Flosstube #34 Jessie Watson, Valentine’s stitching, #wintercrossstitchcamp, and The Attic!

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hi flosstube and instagram friends my name is kim and this is flosstube number 34. if you'd like to follow me on instagram i'm k goldman63 on instagram so welcome welcome back i have a lot of stitching to share with you again today there are some finishes and new starts we did take our trip to the attic so there's a couple of new charts from there as well as some fabric lots of good stitchy chit chat so let's go ahead and get started first of all if i could just have a few moments of your time um i follow felicia ozark mountain stitcher on instagram and her nephew josh was in a motorcycle accident and she's been keeping us updated as to how we can continue to pray for him so the recent need that felicia has mentioned is uh for rn uh caregivers for josh to be able to come home and i asked felicia for the specific parameters uh that were necessary and she sent me this um they live in the missouri the state of missouri in the wildwood uh area it's around st louis and so if you are an rn or perhaps you know of someone i just thought i'd wanted to get the information out there and also you can always come alongside us and pray for josh and his family so thank you very much for letting me share that with you i have one more um let's see let me find the anna omen is one of the finishes that i have and i came across this wonderful finish by janet on instagram isn't that beautiful i'm not sure if she mentions what uh floss and fabric she used on this one but this is lila's studio anna omen thank you janet all right let's go ahead and get started and i will share with you my finishes so we've got jessie watson right over here this is hands across the sea samplers and i started this as part of a sal that barbara raspberry stitcher started she's going to be finishing this up in april uh for her son's birthday so i stitched jessie on 40 count it's lakeside linens oh drawn a total blank i've mentioned it before in prior videos if i think of it i'll shout it out uh i used all of the dmc's called for and i did obviously make some changes uh jessie is in a thrifted frame that i cut down resized this is wood so i was able to lightly sand it and put on a couple of coats of wood stain let me get it nice and close for you to see so she is i did use the smyrna crosses instead of the eyelets for the heart here and i used the diagram that had the um stitching on ada for the roof instead of doing the stitches for linden even though this is on women uh i had an evening where insomnia was hitting full bore i just gave up and decided to go and stitch and so niecy lynn kept me company and at one point she showed her jesse watson and i just ended up finishing her that evening into the early morning hours uh i noticed that you know carol i think salt bought salt fox stitcher had mentioned that i believe it was she mentioned these types of stitching uh here the trees the design here was something that was you know no-brainer very simple and i had to laugh because i thought i i struggle with these for some reason i don't know if it's because i stitched from the bottom up um you know that was just more comfortable for me and i don't know if it was the middle the night i don't know but i had to pull out like the one tree i was doing three times you know it's symmetrical it has to be done correctly so um but i'm really happy to have and i did end up putting she's been pinned and stretched and i put the backing paper on this is just scrapbook paper um so i think she came out really really well straw flower 40 count straw flower by lakeside linens alrighty so then we had chrissy nelson is my next finish and chrissy nelson is la dee da um i made some changes to this as well i saw this on hillary rustic thread stitching showed this and i stitched her on 36 count dark cobblestone by zweigart and i pulled the dmc's they it's charted for both nps or npi and dmc and i pulled the dmcs and then i just made a conversion to some of the overdyed flosses from there and um changed around a few things by changing the colors of the birds and some of the border or the band stitching up here um put the scripture in here the walk by faith and this is another thrifted frame uh it was actually a free frame from a friend it's just an 8x10 and i have used this same frame before it's like a red cherry-ish color and it's got this felt uh backing on the you'll see them and and it's got like the little uh things that you know move to hold your stitch to hold your uh pictures in and i have normally i can just pry the backing part off but you can see i mean i sanded and sanded and i think i was joking in my head that this must have been this person's first day at work and they were bound and determined to do an excellent job and use all the glue available to them because i could not get this off this is as good as i could get it but once i take the uh scrap baking paper i will put a um uh you know some of the double-sided tape all around the edges and then i will just cut the back the scrapbook paper or vacuum paper to fit and it will cover all of this up and it's just uh fit in here nicely the foam core it's actually very flush the foam core um is cut pretty close so that all i had to do is have enough room to you know adjust my linen and it's not going to fall out or anything and so when i put the backing paper on there it'll be fine but um i think she came out beautifully so this was one of my uh hashtag nye 12x12 starts and i was getting a little bit overwhelmed uh by how many new starts i was having and how many um finishes you know i like i said i kind of like to keep that balance and so i just chose some of them were that were maybe a little bit closer to be able to finish a little faster and and this was one of them i chose and so i was really happy to get that one finished all right so then let's go ahead and talk about my oops