FlightFactor A350-XWB | Flown by real Airbus pilot | How different is it?

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[Music] no forward on the stick [Music] 500 rotate [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what is going on good people welcome back to the channel wow today is exciting stream for a lot of you guys i've been getting so many comments on this airplane and everybody requested me to fly it so much so as i even started getting donations like hey this is for the 350. so at that point i can't avoid the airplane any longer guys today is going to be a fun one thank you for joining me here a little bit early i know i scheduled the stream for about 11 o'clock but the wife and baby are out of the house right now so i figured i'd capitalize on just a few minutes early here getting this flight underway i will tell you right off the bat i am no a350 expert i do think it's one of my favorite airbus wide bodies out there though in real life i really do enjoy the 350 i think it's a beautiful looking airplane i've been avoiding it on the sim just because i felt it was incomplete and not worth the price point and all that we'll talk about that all in cruise we got a long flight we're going down to cancun mexico on this beautiful friday i hope you guys are ready to come along for the ride here good to see everybody max rank aaron hastings andre henry electricity machine good to see you guys team vodka al dfw what is up my friend i was awakened by some serious thunder and lightning this morning man but it looks like it's all kind of moving out of the area so hopefully the weather will hold out here and we won't have any lightning strikes on this on the uh internet tower blue aviation good to see you here miltown 24. man look at all these silver captains in the house everyone's becoming captains already we got a couple of gold four stripers of course we got some new members as well gotta love it love all the support guys thank you so much for being members of the channel sponsoring the channel huge shout out jeremy harvey as well for the music on this channel i mean i just when i hear that song it just gets me going man i can't wait i wish i could play that song for boarding music in real life you know when we're boarding the airplane up and going to work i know it's friday for all you but it's actually kind of sunday for me i'm going to work early morning tomorrow so let's get the show on the road i'm excited i hope you're excited beautiful 350 modeling here i will say this it is a beautiful external model minus the wings look at that shot right there we got the x enviro rocking right now i do have a problem with some of my overlays here with the ortho at the airport so i'm going to compensate for that with the x enviro and i'm going to take a screenshot are you guys seeing this right here with the sun rising we have 93 people watching 52 likes if you haven't liked the video already you probably don't like me that's fine but let's go ahead and like this video for this shot right here i mean this is what dreams are made of you got the sun coming up on the horizon beautiful skies and a wide body airbus a350 boarding up to go down to mexico vacation so i hope you guys are ready i'm going to ask for assistance on this no lie i am no means an expert on the airplane like i already said i've only done one flight in this airplane and i've done one landing and i was extremely overweight so hopefully today will be a little bit better eta to push so i know uh push first and let you guys in front uh christian i i couldn't even tell you man let me struggle through this here on stream and we're going to try to try to work it out now into the cockpit we go i am running the ft sim sound pack because the default sounds were pretty much non-existent and actually made me very depressed so on that standpoint i was not impressed at all with the default sounds but we are running the ft sim sound pack and let me just set that real quick since i was looking at it before i forget 299.5 all right i have the airplane sitting on ground power i already hooked up the ground power and we're going to just go up here to the overhead and kind of clean up some of the boxes here i'm not exactly sure the order i know mateo chewie put out the video i'm still working on it man crew supply oxygen we'll go ahead and turn that on we don't have any apu running right now so we're still on the ground power we'll leave that on we'll go ahead and turn off or turn on some of these power buses here hydraulics i guess can stay off for right now cargo vent fans will turn those off and these are going to be faulted these are ground hydraulics we'll leave that off right now and nss we'll turn that on cargo air conditioning we're going to turn on these isolation valves we don't need any bleed i can tell you that right now because we don't have any ground air hooked up we're going to preset it though for normal flow make sure that is in auto when we do turn on the apu uh nav lights can go ahead come on seat belts off no smoking emergency exit lights off until we get the airplane fueled up and ready to go all right the checklist is very thorough for this airplane i know it's extremely thorough to the point of where i just stopped doing it because i would need probably several dozen hours on the airplane to get the checklist down um darth beelin thank you so much man um for becoming a member private pilot welcome to the channel exclamation point welcome for your new perks here on board my friend thank you so much for joining the channel let's go ahead and first get the initialization done that's going to be kind of my struggle today so we're going to do uh we're delta airlines 357 heavy we've got that and we're going to go from atlanta hartsfield to mmun and mike mike's here delta is our alternate for international operations company root i think there's a way to pull it up right um i don't know atlanta mmun apply i don't know if that will if that actually loads it or not here let's see uh we are cruising out through to flight level four zero zero oh geez that's temperature disregard we're gonna just leave that blank oh no cruise temp oh man let's just say it's minus 40c cruise flight level already made a mistake four zero zero i gotta say i'm not a fan of simulator airplanes with touch screens or with a ccd display so the embraer 170 family 170 190 it did look like a loaded flight plan that's cool we had the very similar setup here with the ccd display you put your hand over it and use your finger to move the cursor around it's okay it's not my favorite i prefer i actually prefer screens like we have in the airbus where you have all the gauges on the outside but it's um it is what it is i mean it's just it's just personal preference you know i'm sure some of you guys love the touch screen but i just think it's i don't know in a simulator it just seems weird you know because i don't know that's just like i said personal preference cost index we're going to do 75. tropo 3690 so actually i already have all this highlighted here i've got our chart selected here we're doing the smeltz2 wallet transition and i already highlighted some important information for crews anytime you're going across the we're not going to cross palm going across the gulf we've got a couple more things we want to take into account here we got a flight longer than uh two hours so we're gonna look at some more contingency planning flight level four zero zero the tropo is actually three nine five so i'm gonna go ahead and put that in our three nine five zero zero we'll enter that and that looks good okay all right let's go to the irs irs are lighting on gps position that looks good irs 2 irs 3. all right we do need to go to the serve page i know this you guys were telling me about this one so let's go transponder auto tara and above for vat sim purposes i know this is not how you would set it up here for the [Music] for real life but because we're on batson we're going to set it up we're going to turn our transponder stuff on and i do know that this all has to come into the auto position here auto auto auto and we'll dark taus we'll go ahead and turn all that on that looks good to me all right so we're out of the serve page let's go back to fms one let's go back to our flight plan looks like we're in here now you guys said to use um max is way easier to program via the the backup mcdew okay so that's what i actually was doing initially because this is what i'm familiar with right this mcdew down here i thought you guys would roast me if i decided to load the airplane from this mcdew here but if that's a real technique then i got no problem doing it but yes you can load the mcdew or the flight plan from this mcdew screen back here in the aircraft and we're going to go ahead and just do our departure out of here i'm planning on departing let's see what we got for atlanta aitus let's see departing eights so they're parting eastbound so with an eastbound departure where we are we're probably gonna request a runway for takeoff performance i'm gonna request niner left i don't wanna go up to the north complex either so we're gonna quest nine left so i'm gonna set nine left for departure and our flight plan rooting shows us going off this was it the smelt what was the s yes the smelts ii departure so we're going to scroll down here these smelts to a departure a wallet transition we'll insert that and we also have to load up our arrival now we didn't have an arrival from we just have a direct too i can tell you right now in real life i've pretty much been living on the cancun routes from north america down to cancun from all across the country the last couple of months uh you're probably gonna get the vomar one alpha the no sug one alpha they're not just gonna give you a direct from the field so what i'm going to do preemptively here is i'm going to go arrival and cancun is kind of interesting they normally always used to land one two left then they shut one two left down for construction and everybody was landing one two right and departing one two left now as of last month they've really switched over and they're landing one two left again so we are going to be doing one two left the dme number four that is the one that we typically get coming from this direction i'm gonna do the nosa uh is it the nose or the vomar we'll do the vomar one alpha and we're gonna do it from vixi and if atc comes online you know we can change it from there but right now let's go back up here we'll go into our plan mode we'll kind of step through this again we'll go plan mode and let's go ahead and step through our flight plan here so we're going to scroll down it's it's confusing me it's going backwards and the dookies are a little they're backwards in my opinion all right hold on let's get back to the top okay here we go so we're on the smilt's departure boom boom the all the way down wallet use c2i nost sigar minnow it long hopefully we'll be able to go direct volmar at some point instead of going all the way out to it and then this is the vomar alpha and see how vixi it connects really nice for the one two left transition so from this direction you might get the foam or you might get something else maybe the no sug but unless we get atc in in mexico or cancun down there we're not gonna worry about it we'll just fly that arrival down there like that so that flight plan actually looks good we'll go ahead and close that out i'm going to go back down here to my primary or my i guess it's a backup mcdew but it makes it a hell of a lot easier for me as a narrow body airbus guy to set up this airplane here so we've got our main flight plan in there let's do our secondary oh can we not even do secondary we can't do secondary from here um init b page we'll do that up from up top rad nav i guess we'll leave donation it page i'm going to set atlanta in here zero niner left we'll set that rand cool coming in with a 20 a dollar bomber thank you rand i appreciate that so much man i appreciate your support on the channel dude he says i've been out of the net so i haven't been available though i thought i would celebrate my return by buying you a bottle of jd rye it's very good fyi makes a great old fashioned thanks for all you do hey rand i am gonna need that i'm gonna take that donation specifically and i'm gonna go to the store after this stream i'm gonna do that because as you know i do have number two on the way here it's coming down to the wire guys two more weeks and i'll have baby number two in the house so i'm going to enjoy a nice old-fashioned courtesy of rand cool i appreciate that sir thank you very much all right so i got atlanta nine left set in there perf data we got to set that up now okay so this is where i'm probably going to make some mistakes i'm going to try to i'm gonna try to keep the chat here in in my field of use so you guys can i know there's a delay but i i'm having issues getting my performance loaded properly where and performance i mean the actual loading of the aircraft like weight and balance and stuff so let me get my camera set up here and we're going to come down here we're going to look at this all right so i'm going to just do a a middle of the road load here right so i'm going to go load all right so we'll make sure i do everything right here guys we got 12 crew first class business class economy class i wonder how many people this actually holds in this configuration here um so that looks good there's our weights okay so now i believe i hit implement correct implement there we go passenger and cargo loaded excellent okay so i did that right i think that's what i was missing next time and here's our weights so what i can do if i'm not mistaking is i can go over here and i can swap i want to put these screens next to each other i guess i can huh okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go to our perf page i just feel like it's all a little bit out of whack here a knit page and how do i get to my init page b is what i want to know page 1 of 24 active and knit so you know what i'm going to do i'm just going to pop out this mcdo so that that's what my issue was here i was having a trouble loading the proper init b page from that other screen and i wouldn't say it's trouble it's just i'm not i haven't had enough time with the airplane yet all right so for fuel this is where i made my mistake on my one and only test flight as i landed about 30 000 pounds overweight so we don't want to do that today although i did find out the fuel dump does work in this airplane which is pretty cool okay let's scroll down here gate fuel is and i changed this to kilos here so we don't make the mistake 19.6 let's call it 19.7 fuel so now i how do i set up 19.7 fuel on board i've got 2 000 i need 19.7 so take off destination let's go destination fuel let's just do 19700 give me all of that um oh i see what it does okay that's gate fuel they wants me to load all these in separately fuel and load gas you need to fuel load also but load fuel first go to fuel and load gas gas gas on the drop down weight and balance oh thank you felix it was on that drop down page on the weight and balance i forgot yeah you have to load fuel and load options in that page load field first all right all right so i've got that i got 19.7 i guess they wanted me to load all this stuff in here technically i guess i could have put eleven six in here but i guess that's fine all right so implement fuel loaded fuel cg at forward limit okay there's our uh we'll pick up that you know in a little bit over about that so i got that set up let me go back to my passengers all right so let me go over here let me close you for a second this is where i just want to make sure i get this right because uh fuel perf fuel and load here we go zero fuel weight so our zero fuel weight now is down here 170.5 i just is this i mean i know i'm probably doing it wrong but i feel like this is just a really inefficient way to do this here zero fuel weight cg 18 percent 18 we'll go ahead hit enter there block fuel we need 17 what did i say 19 7 19 let's do 0 1 9. decimal 7. let's do that there we go 19.7 that's our total gate fuel cost index 75 just put 197 in the destination and that's it okay if you follow the fuel loading the dispatch you can get this perfect if i follow the fuel loading in the dispatch jeremy i did notice that it's funny that you picked up on that i didn't say anything but yeah that old school and mcdo it's kind of like the original tallest problems all right well we got enough gas we've got it on board right but now it says fuel cg at forward limit i don't like that that doesn't seem correct let me come back in here real quick fuel loading fuel cg at forward limit i should shift some weight to the back yeah that's okay so let's do that with the passengers let's go where's my loads can i change this unload passengers alright so if i do a middle of the load let's go here fuel load it's a forward cg limit what the heck man so i have to manually load this here that's in the red how about four change you to three okay you don't wanna just do light load how's that invalid