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hey guys it's Richard with the hunter-gatherer Society and today of course as always we have dozer with us here beautiful beautiful day the clouds have not quite filled in yet so we're haven't been rained and yet we have tinker with us here today not normally on our longer trucks but today's a short one so before it gets too hot but if doing a little hike really just getting the dogs out stretch their legs but as always I bring a bag and you never know what you might find and we just had some rain the last couple days and so the mushrooms have started popping I showed a video the other day but I wanted to show this I came in here this is a nice little shaded area there's actually a nice resting bench on the other side here we've got our gear setup and we're we're taking a little break getting some water for the dogs but I came through here and I found a nice full eat mushroom looked all over couldn't find any more in this leaf litter here and so kind of just set everything up and I thought well I'm gonna come back and just do one more walk through just to see but I'll tell you what it is amazing it really is the importance of stopping and looking very carefully because it is amazing how easy so we just walked by this that's my second time by it the other thing too is coming at it from different angles so as you go you probably can start to see them now but I walked right by these there's a beautiful one right there beautiful paletes and there's a smaller one he's perfect for harvesting absolutely lift him up there he is absolutely beautiful mushroom you can see I'm starting to turn blue or I bumped the outer shell they're nice and healthy it looks like he's free of worms of course you never know until you cut them bullets will get worms in them and when you cut slice it open you know make slices like you would a normal mushroom and you'll see the little holes in the slice and then those I just throw away but I have a feeling this one's gonna slice up nice and clean but this is a bolete and one of the way to tell the bull eats of course is they don't have gills they have these pores if you'll notice here I'll try to zoom in get it to focus but you see there's no gills here it's like a sponge there's little pores and that tells you you have a bull eat now once you get that information you've got a lot of work to do because there are a lot of different kinds of bull eats but this one is edible and I will bring some of these home for my breakfast this morning I did find a little bit of wood sorrel earlier just a tiny bit if I find more I'll bring it bring the video back on but I will saute that up with some Biden's the wood sorrel the mushrooms and that'll make a nice little breakfast alright well we're going to take five here in the shade cool the dogs down and then if we see anything fun we'll bring it back alright guys we're back on the trail opened up a little bit right in the hot Sun record spent a whole lot of time out in here but I did want to see show you this so all along here you can see these little white flowers get down the trail actually there's a bunch right here the pollinators will be loving those nice plush greens on them coming down here just a little further dozers found some hey buddy did you find some I just want that grass right here you can see there's quite a bit here there's the flowers here's the Greens that haven't flowered yet I'll show you the leaf on this I can kind of block the Sun there there you go those are Biden's Alba and they are all along this trail and I said earlier I would cook it up with some Biden's that is what I'm gonna be cooking it up with so these are an edible green they grow all over they are kind of a standard edible they are a bit bitter yeah I like the flavor but a lot of people consider them very strong and bitter so it's really up to your palate but you can draw you can put them in salads which I often do you can saute them up with other vegetables which I frequently do and but they're abundant and they're healthy and and they're a good addition I'm not gonna pick any today I've got quite a bit at home and but I did just want to show you how abundant they are along this particular trail so we'll keep moving maybe as we go through here a little bit we'll we'll find some more interesting things we did find a few of the passion flowers earlier smaller fruits nothing to really harvest the Coco plums back in here aren't ready yet we're ways away from the water we'll check up by the up by the water here in a little bit but what we've found so far are not ready just a note to on the mushrooms we found I showed you the first ones we found another batch prior to that they were very small actually her buttons the young button mushrooms and they were absolutely perfect for harvesting and so we collected those but the one thing is the the oak trees that seems to be what these bullets like here they like them I don't know if it's a shade or if it's just because of the tree but we certainly are you know as I look through here I'm looking for hardwoods I'll probably go snoop around underneath those as we come up this trail you know we'll we'll keep an eye open there's a couple areas that have some hardwoods and usually what I'll do is just get up relatively close you know just kind of look around down in the leaf litter you got to stop