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[Music] hello youtube in this video we're going to be talking about the ford flathead fuel pump rod and the fuel pump rod bushing there's two different styles there's early and late the early model has a thin bushing bronze bushing and the later model has more like a like a thicker steel sleeve the factory one that you pull out even the thin one was a steel sleeve um i'll take you to the back and we're gonna remove the original one um off of an early model flathead uh i'll show you how i'm using the chisel to get in behind it and basically just go down the bore and to break it loose from the board so that it'll collapse and go in they've been in their reels for a long time these have been in this at the beginning of time and they're not going to want to just give it up like that um by using a chisel i'm gonna actually even show you what i do to a chisel to modify it so that we're not actually damaging the bore also we're gonna be replacing the the fuel pump rod um there's three different link fuel pump rods um all that info is online so i don't think you're coming to my youtube channel to find the actual measurements that's all there's there's ton of that info on there what i will give you as as tips is that when you order the rod by application for an example this particular engine has an aluminum manifold so when you when you look at the application there'll be one that says four aluminum manifolds so you'll order the one for aluminum manifold well that's not the way it really works what they're talking about the original engine that came out with an aluminum manifold this is an aftermarket aluminum manifold so there's going to be a mix and match of parts there's so many aluminum manifolds out there as swap mates from all different kinds of people who casted them so just by going oh that fits the aluminum manifold it may not fit your particular application this was not in the catalog for aluminum manifold what you do is you start off with any one that you have if you don't have one get you a stick get you anything and go ahead and cut it to i would say out of the three sizes pick the middle size cut that assemble it mock it up and then you know do i need a longer one or do i need a shorter one or if it's the right one just buy off the back you can like i said you get your stick from home depot a piece of aluminum and cut it and drop it in there i used the existing one mocked it up you found out that it was too short well i then i measured it and found the next size larger they only make three this is it it's not in the catalog for aluminum manifold but it fits it perfectly so that's a tip of how to figure out which rod you have we all know that flathead forge don't run necessarily on all pressure they run on all volume they feed all to all the components but they're not pressurized components like other vehicles are we don't have hydraulic lifters that if the oil pressure is low they'll collapse um that all being said that's not what we're talking about is about oil pressure but i wasn't happy with with how loose that was and i'm very fortunate on this particular engine that i can actually just take my time and do it as best as i can and we did so um let's get out there and then we'll get back and we'll talk about it okay some of y'all may be wondering how i figured out the push rod length and it's basically trial and error i put the intake manifold on i know it's going to have the thickness of a gasket i put the fuel pump rod that came with the engine [Music] there it is right there a lot of people omit this and don't you you really want this this is a baffle um you really do want that i'm putting this i know which way a fuel pump goes i want to hear from everybody hey the fuel pump doesn't aim to the back it aims to the front if i put it to the front could you see what i was doing no i know which way the fuel pump goes and i didn't want to sit there and put the camera on this is much easier come on come on people well if you notice there's no way that the fuel pump nice brand new fuel pump there's no way that the fuel pump rod is even getting close to this no way on god's green earth we can turn the cam shaft all we want and you'll notice there's no movement there at all okay so what are we going to do i use that as my baseline measurement i knew it had to be longer they only make three of them so it's not that difficult look at there it's the one we ordered you can now see that the rod is sticking up stop it people stop it or don't stop it you almost like the rod sticking up i don't know leave me a comment do you like the rod sticking up or not okay there it is right there look at there now we have engagement now it can actually uh actuate the fuel pump i don't like those fancy words actuate so here we go can you see the fuel pump rod now maybe i will zoom in on the rod for y'all that want to see the rod moving there it is and let's see what happens ah look at there all right so it does in fact now it does in fact now move you can see it it's even rotating which i'm really liking that already can you see that i'm sure you can see that line now maybe i'm not so sure i think i am sure i may even give you a little you can see it now look at this can you see that line that's what you want that's the same thing you want on a lifter if it rotates every time the cam moves man it's going to last forever if it doesn't rotate it's going to wear in one spot that's the same way with the lifter we want the lifters doing that remember i showed you that i hope i've shown you that i know i filmed it don't know if i edit it out or not but every lifter is spinning as i'm turning it and that's what you want if you don't see the lifter turning you don't see this building around it's going to wear out if you don't see it i'm turning it's going to wear out so there we go now that we've mocked up all of this which is the intake manifold the fuel pump rod the baffle [Music] the housing and look at this beautiful thing everything else was done we were never going to polish this but um lewis has been so so patient on his engine that i'm just taking the time and look at the detail around there i don't know if you can see the detail this isn't a show car and this is just what do we say in spanish or pilon this is just a freebie just i just man look at the manifold and look at that manifold