn't want each girl to find out about each other for months Josh dated both Sarah and Rachel you have this beautiful girl working at Applebee's in her own apartment you know so he sees that in Rachel and then he sees this little good girl Sarah Miss innocent you know still living at home with her parents so I think you know he he had his advantages with both of them but his secret was about to be exposed in a very public way Rachel started putting that picture that's how Sarah found out he basically said yeah I was sleeping with her Sarah got mad very mad but it wasn't at who you'd expect she wasn't getting up or being mad at him she was like I'm gonna get him back I'm gonna prove you know that he's mine and not hers and a romantic tug of war Sarah began to post her own pictures with Josh and Rachel didn't like it one bit Rachel wanted Josh all to herself it's not correct it was the beginning of a vicious cyber smackdown between the lovesick teenagers Sarah would say oh you dropped out of school you're a loser girl you know Rachel would say some things back to her like you know you're ugly or fat and all the while loverboy Josh continued to date both girls fueling the feud it seemed like he really sort of enjoyed all of us he was saying if you love me fight for me and that's what they were doing the trash talking and phone calls were becoming more explosive they would like post things like back to back Josh would leave Sara and go with Rachel a status would be posted and that would cause so so much drama finally Sarah had had enough and began confronting Rachel face to face Sarah and her friends would come in there and harass her non-stop try to trip her on Thursday so we had karaoke nights and there was a song called girl fight and her and a group of her friends came in and sang that song and pointed at her taunting her yeah almost stalking her another time Sarah chased Rachel down in her car and sprayed her with silly string they tried to attack these girls the police arrived and they asked the girls if they wanted to make a report they said yes and they basically talked him out of it and said oh it's just no girls fighting but it's not silly to these girls as it's going on because it's building and it's building and it's exactly months of online taunting and teenage bickering finally comes to an explosive head Sara shows up at Rachel's apartment a neighbor tells police she began screaming threats saying I'm gonna kick your ass come downstairs bla bla bla bla bla and Rachel was home alone Rachel now terrified grabs a steak knife waits for Sarah to leave and runs to her car she took a steak knife with her cuz she didn't know who was down there where was she going she was going to her ex boyfriend Javier's house why was she going there because nobody would suspect that she would be there Sarah leaves Rachel's apartment and drives over to play video games with Josh and his friends around midnight Sarah's dad text her about curfew but before she can leave one more text comes in as she gets ready to leave Rachel texts Josh and said oh I know you're with her Sarah's infuriated but mostly worried rachel will swoop in on Josh as soon as he's alone Sarah reluctantly leaves for home but first heads to get a bite to eat with Josh's sister and another friend on the way they get a tip rachel is nearby Sarah's friends says hey I just saw Rachel she's down the block with Javier so Sarah instead of going to McDonald's turns around and goes to Javier's house Sarah now on the brink goes looking for trouble and finds it Sarah pulls up and Rachel comes running at her from the front of the house they both met in the middle of the street Sarah threw the first punch Rachel ducked her head down and just kind of started frailing her arms the girl fight lasts only moments looks like a fury of fists and hair pulling but when it's over one girl they bleeding in the street unites alone what is your emergency I'm learning a girl laying on the ground bleeding in the middle of the road she said it hurts and then that was it did you tell where she was bleeding from it was right around her heart area beautiful teenagers eighteen-year-old Sarah Ludemann and nineteen year old Rachel Wade both in love with this guy Josh Camacho he basically said yeah I was sleeping with her and her and her in it but it was they weren't my girlfriends they were friends with benefits the battle for the bad boy played out online and over their phones but nobody thought the cyber catfight would end up like this okay where on the body is the patient in the car I think everybody just kind of thought again this was a high school teenage relationship where somebody was upset and really didn't see this as a powder keg that it actually turned into detective Michael Lynch says it was Sarah who came looking for a fight that night to duke it out and lay claim to Josh what Sarah didn't know was Rachel brought a knife to the fistfight rachel has concealed a small normal steak knife in her hand at the time that she began swinging at Sarah Sarah stabbed once in the upper shoulder and then once directly over her heart now Sarah bleeding in the middle of the street and gasping for air makes one desperate call not to her mom or dad but to Josh it wasn't even to 9-1-1 no her last call her her cell phone they found was all sticky with her own blood and she'd reached back in there to call Josh and she says something like it hurts it hurts Jamie Severino a friend to both the girls was one of the first on the scene everybody was yelling pretty much at Rachel you know like what you did I can't believe you did this to her Rachel is just you know sitting there with like a blank look on her face I don't think she really knew what she did at that point Rachel is sitting up on a bench smoking cigarettes and pretty pretty comics like you and I are now Sarah is rushed to the hospital rachel is taken to the Pinellas Police Department for questioning detective Lynch begins with that small steak knife why did you have it with you their cars follow me so you are you telling me that you had it for some form of protection I know when you first hear the interview with her you would have thought that this was just a teenage fight I went out and met this girl on the street we fought and that was the end of it Rachel claims and eyewitnesses accounts confirmed Sarah took the first swing landing three punches to Rachel's head Rachel claims she forgot she even had the knife in her hand she says she just threw her hands up to defend herself then the moment Rachel never saw coming the next piece of information that you need to know is that she is dead what started as a teenage cat fight turns to genuine heartbreak Rachel landed just two jabs with that steak knife one pierced Sarah's heart lease charge Rachel with second-degree murder do you believe this was self-defense yes 100% but how would a jury see it prosecutors paint Rachel as a vindictive girlfriend who took the knife with the intent to harm Sarah Rachel took the fight out to Sarah in the middle of the road and then brought a deadly weapon with her that's not stand your ground but Rachel's attorney Kelly McCabe says she was standing her ground and had the right to protect herself do you believe Rachel could have ran away or maybe chose to do something different you don't have to run away that's the law the law is you get to stay in your ground a very believable argument then prosecutors drop this that phone call was made eight months before the fatal night still it will seal Rachel's fate we the jury find as follows ask that a defendant in this case the defendant is guilty of murder in the second degree as charged so say we all rachel is sentenced to 27 years behind bars the statement that was made by Rachel was that she was going to kill Sarah and that was very difficult to overcome and the fact that she ultimately did kill Sarah so what about the man in the middle and the part Josh Camacho played in this deadly love triangle should he be held accountable for something I mean for what cheating on girls one of the prosecutors at the trial said something like inna you can't charge someone with being a jerk loved ones on both sides of this case believe Josh played a major role unfortunately police say there aren't any charges they can bring forward against him I went to Josh's house to try to get his side of the story Josh wasn't home but his mother told us her son played no part in Sara's death do you believe that Josh should have been held responsible or accountable for what he did Rachel's new attorney is fighting to reopen the case hoping to prove Rachel was acting in self-defense but the lives of two teenage girls are now forever changed because they never stopped to consider the consequences there was no winner in this you know one family lost their daughter to prison over a senseless act of fighting over a boy and the other family completely lost their daughter forever you know that they'll never see again
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 943,726
Rating: 4.7107735 out of 5
Keywords: Rachel Wade, Sarah Ludemann, True Crime Daily, Crime Watch Daily, Pinellas Park Florida, Josh Camacho
Id: q88aET-ibIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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