okay computer did something funny let's talk about my next finish this is misty from luminous fiber arts and it's my heart is yours pinky and this was a pdf download from her website so i purchased the kits that allow me to be able to do all of the finishing um it comes with the floss and the fabric and all of the extra little accoutrement and uh this is my very first you know like pillow finish that had more than just the front and then the backing and so i took a lot of time trying to be very careful about cutting the velveteen and you know doing all of it following misty's really really wonderful instructions uh i think it came out really well i think misty's proud of me so i'm excited to have this finished in time for valentine's day i do have a question for you though you know i make pillows just very occasionally and i noticed that sometimes i get a much more indented um you know edge and so if you know why that is that would be wonderful to know because you know i'm just sewing a straight anyway if you know why sometimes that happens a little bit more than others let me know i'm going to cut these i think a little bit shorter but and i have to decide uh missy took like a piece of felt and made a big heart on the back to cover up the stitching in the back i haven't decided what i'm going to put there a bit of lace or a bit of felt but um at this point i was just ready to to stop and be excited that i had finished my pillow okay so i do have a number of valentine i kind of pulled them from my uh my house they were on display in different areas and so maybe i'll run through those uh really quickly this is a freebie i believe it's snowflower diaries and this was a pillow i made several years ago so that's nice i also have the word play before february um we've got another misti purcell women is fiber arts be mine this is before i um was able to know how to cut down my frames so that they would fit perfectly i actually like think this is really cute the way it is so i don't know that i'll uh i thought about maybe because i have lots of you know these are just pinned with the twine and the foam core um and i set them on easels or in my tear tray and i thought well maybe i'll make pillows out of some of these but you know i don't know i don't i think these work just fine so that is uh leela's studio be mine and this is blackbird designs pledge of affection this is just another button company and i think it's called lovebird i actually even tried to get super fancy with the ruching on that um there are pins i believe that that that say love i have them inside i actually have them but i have them in something else um so that came out kind of cute and let's see oh and i have another blackbird designs back here is my dear hearts and you can kind of see her token of love which is pine berry lane i think that's everything that i can see that i have out for valentine's day so let me go ahead and share i had some more fun finishes gosh i should have mentioned that i actually stitched a drum like you might have been thinking you were at the wrong channel if i told you that in the beginning but i made my first drum so this is from the sewing club book and this was the piece i shared with you that i stitched with my friends april heirlooms on instagram and celeste creates on youtube and instagram and we stitched this together via zoom you know we started it together as a little bit of a mini retreat piece and uh neither none of us had finished it and our friend merrick crawford from the just because buzz invited us to a finishing party and we had the best time it was so much fun i think we all watched vodafiver's tutorial on how to finish a drum and we did take the time ahead to do some prep work ahead of time and i had made you know like the bottom and this is an old corduroy blazer that i have had for you know 20 plus years i haven't worn it in 20 years um but i just saved it you never know and so now was a good time to pull it out and i just cut pieces off of the sleeve and i did the bit of vase a bit of lace to cover a bit now you'll notice i didn't do the border on the top no reason that was just me avoiding border stitching and i didn't know how much room to leave i think i aired on the side of caution you know vana has uh on her tutorial there's a bit of a distance left at the top and the bottom as well i and i think going forward i'll be a little bit more comfortable it i mean it wasn't super hard to make it's still not a lot of fun for me personally i still don't really enjoy the process but it wasn't i mean i think it came out pretty nice this is just polyfill um it's actually an old pillow decorative pillow that i have and i'm just pulling all the stuffing out of that and using it until i run out but i think next time i'll be a little bit more um i won't be as afraid to get a little bit closer and i probably come a little bit closer on the you know the top and bottom and just some pins decorative pins but i think this came out really really nice i was really i was really happy to see that it you know had such a lovely finish and i was i mean it was a lot of effort and it took a lot of time so it was nice to see that it came out well i also made a pillow i used the same um some more of that corduroy from the uh the blazer and decided that i would finish up this is another one that i stitched with my friend shelly it's only stitching and we did this as a part of a sal it's also from the sewing club book and this one i decided to try the ladder stitching i sometimes i get that better than others um i think it's about where i start i don't think i i have to practice i i think i have a better idea of what i'm doing but um fortunately that's usually on the bottom so it's okay but i made another pillow uh at one point i thought i'd make you know i think i was done for making the pillows for right now let's see what else we oh i don't want to lose anything let's see what else i've got to share with you so i guess next we'll