configuration great passenger weight all right 198 economy class what happens if i do that excess f cg uh oh rip oh boy rip sickles all right here we go that's not good let's reset son of i'll be here let's go least it's simulated coming off the gpu that's pretty nifty here we go restart it again reset oh my god seriously we're gonna be stuck with this now i'm starting the apu this is why i wanted to avoid this airplane unload light load implement not in loading configuration oh now we gotta go back and do this and we gotta go ground service loading config auto config you guys let's get our ground power back on we're gonna get it we're to get it yeah aaron hastings is based on real world ops uh this airplane i just feel like i don't know i i i know it's because i'm i'm doing stuff wrong here but i just feel like everything is so inefficient on this airplane i don't know if it should be that way i'm sure in real life you just press a button it loads everything for you all right ground service doors and hatches we're already set for that so let's go back to airplane passengers i'm just going to take a light load screw it we're going to do light load implement screw them and we got fuel on board what do we got for fuel we've got 19.7 okay we got enough fuel and we got enough passengers we're back in it here we're back in it here all right now we got to reconfigure everything else up here don't we let's go ahead and do this real quick let's get that on the apu is online let's turn on the bleed let's get on some air in here we got it we got it a little tail strike what a stupid airplane i know it's just me and you guys like oh i love the 350. it's just because i haven't enough time on it i'm gonna get everything online here all right we're back and running we're right side up hopefully there's no damage modeling this has happened in real life too that's why they invented tail stands that's why southwest loads everything with a tail stand okay so we're finally loading here let's go back let me switch you guys around and now i gotta load all this crap again all right zero fuel weight 152.9 i am not touching the cg 152.9 is set zero fuel weight cg with the light load is 22 percent that seems like it's a little bit better oops i just extended flaps let's bring those up they shouldn't be extending with the hydraulics off but that's all right uh 22 cg block fuel is 19.7 oh i got to do zero one nine zero nine i don't care about any of that 274 piece people on board that looks good and you know what i'm going to do is i'm also going to just verify this back here oh man we got to do a company route again atlanta to mmun blame it all on flight factor yes yes yes andre am i going to be on vatsam i'm sitting on that sip man i am on vatsim d-a-l hopefully they don't simulate tail strikes you know what's funny is i was actually in atlanta when i had a ground collision well i wouldn't that sounds bad i was i was tugged into a ground vehicle in atlanta so it's fitting that we have a tail strike here in atlanta at the gate cost index 75 cruise flight level is four zero zero i'm just going to do it this way and knit b is already loaded okay cool uh company root is k-a-t-l to m-m-u-n no not gonna load for me there we go we'll do it this way apply boom oh look at that look at that we're back in it now dmitry what's up man a couple of 350 mods thank you i will check them out i'll probably never fly this plane again though nine are left right we are in we said we're requesting nine left yes we did nine left on the smiths hi if the worst thing we do today is have a tail strike at the gate i'm okay with that smelt to the wallet transition insert let me just verify since i did get a pdc which that will be interesting atlanta center uh smiled zealous cancun direct maintain 10 000. all right so we'll take care of all that last but i'm just going to leave that i won't put the vomar in there right now because of uh pdc yet all right so our v speeds i make sure my init page is complete it is perf page fuel and load it's already set right but why is our gross weight not in there maybe because we're not done the alignment that might be it flaps two take off shift zero thrust reduction toga take off you know i feel like in-op is going to be a theme for today we still have to wait for the alignment make sure our served we have to come back in here our serve page is good we'll go tara for vat sim purposes need to hit the second for a knit b you need to hit r second line select key from init b what i mean i i can do it from here and it b is loaded so we've got that we're just waiting on perf data i think we have to wait for the alignment again let's come back up top make sure overhead is set up it is set up that is good let's do atc things right now since we don't want to be sitting here at the gate all day long we'll set 10 000 feet that was our top altitude per the clearance we also have a transponder that we got to do here so we have a squawk of 2046 two zero four six what two zero four four six okay vhf atlanta center is 32.97 all right and yep there we go on the init page hit the irs button then align on the second screen on the init page hit a line on the second screen irs align avail in three minutes i think it has to realign because we screwed it up right it's a lining it says a veil in three minutes so we just have to wait for that and then we have to wait for our perf numbers uh brakes auto fault anti-skid off that's back to normal mode doors are open 2.995 10 000 feet we've got our flight plan in the box so we are just waiting essentially there's a takeoff page on the efb going to the md and perf calculator perf flight plan perfect i think we just gotta wait purse on the efb perf calc tab there's a take off page in the efb is this not the efb is this not the efb what do you mean down here oh yeah down here in this thing ah that's what i remember uh we're not gonna worry about the slope it's negligible flap setting let's do a flap one oh no i think it was flaps two per area one plus seven all right that works for me 34 34 38 really that seems awfully uh awfully low 34 34 those are airbus speeds all right 134 134 138 good thing we're flexing together take off i know it said that we're going to have flex but we're not going to flex we're going to toga flaps one all right thrust reduction everything looks good there still waiting on the alignment now efb is called ois that would have helped yeah ois i guess i am pretty light we don't have very many people on board eventually get into the flow it's actually pretty intuitive i'm sure it is if i took uh if i took the time to sit here and learn this airplane but i'll show you my number one problem with the airplane we'll talk more about it in cruise but look at this wing here i'm pretty sure fs9 airplanes have better wings than this right here and for 65 dollars with terrible sounds out of the gate and wing texturing like this i'm already on the downside but i will say with the one flight i did initially i actually was kind of impressed with the handling of the airplane so i'm not bashing it by any means i just we got a long time on cruise to talk about it we got through our our tail strike at the gate we're good there we got our gps's primary that looks good we have our perf data is set everything else looks good so let's go ahead clean up the overhead we no longer need external power that is off apu bleed is on let's come down here and let's reconfigure the airplane here so we need to go to ground services doors and hatches let's start closing it up here let's go ahead go close all ground equipment we no longer need stairs the bus the fuel truck the luggage loader we no longer need ground power that looks good push back we'll do it through uh better push back so i think that looks pretty good here i'm gonna leave the perf calculator down on the bottom now you know what i'm gonna go ahead and swap these back we'll leave our perf data here and we'll leave this over here i think we're pretty much ready to go team vodka says it's okay you can bash it i have to press the four surf buttons by the mcdew oh yeah i think i remember that these no i know there's something we'll go ahead lock the door while we're sitting here above system one system two above on the tcas mode there we go surf system degraded why is that all right so i'm sitting with the serv system degraded that's the one other thing is that normal here at the at the gate let's go to serve page control oh tara norm why would i have a is it okay to push with it like that the serve degraded put the flight plan page down there for a bit of pushback you have to hit the tow brakes after you release yes i did discover that uh serve page again you reset system one etcetera serve buttons are the ois efp second page under serve right so i've been down here i've been in the serve page i've got them all set up right we've got squawk auto everything is on here did i not hit all four buttons hudson says i'm cringing this is so painful i'm with you man this is why i was trying to avoid this airplane these aren't even really push buttons oh those there we go we got it caitlin welcome to private pilot man i'm glad to have you on board here i don't know why you would join on this uh on this stream but i am thankful welcome aboard my friend exclamation point welcome all right let's go set up for a pushback please show me where you want to go uh he's pushing back so we're going to push straight back and then we're at an angle here let's do this and then he's going to pull us forward and we'll disconnect at the line right here round ground cockpit toe is driving up aaron says i'm getting confused now mcdew i hear you oh jeez cabin crew being wondering what's going on yeah we got it tcass1234 we got it we got it we're all on these buttons down here so what is you know we're all saying it's the serve buttons and the serve page what does serve stand for because i think that would really clarify surveillance it can't be surveillance it has to do with transponder so what's the serve stand for we got it figured out we got it all our uh everything looks good here we're ready for push back we got our squawk in the box we're squawking two zero four six we got our clearance everything looks good we're maintaining ten thousand feet departure frequency is not online so that's fine we got ten thousand set two nine or nine or five okay all doors and hatches are closed ready to connect jack says i love it when v1 has to figure things out dude i'm telling you man i've only done one one flight in this airplane one literally i've only started it one time only done one fms load so bear with me jeremy says i heard real 350 pilots love this jets dude i do not doubt that in mind i think the 350 is one hell of an airplane in real life doing it wrong i think it is if i were to fly one wide body i would want to be on the 350. but and this is just my personal preferences i don't like simulator airplanes that have touch screen i just it feels wrong although i gotta say i kind of like this crosshair that they have for these touchscreens i think this is one of the better touchscreen simulations i've seen in x-play but it's it's just my personal preference for flying airplanes in the sim as i like airplanes that aren't touch screen all right we're not going to start until we're disconnected but hey we're pushing off the gate we did it we did it how long into the stream are we oh man almost 30 minutes look at that shot though yeah i have to hit the flight attendant button kill the overhead we'll do that in flight we got a long flight down there we'll kill we'll do the flight attendant assassination once we're up in cruise guys we're okay right now doesn't stand for anything it's like share serve is just serve but what is serve it's got to be what does serve mean aaron hastings this takes study level to new heights look at we're being pushed back through all kinds of vehicles and everything i should have turned the beacon on and you know i bet a lot of this could have been avoided if i were to follow a checklist but i mean nobody got time for a checklist right now this is no md 80. isn't serve surveillance as an adsb well that's kind of what i thought kevin q and h isn't synced up uh-oh 299 or five thank you good catch over there crisis averted 2995 hey i do know this though we got climb nav blue 10 000 one fd2 and this is the same on the 350 as is the narrow body let's zoom in here because it's important for you guys to understand if you see one fd2 here you're pretty much good to go because that means you have both fmgcs well i don't know if it's the same in the 350 but essentially when we do a flight instruments on our checklist we do flight instruments we say check this is the most important column of your fma that you're looking to verify because if you have one fd2 here that means all systems are online and operating it's possible to have one fd1 or 2fd2 or dash fd2 or dash fd1 so there's a lot of different configurations this fma column can be in but as long as you see one fd2 here in the narrow body anyway that is your flight instruments check because that means everything is looking is good to go there demetrius says i think you blew your gate time slot out of the water date dimitri i sure did man i thought everything was going i thought everything was going so well until the stupid baggage loading that's what i screwed up man i had everything loaded we loaded our flight plan we were we were clicking on all cylinders and then i had a cg issue that's what screwed up what can it in implement like so from is there a way that this airplane is connected to what do we use sim brief so like when you have your zero fuel weights and all that stuff from sim brief is it possible to just uplink it to the airplane what will load your passengers and fuel for you i'm curious i know the fly by wire 350 320 does that in fs 2020. operation complete parking brake all right brakes are set let me go ahead and spam the rudder pedals here so they disconnect and clear we're good to start good to start engine mode selector to ignition start we have instant bleed pressure take a listen to the sound guys we're starting engine one i'm gonna be quiet you take a listen that's what i said at the beginning checklist has been removed hand signal will be on the right okay so it is surveillance and have a great flight so those sounds that's ft sim sound pack man let's go ahead and start up engine two we got a bunch of bleed faults up there we're gonna have to take care of that once we get started so serve yes surveillance adsb that's how atc surveils you yeah that's all i needed to know if you guys said the surveillance button then i would oh all t-cass right it would make sense because that's where all our tcas above below and stuff is on just the very french version it's not muted nick d'ea this is just a sound pack now you guys know how big i am on sounds the default sounds on this airplane i would rank in the negatives but there are some add-on packs i know a lot of guys use mango this is the ft sim one i'm not saying it's bad by any means i think there's room for improvement not bad and let me just make sure i saw somebody did comment about the options let me do i do have my sound my general volume is all the way up so that is good and i'm gonna just keep the perf calculator or i guess i'll keep the fuel page up over there two good starts that goes back to normal flaps one let's watch this extension here [Music] okay i'll give him a ten for 10 on the flap extension that flap extension is pretty good a little bit i mean i actually i don't know i can't say i've never sat right here on a 350 and heard the flaps but i like that flap sound that drown out sound or the motor spooling down hit the like button for this x enviro shot here over the wing that just looks beautiful please i mean that is you know this video we're gonna have a lot of people not watch it because of what a disaster the at the gate was so if you guys can do me a favor just hit the like button for this image right here it'll really help the video help people find the video even though the whole gate process was a disaster but all right we got two good starts flaps one arm the spoiled brakes they are armed and let's come back to the overhead we'll clean it up the bleed will come offline apu master we are pretty much operating on a lights out configuration just like any other airbus we got a fault light here in the apu gen that's normal we'll go ahead and turn that off no longer an apu gen uh we gotta do a takeoff config test everything else is in the green i'm gonna do a flight control check here full up full down neutral full left full right neutral let's watch it from here real quick not bad for an fs9 wing not bad all right so we got our flight controls that looks good i think we're about ready to call atc and get out of here godspeed here we go we're on 3297 we're delta 357 heavy we're at the f con course and we have information kilo atlanta ground good morning delta 357 heavy we just off the f concourse there with information kilo ready to taxi requesting nine left uh i hope he heard me atlanta