have you seen the polish on that manifold should i grace the manifold a little bit or do whatever look ah [Music] y'all see that yes sir look at that manifold so that's why um after having this polished this did not look it didn't look right not being polished um so we just you know well whatever we might even go there we're not going there um ash shot mom machide i'm sure you asked they'd like to get their engine back um and shop mom would like it to go home as well but she allows me and so lewis to just detail every little darn thing out as i can we're mocking everything up there's nothing for chance we're not bolting something on and we're going to crank it up and start it and go let's hope it works so once again what i'm showing is the fuel pump rod now is correct for this application that's not a fuel pump rod for an aluminum manifold if you go by the catalog so you wouldn't be ordering that one going by the catalog like i said everybody has made parts for the flathead forward um there's there's mixtures of earlies and lights there's no right way wrong way order everything for one year and it's going to work you got to pretty much check everything don't chance anything and you won't have any problems so now we're going to have a beautiful mechanical fuel pump right here in the back with the rod but i do want to show you something else right here don't forget this important part the baffle there i've seen these not even put on they don't i've had people go what is that i've never seen one okay this is what i'm gonna be working on it seems like and this wasn't planned but i don't like this don't like that at all um so let's go ahead and remove this bushing and put a brand new bushing in um we really want to do this stuff before starting any of the assembly and this has been mocked up many many times already before but i wasn't happy with this every time that i go by it i check it and i'm not happy with it and at a certain point it's just like you know if you're not happy with something um address it now later on it uh um it will come back and bite you in the ass now that being said all right let's get on to how are we going to remove that bushing out of the back there and that's the bush i'm talking about right there there it is so let me go ahead and remove it i'll turn the camera off i'll remove it i'll come back on it'll be done and we'll move on it'll be one of those youtube tricks right uh i didn't see you do it but now you're saying it's new i'm just kidding let me go get some tools and we'll see what's the best way to remove this we usually just chisel it to one side but let's go ahead and give it a try yes okay the first thing i've done is taken a punch and what i like to do is do what my uncle would always do do you see that i've radiused the back end and then i put a radius a counter radius on the inside so it's i actually know if you can see that or not if i do an adjustment maybe i should have left it alone there it is so it has an inner cut in here that's rounded and the outer cut that mimics the same cut on the inside what is that all about what that allows me to do is come right in here right on the edge of that bushing and tap it and then go ahead and it'll squeeze the bushing in let's see if i can do it from behind the camera on the side of the camera or whatever without hurting the block because i'm trying to film it i rather just not do a good job filming and not hurt the block all right are you all with me so far i believe you are let's give this a whirl squirrel that's about as tight as in here i can get and still have my hands in here so there you can see i'm just going down the side and i'm collapsing it in it's not going to want to just slide so we're going to go all the way down collapsing it in until it just gives it up [Laughter] i'm not going down and digging into it i'm actually going down and actually having it slightly away from it and it's just sliding down the bore without even hurting the ball or scratching or anything tip of the day let's get to it there it is i'm starting to bring it off the wall you see how i'm talking about when you just bring this here up against the edge right there it will actually just start shrinking even though i've already taken a half of it on here it ain't gonna give it up it's been in its home for a long time all right i'm gonna keep going all right can you see that we got it out and there it is it's not a bronze bushing it's a steel bushing it was just patients patients patients and it's out now we'll clean it up all right here's the new fuel pump rod and here's the new fuel pump bushing and as you can see it doesn't go in it's real tight which is actually not a bad deal because most people are going to have a used rod that you can either stop it with your used rod jokes um we can polish this in here it'll probably be worn out so that's probably why they make it a little bit on the tight side you know we don't mind that so what are we going to do well we're going to be using this sun and hone um and doll boar gauge um i know back in the day your flat head probably wouldn't have gone this sophisticated that doesn't matter so what what is it it is a sun and hone just like you would have on the cylinder bore um it's adjustable it has a stone at the end um it's driven by a drill so what i'll be do once it's installed i'll be able to size the bushing see some some bronze on my stone and i'll be able to hone it and not run a reamer through there which we could run a reamer back in the day they would ream stuff they wouldn't hone stuff honing is more of a modern finish this does come honed from the factory from the inside it looks like so anyway we're going to install that and then we're going to size it to the rod [Music] all i'm doing is honing it before putting the bushing in [Music] i'm not really removing anything but what i am doing is i actually am removing some i'm removing the burrs because it's cold and we don't want it to have any burgers okay we have our bushing we have some jalamar loctite red high strength you can use uh sorry gonna use a drift driver a little bit of loctite on it i'm gonna go ahead and drive this in without hitting my camera [Music] this one actually has a little stop at the bottom it stops and there you go see how it's just uh slightly above the the block there that's correct right there we have it installed we haven't damaged it