go ahead and tap we'll talk about my anna omen so this is part of the hashtag winter cross stitch camp that sherry colorado cross stitcher has come up with um for us to enjoy uh just a fun thing for us to do you post um on instagram your beginning supplies and then if you start and finish it in the month of february then you've completed the uh challenge successfully and it's to pick a piece that is all one color so i knew that i was going to stitch only the bird um that has always kind of been my idea um both april and celeste have actually stitched uh anna and and done her in her entire entirety and she's beautiful um but i like i said i already knew that was all i was going to do was just stitch the bird and my friend misty actually has come up with a wonderful hashtag that is very applicable for me specifically i'm own hashtag i'm only stitching the bird and i love that so you will see that on my instagram from time to time now i stole this frame from another piece that uh i specifically want to keep it for the other one um but i think she looks really uh it fits perfectly and this is a standard size uh frame that i have found with lots of decor pieces in it i know i just painted it like the black flat black and then that decor wax on top of it and it gives me this nice color but she fits in here perfectly so i'll just keep my eyes open for more in the future so right now she's just kind of popped in there but uh anna almond uh and i stitched her oh let me when i oh i did hold on i put the floss in the back here i stitched her with silk cranberry cocktail by dinky dies and this is 36 count up in the attic by fox and rabbit so you know one color one strand a 36 count this was so easy to stitch um it just went really really fast i this was a lot of fun for me i don't typically i don't know if i can describe this very well but you know if i had to skip a stitch i would usually go as far as i can go and then um stitch back and then drop down and i didn't mind crossing over you know like i would stitch to stitch crossovers keep stitching just so i didn't get lost on this design and then go all the way back drop down and go all the way across and all the way back and because it was um you know 36 count and and i just didn't have to worry about blocking my holes where uh on on a higher count fabric i probably wouldn't have done that because i might have had a harder time getting my floss to come up some of those holes but i i hope that made sense um probably not but this was very easy for me to stitch the way i decided to stitch it and it came out beautifully so that's my anna omen let's see if i can set her back here um i also did a couple of um of the thrifted frames cutting them down i've talked about that i have a video up about how i do that and i don't know if i can reach and let's see this is um let this would be a good example because someone asked me how i this is plastic and how i affix you know i can't use glazing points or you know your point driver to keep your piece in there but this fits again very flush uh with the edge and um what i will do sometimes if there's a more of a so say your rabbit is a little deeper right and you have this is um there's it's not flush if it's not flush i will save my scraps of my foam core and you can often if you cut it the exact width and so it wedges in to the back of your frame on this on the sides it will hold your piece in sufficiently enough for then you to just put the um scrapbook paper on the back to keep it in so uh again i don't worry too much about um it falling out it's going to be on the wall and it's not it doesn't have glass it's not super heavy you know it's just plastic so that's sometimes how i will wedge something a little bit more uh tightly it's just by putting an extra piece of foam core uh in there to uh to keep it in place but i just cut this one up yesterday and glued it together and popped this in here very quickly um i haven't decided if i'm going to do anything you know painted stain i haven't done anything to it um i just i thought it was a it was a dollar fifty so i figured it would be useful for something and this is peaceful dove by karen kluba or um rosewood manor i stitched this quite a while ago quite quite a few numbers i mean you know 2017 or so um i also i don't know that i can reach that one so i hope you can just see it a little bit well enough i did post that on instagram so that is victoria's garden and the frame it's a nice big thick piece of wood frame it looked like this and i ended up sanding whatever this finish is you know on there i just sanded the whole frame lightly with like 220 sandpaper and then i tried something new i had purchased this it's the same thing it's the decor wax but it's in this color excuse me uh white wax i guess that's what it's called and i just put a coat of this on top of it and um i was really happy with how that came out i think you can just see the little bit of the corner right here so that was another one that i was able to reframe sorry i was looking really quickly to see if there were any others but it looks like those are the those are the three that i did four those are the four that i did this this time okay so i guess that's all of the finishes that i have to share with you right so let's go ahead and move on let me take a quick oh i know okay so i had the other finishes i have are my i have a couple of monthly uh stitch alongs that i'm doing whether it's a series and i'm stitching one every month and so this first one is from the home for the holidays blackbird designs let me show you this very quickly and i am stitching the five stockings one a month again with my friend merritt and anyone who wants to join along this is the hashtag uh bbd christmas stocking sal and i completed that's not necessarily the first talking in order but i completed this one um i did change the alphabet and added my initial i told you last time that i would try to remember to bring the book which i did but