like I said and look very very closely I don't see anything in here those are you see anything in there bud no see anything in there so on we go but usually as you saw those other ones long stick times stop and look you know you'll see them but you do have to stop because it is like I said so easy and sometimes just you know you look at them from the right and you can't see them you look at them from the left and they're just right in front and it's amazing the difference of just the angle so anyway we'll carry on and if we find anything we'll bring you back now again on this little it's like somebody's little shaded sitting it's sitting area kind of interesting look at that beautiful specimen out a wild edible but a medicinal mushroom actually the new growth waiter on the edges that's a brand spankin new one we're not gonna harvest that today I'll leave that for the next person that focuses on the medicinal but pretty mushroom we're definitely starting to see some new growth as we move through here the rains have definitely kicked that up looks like there's some Palmetto berries in here these are saw palmetto now if you can see that but you can see the little edges and I'll tell you what they do live up to their name there it is they live up to their name they will sigh your finger in a hurry but the berries of course you can get the heart of palm out of those I'm not grabbing it I believe there are some uses for these berries I don't not familiar with that so we're gonna leave that today and study it later we'll carry on I love these changes you know we just came out of an open area of a lot of palm trees and now we're in a more shaded area you see I see a lot of leaf litter these are areas I'm really gonna start paying attention to you know again the leaf litter will hold the moisture and you know you change the type of trees you have oftentimes that can be a good spot to locate mushrooms really pay attention to the to the downed wood I see an area over there I'll probably check out here a minute very shaded not sure what comes freeze those are yet but we'll get over there and check it out and now we still got some palms but hey there we go oh look at this hey this is a beautiful little discovery these are red very red coloring they have yellow stems I can see it on that small one there in the shade so they're very very healthy let's bring these up see what we've got apologize for the finger there so we've got yellow pours blue staining I guess they're kind of a crimson almost a wine color those are a beautiful mushroom these are the buttons I referred to earlier this is a good one right here but look at that there's no not gonna be any worms in there nice and moist that is a prime eating mushroom there's a couple more are there no I'm gonna pluck a few these and then we'll bring you back if I find anything else all right guys we are back and I want to show you this I found a couple white bullets and I didn't take a photo of them I only found two small ones but as I was walking again back to you know how easy they are to miss these are hidden from the main trail I just happened to catch the sight of something white that looked you know out of the picture and I'm breaking off this is amazing look at how beautiful this mushroom is perfect pores absolutely in prime condition these are another edible bullied these early are really nice find I can't can't believe this I haven't seen these in a while and and I'm sorry guys you know me most this stuff the mushrooms I don't do the Latin names and a lot of these things I can't remember I can't remember all these Latin names so I've identified a few mushrooms that I like to find later on I'll ID this and post the the actual name of it but they are edible and I have had them before and they're a good mushroom so I'm gonna take a couple of these home with me I'll be dinner I just want to share this with you this isn't it really really beautiful beautiful mushroom find and the thick of things there's another one over there one down inside there there he has you barely see him so I'll bring you back for finding else alright guys I brought you back because this is an area here where I find a lot of wood sorrel different stretch more pines here more grass lion we actually just chased up the deer that we had chased up earlier Pinker says I'm out of here you guys I can't do this anymore it's getting too hot but you'll see there's wood soil right through here you can see the little way little yellow flowers you can see the heart-shaped leaves a bunch over here on the tree on one of my favorite tastes lemony flavor to it mixes up in salads it's just all over through here I'll harvest a little bit of this I did want to touch base a little bit on the fact well something I said earlier about you know not knowing the names of the mushrooms I just want to say that nothing in our house is eaten without knowing exactly what it is so the mushrooms that I'm hiding our ones that I've hunted before identified before and know they're safe to eat I don't use Latin names a lot I use common names I'm not an expert in mushroom hunting I'm not a botanist just a guy who loves to be out here and in the woods I love to hear the birds singing see the deer see the different flowers different mushrooms different plants I'd love to learn which ones are usable edible medicinal and I just find it fascinating and