ground delta 357 heavy radio check 350 center 1.9 29 thanks oh atlanta ground just came online either that or i just missed it uh one two one point nine under delta we have the airport outside when it helps uh 1066. good every land of ground oh whoa whoa whoa [Music] 357 heavy information kilo off the fcon course requesting nine left for performance i guess we're nine south demetria if you think the wing textures and sounds are bad wait till you experience the landing and flare logic goodness giuliani i agree with you 110 and i'll get to i'll get to that here in a little bit i'll get i'll get to that here in a little bit but i agree with you man there you go max right you're absolutely right my friend absolutely right atlanta ground delta 357 heavy nine south kilo taxi had a lot of ground good afternoon okay so it's not on there does he want it on is that what he wants it on let me go back to hf you picking up mo charlie now for delta 357 heavy drawing i guess i had an auto or off a quick issue here one more minute uh what the hell is this like actual atlanta right now already this is unreal eight nine or eleven might be too tassy a lima five mike 357 heavy taxi nine south kilo uh mike on our left mike two text via mike delta three seven all right taxi via mike well he didn't really tell me to get there but we're going to go straight out then breaks off i don't want to be like that one southwest delta 295 behind company at a nice outreach exactly with cable to 95 gotta hit the like button for that are you serious mike will follow the uh all right we'll do a take off config test after we do one more cinematic drive by here okay this is a 100 liker if you have not liked the video are you kidding me this is one of the most beautiful shots i've seen here in x-plane in a while that's pretty awesome pretty awesome all right uh here we go take off config test and what are the auto brakes in this bad boy it's over here somewhere brake selector signs on camera spoilers arm auto brake rto take up config test take off config normal i'm pretty sure that's supposed to be all green oh you know what we totally forgot about that guys signs are on auto how's your lighting so good my cockpit is incredibly dark i'm not sure erin i'm uh all i know is i'm running is x enviro right now so that might have something to do with it today is there anything else to take off conflict button does aside from clearing the memo yeah it actually runs a system test to make sure everything is running so there's a couple of parameters that have to be met that if it is not it will give you a it'll trip an ecam warning such as oil temperatures uh configuration of course that's the whole point takeoff config now i don't know i can't speak 100 to the 350 i'm only telling you what i know from the narrow body airbus but there are additional things outside of the configuration that it will trip one of which is the oil temperature and that's especially when it's a cold morning and especially if you're in a neo you know if the fo is on top of it he'll be like hey i'm going to ding you and because he'll run the take off config test and it'll trip the ecam mo and we'll say okay we'll just hold it there wait for the ecam to go away because it's saying low oil temperature or engine 2 oil temp or whatever it is so there are a couple things outside of the configuration that it checks for now for the 350 like i said i'm not 100 sure what additional information it checks but you get the idea auto breaks lower button beside the ecamm lower button right here beautiful rto arm i feel like that should be labeled hey we're figuring it out we're figuring it out all i know is we're going to be light as hell we got a covet load on here we're doing a toga take off we are going to be rocketing out of here what are my thoughts on the 350 so far i don't know i was i was i probably would have felt a lot better if i didn't have the tail strike at the gate there we didn't get a whole tail stand at the gate which was kind of ironic but we'll get there i think for me to have a 100 unbiased opinion i need to spend more time in this airplane get the flow of things down it's like anything you know you get into the md 80 and if you don't know what you're doing you're going to get super frustrated so it's it's kind of the same concept and it's even more so for me because i feel like oh it's an airbus i should know it right but i there's so much more like just off the cuff stuff in this airplane i think that i i don't know yet so it's hard for me to give an unbiased judgment after it made me do a tail stand at the gate there we'll see we'll talk more in flight here i'll say the ground handling isn't that bad i'm not i think the ground handling is pretty decent here i do have my yoke set up as my tiller you know we're relatively light here i haven't even touched the thrust levers we're just rolling here at a pretty good clip 12 knots that's pretty realistic i believe so ground handling so far is okay yeah asked me that a few minutes ago that's exactly what it would have been i don't know i had an internet hiccup there it looks like where'd everybody go um i feel like there were people in front of me and there's not people anymore oh we get an internet issues here with that sim oh there they are q8 pilots what is up man welcome to the channel he says the aircraft is fun but does not get the q8 pilot seal of approval q8 pilot i would agree with that 100 my friend welcome aboard glad to have you here i don't know if this is my internet doing this or what's going on here like with the intermittent disconnects jeremy says the airbus is a nervous that's the advantage of being in 350. i would agree yeah i mean it's you know any systems related stuff on here i feel pretty confident figuring out it's honestly for me just doing the loading of the airplane and getting that whole initialization thing down is the most challenging part and that's simply because i don't have enough time on on this module here in x-plane so we'll headset the brake here we'll kill the light whoa a little aggressive there on that one it also it does also help to watch a real cockpit set up on youtube with the real 350. there's more work to do than an aerobody oh i i don't doubt that at all simon i 100 believe that i'm sure there's more work to do but i just you know i need to i need to take some time to study it watch it the checklist system on it is pretty cool i mean it's extremely thorough i think it's definitely one of those things where it would really be helpful to have a two crew environment i don't even know if there's a multi-crew config file for this airplane but you start dealing with wide-body aircraft you really start seeing why you need multiple people up there going back and forth what did you in the power went out in february i had a generator thank goodness comms are pretty broken up is it only me i do love this little winglet here on the 350. all right niner left mike to line up away delta 357 heavy i was kind of broken but in real life so i definitely asked a verified let's see if we can do a cinematic turn onto the runway here without going off the off the taxiway oh disconnected from network what's going on so all right you guys back with me i'm gonna just go ahead and leave that's him offline oh no we're back we're back think we took a we took a minor lightning strike we took a lightning strike hey we're back on it guys we're all right we took a lightning strike holy crap my whole house vibrated we're okay we're okay and uh we had minor disconnect there for that 357 you guys showing us here still holding in position when i'm left right now i can't i can't see you on the runway too all right i'm gonna just uh cancun is cursed you got it man hey i don't have internet problems but when i do it's with 350 people watching all right i'm gonna go ahead and just i'm gonna go ahead and get out of here all right i left clever take off delta 357 heavy all right we're ready here we go spool them up 50. we're rolling come on phantom 320 you got to get those lights dude 80 knots stress set get back on the center line here here we go v1 rotate positive rate gear up fly by that's pretty sweet yeah we got hit the like button for that yoga man and this 350. takeoff sounds are pretty good [Music] thrust climb auto thrusts i don't know what's happening with the wind there flap zero after takeoff checklist oh i wanted to i think we're back we're back back again all right good here we go we're going open climb i'm off the network because i don't want to just plague those guys with my internet issues we're thrust climb open climb up to four zero zero out of ten thousand feet lights are coming off wow i swear this cancun airport is cursed man we no longer need the logo lights we'll kill that strobe and beacon are on let's do another fly by shot i feel like x enviro is having issues i'm gonna go i'm gonna go cavo care real quick see if that kind of calms us down here i don't know if my internet issues are giving x enviro a bunch of wind issues as well anthony says never a dull moment with v1 i swear man i can't ever catch a break this stream is sponsored by a zobo oh that's funny i don't know what's going on with the turbulence shaking there all right we're climbing up 330 knots nice little crosswind zoom it out a little bit here beautiful fms2 situation there with a profile climb climb mode what sounds am i using i'm using the ft sim sound pack ft sim sound pack all right we're looking good here in climb everything else is looking good systems wise looks like the turbulence has finally calmed down a little bit yes it has look at that shot now let's just chill for a minute delta reporting severe turbulence that would definitely be a severe turbulence man on the plus side the tailwind is nice at higher altitudes yeah i would be flying we're going to be flying mostly into a headwind quartering headwind i think on this flight i'm going to give us a direct two here in a minute straighten up the line going down south so what you guys may not understand is going down to whenever you're cutting across the gulf of mexico in particular there you can't just go direct you have to be on published airways when you're going uh it's not oceanic but there's another name for it so there's certain uh reporting points that they want you to miss so you can go direct to let's see the starting point of a waypoint of an airway and then after that you have to remain on that airway until you transfer over into merida center or whatever the center is on the south side there in south america that she wants you on so you can get directs to a certain point but then you got to be on a specific airway to go across the gulf and i'm going to simulate that too here we're going to just set up a direct and get going here note to self bourbon is required to tolerate this plane anthony heck i might call out for tomorrow's trip to tolerate this airplane jeez we're probably through 18 yeah we'll go ahead set standard here standard set stds for you and me no there it is one two and three i feel like it's a little bit loud let's turn it down a tad uh we'll turn down x-plane a little bit here and we're climbing up at 3 30. i do like the speed on this bird i'm gonna go i guess would be our fms page let's go ahead and check the perf cruise optimum is 42 recommended max is 43. very important to know these altitudes right here recommended max here's a pop quiz for you guys can you fly above your recommended max flight level can you fly above your recommended max flight level i think we covered this on one topic on our on one flight a long time ago i think it might have been the hawaii etops stream recommended max can i fly above that how fast am i climbing i'm doing 3000 feet a minute here at a 24 000 feet pretty good considering we're doing 330 knots aaron says you're simulating delta and yet and yet you have to haven't reported a single case of light chop that's i totally was going to man my uh my internet was all jacked up there since we have alpha 4 protection why do we have speed speed speed warning in the airbus jeremy the good question the speed speed speed warning will come before alpha floor so that's saying hey dummy what are you doing with your speed because if you don't do something about it we're going to throw you an alpha floor here pretty quick also you know so for a real world example of that jeremy i actually was in an a319 one time and the 319 when it's super light when you have a super light load i call them covet loads and it's really gusty the v-app calculated is pretty darn low so you're right down there by that vls and i've been in a situation where the aircraft actually started going speed speed speed on approach although we were at v-app managed speed everything was good it just picked up a little bit of that trend going down below so that's when i immediately said okay i'm done with the auto thrust i'm going to take control the auto thrust here bump it up and that's just an extra warning right like if i if you didn't get that speed speed speed you're not really in danger it's just like hey you know you're really riding the bottom of the of the um what's what i'm looking for of the power curve you're really riding that low end of the power curve so it kind of gives you a heads up before it says oh okay i'm predicting a high alpha situation we're going straight to alpha floor which can happen i've also been a part of that where the aircraft has tripped into alpha floor protection on approach just because the winds were so bad the pilot that i was flying with was leaving the auto thrust on an airbus actually recommends in severe windy conditions when the auto thrust can no longer keep up it actually says that in the manual that manual thrust should and could be used to kind of stay ahead of that power curve there because if the winds are really shifty that's when you get a potential to be in a low speed state or trip the stall protection to say hey i predict that we're going to be in a high alpha situation here and trigger off a floor and you get an alpha floor even if you're way out at 3 000 feet you're not supposed to continue the approach you get an alpha floor it's okay let's just go around clean it up come back and give it another shot so yes you can fly above recommended max you can't fly above the recommended max altitude hence the word recommended okay so if we can fly above recommended max what is the point of the recommended max there is one key to recommended max altitude why is there a recommended max if we can fly above it why even publish it here then what does that altitude signify of the recommended max and this is actually a a pertinent topic for this specific flight because we just did come out of some nice little turbulence there man that forkboy ortho is looking straight juice down there what's the tropo on the mcdo andrew that is your tropopause and you can set the tropopause manually which you're supposed to do because it'll have a default one so i actually even highlighted this here out of my flight plan see tropopause 395. i believe the default one of the mcdo was about 36 you just come in there and put the actual tropopause in there for the aircraft performance efficiency no it's not efficiency it's nothing nothing to do with weight well i guess i shouldn't say nothing to do with weight fuel engine usage nope is it not a prediction for best performance no it is not yeah gustavo he must have some experience flying airplanes yes it is a stalled margin or a buffer it's a 0.3 g buffer so this could also vary and i'm not going to speak for every airline because you know you're going to have sops right you may have an sop at a certain airline that says we do not allow you to fly over the recommended max altitude but from an airbus perspective you can fly above the recommended max altitude all the recommended max altitude is it's a guarantee of a stall buffer margin so if the air is not perfectly smooth or let me rephrase that it guarantees that you will have a buffer should you encounter rough air at that altitude so once i go above 43 000 feet i no longer have my stall margin buffer if the airplane starts bouncing around which can lead to a high alpha situation an alpha floor something like that so you don't want to go above recommended max but technically you can still go above recommended max but yeah it has to do with a stall buffer a buffet margin and and when we were climbing out there you see all that that turbulence now if you listen to live atc or maybe you're just a you know you're flying around you're doing your flight training you're listening to center you're getting flight following and you know center comes on and asks an airplane hey can you accept fly level three seven zero or can you accept flight level three nine or zero and the crew says stand by they're probably checking their recommended max if they're in an airbus to see if it will give them a prop a proper stall buffet or you may hear a response similar to well we can only take that altitude if it's smooth if it's reported smooth then you know you don't have to worry about your stall buffett margin