it's under a few things here so this is a really nice i again i think this is a difficult book to find so i'm not sure that you'll be able to find it but it's it's a really nice big alphabet book and i'm going to be taking the alphabet letters from there for the tops of the stockings i this is my initial obviously and then i'll do my husband's and haven't decided if i'm going to put you know like joy or hope or love something a little bit shorter than i might put on the others i can also put our son's initials and you know my mom somehow come up with five that makes sense but um i stitched this on 32 count raw natural by zweigart and this is where i used the sulky for the very first time i did discover um after i'd finished stitching this one and again i used the smearing across there but after i stitched this one and i started the next one which is for february uh i i noticed that i was going to have to pick two colors for this one so just the one color on the other one well obviously three because i i did the pink for the k as well so i had to wait until i stitched this on my way to arizona in the car with my q snap and i was able to do some two-handed stitching um it was a little tricky but i figured out how to sit in the car so i was able to do that on the way and then as well uh actually i think i stitched the border on the top of this that's what i did in the car i finished that and then in the hotel when i wasn't sleeping one of the evenings there i ended up starting uh the second stocking and uh so then i can't remember that the i think this is the one i have to add in in addition so it's the sulky and it looks like this might be seven one two will be my next color i took this little um just a little pin box with me and these are the colors that i took so let me see because i think this would have been the other color that i used so far and this is yeah oh no this says seven one two as well oh i'll have to see if i gave you the wrong numbers or if they're both the same no they don't look the same so they're different let me see if i have a different spot that has another number on there in case you're interested in which colors i used oh it's on the top that's right okay that says this is oh very small okay let me just show them to you and see if you can see them inside of my glasses looks like we've got this one and what is this one one zero three five but i don't see a number on this other one i'll try it if you're if you're interested let me know and i'll try to look them up better all right so that was my other finish for january and then my beginning for february and then the other monthly sale that i'm uh trying to keep up with is for um the prairie birds by prairie schooler and this is with my friend amanda alba stitcher and she decided that she was going to stitch one of these there are ten so i think her idea is to stitch one a month um i they're i'm going to try to do three three three so just the nine out of the ten and i don't know if this is going to work i hope so but what i'm going to do is kind of like extend things maybe the leaves i have to add a little bit something over here uh maybe add some uh doodads or you know a little bit here and there as it goes along so that i can not have such a space in between and like i said let's just see if this is going to work but i finished the first two so january and february and we'll see how that goes but this is 32 count flax and so i did have to use two strands on this um i didn't want them super teeny tiny so i decided i was just going to have to and it's just dmc so um it's a little more time consuming for me i have all of my dmc is already cut to the shorter links because i usually never ever use one strand and so i do have to kind of take a little more time to double them up i can't use the loop start every time um not hard just a little bit more time consuming all right so there's that i did forget to share with you i had my husband pick up one of these for me from like staples or whatever it's extremely cheap and this is what i used to make the circle for the bottom of my drum so that i could figure out you know the distance um so that worked out really well for me to do that all right let's see what else i've got going on in my lap here um so that was the prairie birds oh let me show you that one this is the prairie birds by prairie schooler and then i did another one of my uh nye 12x12 starts that i had um for that fun that was a lot of fun i really enjoyed that but of course now i have a lot of new starts to keep up with so quicker sewing tray i'm not planning on putting it in the actual tray um it's probably just going to get popped in a frame but i am stitching this on 37 count wild honey by legacy linens or access commodities and i did change i changed the birds they're um palomino and i put them in the old blue paint for just a pop of blue i'm really happy with that the rest are no they're not all the call for colors because i if you may remember i had mentioned that i didn't think my sage was significantly different from my oscar because you know it's variegated so there are portions that are very close and so i changed over instead of stitching sage i stitched it in the dmc color that is uh the the wherever it shows up i use the dmc instead of the sage so that'll be in certain areas here and there but the rest of it are all the overdiets that are called for and i think it was 370. i just did that thread conversion on the one two three website and i you know put in sage and said please convert this to dmc and i think that was the color that it gave me so that all i have left to do on that is just the top portion i think uh this will be a finish uh the next time i pull it out because i just have i think just this top portion here oh looks like i nope i finished that one so yeah so that'll be good that'll be a finish so that'll get me a little bit now i can have some more new stars because i'll have some more finishes all right so you will