Flight of Two! Bringing the OH-6 Back from Annual with the HCSD | 99FD to KECP to KJKA to KGPT

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we're here today to go take the oh 58 to panama city and pick up the oh six their favorite people brandon and stephanie detail's clear you're good thank you [Music] wow that was amazing [Music] man [Music] so made it to panama city now we have to go to ecp to get fuel then back the other way we can gulf shores and then gulfport only halfway there okay i'm secure over here [Music] circuit breakers and switches set coming back here everything should be off i'll go ahead and hit my hand collision position lights and we are on avionics and battery or we won't be able to hear each other warning panel we're testing all that's illuminated we are clear and we are untied down to 3 000 [Applause] we don't have a fire guard posted but we have some really nice guys that will help us out okay our tot is really technically less than 200 by the time we motor this up a little bit introduce fuel it will be i wait to see at least some flashing lights from brandon oh second thought i'm hot i like that plan all right let's do it claire on five two five [Music] all right about 700 plays returning everything's looking good at 2700 cool [Music] all right nice all right still alive going up to 70. i'll build a really easy flight plan nice okay world 70 here comes our generator we won't turn i guess any of this stuff on move or if you're cool with it because we'll just have to shut it down we're not going to be doing anything with that i'm good for the rest of the trip all right engine limit's good we don't have any transmissions to sarah says ronald go ahead and come up 100 looks like he's about there too i think he got a good start all right i'm ready all right now we'll go ahead and take off and i'll circle around and wait for you if you're cool with that yeah go ahead once you're off i'll just circle right around behind you i'm like sorry max performance out of here all right roger here i go all right you ready ready so rotor 100 um we're clear i'm just going to come on up and just sort of left pedal turn it all right and here we go cross at the poles good on the left clear the wires all right let's circle around left clear nice he is airborne okay i'll just slow down actually you should be able to catch me so it looks like right over here is the airport i guess straight ahead straight ahead all right we're on clear patch i'll get my call if you want thanks i'm just going to slow up for you you should be able to catch me yeah go ahead i'm right behind you go ahead okay panama city tower helicopter 304 sierra delta flight at two we are 10 miles to the south east off 99 fox delta inbound landing ecb three zero four sierra delta helicopters two that's eight for a flight of two and helicopter three zero four sierra delta nmrc tower uh standby see anybody confused oh y'all moved it look at us i gotta get my side picture back okay looks good though this is so much easier i think if we can change it back if you want remember three zero four sierra delta are you vfr april we're vfr just off of 99 fox delta over the uh the inlet here remember four sierra delta roger four five miles from the field and uh at that location ident for me okay with the flash and uh at five miles sierra delta okay we're 8.6 out remember for sierra delta right now what is your distance from the field again i apologize for keep asking hey no worries we're eight and a half miles to the south we're at 600 feet okay remember force here delta remain east of the center line there is a heavy kc 135 uh eight miles south east of the field on a right downwind for runway three four he's off your uh he's due east of you now at three thousand feet three miles okay we've got him inside it's no factor we will remain a state's heroes delta for sierra delta force here at delta no problem and uh caution weight turbulence from the heavy kr35 he is going to do an approach here of course you're at delta and remember four sierra delta if you want to cross to the west side of the runway center line caution weight turbulence from the heavy kr35 and you can expect to land on foxtrot south of juliet and then air taxi into parking at shelter okay we'll across to the west side of the center line foxtrot alpha juliet to the flight line for the air taxi for sierra delta flight attitude for your delta i'll keep you advised i have other inbound traffic from the east that's going to be paralleling your inbound additional traffic banner to aircraft just departed the airport uh southwestbound at or below 500 feet to the beach hey we got the banner tower inside as well for sierra delta got it remember eight charlie tango thanks for your patience report right based runway three four years uh make sure approach if you'd like nine o'clock coming in roger that uh i'll report right face 708 charlie tango i assume he's going through romeo bravo hold short of delta cross the whole short line and then hold shorter this is foxtrot shorter julia you were right 543 romeo bravo yeah here he comes yeah clear on the left thanks all right very nice a little clunky but walk away from it all right two minute two minute cool down and get enough fair speed to put my wife i can't remember if with one of these i thought one of these would exclusively just fire up like our radios hey charlie tango i need you to make a short approach if you can proceed straight to the runway three four you're clear to land number one all right i'll do it 708 charlie check out this game rotor engine looking good engine transmissions we were all in the green this is a normal balance we were plenty of fuel that's it you ready for us to make the call yep i'm ready all right moving forward i just don't want to overfly a plane no that's a good point i i should have thought about it before suggesting it all right here i go yeah now once you're clear you got all this extra real estate that makes more sense all good i think all these people are like i don't know i wouldn't want anybody over flying my plane i don't know spooky 4-3 dragon 5-0 on guard all right i gave you direct that should give you a course out helicopter force here in delta flight you can contact 