because you're not going to be buffeting around by any rough air right you don't have to worry about it but if you're up there and you're above the recommended max and you get one bump you're probably coming right back down to below that recommended max altitude or that recommended max altitude so it has to do with keeping the airplane within a safety margin there should you encounter rough air now when somebody somebody said efficiency the efficiency at altitude is going to be your optimum flight level so your optimum flight level is going to be what the airplane is calculating is going to be your most efficient altitude for cruise so that's where you get this number here and you'll see as we burn fuel look our recommended max is now up to 43 because we're burning fuel it is dependent upon weight of the aircraft but that's not what it's showing you that's not why we have recommended max as we burn more and more fuel this altitude will actually get higher and higher now your optimum is your most efficient and then of course you have your planned crew so at this point i could say hey we're we could go to 42 and for fuel efficiency purposes why don't we do it let's go ahead and go to 42 let's go all the way up to 42 000 feet and i'm gonna go ahead and kind of straighten this up here a little bit let's go direct to seaguar intersection so we're going to go fms-1 flight plan delta 357 present position direct to seaguar insert here we go in the turn let's do a flyby shot i don't mind that shot right there wow look at that with the x enviro love right there jeez gustavo says yes i'm cheating there you go initial trading for the 320. i knew it missed approach says the texture's severely lacking i agree that wing looks like uh straight out fs9 now the livery from 19 adam is absolutely fantastic where was the tropopause in the simbri flight plan again the flight surgeon so in i use that united 19 format and it's going to be right here for your fms init load and i imagine it's probably in a similar spot if you use a different um different format wherever you have your fms initialization where your you got your weights here your takeoff parameters your landing parameters your reference point you're probably going to have your your tropopause your actual tropo listed right there and then you just change that in the epic do and you also have your actual temperature so when you put in your initial cruise output which is one thing i did i didn't do i probably should have done it was when i put in five four zero zero the standard is minus sixty um but it's actually minus three it's actually three degrees colder so you'd want to put in the actual temp instead of what the default temperature is i guess seaguar leads to cuba all right eight two out cruise we're bumping it up here let's go down here let's look at our perf cruise numbers if i connect back to that sound do you think they'll be upset with me uh let's see here fms perf cruz let's bump it up 99. what's that gonna give us a four mock still i guess we'll leave it at eight four that's fine yeah that's fine that's not bad jeremy says i wonder how the flight planner determines what the planned cruise output will be for your flight since they plan way ahead there's probably a a slew of things that they look at you know canned routes and or canned altitudes which is what is most commonly used weather reports smoke them if you got them signs are off we'll do a cabin tour here in a little bit but i guess we'll enjoy some more of this ortho here as we're still over the top of it how do i feel like it flies i don't really have any problems so far with the basic handling out of the airplane i mean it does feel really heavy i need to do i've only done one flight in it and i know most of the most of the time i was in cruise i'm gonna try to turn the autopilot off a little bit early when we get down there in cancun maybe if the weather is clear we'll do a visual approach but i don't i i'm not exactly sure you know how i feel about how it flies i don't i don't think it's unrealistic yet i'd be very curious to see how the flare mode landing logic is from what i've gathered it's a pretty floaty airplane can we get a shout out for the brother-in-law that just landed a job with gojet absolutely max absolutely on to go jet airlines they fly mostly are they mostly are they all crjs max he'll be uh crj fs 2020 expert for sure that's good stuff man al w says the tropopause indicates the altitude at which temperature becomes constant with increasing altitude which is an important factor in performance and fuel calculations yes sir right out of the book man right out of the book you should connect okay i will reconnect to that sim i uh it's in it kind of frowned upon though to connect in flight but we'll see we're back online connecting hopefully everything is is okay we still have our squat code and we're still on altitude what we will do is we will set up uh unicom freak since i don't believe there's anybody out here so one two two eight zero we'll swap over to that 22 8 for unicom and if we get tagged by center we'll hop over miami center just hopped online so maybe we will get pinked here but we do have our squat code still we had power issues i'm not trying to troll you don't want to do that though you don't want to like you know just take off and so you don't have to talk to atc and then connect to that sim so don't do that but i mean we had legit power issues there for a little bit so we still have a squawk everything's good look at this shot right here my goodness should we do this side beautiful neil says when i reconnect i check the online map first i probably should have done that andre says it's only frowned upon when you do it to avoid traffic uh a narrow body pilot will probably float the 350 a lot in the same way at 350 pilot will smash the 320 into the ground we'll find out man we'll find out so that's one thing i gotta look up i know they have a pretty good manual on this airplane here in the cockpit we'll take a look and see if we can look up some landing techniques or landing law if we can find anything there ah some says it's all good as long as you don't connect in the middle of a busy event everyone's happy good deal good deal jeremy harvey you're jinxed with me here with the way things are going just watch you have an engine failure on approach good luck oh man that's all i need right cancun seems to be one of the destinations that we do get cursed going into we've had a lot of issues demetrius says i can't wait for the flare time why is that dimitri is it that bad am i going to be that disappointed or am i just not going to know what's going to happen i'm going to absolutely just screw it up benny benny says v1 yesterday we had an emergency landing because the plane hit a goose on engine 2 in the climb all the intake of the engine was damaged big time really man benny benny that's insane glad everyone's okay oh he's going to be on the 550 crj okay aaron says it hand flies pretty nicely just remember when you're sitting a lot higher on the flight deck than the tallest so the flare can feel a bit weird absolutely max you're going to use fs2020 for flow familiarization dude that's nothing wrong with that you know what i used fs labs absolutely for staying current training back in the fsx days look i got disconnected again there maybe it's my vatsim i don't know what's up with that i just dropped off again kind of like that shot looking down at that beautiful ortho down there dimitri says the flare logic is very shoddy all right i will have to check it out don't get your hopes up with flight factor they only make 75 of a plane i agree with you there captain k coming in with a 5 super chat thank you so much man for that donation i appreciate it he says kill the power at 30 feet on the whiz works every time all right captain k i'll try my best my friend thank you so much for your support on the channel good thing we got a nice long runway down there in cancun i'll be heading to cancun here in a couple days in real life too so that'll be this is good warm-up practice right mmun is set this is my problem so i picked up overtime an overtime trip in real life so like oh yeah i get overtime but now that i have overtime i kind of want to drop my normal time so then it would it's counterintuitive right why pick up extra work if you're just going to drop work at the same paycheck so i'm kind of dealing with that decision like man i could just drop a trip to cancun and do some more flight simmering with you guys all right so a couple of guys asked now i'm gonna go ahead we'll get through it says was thinking of purchasing this thing any advice all right so let me give you my so far my honest opinion on this airplane and i'm gonna just say off the bat i don't want to offend anybody that really loves this airplane this is purely my opinion and i have very little experience in this specific airplane i've already said i've disclosed that's my second flight in the airplane we had a debacle at the gate due to due to me and properly loading the aircraft so i'm not blaming the airplane for that um but i'm gonna try to give you my unbiased opinion so far and what i have what i feel of this airplane so let's start in the cockpit we're gonna go back up to the cockpit and before we start going into the actual physical airplane let's first talk about the price and the sounds that come with it that's something we can't see it's just something we hear and we have to pay so the airplane is 60 something dollars on the org store which when i look at an add-on that's going to be 60 plus dollars i expect to be buying an airplane that is complete number one unless it happens to be you know maybe it's an early release version and they exclusively state that and they tell you what's not implemented yet and this is basically just a way to get more testing for the airplane i'm not saying i support that way of doing business but i understand if that's the thing you know let's say you have a brand new airplane that's coming out and say hey we're going to release it early kind of like how the flight factor 320 released early with nothing working you know although that was for a hundred dollars which is a wholly different ex different uh topic but for 60 dollars i expect the airplane to be pretty much completed right i want to have a good sound pack i want to have very functioning i'm having issues with that sim keeps dropping off on me i want to have a good sound pack and i want to have good functionality with the switches the flight planning all that stuff and for sixty dollars it better be the best looking better be top notch right when i say texture-wise or modeling-wise let's talk about some other airplanes that i think are top-notch with the texturing and exterior rotate md-80 one of the oldest add-ons for x-plane and i think it is one of the best textured airplanes in the sim so you can't tell me that oh it's a you know it's a sim limitation or blah blah blah the rotate md-80 if you do a window view and you extend those flaps i literally feel like i'm sitting at the window of an md-80 looking out at the wing textures and that's an old airplane so don't give me the excuse of it's a limitation in the sim i want good texture so the rotate md-80 yeah my vatsim is acting up so i'm just going to go ahead and disconnect guys i'm sorry about that i don't know why it keeps dropping um fly j sim stuff i think it's pretty darn good i think some of their wings could be a little bit better but honestly for the most part it's a really good airplane it's really clean a little bit of clipping issues with the slats really clean airplane though the tallest 321 i think has got a pretty clean wing i know it's had i know the 319 when it first came out it had its issues right with texturing it didn't look very good it was kind of it was it was behind in what i expected for that price and i've voiced my opinions in that that fight factor versus tallest comparison video but i think that 321 now with the neo i think the wing textures are pretty solid i think the exterior texturing is really good and of course now most recently we have the ini a300 which is absolutely fantastic and we have the you look at small jets that phenom 300 which i think is one of the best model external modeled airplanes we have in the sim it just looks so good it looks so real it looks so clean crisp it doesn't look flat it looks three dimensional in all aspects so those are just some examples here we are a350 60 i want to see oh you know what's happening is i think i just had a windows update are you kidding me wow my windows literally just updated itself okay so i get in the airplane i look around the cockpit i'm okay with this overhead panel i think it's pretty good i i don't really see any issues with the overhead i think it looks pretty pretty clean i'm not really disappointed with the overhead this kind of looks a little dirty i wish there was you know some more mapping i don't know i'm not a texture person but i just think it looks a little bit lacking in my opinion the screens look nice overall the cockpit looks nice throttles are pretty weak this whole this whole thing looks pretty weak this is kind of weak over here but it's not i'm not upset with it you know i can get i can i can handle it this i don't know what the hell this is i don't know if this is supposed to be a speaker it may look like this in the real airplane maybe you guys know i don't know if this is what it looks like in the real airplane but to me this looks like somebody just took a 12-gauge shotgun and and put a hole right here and peppered it i think this is supposed to be a speaker maybe it looks like that in real life i don't know but i can deal with that let's go into the cabin let's take a look in the cabin here cabin is pretty i mean you got it's pretty standard across for the price point you got really good you know i would say really good but you have detail you got the labs modeled you got the cabin configurations modeled it's not the best you compare this to the zebo mod the zebo blows this out of the water which is a free mod so i keep that in mind but i mean you have a lot of little extra stuff here you got you got a little bar up here that's cool i mean i'm okay with this you know it's not the best cabin in x-plane but at least they modeled it and it's you know it's not a frame hog i'm getting pretty decent performance this is my big problem guys you know i love my wing views and i touched on this a little bit at the gate this this wing is just unacceptable in my opinion for a 60 plus dollar airplane i mean to me it looks like it's pretty much straight out of fs9 that the flaps the trailing edge of the flaps here look paper thin got a nice little reflection off here but this is just it's not very clean it just it looks lacking so i was really disappointed with the wing views i mean you got some pylon modeling issues here it's just not very clean so for 60 something dollars the external wing textures man the aircraft itself is okay cockpit itself is okay so all right we'll keep moving on so that's my textures not the best as far as the airplane functionality i will say i'm pretty impressed with how snappy everything is so it it has definitely you know there's no lag everything seems to work i i do think like let's see here you got a nice user's guide in here what was i trying to say oh if i go to airplane no it's on the ois down here and i think it's in the real airplane too you don't click on f or you click on fs i was clicking over here as clicking these arrows to try to drop down that's just on me but i mean i'm pretty impressed with how everything works here it's pretty pretty clean none of the atc com is functionable they're functional doesn't even is functioning functional uh sergey coming in 10 thank you so much that's a speaker just googled real photo and it's like that weird okay well then i stand corrected sergey thank you so much for the 10 donation man i appreciate it so apparently that is a speaker and it does look like that so i stand corrected but in my opinion it still looks like somebody fired a shotgun shell through the through the floor here but i guess that is the speaker and that's what it looks like and that's what it looks like in real life so i stand corrected but i am impressed i am impressed with how everything is is pretty linked and how you can switch the ois the center you could switch the display cycle you could flip-flop these screens around the checklist is very thorough you can step through all of it like here let's go to the cruise altitude cruise on fms check ekmemo check and all that and then you mark complete you can step through it i mean i'm impressed with this i mean i think this is living up to a 60 price tag as far as the functionality of the fms system the screens um i really don't have a problem with it now a lot of the stuff seems to be kind of oh this is cool we got our backup fcu backup in here we did our serve page thing you know none of it it'd be cool if this came eventually uh note of connection status like the uplink atc com requesting that was cp dlc stuff i