Flail Mower VS Finish Mower VS Bush Hog

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finish mower Flail Mower bush hog what are the differences and which one do you need for your property or your projects today I'm going to go over all that [Music] hey guys Zach here from Kubota Lynchburg and today I want to go over the details the differences and the functions between the finished mower the Flail Mower and the bush hog I'm going to start off with probably the most common on the back of a tractor which is a bush hog and you know this is probably one of the top three most common implements we'll sell for a tractor so I have a video out there how to use a bush hog and everything like that and what is a bush hog a bush hog is there for clearing property maintaining pastures or Acres of ground and it's really basically designed to be as simple as possible and a very just heavy duty robust brutal machine there's no pretty lines there's nothing fine to it it's there to chop down material that's standing up real tall you let your grass overgrown your passion you want to cut her two or three years or you're clearing a property that's just been overgrown that's what a bush hog is designed for if you look underneath of a bush hog again very simple very basic there's not much going under here we've got the center piece which is called a stump jumper so if you hit a stump with it it's going to kind of push the whole bush hog up and over it so it doesn't damage it it also kind of protects your gearbox shaft coming out from the top and then you have two very large simple heavy duty blades here these are very dull on the ends it's there to design to Black through material it's going to hit that sapling it's going to hit that tall grass that brush that Briar that kind of stuff it's just gonna not really slice through it it's going to knock it down or cut it off at the base it's not designed for grass or grass or finish mowing or anything like that so two simple basic heavy duty blades just sitting there and spinning and that's all they're doing not much to go wrong underneath here not much to go wrong on the top and it's very affordable inexpensive we're going to go to the next one which is the finished mower a grooming mower all these kind of things it basically is like the mower deck off of a riding tractor or a zero turn or anything like that most of the time these days they come as a rear discharge where all your grass clips and everything come out the rear that's why it's open on the back instead of a side discharge to it but if we look underneath it honestly looks a lot like a zero turn or a riding mower mower deck you have your three blades these are sharper blades this is designed exactly just for grass you have your baffling underneath to kind of direct to the flow of the grass it's going to allow the air to kind I pick up at the front it's going to pick up you know suction up the grass so it cuts it at the base and then it discharges it out the rear so you have a lot more moving Parts you have three spindles now you've got extra belts to it you've got extra blades to it so it costs a little bit more but it's there perfectly for designed and only designed for cutting grass you're not cutting pastures with this you're not cutting fields or with it or clearing this is a grass only machine now what if you kind of want to do both this is where the fun of the video comes so what if you want to do both what if you have those clearing areas but you want to cut grass and have it look decent at the same time well here comes the Flail Mower as you can see it's more robust there's more to it than like a bush hog it's a lot thicker it's a lot heavier it's closer to the Tractor there's other features about it I'll talk about but a Flail Mower is exactly that it has tiny little flail pieces underneath so if we kind of Crouch down here and look you've got these flailing blades they're sharp just like a finished mower they're very sharp they're designed to be sharp because this will do multiple things it's going to let you cut grass and because of this roller here on the back this heavy roller it's actually going to stripe very well as well so just like a finish mower you're going to get that fine cut on the grass you're going to get that nice striped look and here's the nice thing this can cut up to two to three inch thick material I'm talking thick stuff with it now with these what they're called y blades you can see how they were like that they have this wide blade um this is better for that fine material that uh those Briars that uh small grass I went on vacation for two months and let my grass go really high and I'm gonna come back and cut it through and because these uh all these little blades have um their own separate pieces their own moving pieces it chops it up pretty fine as well now it's not going to leave quite as pretty of a cut as a finish mower because there's no suction to it there's no baffling cutting it at the base it's just slicing through but that thicker grass that heavier grass that's going to do a very good job on as well as that thicker material so again it's kind of like a bush hog it's a lot more expensive than a bush oil which is why it's not so popular um there's nothing against a Flail Mower I prefer one over a bush hog and you can get what's called Hammer knives for it and uh Leah might put a little picture of a hammer knife up in the top corner so you can see the difference between that and a y blade um but a hammer knife can do even thicker material so that hammer knife is very dull kind of like a bush hog blade and it's thicker and wider and it's going to smack whatever you're hitting and again it's going to be better at that thick material these blades are easy to replace it's just one bolt to replace them but it's a lot more to replace all right you break a blade on a finished motor bush hog you're replacing one blade on this if you have to do blades you're talking about 40 50 different blades on here there's a lot of expense to this Flail Mower not only do you have all the different blades you've got the rollers you've got the giant gearbox and drive lines there's different brands out there this is a Land Pride I also sell the iron craft flail mowers and some other brand speaker and everything but let's say example this bush hog right now is about 2 800 this finish mower is probably close to four thousand dollars these days now and this baby I think was about nine thousand dollars for Land Pride there are cheaper options but Land Pride builds their stuff very very well but you need to have that application to cut all sorts of different materials that thin stuff that thick stuff but you want to keep it pretty um your yard you don't want to with a bush hog it's just going to throw long pieces long strands of wood and sapling everywhere there's no pretty finish to it so some of the other nice things about a Flail Mower is the actual weight of it it is a very heavy Implement will hold all the stuff to it so it's very good counter ballast for your tractor so you know if you just keep it on the back your tractor and you're picking up stuff with a loader it is nice to use as a counter ballast it doesn't stick out as far you can see it's almost in line with this finished mower yet the tractor itself is all the way back here compared to this tractors here so you have a five foot finish mower sticking off the back whereas you might only have a three foot Flail Mower so it's more compact you can back into those tight areas into fence rows and everything a little bit easier as well kind of like the bush hog but again the bush hog is probably six seven foot total length back off of it it's unwieldy in those tight areas on hills and slopes this is going to handle a little bit better simply because it just doesn't have that single tail wheel it's got that roller it's going to be going on and again you have it in this tighter frame this closer to the Tractor so plenty of Pros to each of these depending on what you're doing on again your bush hog is your most simple basic heavy duty cutter for those pastures those fields those Acres you're clearing get a finished mower if you don't have a zero turn honestly most the time I recommend leave it leave a finish off the back of the tractor buy a zero turn you're gonna be so much happier or get a Flail Mower if you're doing those in between things you're cutting a couple of times a year you want that pretty cut and you've got that variety of material cutting so a couple more things on the flail more real quick because they're a little bit more complex you usually have these slots here that you can slide in what's called I think they're called breaker bars I'm not sure it kind of breaks up that material provides some extra finishing to it and you also have if you come in there closer here you can see on the hitch points you have different widths you can put it at or you can offset it so you could actually hook this arm here and the other tractor arm somewhere else there's often times slide shifts or shifting motions you can do to offset this finish mower even more to get get into those tight areas or down like a bank or underneath a fence line so it kind of sticks over on one side of the tractor compared to the other so you can get along those tight fence rows without trying to hit your tire or your cab on it so Pros there to a Flail Mower but again more maintenance more up front and more continual cost so that's your differences of course if you have any questions leave me a comment I'll be happy to try to answer [Music] thank you
Channel: Kubota of Lynchburg
Views: 7,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9jBgW1li0bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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