we haven't um beat the bajibes out we didn't hurt the block what do we need to do now we need to hone that now to fit that i don't want it real loose but we don't want it um extremely tight like that so let's go ahead and reposition this so that i can hone that on with my sun and home [Music] uh [Music] we're getting there don't be in a hurry to replace the bushing i always say i'm just using w40 um fluid honing oil anything would work excellent for this this is her up here this is where i'm doing my adjustment this is where you release it to pull it out stop it and there's my adjustment up there not that that matters but some of y'all might like a little bit of brake clean [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay this is the factory one the original a little out of round but you can tell it's actually for being so old and i got it upside down right now here's the new one that we just got so i'm thinking what's up with that can you see that so i'm thinking when they welded it right there they put some heat in it and it just um distorted it so now i don't want to finish the home clearancing until i know what i'm going to do that's bumming me out nice brand new bushing now and the fuel pump rod is all over the place so time to find out what we're going to do about that fuel pump rod may have to straighten it you may have to defect it out i do not know well i know i got to do something about it all right stay tuned all right we're back here at the lathe [Music] we can see what's going on um maybe you can see it like that [Music] and i don't really know what i'm gonna hear from everybody it's a flathead move on danny you're never going to put it together if you keep on checking everything i know let me see if i can't true this or what i'm gonna do [Music] i can see what i'm doing i'm using the chuck right here so that i can see how far it's i see that i've determined who knows if i'm right that when it was welded they put too much heat right here it distorted and it pulled it up so we're gonna do is we're gonna do i'm gonna use our chuck just as a reference and then we're gonna straighten this puppy out right there's a high spot yes sir i actually liked it by hand better than a hammer and i'm real close now getting closer oh yeah okay probably can ask for more than that yes sir all right now let's discuss this it's going to ride up here and is that possibly a reason why they don't care how round it is or how straight it is well not to worry we do it's really nice now and then that's gonna fit in right there and we're not gonna have any side load movement um issues it's just gonna be really nice so we've gotten past this our clearance is nice moves up and down a lot of people wonder how a fuel pump rod goes in that's the way it goes in it's part of the baffling system that this has in the manifold most people don't know that the back of the camshaft there's no old groove in the back of it that all groove is actually off center it's not just cut in it actually has an offset in cut groove that makes the fuel pump go up and down all right this is really nice our bushings in i'm happy with this now i wasn't happy with it before actually i wasn't happy with the bushing either now i'm gonna go ahead and wash all of this again and put our plugs back in and keep moving on probably would be a good time now to discuss the oil pressure relief valve since we're here um be a good idea to discuss it as well what we're going to have up here all right so you're back so you've seen my modified chisel how i get behind the bushing and collapse it removed it um then i clean the bore i'm using the sun and home you don't have to use a sun and hone um if you had a reamer sand roll like i said you get in there get that done i use a little bit of loctite not necessarily i didn't use the loctite because the the bore was loose that bushing is just going to stay in there so there's no reason i put a little you know a little bit of red loctite in there i pressed it in when we were done i honed the inside of it to fit the bushing if you saw this wasn't very straight um i actually started pulling a whole bunch on and checking them out and they're not very straight anyway but this was worse than the old-fashioned one or the old original ones so i put it on the lathe i checked it up and i actually tweaked it i got a nicer straight now i'm happy with it you'll also notice that it's riding in a bushing down here at the bottom and up here on the top the fuel pump has a little cup that holds it in place so that's probably why they're all real loose and no one really cares um but what do we have we have a nice bushing a bronze bushing it's honed with the cross hatch in it um it's just going to be the nicest thing it's going to ride up down real smoothly um just another part of this engine that is just to perfection in my eyes so um i could be wrong well maybe not all right probably not anyway we'll cut that out okie dokie so all right all that being said i hope it's been informative educational if nothing else interesting uh um entertaining that's the word i was looking for all right so you go out there and tell your buds tell your friends tell everybody in your flathead club that you saw it here first as for me i'm getting back to work we'll see you on the next one [Music] um hold on somebody's in it they're coming they're coming for me so i need to hurry up and get out of here because they're coming for shop mom so we got it we got a hider hold on i'm going to turn off the air compressor all right so now we're back you've seen how i um actually used my chisel i even showed you the chisel what i do to the back i grind the back side of it ground the back side of it you saw me do so i don't have to talk about it again do it
Channel: Daniel Soliz
Views: 13,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Machining, machinist, automotive machining, DIY, automotive DIY, easy diy tutorials, fix your car, fix your car easy free, machinist tips, cylinder head, cylinder block, headgasket, engine problems, Smokey Yunick, best damn garage in town, faye hadley, all girls garage, pistons and pixiedust, pixie dust, daniel soliz, danny and faye, automotive book club live, Hill Country Performanance & Machine, HCP, flathead, flathead ford
Id: stpN975fJpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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