think that'd be cool to have eventually but i'm not disappointed with with how it worked you know with with the way it works when you're loading up the airplane i just have to have more time in learning how to load it up neil says how big is the speaker 12 gauge yeah i mean if it looks like that it looks like that maybe that's how airbus was like hey you know what we got to put a hole in this panel here so we could have the sound come through the speaker you know let's go ahead just blast it with a shotgun instead of taking a drill or maybe some dude was just down here with a drill like you know just making holes in it so nope we still need more holes and they just put a bunch of holes in the panel so if that's what it looks like i'm not knocking them cool they simulated it correctly so the airplane has a lot of depth to it as far as you know getting your your screens manipulated here you've got your weather your constraints which we can all mess with here so i can turn constraints off i'm going to turn weather on uh you got your train and traffic i can turn terrain on i'm sure it blocks it at like 300 miles that blue box yeah that's fine but okay so that looks pretty good so from a internal standpoint airways load properly sids and stars load properly the v-nav seems to work properly i think it's okay i actually think it's okay so with that being said the sounds the default sounds that the airplane comes with are atrocious i think the sounds itself i mean they should take whatever the mango price tag is and include that in the package and then just take that off of the the total price tag it should be like a 50 airplane with the mango sounds included because the default sounds it just it made me want to alt f4 as soon as i started messing around with it but then i went past that and i started playing around with the cockpit and the fms and i was like okay there's more to this airplane here don't judge the book by its cover and at the end of the day this is my final takeaway on this airplane and i said this with the flight factor 757 i set it with the flight factor 767 the flight factor products and i'm speaking 757 767 and a350 to me it seems like it's just lipstick on a pig okay we can put as much lipstick on a pig as you want at the end of the day it's still a pig this airplane like the 75 and 76 don't feel and they aren't native to x-plane right like they weren't developed for x-plane in x-plane think of the ini a300 think of that cockpit think how awesome that cockpit looks and the sounds that come out of the gate so that's my expectation when i start paying for airline of products in that 60 price point so i'm not bashing this airplane i just i don't feel like it belongs in x-plane it feels like i'm flying something that was made in fsx and it's been ported and they're trying to fix it and add features to it and add features to it to make it nice in x-plan 11. that's what it feels like but that's just my opinion i know if there be a lot of people that disagree with that opinion and that's fine but as q8 said at the beginning of this video this airplane doesn't even get the q8 pilot seal of approval and i would totally agree with that there's just this airplane just it still seems to be like it's not immersive to me i don't get immersed uh christian says some of the flight factor planes are just ports from explaining 10. there you go so maybe and i i don't know the background of this airplane at all i mean you guys wanted to see it so and i was like okay let's let's eventually let's get to it i don't know if this airplane was originally in x-plane 10 and it's been worked to fit in x-plane 11. that to me seems like it would be the case because it kind of gives me that feel and somebody mentioned it at the gate when we were programming the fms somebody said that this airplane i think it was giuliani he said is it just me or does this airplane not immerse you like the narrow body aircraft do and when i get in the the even the flight factor 320 i think the flight factor 320 is a great airplane i think the tallest airbuses are a great airplane are great airplanes when i'm sitting there in the cockpit programming the mcdew and the tolus and the and the flight factor narrow body airbuses i feel immersed i got sounds and yeah we have add-on sound packs to those as well so it is what it is but i feel immersed the cockpits feel good the switches feel good the wings look good this airplane i don't know what it is but doesn't grab my immersion tinglers i guess gustavus says lipstick on a pig is the polite way of a polished turd um but that's that's really all i'm trying to say is it doesn't seem like it was made for x-plane 11. it seems like look at this leading edge here like i and i i don't like saying negative comments about this because i know there is somebody that has worked really hard to make this look like this and i'm telling you right off the bat i could never do this i don't have the talent or the ability to do this but when i pay for a product at a certain price point in the simulator i expect a certain return on that price that i'm paying so this just doesn't meet my personal standards now i will say right here like from this point on this actually looks pretty good this looks pretty good right here but this whole part is just not and this pylon is blah the engine looks blah carta's engines blow these engines out of the water carter is a free mod supporter who's put out um the realistic engine mods they blow this engine out of the freaking water so that's all i'm that's all i'm saying is like it just doesn't feel like it belongs like it's made for x-plane 11 and it feels like they keep trying to make it for x-plane 11. when in my opinion it probably should have just been scratched and started new from the beginning but i i don't that's just my opinion so i'm hope i don't offend anybody i'm i'm actually really impressed and i said it i'm i've been impressed with how the fms works with the programming of the flight plan and the initialization although i don't know how to do it that's just lack of time and lack of experience but i just i i'm impressed with it and i for what i gather tolus does most of this and it even says told us captain left big do and i like tola stuff man you know i love their their narrow body airbus is i'm very impressed with the guts of this airplane but it's almost like so the guts are good but everything else is bleh you know there we go aaron says would you consider it to be a member of the fun factor group of add-ons absolutely erin so we don't have we lack wide-body aircraft in this platform this is definitely one that i would put in the fun factor version i would kind of put this in there with that jar 330 right it's fun to fly we need a wide-body airbus i personally think the 350 in real life is amazing is an amazing airplane i think it looks awesome if i were to if i had to pick one wide body to fly for the rest of my career i'd pick the a350 and so it's not the plane that i'm against it's just here in the sim i'm like i just don't doesn't feel like it's a native x-plane 11 aircraft but that's that's all i got to say about that as forrest gump say um i find the performance of the flight factor 320 to be unacceptable but everyone likes it as you many other people of course there you go see we all have our own opinions and are you talking about performance as in like the fight or the uh fps performance i know that i know it is pretty pretty rough on some people's systems that the flight factor 320. jack says i think if you really love the 350 then it will scratch that edge and jack i agree with you man you know i'm i actually will probably fly this airplane a couple more times on stream we'll probably do some longer hauls maybe even for the next tour that we do at 20k subs we may even take this airplane on a long haul so i'm not bashing it completely i'm just saying you know for the price i'm giving you my honest opinions on how i feel about this airplane oh fps wise aaron yeah absolutely i mean you for some people this the at the flight factor 320 it just it just absolutely bricks their system i was fortunate that it wasn't really effective on my system fps wise but i know a lot of people had issues with it gustavo there we go man i like how gustavus said here he goes so it's a turd it's shiny yes but still a turd and currently as a software developer they have a very good piece of software wrapped in a shiny turd there you go gustavo there you go that's awesome that's a great way to put it man that's a great way to to put that i've been flying the flight factor 7-5 a lot lately i've been really enjoying it but some textures really lack ricky yes sir you know i've been waiting as soon as carter drops the the rolls-royce 757 engines i've had an itch and i mentioned it in the discord too i really just want to fly an old america west i know there's a good america west livery on the 757 i've got an itch to fly the 7.5 i've got a niche to fly that america west livery but i want to do it with carter's engine so i'm just kind of waiting for that we'll be back in the 7-5 i love the 75 as a real airplane too you know it's just the flight factor seven five seven six in my opinion would rank below this 350. i think the seven five seven six that we have in x-plane are una i don't wanna say unacceptable but they're not up to the x-plane 11 standards that they should be at um but because i love the 75 i don't really care too much about the 76 but i love the 7.5 in real life it scratches the itch for me here in x-plane and especially when carter drops his engine mods for the 7.5 you'll be seeing it on my channel here definitely be seeing it on my channel a couple times let's do a fly by shot here nice little crosswind out there today simon says the biggest disappointment is the flight factor triple seven no updates have been made to it in years yeah simon i i am staying away from that airplane benny benny says canada says the flight factor 320 feels like a brick when you're flying the plane i i don't think i would i don't know if i agree with that feel like a brick um i don't know if you talk about just like hand flying it around the pattern or just in in general i think the flight factor 320 flies okay i don't think it's the best i i think the best representation of a real world airbus flight dynamics wise in x-plane is the tourist 321 that airplane to me is most closely representative of the real thing uh more so than even tolas's 319 of the real 319 and of the flight factor 320 of a real 320. i think that told us 321 they really kind of really dialed it in i enjoy that airplane quite a bit gustavo says my brother before kovet was flying the 350 by his words best plane he has ever flown now that i believe that man i mean i i think the 350 and just seeing them on the ramp they're just awesome airplanes and i would i don't know if i would do it if i even had the opportunity because you get into wide body long haul stuff it's a different lifestyle i'm pretty happy with mine right now but if i could you know if they said oh same exact schedule same exact lifestyle just pick a wide body airplane yeah i'd pick the 350. christian says i don't mind flying the phenom right now for a while yeah the phenom man for forty dollars that airplane is the most feature complete sharpest textures fantastic sounds awesome little add-ons and extras such as the fuel panel the externals the chalks the gpu panel all the little things that just make that airplane worth every penny in my opinion a study level classic queen like the 74200 oh that would be a lot of fun the 350 automatically descend if captain depressurization occurs and pies becoming casted i don't know about that that'd be a question for uh gustavo i i do not know about that man that'd be interesting if it would descend like right down to the nba or something james says stay away from the magnite seven eight yep i'm staying away from that stay away from that ranger says the flight factor pricing is what turned me away after i got the 75 i wasn't really interested to go further with how much i was paying for what i got yeah i agree with you there man yeah the zulu time is going to be incorrect there on the top of the screen it's it's looking at sim time so i'm off because i i started the sim i started the stream a little bit earlier i didn't want to start it right in the middle of the day i like that sun rising that's why that zulu time off that that through the time is off up there i apologize rex says the magnite is actually very good they have weekly updates the only reason it's so good because they are still making it better and realizing the new fms soon well there you go see i don't have a problem i know a lot of people do but i don't really have a problem with an airplane that comes out and it's still in development and there's constant updates to the airplane then okay i mean like you just look at the fly by wire 320. i know it's a free mod but that base 320 we had in fs 2020 was pretty terrible and now almost daily or weekly at the very least or at the very most rather there's updates coming out for the airplane is getting better and better why are we turning so much oh we're just over the seaguar intersection that looks good so i don't have a problem with the airplane get with airplanes getting better and better how's the flight going so far nathan it's going pretty good man we definitely had some technical or a pilot induced loading errors at the gate which was pretty hysterical we stood there stood it on its tail so we're okay at least the cabin is still pressurized we didn't damage the bulkhead we had a little bit of connectivity issues with vatsim pretty sure we took a lightning strike here at the house or at least close by to the house it seems i look i'm just i'm tracking the weather on my phone it looks like it's pretty much moved out away from us now so i think we're going to be okay for the rest of the stream but just seems like cancun man there's never a dull moment whenever i try to fly to or from cancun on stream something is always going to happen i don't know what it is it's just we've always had issues i can't wait for the 8x you and me both man the 8x i will probably fly the 8x for a week straight with no lie we'll probably do five streams in a row hell i might even call off work so i can stay home and fly the falcon 8x i mean i am pumped for that airplane don't forget the flyjay sim q400 i'm also eagerly awaiting the fly jason q400 taylor absolutely deep mentally says i've been close to taking the plunge for the jar 330 a couple of times and then i see one of y'all flying them and i cool down a d i would say that the the jar is definitely a fun airplane category it's just one you just fly for fun you don't fly it for realism you don't fly it to have systems knowledge and systems depth you just fly it to scratch the itch to fly a wide body airbus that's it you're going to need a sound pack as well and even the sound packs out there aren't the best for it so that that to me is just such a hit to a product if something comes out and i don't care if it's a really good airplane model wise flight dynamic wise but if the sounds are garbage it just really ruins the immersion for me and it just makes me upset because especially if there's no you know decent sound pack available you have this good airplane that essentially you can't get engrossed in because it sounds like you're flying a toaster around so when an airplane doesn't have a good sound pack i just it's a real big hit for me what's your vat sim call sign i'm actually off of atsim right now we were delta 357 heavy but i kept i think i think something's going on my internet man or at least my vatsim on my end because it was disconnect connect disconnect connect so i just i killed it for now wow the raccoon will go down when depressurization happens says gustavo so yeah that's pretty incredible the 350 if you have a depressurizations will auto start a decent that is pretty incredible man leo says flight factor can't take constructive criticism uh i hopped into their discord and made a complaint about the 7.5 and modeling they just nothing but delete my comment leo i've i've struggled with the flight factor people for years at this point they actually banned me from the x-plane forums they got me banned a couple times suspended my account because when the airplane first dropped i knew it was a beta product i knew it wasn't going to be feature complete but there were things that they said were complete in the description of the aircraft that were just blatantly incorrect and blatantly wrong so i actually took a decent amount of time out of my day wrote up a nice report i took screenshots and i said this is what you know this is what it's doing this is what it should do um you know and i wasn't mean i just said hey this is this is not correct and it was at the time the first study level airbus we were going to have in explain so i was really excited about it i i bought that airplane as soon as it dropped i was sitting in a crew room actually i was sitting in indianapolis i believe and i bought that airplane at one o'clock in