DCS: F-16 Basics with @CasmoTV Part One - Basic Formation

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things are not good help for the L control he's heading out the sea oh no what the hell 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 okay clear for take off here here we go Milow usually you check it an 80% that's fine dude there's no way that is MIL power no chance that's an After Burner yeah you're totally burning now yeah something's wonder what's going on with this where's the gate doesn't matter don't need it I'll set a set oh boy it's definitely 500 feet there's like a cliff down here it's cool it's usually about 300 till 10,000 and then 350 above 10 so like we talked about I mean we did a little bit of a pre-brief there but you join on the left side um typically two joins to the left side or uh inside the turn for now you know like if if we were coming into this weather here uh I'd level off and let you get on board okay or I'd tell you um call tide so you take a radar lock and we'd go through it you know in trail but I'm going to kind of work our way through it here and and not draggy through the weather so I see you're a half mile but I don't see you what's where are you I'm at your seven I'm about to blow past you you can use radar and know there you are all right we'll set 350 we said we would talk about some uh formations where the hell did you go I'm still here 7 o'cl all right get to a route two ships withs to 500 feet let's start there just do some position keeping I'm trying boss I'm trying real life I would not have you this close already perfect okay so we do a lot of stuff come out so what you'll see me do now is ppus the nose that's too much I'm doing this an external View and you would go out to uh line of breast left side all right that's one mile he said yep so reference 030 we use that as a heading so when we talk about formation keeping reference is for heading set is for air speeds so if I say set 350 reference 030 that's what that means and now you can use your airair attack end to help you station keep right uh you can also use geometry right so if you're AF you can ramp down and not burn a lot of fuel and if you're um getting in front you can climb to try to tr change that air speed for for altitude right right and and this is basically our our basic station keep keeping formation so you're at a mile uh which is good you know you're basically looking over your left shoulder and that this is kind of our happy place you know this is their starting point usually the more tactical you are the farther away you want to be and that's gives you um that gives you the ability to clear through me so um and for me to check your six so now I can I can clear your entire six I can see in front of you I can see through you and you don't want to be Co altitude with me because well bad guys can see us right so you want to either uh stack low or high usually based off environmentals so like if there's a low Cloud deck you would want to Stack High because it's ants on the blanket um you know but that's getting a little bit more Varsity stuff like that so right now uh we're kind of going to the edge of our airspace so the first thing we're going to do is I'm going to show you a uh 90° turn to the left okay so 90 degrees left is heading 3000 so it's all Cal out so what you'll see me doing is I'll start turning like I'm doing now and is MIL power G to hold air speed and you start turning now so start start your turn and roll out so that's not too bad right there so you're just a little a so what I can do is I can check the formation to the right so I would say okay you know if we were setting up for something I'd go hey check um 320 so that we'd reference 320 and we'd both be there you're you're at 2 miles which is a little far probably hard for you to see me especially in DCS yeah but um you know turn as hard I should have yeah so it's Milow G to whole air speed and you're holding you know your that your vertical alignment basically depends on where your position is in the formation you know if you need to fix something or not dude you are way out there I don't even see you I'm yeah I got you I'm I'm trying to angle my way back in but I'm hauling ass here I'm at your like 2:00 now okay so let's check it left back to 3000 uh and that should and when I say check it's just an in place let's keep it going uh 290 and I'm fixing the formation for you now as a wingman dude it's your job to be in position but I'm helping you out you know a good flight lead will will help you out there um okay so that is uh 290 so if we were going to go back the other way right so now um let's say we wanted to do a 90 right uh uh well actually no we want to go left because I want to show you this my bad um all right so left would be uh 90 left so two Z right we're referencing 290 so I give you a wing flash so I go Wing flash you see that you start turning so you start turning mil power G to hold air speed to uh heading 2000 and I'm waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting it's going to take a minute and now all you do is you go to 20 and I'll put you right where I need us like so that's what it should look like like I we should roll out like this make sense yeah dude I don't I don't know why the HUD is so washed out that's crazy okay uh so referencing 20 let's push it up for the G warm-up G exercise I'll show you that because we talked about it so at least 400 knots they got left you let's check it left um good all right one nine z uh and then I'd give you a fence up which I have it I up you're supposed to turn first we haven't turned at all yet Oh I thought you did the Flash no no no this will this will be Comm in cuz it's an in place turn gotta all right so reference one 190 uh one's ready you come back two's ready you're at least a mile two's ready uh in place 90 left go so now you should just start turning and that's uh mil power four to 5 GS and the first turn is just checking the system make sure your git inflates all right so you roll out one0 and get get back to that 400 knots uh and then I'm I do this so I can watch you and now uh for G awareness in place 180 left so we're going 180° all the way back around to the left go and now we're getting that 5 to seven G's and not to go below 200 or 300 knots so all right and then um in place 90 left and then now it's an sop thing uh my previous Squadron you know they would call G's say I'm good you know all that stuff the most combat squadrons it's by exception and then as we roll out here did you turn with me did I lose you yeah I turned no I got you I'm uh I'm pretty far out but I'm with you okay and then we'd pop a flare for the flare check I don't know if mine's working I I'm in a a program or something it's just popping flares now yeah H it should be one uh reference 180 oh I see you uh let's check it left 15 so I'm just fixing the formation uh the