10 to approach 120.82 have a good flight 20.82 for sierra delta flights here we go [Applause] um [Applause] for the airport [Applause] hotel general approach helicopter three zero four zero delta flight at two just off ecp out of one thousand for twenty five hundred [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you say eight o'clock [Applause] turn right 10 degrees and we can switch off by the way i mean i i love the breakup that's what i'm used to in the military you never have one guy doing at all whatever you would need me to i'll fly i'll i need to work on as much as you know like the radio as much as i need you know flying time two three one five eagles good afternoon sir coast guard two three one five level i'm just happy to be here whatever you want me to do i'll fly i know like the rnav runway one four full stop destiny one five i'm gonna try to i'm gonna get it off get us on course how i want it and then i'll hand it off to you so i don't feel bad i'm like handing you over like a broken toy that's funny whatever i guess brandon will let us know if we are losing him i haven't heard him say anything like where are y'all i see him back there he's all right inside of 1500 [Music] five three one thousand two hundred elevating one or uh elevating nerd all right there's eggland there's destiny roger reset transponder squad five i forgot i still have my uh stupid mask thing on well i thought it was i didn't say anything maybe it looks like continuing we're going into like yeah [Applause] all right switch to advisory starts at 1200 for zero delta cat three three turn left [Applause] but there's quite a few in the traffic pattern all right so you want to go down to what i'm just going to start easy decent we're at 10 miles so i mean i'm just going to make a glide slope out of this to go to like we did last time all right check out traffic 304 sarah delta flight of two helicopters we are 11 miles out to the east and down full stop runway two seven jack edwards jack gabriel traffic gyro four triple seven winski is three south of the field eastbound along the beach at or below four hundred feet jacket thank you the traffic system seven one echo turning left base runway two seven jack edwards left base that means she's gonna turn across us i'm gonna offset here to the left i'm just going to stay on the controls i'm definitely not going to like take it unless something weird happens but okay let's make sure nobody's crossing the runway all right approaching two five i don't see anything or three five rather wind is light sox not completely flat but to be out of here almost there's a guy out there already yep where does brandon park oh we'll usually just sign him up um it doesn't matter you can go this way i'll just pick the right side well there's a guy out there i'll just put in front of him yeah and the brain will probably slide to our right that way don't do anything weird with the big gulf stream right there right i had it i had it i took it back i do that all the time you like you sense it and you're waiting and then you didn't hear it and so then you're yeah it's like everything is like you gotta start over i had it back okay that's all good that was awesome thanks for picking up on this [Music] [Music] [Music] all right last lag yep this is it [Music] [Music] let me know when you're ready to go roger up 200 now all right your controls my controls all right we ready uh not yet i told her to let us know you can make the radio calls as well okay we need to switch to radios uh now you just [Applause] all right [Music] there you go what's the name of this place jack edwards all right gyro triple seven whiskey is left downwind runway two seven zac efron she's ready so we're just gonna go straight up yeah pick up to a hover just go straight out she's gonna follow us check overs traffic helicopter three zero four zero delta flight at two we're departing from the helipad we'll be straight out to the west jack edwards just straight up straight out [Applause] all right 3g stop the twc's are out this thing's got a lot of power clear clear jack edwards traffic gyro triple seven whiskey left face to final two seven for the option jack edwards stack covers traffic helicopter 304 sierra delta fly to twos departing straight out to the west jack edwards well that was ugly what the hover the takeoff check it was traffic gyro triple seven whiskey left crosswind runway two seven jack edwards attack over traffic helicopter three zero four sierra delta flight of two we're departing the patrick to the east jack oakwood to the west otherwise sorry jack edwards got eight seven trimming [Music] roger glad the weather held up yes uh dry all week this week i think some big high pressure kind of just sit down right here leaving called porsche class out to the west radar [Applause] is a single dornier 328 currently a short file to runway one eighth being a touchdown for we're looking for the traffic sheriff sir tiresome status all cables indicate down lightning lights thank you all right i got traffic on the roll yeah i see him sheriff's airport's got traffic on the road where's the other traffic championship four roger passport joining at 320 cautionway turbulence and the other tech twos uh apparently eight mile final sheriff's airport sheriff's day four landing building 900 be at your owner excuse caution when one seven zero at seven okay clearly at our auto risk shares here four nine hundred thing away one contact tower alley 5a we're approximately 12 miles out on the vor zulu runway 1-4 option radar [Music] clear for the option around 1 4 clear right cool left all right whenever you're ready you can take the trailer all right i got it you got it i have controls nicely done is that steve yep [Applause] thanks for letting me fly with you oh you're welcome man glad you could come with us stephanie was great flying with you excuse me oh [Music] [Music] rule number one make them tell you no
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 44,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, helo vlog, oh-58, oh-6, harrison county, hcsd, panama city, florida, gulfport
Id: 1NOv8AcvVaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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