the morning when it released and i was excited for it so when i noticed a bunch of stuff was wrong i wasn't mad per se i just said okay well let me point out these issues so they can get them fixed and it just went down the rabbit hole and i ended up getting messages from the guy who runs the forums on x-plane what i mean like you're harassing all these people like how is it harassment it's a support forum and i'm offering support because what you guys have modeled is blatantly incorrect here and the funniest thing about all of it is after the dust settled they ended up fixing 90 of the stuff that i showed them was incorrect so whether it was because i showed them or because they just knew it or they blatantly lied about it at the release and then i called them out on it and they were trying to silence it whatever it was it just wasn't the way to do things so i look at you know you look at a company like tolis for example where that airplane comes out and i make some comments on the support forum and and actually no that wasn't it what i had done is i made a video and i posted a video kind of comparing the aircraft the flight factor in the 320 and and it was removed from the tallest form and i thought that was interesting so i posted it again and it was removed and i got a message from the lead developer over there told us hey man um you know i saw your video thank you for pointing out this information here we just we don't want any flight factor stuff in our forum because i was comparing it actively to the flight factor and kind of showing the difference about stuff and i was like okay i can respect that they don't want flight factor stuff a competitor or whatever it is in their forum side so okay but literally the the developers over there told us said okay but i've i've noted your problems how can we fix them and i started a relationship with tolus that was like okay that's cool and then here let me this you know here's the beta version we're releasing how is this fly is this what you expect the real airplane is this what the real airplane does or okay thank you for pointing this out i think and and it it became a relationship to the point where like okay these guys are they want to make a good product and they're not afraid to make a good product so that's the difference and i think that's the way it should be handled triple seven says blame it on australia always late no worries man no worries toga says that it will also uh come standard now this is interesting i want to read this so the 350 1000 comes standard with the aed automated emergency descent to automatically descent in the event of a cabin depressurization and it will even sidestep from the airway that is pretty incredible man that that is incredible golden state says i haven't even tried that five factor ini and tolas have incredible support absolutely and that's what you're paying for too you're when you buy a product you're looking for support right because what if something doesn't work on your system or what if you have issues and tolus is right there very active dev group i mean i i really have nothing bad um and even if you know if i had something bad to say i wouldn't say it because i was always raised that if you have something bad to say or about somebody that you don't say it publicly anyway unless you know you can work on it one-on-one with them but i honestly have nothing bad to say about tolis i mean when the airplane first came out i didn't think it was up to standards necessarily i made it clear and totemic came out made a mod and then they're like hey let's incorporate this mod and make it part of the airplane like that's a no-brainer okay boom uh which is the international terminal at cancun so let's go here to cancun we're going to be parking you know what um i know there's one on the west side so lately i've been seeing the wide bodies here i'll show you here i've been seeing the wide bodies park over here at terminal four they leave the park at terminal one or terminal four but i have seen quite a few wide bodies over here at terminal 4. matter of fact i've seen some 350s over here at terminal 4 but i do know that american will run a triple seven down here terminal 3 but anything from the u.s is technically international right so you're going to be going through customs both terminal 3 and terminal 4 are equipped to handle customs terminal 2 is their local so all the inner mexico stuff that's all going to be going terminal 2. so either park at terminal three or terminal uh four i'm probably going to park us here at terminal three i'll probably take us to terminal three al park is here at b4 i'll try to reconnect to vatsen here in a minute so we could at least see everybody landing andre says i remember them claiming you weren't a real pilot on some of those yeah it was it was it was comical man like i couldn't believe it i'm like well one guy i'm trying to remember there was one post i made it was something about like the the flight by the alternate law or something like that i don't know and then he came back he said how are you even a real pilot look at this example and i said that is number one that's in the sim and number two it's a different flight law than what we were discussing so it literally comparing apples to oranges here and yeah he's like oh you're not even a real pilot or um yeah it just it got ugly man xp 72 what's going on man good to see you here uh happy to see you in the 350 so you like it well xp i did a tail stand at the gate uh or a tail strike at the gate rather we were loading it up everything was going really smooth actually you know i got the initialization done i got the cockpit set up and then i got to the loading of the fuel and the passengers and then it just went downhill quickly and we ended up putting her on her tail there at the gate did a quick reset we stumbled through it found out where the perf calculator was and we got our v speeds locked in and eventually we got it going so i just did about a 10 minute spiel on how i feel about the airplane in short though xp i classify this airplane how you like to say it is a fun factor of airplanes like you got a front you got airplanes that are fun to fly and then you have airplanes that you fly for systems depth and study level simulation this one i kind of put in that same realm of like the jar 330 where it's fun it's got some good core stuff you know i really like the flight planning and the screens are pretty snappy they're not really buggy with the way you load stuff but it kind of ends there the external texturing of the wings and some of the cockpit textures are just kind of meh but i do enjoy it i think it's fun as a fan of the 350 in real life you know it does somebody said in chat you know it scratches that itch for me you know what i enjoy flying it here on the sim would i recommend spending 60 on it probably not but as far if you really want to fly 350 if you really love 350 it'll be fun for you to fly leo how was that disrespectful how are you even a real pilot yeah it was uh i i get that from time to time from time to time it happens yeah i got a kick out of the reddit thread somebody posted just like i guess somebody saw one of my videos that's why i made that joke and we did the line up on the runway there and this guy's main point was how was this guy even a real a real pilot because he can't even line up on the runway like well number one if you saw my rudder pedals you would understand number two even if i'm not using my rudder pedals i'm using a yoke as the tiller which is completely different than real life so whatever but yeah i did an amazing 350 lineup i think that's the highlight of the stream so far was my cinematic lineup on the runway damn near perfect tail strike at the gate is normal with the 350 unfortunately man they need to get a tail stand see so if that's what's going to happen then flight factor needs to implement a little tail stand function where the ground connections put a tail stand back here so if you do mess up the loading it won't go all the way back on its tail that's no fly by shot here i am using the ft sim sounds i don't know if jeremy if you're still around but what do you think of the sounds i know you're pretty critical of sounds like i am xp what sound mod you use i don't believe there's what there's mango and then there's ft sim so i might try mango next but i'm rocking the ft sim sounds right now i'm not terribly disappointed with them i think engine start is lacking could've been a little bit better the toga takeoff was pretty good toga takeoff sound was pretty good i was pretty happy with that do a systems check here everything looks good our temperatures are pretty pretty good right yeah all right let's go back in here let's hang out let's see what else is modeled here on board the 350 xwb do we have a lavatory no laboratory model nope f's in chat for no laboratory nope was this a crew rest area or something look at this little crew rest area all right take a nap here too bad the screen doesn't work benny benny coming with a five dollar donation thank you so much man i appreciate it he says v1 what's the point to have several engines for airbus which characteristic companies used to pick the type of engines they want uh which characteristic companies use quicktime so you're asking what determines what engines they want that's a good question i don't have an affirmative answer for you because i don't i'm obviously not working that side of things as a line pilot but i would imagine number one it has to do with maintenance right so if you already have let's say you started an airline and you got your first order of airbuses with cfm engines god forbid so if you've got a bunch of cfm motors if you're going to add to your fleet it really cuts down on maintenance cost to just keep everything the same right because you have all the cfm parts already there's no need to get ie engines they do the same thing now if you end up with a mixed fleet which engines do you prefer you're really splitting hairs at that point because even though i'm a huge iae engine fan you know the cfm does the same job the earbuds will do the same thing there's probably some very minor differences maybe the climates that they operate in i don't i'm not even 100 sure what would determine the you know a difference like that other than maintenance or what's readily available for you so you could have a company where you're starting to you know you started a company with all your air buses they're all cfm motors and you've just been buying air buses with cfm motors but then all of a sudden the availability comes up that hey you can get 20 more airplanes from this airline that just went under but they're iae engines and they're like well this is too good of a deal to pass up let's just pick up those airbuses with the iae engines and then we'll deal with the maintenance costs down the line so i think that's kind of how fleets end up getting mixed i don't think they purposely buy oh i want 20 airbuses altered and i want 10 of iie engines and i want 10 of cfm now when you talk about the neo same thing now most all orders now a lot of guys are a lot of companies i should say are ordering the neos because the neo is the future for the narrow body airbus you're going to see a lot of neo airplanes just start to replace all the standard or the current engine options but the same thing applies you know do you want the pratts versus the cfm's somebody in upper management is definitely going to make that decision for the the pilots to fly them so you just have to do you just have to do your job and if you if you have a fleet that's got mixed and mashed engines and you just got to watch your uh you know watch your watch your watch your books make sure you know you're in the right airplane you're applying the same procedures where i work we do kind of have a hodgepodge of engines so and it's you know it's for that reason it's like oh they started out all this way and then they got some of these engines so what happens is you just end up having different sections in your book so if you have an emergency you pull up let's say your your calm procedure for tail number one through 50. but if you're in tail number 55 50 through 57 you have to use this page because it has a different engine on it or a different option so that's where it gets more complicating is when you have to go through the book and you have to verify that the tail number that you're sitting in procedure that you're applying the procedure to rafael rodriguez welcome to private pilot welcome aboard man exclamation point welcome glad to have you on the channel my friend if you're a discord user sync your discord to your youtube to get that v1 after dark channel in there good conversation last night with the guys on on the viewing after dart it was fun i was doing a test flight in this airplane last night so that was fun hanging out with everybody down there airbus says ie for the win you got it man starting to have a little frame drop issue there funny detail about the 350 they have a plastic cover after the thrust reverses because delta had three ifsd because of liquid spill oh i do remember that i do remember that a little bit of a frame drop there i wonder what's going on my youtubes just internet issues today guys jeremy says you should have a v1 livery for each airplane you own so you have a complete v1 fleet it's a lot of work you hear that jungley i like doing the v1 fleet stuff but i also like flying different liveries around too i think it's kind of fun to mix and match the uh airlines that we fly on stream what do i think of the 220 series i think it's pretty sweet i think it'd be cool to fly a 220. i've been on a 220 a couple times now the cockpit is pretty sharp it is all glass man it is it's about as much glass as you can get actually it's kind of representative of the 350 to be honest i think i can see some similarities but i think the 220 is a cool plane i like the long ones the stretch ones what is it the 300 all right i think i am we are at the just past the halfway point we're going to be starting down soon so i'm going to step out for the lab break here and we're going to start prepping for the descent we're going to see how this airplane handles on its way down to cancun so let me go ahead and throw on my lab break message here and just give me about oh 90 seconds or a minute run to the lav and we will start prepping for our descent into can what could go wrong knock on wood all right all right go ahead and get you off the screen here come back in here it long alright so this is what i wanted to change let's go ahead and i'll do it from here uh actually no you know what it's much easier to do it from down here what i'm going to do is i'm going to pop you up we're going to come back up here and i'm going to change the arrival here and i believe we want to do the volmar arrival or i'm sorry yeah vomar one alpha let's take a look here let's do it from nosat well we're only going out to vomar and vixxi we'll fly yeah you probably get no set but we'll do it from vixie what the heck uh vomar one alpha ils dme four one two left so as of a couple months ago they were doing the one two left again which is good omar won alpha vixi insert all right now let's take a look at our box here let's go into plan mode zoom you down make sure constraints are on and we're going to give ourselves a direct to straighten out the line here a little bit so assad alkem it long and then that brings us in it's a very nice nicely connected approach here i'll be doing this flight uh what this weekend i gotta check my schedule but yeah that looks good so what i'm gonna do we'll go back to arc mode and then i'm gonna straighten out the line here we're gonna go direct to vomar yep we're going to go present position direct to vomar so let's scroll this back up here ah these arrows are messing with me they feel i feel like they're backwards all right from present position direct to insert direct vomar merada center delta three five seven heavy procedure miss jungle says i'll try to get him to work quicker you know how stubborn is i know he's messing around with all those clouds and dcs everyone's loving the clouds and dcs dimitri says i've been an ex-enviro proponent since its first week of release but this cloud pixelation is a total turn off uh is this new dimitri is this pixelation new i don't remember it being this bad is there something i can change in the settings because we're over the water so my frames are pretty good like maybe i could change something in the settings of x enviro but i feel like it was never this pixelated do i think the 319 neo would eat into the 220s market yes jeremy i do and the thing is the 220 300 well here's you got to understand what market are you trying to fill here now if in since we're flying a delta airplane right now we'll talk about delta delta has some 220s on property they're filling a market that's you know they're they have their business class their first i'm sorry they have their first class passengers then they have business class and then they have the economy class so you have a three configuration