remember this last uh episode the last time we were together and i just fell in love with uh this next one here so this is oh where did you go mary this is mary uh amelia's bird i'm sorry i can't seem to find the tr i must have forgotten to pull it um by quaint rose needle arts here on uh youtube and also on instagram and i did the hashtag for mary amelia's bird sal i just oh my gosh i love this so much now my friend april has completed um her and i have the clock i want to show you how macy showed it as a finish i'm stitching on 40 count hog bristle by fox and rabbit and i was able we popped over to hobby lobby after we had dinner with friends the other night i was like sweetie can we run into hobby lobby and see if they have my glock he's like sure so let me show you this is how macy um finished it so she just took out she shows you on her last video how her husband was able to take the squeeze this portion here i guess and take out the the clock portion and and she just wrapped it around she puts the stitching piece over the glass and this was a really so if you go to april's instagram you'll be able to see that's how she finished it so it fits well with the 40 count so i'm excited to uh hopefully i'll be able to finish her before we're together again next time but i'm loving loving loving stitching her all right so let's see if we're ready to move on to new starts because i think those are all of my current whips that i had going on yes yes yes okay we're good so let's look at um my new start okay so this is one of the charts that i picked up on our trip to the attic and uh this is by priscilla's pocket and i had april um actually sign it for me while i was there so isabelle howie 1795 yes and i this is on display there at the attic and i just i fell in love um i have stitched h faulkner by priscilla's pocket and i own mary allison i believe it is which i just haven't managed to start yet um but this is absolutely beautiful and i i i was just determined i was going to start it right away so i actually purchased um some of the flosses while i was there and um then substituted some of the ones uh that i didn't end up buying but i gotta start on let's see 40 count vintage exemplar by lakeside linens and i do have to figure out what pink i'm going to use here i did change it to i think it was the the pink was um charted in here and i just ended up using the purple and that is a um silk and i substituted one of the green so this should be a little bit brighter down here and mine is going to actually blend up blend in a little bit more than but i think it looks fine i'm really happy with it so it's in that deer like a little purple deer so beautiful colors i think that's what you know draws me these scottish samplers and so pretty so pretty so that was my new start um and one of the things that i got from the attic so i feel like we're ready to talk about my trip to the attic now because i think i've showed you everything yes i think i've showed you all of my current uh whips and everything that's going on so let's go ahead so my husband and i took our trip to arizona and there was more fun food and we went to a couple of antique malls um i was able we went to a thrift store and i was able to get my gosh like i don't know seven or eight thrifted frames um so i came home with a lot of those and that's exciting but of course the best part was our trip to the my trip to the other my husband just kind of like said go do your thing take as long as you want and he uh he went and found other fun things to do but i got to see my friend amy mrs flossie and um then of course i got to show jean that i had finished my um clara hanson i took that i actually let me see if i can find i took a pic had amy take a picture of us really quickly so i don't take the best pictures ever but um yeah i was able to show jean i did my scout so that was so much fun i really enjoyed that i i can tell you again and again it was so much fun um i just i met some lovely lovely women uh i so nancy came and said hi she actually knew i was gonna be there and so she was able to come and i met nancy and um i saw michelle and anne with an e i had met them the prior trip to the attic and so i saw them again and uh ann had oh my gosh one of the jean would actually walk over and show you you know somebody brought in this amazing is it is it anthem's folly antrim's folly i can't remember i has showed it know staci stitching it and she walked over and showed us that and then anne had this beautiful uh piece that she i don't remember what it was called but jean said like that's one of the perks you know of working at the attic and is being able to just enjoy all of this amazing beautiful needle work and um so it was so much fun that i and i met jan hicks hi dan jan uh was there that day as well and we um just kind of chatted on and off during the entire we were both there for quite a while and so that was just a lot of fun and i met penny hi penny who's thinking about starting a flosstube channel yes yes yes and let's see and margie and margie um i'm so sorry i didn't get more time to talk with you if you don't you mentioned that you watch so if you would leave that comment in the bottom letting me know who you are so that i can you know and if you're on instagram make sure i'm following you there i would love to talk with you a little bit more and hopefully next time i just thank you again for coming up and saying hi i really appreciate that um i think that's everybody i didn't want to forget so i made a list and of course you know all the lovely women that work there at the attic um it was a fabulous fabulous day so let me go ahead and share with you some of the goodies that i came home with uh i did end up getting the rose and the giant pear and i'm excited to start this i'm not sure when but it's definitely something that uh soon um i also got a couple of charts by the traveling stitcher and you know one of the beautiful things about being able to go and