I really love going home and I'll I'll make my breakfast this morning so fresh mushrooms and greens and I really love that aspect of it and so I just want to say you know and don't don't take anything you see here home and eat it because you saw it on this video make sure when you pick a mushroom that you you really look at it you look at that stem you look at the body you smell it maybe bike you know just take a little nibble off it spit that out get a flavor flow for it go home and research multiple books I have probably seven or eight different books that I can research I'll use the Internet yes there is good information in there but there's also bad information so be cautious with that use good legitimate sources talk to a local expert these are all things that we do you know I take classes on the weekends we'll do a couple hour forage with a local expert and so it's just really important to know what you're picking what you're eating and how to do it some plants parts of them are edible and other parts are not and other plants everything's edible so just really be cautious with that so I just want to touch base on that I think it's just very very important I can't remember all the names of this stuff so what I've got is a dozen mushrooms or so that I I know I can eat and just call these bull eats because that's what they are and what the common name is I'll try to post it in videos or on photos what the actual name is so that you can look it up and research it yourself but again in these videos I may often not know it so I apologize for that but it's just kind of the way I forage beautiful flowers in here as well so we'll bring you back here a little bit alright guys we are back home the dogs are pooped we're all hot even the mushrooms got hot but they survived the trip home we made a heck of a nice little score here white bull eats and yellow bleeds blue staining a little bit of wood sorrel like I said I already have some greens in the refrigerator so I'm just going to use those to mix in with the breakfast but just a wonderful score and several days where the mushrooms early on the trail I talked a little bit about the fact that some of these might be wormy and you know so some of them we left because of the fact that you could tell that they were wormy but sometimes when you get them home that's when you really can determine and I mentioned in the video slicing him open and then you can see you know I thought you can see the worm so let's take a look at these I'll tell you I'll show you what I'm talking about see if these are clean so we're just gonna make a normal slice on these we're gonna go right up to the stem and then what you're doing is you're looking here and you can see it turning blue already but you notice there's no holes no brown spots or anything like that in the mushroom so there's no worms in that particular one now this one I know is has got worms in so we're just going to slice this open so we can see it and here you can see actually the lines coming in you can see the little holes here in the mushroom see the brown along that along the support of the spore area that's wormy you can see here there's some holes now one thing with this one if I cut the other side it's even you can see even more you can see the brown streaks and that you can see from here you can see the holes actually right in the spore so that one is actually not one we're gonna keep I just wanted to show you now I'm really optimistic that this one is gonna be wonderful because it's so firm but you never know so let's take a look at him and we're gonna slice in and as you can see that is all white just a beautiful shade of tan no worms in there at all this is going to be the pride and joy of this hunt that is going to a wonderful meal so I just want to share that with you and thanks for joining us today again Richard with the hunter-gatherer society and the up-and-coming film star Ella on the camera and of course dozer and tanker today so we'll see you next time yeah they're pooped see you next time all right everybody just bringing you back for a second I want to show you the final results this is my breakfast well breakfast lunch I guess brunch we'll call it here we've got the smilax we harvested the other day I've broken it down into smaller pieces that is the wood sorrel we harvested today the Biden's Alba harvested the other day and of course the one of the mushrooms that we brought in today so that's going to be sauteed up some olive oil and it'll make a wonderful brunch alright guys I want to share this sound of the sizzle so one thing too about these wild mushrooms just like really any mushroom you want to cook them really well so how to medium heat I'm gonna saute those up first and I'm also putting the babies in there make sure that gets cooked down real good so nice and tender and then I will add the others and I'll see that with some garlic salt onion pepper keep it pretty simple because this will have pretty good flavor all in its own so again just sharing with you that's one for today thank you very much have a great weekend
Channel: The Hunter Gatherer Society
Views: 30,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Edible mushrooms, wild edibles, foraging, forage, wild foods, edible plants
Id: t2ms288ZjUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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