airplane so you've got to think what is the benefit of a 319 neo so what i think a 319 neo is going to be the best for is if you ran an all economy class configuration because the amount of people that you could get in a 319 neo would be greater than what you would currently see with most 220s rolling off the line right now with a multi-class configuration but it all comes down to weight and bags and if you're going to put that many people on an airplane how much fuel can you take because then that's going to determine well what market can that airplane serve so it's a fine balance it's a tricky balance and it's going to vary from airline to airline because you got to understand what is the market that airline is trying to serve are they having a first class cabin or an economy all economy class how do they set it up is it beneficial to have a smaller airplane running you know because when you have a first class cabin those first class passengers are pretty much paying for that's where the airplane that's where the airline makes its money is getting the first class passengers on board so it's kind of a tricky situation but if all things were equal and let's just say we're made a simple all-economy economy class 220 and economy class 319 neo i do think the 319 neo would cut into the 220 market i really do but it's just you really got to look into the business side of things and what each airline is specifically trying to accomplish with their passenger configurations because that that plays a big role into what airplane you order is your your your configuration that's kind of the big thing when you look at these the budget carriers or the low cost carriers when you start looking at the xlr so the problem with the xlr when you talk about economy configuration is you're you're getting rid of baggage space if you want to put in 228 people in a 321 xlr you need to have room for their bags well the xlr is getting its range because of that fuel tank you're getting rid of bag space because you're taking that what was baggage space putting a fuel tank fuel tank there or re-supporting the floor whatever it is you're reducing that baggage space so now it doesn't even make sense for an all-economy class 321 xlr because you can't take as many people as you want and have their bags on board so now you look at okay what can i get oh 320 neo the 320 neo is extremely popular because you can still go very far it's very efficient and you can go all economy you can stuff 180 something bodies in that airplane on all economy class and all of their bags so it's the little things that we don't really think about necessarily that make those decisions prevalent for the higher-ups that eventually have to make those decisions of what airplanes to get so you got to look at that you got to look at the routes you know what are your altitude limitations if you start going to south america you got some real high altitude airports down there guatemala city you got you got some others that are pretty high field elevations so you got to be careful about that but i would love to see a 319 deal personally i would love to see a 319 i think it'd be cool anthony says that's an incredible mexican accent i tried man whenever i try to do an accent i'm terrible at accents for some reason when i try to do an accent whether it be a mexican accent or a french accent i somehow i end up starting to talk like a like a redneck country boy i don't know where to maybe that's my core i don't know man but it's hard to shake that e195 is still better oh no 220 versus 195 both exceptionally efficient and advanced aircraft i agree the e195 is proven so you got that going for the 195 v2 with the raked wing tips does look amazing toga i agree with you there man rasheed says i think if anything the 220 has eaten to the 319's market that's also that's about you could look at it that way i would agree with that all right so we got our approach in there that we loaded up we're going present position direct vulmar let's finish this up so we'll get a descent via volmar we're going to vixe which will be at 4 000 feet and then we're going to set up for the ils dme4 one two right so approach i'm sorry one two left ils dm4 one two left that's what i have right i do have the left side yep one two left okay good um so we have final projection one two five we'll get our ls push buttons on what's kind of neat too with this is you can have the bird like a fake bird over here but that's just confusing to me to see flight director bars and the bird but that's that's an fms2 thing that's coming to the airbus narrow body right now this is this bird displayed up here with your crosshair that's going to become an fms2 if i'm not mistaken vertical profile fms2 that'll be coming as well what was that noise who was in there who's in there my dog just escaped into the attic give me a second guys i'm sorry guys hold on we're having a beagle issue has just ran into my attic because the door was open and i don't want them to fall through the floor here so give me a second oh my gosh we got them all right crisis i've heard it i had to lure him out with a piece of turkey oh gosh now we've got children in the cockpit everything's falling apart here our lives are falling apart our pet's heads are falling off all right we're back at it where was i at jeez yeah i didn't want my dog to fall through the freaking attic because you know how you have to walk on the beams if you're going through the attic and he's obviously just walking on the drywall panels on top of the floor okay here we go cancun we're gonna get 4000 is set for the bottom there and i didn't miss too much there so we're good all right so we're 42 000 feet we're standing to come down i'm going to try one more time i'm going to try x-pilot let me load up x-pilot one more time because i know there was quite a few 350s flying with me where is x-pilot there you are and i'm going to try to connect let's see what happens here uh center is online hopefully everything will be okay they won't be mad uh mnid centers online all right from lightning strikes to beagles in the attics the fun never ends huh i'm telling you man these dogs and i'm gonna have another kid here soon please contact me on 28.2 all right good we're back on it uh 128.2 128.200 back online a center good afternoon delta 357 heavy we're level four two zero delta 357 heavy uh squawk is on two zero four six it is on and should be identic so we should be good there and what's wrong with two zero four six forty two thousand uh he's probably going to be bad because he's going prison position drake volmar so this will be interesting uh dylan says it happened to my dog once he actually fell through when i picked him heavy good evening contact approximately 145 miles north of cancun vr flame attempt level fortress here we'll maintain five level four two zero delta three fifty seven heavy and uh we have a request one able yeah i'll call you back delta four zero one via the bomber one alpha right about q h if i lost it can i sorry it's a niner eight four defend tomorrow one alpha arrival delta 741 thank you and delta uh yes sir i just wondering if we were able to uh file and fly the vomar one alpha and uh proceed director of omar approach okay well president president director omar for the vulmar one alpha and we'll maintain fire level four two zero expecting the ils dme four one two left of delta 357 heavy all right cool so he knows where we are we're on the vomar that's set up that's good let's finish the rest of the setup here we got ls on that looks good as far as perf data goes let me switch the screen again let me flop you over here makes it a little bit easier i don't have to go down there we're going to go to perf uh descent 290.84 mach that should be sporty we'll see what happens there winds down there uh cancun atis is available uh winds are 180 at seven so we'll go ahead and type that in one eight zero and then seven knots beautiful morning here in cancun outside air temperature [Music] is 30 degrees warming up 3-0 go ahead send the fos out for the walk around anthony says your accent actually sounds like this dude i'm telling you man i've been down here to cancun enough i got some of it q h 2 9 8 4 2 9 or 8 4 2 9 or 8 4. oh that's hecto pascal son of a uh so more than one way to skin a cat here we're going to use a standby two niner eight four and we'll go hecto pascals that's one zero zero five so one zero zero five set barrow altitude for this approach is and this guy's being very realistic he's not descending me i'm always high coming into cancun always high never fails 250 for the barrow altitude mins we got 250 set flaps config full vls 125 v app 130 i'm going to give myself an extra five knots for float factor 135 is set trans as uh trans flight levels one nine or five we're now getting really high on the descent here america 357 heavy requests lower descent across vote more if i level two zero zero delta 357 heavy okay great so we're gonna go two zero zero and i'm just going to go straight to open right now because uh we're getting a little bit high so i'm going to set two zero zero blue thrust idle open descent down we go we can also set an altitude restriction in there let's see what happens here we'll go back to the flight plan i've never done it from vomar if i click vomar constraints speed at or below two zero zero zero set rta is not modeled okay flight plan i don't know if we're gonna make it i don't think i i don't think that took let's look at our old school mcdo here when in doubt go to the airbus mcdew here vomar descent two altitude constraint two zero zero oh twenty thousand not two thousand yeah two nine five squared there we go there we go so i got it fixed up i had a speed descent speed limit on there two zero zero is blue we're on the descent we're coming down things are looking good let's go ahead and button it up fa is still dinging let's get rid of that i can't can i oh forward call what do they want i don't think you can eliminate the flight attendant with the sound pack i think it changes those all right we're down to flight level two zero zero for volmar a little bit behind the donut now can i reset this i'll be curious here real quick let me see i'm going to go perf data config 3 config full no it doesn't reset the tod okay didn't think so things are looking up back to the chat today from heavy cream and radar contact presumably 190 miles north of cancun vr maintained for zero zero toga says is it correct that if you keep the top p of the bird and an altitude of zero on the pfd will essentially give you a three degree glide path yes use this trick in the fly by wire mode it works perfectly on the ass together yes i've been up a proponent of that a proponent of that for a long time that's why we have the bird emoji on this channel i always fly the bird whenever i can it's just a personal preference for me some guys rather fly pitch angles on the pfd that's fine too but i like the bird yeah put the tail the bird on the horizon and that's a three degree path coming down man delta 1366 fly direct to warmer direct from romer mark oh yeah i love that movie man that's for speaker training so i fixed it uh team vodka you're delta 598 good stuff my friend dynasty 001 says i have both you and flight deck to sim streaming simultaneously good stuff man i i i feel bad i i mean i always i don't check when he streams i feel like that's a couple times here in a row where i've been streaming and you guys are like oh yeah flight deck sim is streaming too like i try not to stream on top of other guys but um sometimes it's just unavoidable man especially with my schedule and kids and dogs all kinds of stuff going on here but i feel like it's three or four streams in a row now where someone's like oh yeah flight deck to sim is still streaming or streaming at the same time sorry dude sorry sam i love flight deck to sim though good dude it's funny how the pop out mcdo window says toelis mcdo i know and actually if you guys if any hardcore fans of the channel long time ago and jeremy picked up on this earlier so this was one of my gripes when the 319 first came out look at this mcdew here this this mcdew is actually a a traditional old-school variant of the mcdu in the airbus aircraft nothing wrong with it you got a brightness knob here actually works which is pretty cool this is what a lot of 319s have until they get retrofitted but when i pop it out notice the difference we now have a more modern or just like a gen 2 mcdu the brightness is now an actual push button up and down you have a blank button here all right clear to send via vomar one alpha uh delta 357 heavy all right so we're getting a descend via now we'll go ahead and set 4 000 actually i'm going to leave 200 blue right now this is where you can really get yourself messed up i'm gonna leave 200 blue because we're coming down for vomar and i'm going to hustle down here a little bit i'm going to go a little spoiled break action here we're going to go spoiled break out and my speeds seem to want to come back we don't want to do that i'm going to go speed select speed 330. that's fine let's get some spoiled brakes out here why can't i not there we go we'll deploy our sport brakes help us come down and then we're gonna we're gonna get a descend via once we cross over omar i removed the 250 at 10 000 yes i did gustavo over volmar yeah he gave me crossbowmar at 200. so vomar technically at 280 so we're going to try to get to 280 but i got us at 330 to get us down to flight level 200 first and then we'll dial that speed straight back 280 in the selected speed mode see we're coming down on it now we're really coming down 6000 feet a minute there we go altitude this star so we'll go ahead and should have caught it here that really grabbed that out star way early because our descent rate was so high all right coming back to 280 selected speed sport brakes are still out of zero expect the bomber one now for arrival and you can receive normal speed harry i took care of it oh man my dad loved that movie too man it's it's funny all right still the spoiled brakes two zero zero we're out starred now as soon as i get out of outstar actually no we're close enough i'm gonna go ahead set four thousand it's gonna trip to vertical speed should get a mode reversion beep there we didn't get one there we go managed ascent out constraint star two zero zero over volmar we're at 280 knots we're going to maintain 280 all the way down epnol we got to make sure we hit that at 250. but things are looking good now we've made our pas everything is good we'll go ahead no it's not 10 000 feet yet what would you like this flight attendant keeps calling me do i have to turn these on to listen to them wait so i can speak on vhf1 and the cabin at the same time that's a good way to do a pa over the radio i wonder if the announcements still work i know with the sound pack i think it deletes some sound files let's see if it still does in use i don't hear any announcements i think it might have something to do with the ft sim sound pack leave me alone all right transition is 19.5 we're well below that what was our altimeter two niner eight four two nine or eight four is set once set twice and we got the isc or isis in uh hecto pascals so one zero zero five two nine or eight four all right epineph2 or 250 knots we're looking good we're 280 selected speed things are looking good now things are looking good i have to turn the volume up up oh sniper said if you didn't do the pa safety before takeoff it will bug you to do the rest of the flight that is annoying i've turned the volume knob up all right turn the pa volume knob knob volume knob up clockwise we advise traffic to your two o'clock level three six zero going 2057 it's not responsive it's probably gonna cross bombards energy i don't know if he's gonna attend i will keep fire for the traffic ah so you have to turn the volume all the way up i got you all right one two four decimal seven have a good one uh double 357 heavy can approach good morning delta 357 heavy we're 15-6 descending via the volmar one alpha with the weather in cancun 357 runway one two right sorry one two one okay i was gonna say all right uh we'll expect the lsd before one two left uh dealt 357 heavy the cloud stuttering is killing you man yeah that's enviro man x enviro dimitri says at least with the sound pack no crew members are committing suicide there you go what can you say about the cockpit noise level from the 320 a220 i don't i i haven't been in the 220 in flight so i don't know if it's any louder than a 320. airbus actually isn't that very loud of a cockpit really i think the boeing is a little bit louder to be honest with you 321 is super quiet sitting way up in front of the engines oh my gosh we got nine magenta so it's thinking we're gonna level here at epno probably the vixia is at four mandatory there gotcha coming into cancun here you got a couple mantra crossings this 505 will get guys coming in this is a mandatory at 3 000 so you could be at 4000 you're quit for the approach but technically you still got to meet this 505 at 3 000. now there is a mandatory