see these models on the wall is that you know that is exactly what draws you in as being able to see them on the wall so m.a badger 1870 and this is stitched up there and as well as another traveling stitcher carolyn baird 1843 isn't that beautiful so traveling stitcher oh so those were the the three charts that i got and then i got some fabric so let me go ahead and share that with you let me move a few things over here so i can get to them all right so this is uh one of april's favorite fabrics um duxbury by fox and rabbit so let me see the best way i can hold these up i have them all in a pile here and i don't know what i'm going to stitch on really any of these but you know it's always a nice opportunity to get fabric but this is the duxbury which is that very um i don't know splotchy grungy and i got i believe i got 40 count in all of these i might have about 36 but i think i got 40 and everything so that's the duxbury and then this one is wheat by fiber on a whim again this is 40 count it's got some green splotchy muddling in there on the gold really pretty there's that then we have paper bark again 40 count by fox and rabbit it's a little bit yellowy not quite as modeled on this one beautiful um neutral for a sampler like a yellowy green has a green uh hint to it i'd say and then another fiber on the fiber on a whim earth which i don't know it's a little bit like oaken and ale again a little bit of the splotches of green i like green so obviously so yeah again i have no idea oh one more i have no idea what i'm going to stitch on these that's the fun of being able to just add a little bit to your stash every time you go and again this is fox and rabbit fossil it's so pretty so pretty if you guys have ideas about you know things you would stitch or have stitched on these let me know okay so i think that is all of the charts all of the fabric all of the stitching we do have another uh new cell that we're um going to start here on february 19th i think it is that's a saturday and so when i say we i mean uh merit and april and celeste and anyone who wants to join and we're going to stitch the from the sewing club book we're going to stitch tiny tree top tree tops we're going to start it uh all together and april had the brilliant idea where she's just going to stitch this portion here she's not doing the border and you know that that rings true for me so i love that idea she's going to make another drum so um february 19th we're going to start this if you want to start it with us that would be so much fun i think we're going to do the hashtag um bbd tiny tree tops sal that should be easy to remember so okay is that everything i think that's everything i should take another quick peek make sure i didn't forget anything oh i there is one uh someone had asked me a while ago and i'm so sorry i forgot to get back to you um i this is how i cut my foam core is just uh you know i can change the blade as it gets dull and i use my um quilter's mat is it alpha um i'm not a you know i use it for everything uh it does end up it's not it's a little bit i'm gonna leave some grooves so again you know um maybe if it's something you want to cut a lot of your own foam core maybe just have a map designated for that but that's what i use along with just the quilters ruler this works as a nice edge for me to uh to put that on my foam core and then i can make a couple of um you know passes with the blade and it cuts it perfectly i don't have any issues with it but you can see this is my foam core that i've cut with the knife so it works out really well for me uh make sure there's nothing else i wanted to share or any other questions that i had i think that's everything i think that's everything so okay um i do have a fun uh little trip coming up as so if everything goes according to plan i will be able to tell you all about that the next time we are together i am as always going to share some scripture and i hope you'll stay but that's all the stitching so take care enjoy all of your stitching and i look forward to seeing you again soon okay so for those of you who are staying with me uh today i'm going to read psalm 139 and i'm going to read from 1 to 18. um i this is the niv version i often i only read from the bible and i often read like the king james version and sometimes the niv year and i always try to let you know what it is that i read from so psalm 139 1-18 you have searched me lord and you know me you know when i sit and when i rise you perceive my thoughts from afar you discern my going out and my lying down you are familiar with all my ways before a word is on my tongue you lord know it completely you hem me in behind and before and you lay your hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me too lofty for me to attain where can i go from your spirit where can i flee from your presence if i go up to the heavens you are there if i make my bed in the depths you are there if i rise on the wings of the dawn if i settle on the far side of the sea even there your hand will guide me your right hand will hold me fast if i say surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me even the darkness will not be dark to you the night will shine like the day for darkness is as light to you for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful i know that full well my frame was not hidden from you when i was made in the secret place when i was woven together in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed body all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be how precious to me are your thoughts god how vast is the sum of them were i to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand when i wait awake i am still with you
Channel: The Contented Stitcher
Views: 4,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0z3EARQHeJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 37sec (2377 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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