other thing too at this point I'd reset the G meter so you go War reset push that down that'll reset the G meter or reset where's that at uh at the top uh on your upfront control panel drift cutout Norm more reset if you push that switch okay got it yeah uh do you want to try that heat to guns or do you want to do some turns oh God you're way out there uh let's check it right about to 18 Z all right 18 Z yeah I don't have a good sense of like my uh you know like my power settings I don't I don't ever fly this one so yeah that's fine let tell you what um I'm going to start a leftand turn I want you to just get on a rejoin line with me so I'm going to slow down to 350 and I'm just going to start a left- hand turn sorry and I just want you to rejoin so we'll just work on just a basic basic rejoin all right so just back into route yeah just a root formation okay so that's a not too bad you're kind of going AF so you want to bring me back up for on the rejoin line Y did rejoins in the Apache huh mean I guess not like this not like this yeah I'm a little slow good okay now you're forward yeah I'm trying to slow down I've got the thing all the way back I guess speed breaks out doing everything I can you set off my radar suer so what happens like in this situation cuz I'm sure this happens where you lose site like like something like that happens what's the sort of procedure what does the guy do uh you break out from the formation so you would um deconflict and you call blind first so you go blind you know two's blind at usually we tell them to do altitude you know two's blind 17,000 and I'd say you know one's at you know 177,000 left hand turn visuals your right you know whatever um and then we deconflict altitudes if we didn't see each other all right yeah I'm just trying to get a feel for this throttle yeah like to slow down I need a tighten line up so to speak it's uh I'm using that windwing Viper throttle it's a a little on the hose but you don't trim I don't know if you've been trimming but don't trim the jet does the jet trim itself oh okay everything's at 1G I roll out to 270 looks like you're you're almost on board uh let see I think now what we'll do is I'll bring you home and we'll do some pattern stuff all right do you literally never trim it like at all not unless it's bent if it's a bent jet you know or if you got some kind of store on it and it's asymmetric but typically you don't trim at all man this looks really really realistic minus everything being a haze right so typically too in a descent uh as a flight lead you know I won't I make I'll always try to give my wingman something so you know whether it's idle like if I go idle that gives you boards uh if I need to go boards then I will only men board like I'll never give I'll never I'll try not to ever put you in a situation where you've got nothing right yeah but like for you as a like a smart wingman um you know you know up here we're going to make a left-and turn to realign with fin yeah I was just thinking about that I'm going to swing over to the right yeah but then you need to be on the on the um right side for the break because you know it's going to be a right a left-hand break right so um it's just positioning yourself like you you could stay on the left side to save some fuel if you wanted to and then uh you know go from there yeah because I'm have to put in a lot of power to stay in position in the turn right a lot more so for tack initial uh we go 350 knots and actually you could go faster if you were doing like the uh high trp or something like that tactical recovery pattern Navy guys you know they do the the carrier break or what all that stuff but you know for the Air Force it's about staying high above threats and getting there you know in one piece um so for us uh we're going to come come up initial at 2,000 ft um minimum with a 500t field elevation so 2,000 ft MSL and you're going to be line of breast on the right hand side one mile and then um I'd give you the zipper but when you start seeing my jet move like we talked about that's when you go altitude so get nice and set up for a a three mile I am fast but it's because I'm giving you something so here I would use geometry to wind up line of breast on the right hand side because this is this continuous left-and turn and this is how a lot of patterns end up working out and a lot of them will have step Downs too which just makes it worse because they won't want you to fly like high over these these subdivisions and stuff all right so I'm rolling out on course 200 ft 350 knots you're looking good over there so uh you know make a one one initial and then they would say report base breaking when you're breaking yep yep so I'd give you the double click and then I would go and you're going to break to 90 and then align yourself with the runway right because of how far over you are right 300 knots is the gear speed in case you're wondering there are no flaps and unlike the Navy it's a level turn so you know like a carrier break or whatever would be a descending turn mhm that's it dude I haven't done one of these in forever and again same thing you know no trim or anything like that this and when are you dropping gear have you already dropped gear I dropped gear yeah so we make a one one base base gear low approach so what we'll do is we'll low approach and then um rejoin to go to highkey all right dude this thing's going way fast oh boy so remember you've always got the board override if you need it so holding that speed brake switch out it'll retract back to I think it was 43° it's been a while okay and we're just going to low approach Mouse memory and make a one On's on the Gil Crest High key and they would say yep and this depends on your procedures uh so what I want you to do is just chase me through this you still visual yeah I'm just now might go around here I'll extend so you can rejoin actually you can square the corner here yeah I got you insight you're good so right right hand turn we're going to go up to 8,000 ft and the idea is to arrive at our numbers uh when we get there so 8,000 ft uh about 220 knots or so got a little bit of weather going to fight up here if I have to stay low for whatever reason then I want a little bit more energy which it looks like I'm only going to get about 7,500 or so because of the ceiling they probably would not give me high key knowing that but we'll see oh God why am I rolling why am I rolling why why am I rolling oh no oh no am I rolling dude this things are not good dude I think the alude I think the old windwing is not things are not good help for the last control he's heading out to sea oh no what the hell why did it do that [Music]
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 9,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dPMzhA2f_xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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