here 529 at 3 000 as well as well as the 1400 at 532 however if you are on glide slope you'll satisfy these mandatory crossing restrictions here so there's no need some guys will come in they'll cross five to nine then set 1400 to an open descent you don't need to do that you just need to be on glide slope and it'll automatically get it for you i'm going to start working the speed back to 250 knots if you do not stop bothering okay that works for me that'll stop bringing me we'll go spoil breaks out here we're going to slow the 250 get below this restriction here i did not know that i could get i have a tab on this piece i just use the ivy tab pop-up that's pretty cool though i don't understand why they made the flight attendant sound like stephen hawking i don't either man but that's what i'm talking about so it's the same exact flight attendant sounds that you have in the 7576 so you know you little things right it should be different 350 new airplane should have new flight attendants but we don't all right we're getting ready to go through 10 000 feet we'll go ahead and turn on the logo lights chick digs chicks dig logo lights get the rest of our lights on here for operational purposes 250 on the speed after epnol we're looking good dixie is at four out of ten flight attendants prepare for landing we got him we got him cio we got him possible to check gpu utilization right now with x enviro uh gpu is running at eighty two percent five uh weight is one eight zero at seven one two right but my ex environment clouds look pretty terrible right now i don't know what i don't know if that's with the latest updates or what but all right so there's our 9000 we got four blue now we're coming down one more i don't think there's any more speed oh there is 220 at oddler we do have to hit 220 at audler we got our terrain on display there that looks good i'm also going to activate and confirm the approach phase now you probably don't do this on the 350 but we'll go ahead and do it just because i don't want it to do anything that i'm not sure what it's doing so i'm going to take manual control there just like we do in the narrow body fms2 though that i was talking about earlier it's coming to the narrow body airbus that fms2 is going to give you your you can manipulate that desail point you can it'll tell you when to extend flaps one when to extend flaps to pretty sweet stuff so you're looking forward to that disarm those spoiled brakes there all right about 15 prior i'm gonna go ahead and start walking with that afternoon uh altimeter 298.4 expect ios 4 from 1 to the guy will resuscitate for the next flight trust me i i'd hate the the flight attendant sounds like i got on this plane that is same as a 7576 but i know there's plenty of different add-ons you can do to fix that uh just exclamation point specs jt if you want to see the specs of the computer exclamation point specs now that's a nice cabinet that's an ft sim announcement travis hartman got to admit though the screens are sharp i agree with you that's when i was talking about this airplane kind of how i feel about it i think the screens are sharp they look good they're snappy i really have no problems with how any of the how many of this works you know it doesn't feel glitchy it doesn't feel buggy i'm gonna go ahead get a little spoiled break out here's having a hard time coming back to 220. little spoiled breakout but this wing just hurts my eyes man yeah that was a good cabinet announcement there by ft sim that one was good there's our 220 speed get those spoiled brakes back in thousand to go now this is an integrated approach here so it's going to transition us right to the approach for one two left i no longer really need the terrain though this is kind of distracting i'm gonna turn terrain mode off i love this cancun scenery one of my favorite i don't know why it just it's a really well done scenery it looks just like the real thing to me in my opinion point scenery if you want to check it out which specific one it is not associated to with them by any means but i do enjoy flying down here because of the scenery i don't have any ortho around this part of mexico unfortunately but as we getting closer to the airport it doesn't even really matter and honestly this doesn't look all that bad because in real life here this is just all trees there's really nothing out there a few houses here and there but i mean i've probably come in on this arrival probably a hundred times in the last six months so if not six months then you know eight months but i've been coming down here a lot recently p2 is already unused dimitri yeah at least he's not in the attic so i'm okay with it all right there's oddler over to the approach vixxy 4000 mandatory this mandatory 3000 at 505 and a in a 320 can really sneak up on you here we're speed out star we're 4 000 and i don't think he's actually cleared us for the approach yet so we'll verify that we're cleared for the approach before we set that 3000 foot constraint he said expect ils dme412 left so we have to maintain 4000 until we get cleared for the approach but i'm going to preemptively start slowing down there is no more speed constraints here i'm going to come back to 180 these are x enviro clouds down here they look pretty good i'm going gonna go ahead and extend flaps one from right here so same thing with the airbus just you get slats with flaps position one it is bumpy like this in real life coming in here an approach just confirmed for delta 357 are we cleared for the ils dmv for one two left delta 3 57 heavy equipment las4 from 121. thank you clear for the lsdma412 left all the 357 heavy all right so we got 3000 open descent here we go we just crossed our constraint i'm gonna go flaps two i like the flap sound that is a wicked flap extension sound i like that 10 for 10 ft on that one for sure okay so we are cleared approach we're going to go approach mode cat 3 dual auto pilot 1 plus 2 let me set up this little screen so we can see this when i'm on the approach close it and pop it back out there we go that way this will be a little bit sharper for you guys i'll put it right there while i approach all right so we're down to 3000 that's our mandatory i'm still waiting for my local slope to come up here incp 110.7 that is set there's our lockstar there we go localizer is alive well not really it should be though there's our localizer live so this is where i said you know you don't have to dive and drive here after 505 because on glide slope here at 3 000 will can satisfy this 1400 at 432 i hate it when the guys just set 1400 blue and then we're you know 1400 feet above the ground we're still 20 something miles away from the airport so 180 knots we're looking good golden state says i feel like the ft sim sounds on the 319 are better than the bss i actually haven't even tried the bss sounds on the or i'm sorry ft sim on 319. i have not are they similar to that golden state all right we're looking good airport is out there this is a very accurate weather representation i feel like i'm always sitting right here at the base of the clouds coming into cancun spotty puffy clouds like this no real ortho here but this is pretty much exactly what it looks like it's just trying to approach a good afternoon uh 295 heavy on the volmar one alpha passing uh 14 000. delta 295 heavy good evening first turbo fan i flew was a phenomenal 300 lineup what do you suggest i learned with expect i yeah the 319. 295 heavy 319 would be a good place to start i got plenty of content on my channel for learning the airbus learning the 319 i think it's a very user-friendly airplane to learn if you want to just do something free though the zebo mod 737 is a free airplane very well done as well so flight deck to sim is going to be your guy on that airplane for sure though he's a real world 7-3 captain but as far as the airbus is concerned if you want to go that route i think the 319 is a good starting point you can do a lot with the baby bus it's fast you can go far you can descend fast pretty easy to land one two left clearland delta 357. all right we're clear to bounce on one two left lights are on and we're just going to continue to slow it up here i'm gonna i'm not gonna do my 2000 foot configuration because i'm not 100 sure how this airplane handles that so we're we're probably going to configure here a little bit early as soon as i hit the glide slope intercept here at 3000 i'm going to start the configuration process so hopefully i don't offend you guys here there's our glideslope star managed speed let's go ahead lower landing gear gear down b fin x minus 10 flaps three i really like these flap sounds so we're going to do it from back here i like that glide minus 10 will extend flaps forward that's pretty pretty juice right there with that flap sound all right deer down spoilers are armed cabin crew advised auto thrusters speed mode a cam ammo we're landing on green lightning checklist complete we're going to stick here on this ils for a minute [Music] that's pretty cool all right i can barely see the runway down there let me pop up this mcdew screen [Music] my captain seat here set below uh heavy uh on the warmer one now i can't disconnect the autopilot with my instinctive disconnect push button i'm incorrectly disconnecting the autopilot because my binding does not work i don't know if there's a way to fix that that master warning should be flashing there it's not look at our gusto see a one three i even added five knots so this is exactly what i was talking about earlier in stream we're super light we're right down there by vls i've even added five knots and you can see our speed is bumping around a little bit if i had an fo on board right now i'd say bump me up another three knots give me about 138 139 but i know this airplane likes to float we're super light hopefully we don't trigger an alpha floor here wouldn't that be fun i've only landed this airplane one time before this stream so buckle up those seat belt boys here we go i mean the turbulence is like way overdone right now though 1000 feet stable clear to land i do not have auto brakes selected so i'm just going to go manual brakes on this full reverse for cinematic purposes two whites two reds if you want to know what cancun airport looks like on approach the scenery has got it nailed man 500. landing 10 get back on the center line there a 175 well i'll take it 70 knots 40 feet 39 feet above threshold three from center line stow the buckets that sound that countdown threw me off that 70 60 50 40 i was not anticipating that that kind of threw me off a little bit we'll take the exit here we're looking good let's go ahead and clean it up clear the runway in real life this is all the way completed all right uh taxi to the terminal 357 thanks is that what you said i didn't hear what you said uh we're gonna taxi via delta to the terminal yeah bravo three or uh bravo four terminal three there turn left so in real life we gotta update the scenery now i've been bragging how nice it is but this taxiway is actually you know what i don't know if it's completed all the way yet i'd have to look i know it's completed down at the other end all right but welcome to cancun ladies and gentlemen let's take it to the gate do a replay see that touchdown i'm gonna go ahead and clean up the rest of the lights here beacon nav logo can stay on taxi light is on and i need to come up i can't quite see that switch apu primed up time to hit the beach travis you got it man you got it fire up the apoo over the bridge foreign not bad not bad somebody's on the list out there all right we're going to take the first taxiway here into the gate we'll park next to this other deltoid kill the lights apu is available i think i just put my wheel truck in the dirt there i'm not used to taxing this wide body here all right we're going to take stand what is this 42 take stand 42. haha dimitri that sounds amazing my friend i got a case of coronas here for you dude i am ready i'm actually gonna i think i'm gonna have a corona here after this stream i feel like we're in mexican vacation right now all right what does that say a three five nine it says stop oh nope now it says taxi straight ed so we'll tax straight ahead i don't really know where my center line reference is in this airplane i guess it's that line right there okay 12 meters 10. uh all right didn't give me a stop so i'm gonna go a little bit further there it is all right that was just too smooth too smooth opposite of southwest brakes are set apu is available so engine two is coming down seat belts engine one ladies and gentlemen welcome to cancun i hope you enjoyed our first wide body flight in a350 golden state says how much braking to use on the downhill side of that bridge not much gold not much golden state because taxi like you stole it oh man did my generator not online rip there we go sorry guys we went dark no in real life yeah you need a little bit of breaks to come down there it's not as severe as it's indicated right there i guess it's i guess that's pretty accurate but it might i think in real life it's even a little bit flatter you don't need too much it's not bad all right so that is online i'm not going to do a shutdown because i'm just going to go straight into replay mode is anybody on final let's take a quick look somebody just touched down we got another delta way out there good stuff though there's a delta coming in airbus love it love it i mean but this scenery is pretty sweet look at the coronas that dimitri was talking about delta 13 66 takes via delta delta one to the terminal now that's what i'm talking about right there pretty sweet i like this airport man this airplane this exact airplane is here in real life most of the time i think it's magni air charters they're there for win one eight zero at one four another delta taken off i feel like i'm in tower simulator up here i reached 350 likes nice i didn't even realize it all right let's do the replay i know you guys are anxious it's been a long stream we're gonna go ahead and disconnect and we're gonna throw you guys into the old replay mode here and i'm going to toggle replay and let's back it up let's see how we did here let's watch it from here first all ebos says nice stream captain thank you for your time thank you we boss i'm glad you enjoyed it thank you guys for hanging out with me today i know it was it was rough there in the beginning it was rough but we got it we overcame our obstacles and we are i mean i'll fly this airplane more i think if i get a couple more flights under my belt i think we're going to see it a little bit more on my channel oh yeah i'm gonna have to see that from the outside view there are they clapping i believe they are [Music] one of dougal's favorite views here let's take a look at this [Music] definitely didn't float as much as i anticipated there was definitely a little bit firm nice little winds were coming around that's a pretty sweet shot right there are you serious screenshot that looks juicy i like that profile that 350 coming in here a little bit low over the center line yeah had a hard time getting that that rudder back over had a hard time getting her back on center line but our touchdown was pretty good i don't say so myself like we're a little firm no doubt about it but we are right we actually touched down short of where i thought we were going to touch down i think i might have been overcompensating for the float so i kind of anticipated more of a float not a terrible landing though not a terrible landing for the second landing ever in this airplane it must be european clapping all says dimitri oh man all right guys well there it is there's your a350 flight on the v1 channel i hope i didn't offend anybody too bad when i get my opinions on the airplane i'm not trying to be offensive just kind of give you my honest thoughts i do think it's a fun airplane to fly i do anticipate flying it more here on the channel i hope you guys enjoyed this uh wide body stream wasn't really a long haul but all the mods sponsors thank you new members for joining the channel being part of the community thank you so much all the donations i appreciate you guys everyone else hanging out and chat i love you guys just as much do me a favor hit the like button for me on the way out here helps the video get out there helps the channel with youtube algorithms and all that good stuff anyway i hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend until next time guys it's probably gonna be a couple days i'm gonna be flying the real bus here for the next four days next four days man i'm out of here so until next time stay safe stay healthy i'm v1 see ya so [Music] uh [Music] so so so [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: V1-Simulations
Views: 9,101
Rating: 4.9346404 out of 5
Keywords: a350, v1, sim, v1simulation, v1 simualtions, ff, flight factor, ff350, widebody, real, airbus, pilot, live, 320, 319, 321, xplane, x-plane11
Id: eLgDaDJD6oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 59sec (11819 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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