DIY FIX'N WAX - WHAT IS FIX'N WAX? [Prepping 365: #179]

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hey everyone I'm Morgan here so today I'm gonna be making vixen wax what is six and wax you may be asking well thick sand wax is essentially what is originally designed for it is waterproofing now before I even get started with this fix and some people want like a you know an all-in-one wax one wax to rule them all unfortunately there's so many different kinds of little things you can change in your wax recipes so like for lip balm it's something a little bit different than I might do for you know my soap or my lotions or my selves you know like I don't want one wax to rule them all I want you know each wife's recipe to do what they're supposed to be doing so in this I have two simple ingredients I have beeswax and mineral oil I'm going to be using just this and this this will be for waterproofing you can also use this as a fire starter basically anything with wax and oil you can use as a fire starter but you know you could also use this as maybe a temporary you know put it on your lips but outside of that I wouldn't really use this for anything other than basically you know waterproofing fixing up you know you're making your leathers look nicer things like that now a lot of people will use animal fats lard you know beef fat stuff like that but I would highly recommend against it simply because it could go rancid even the stuff that you buy from the store that's super refined it has the potential to go rancid because you're using an animal fat in it so I I would just totally steer clear of using animal fat now there are some people that are selling fix and waxes fix and waxes where they are using lard and just again I would be very very careful with that I'm just gonna stay on the safe side and use wax and mineral oil which I know are not gonna go rancid but they're still gonna have my same results of waterproofing you know using on leather you know whatever else I I need to do firestarter stuff like that and I'm using these little mini small Altoids as a mold I put the wax paper in there so that the six months didn't actually stay in the the Altoids tin because I actually want to take the fix and wax out so this is just a mold I'll take it out and I'll take the parchment paper out and then I'll put the fix and wax back in here and I'm only gonna do a little bit because I just want to kind of experiment with this I have not actually seen an exact recipe on this so I'm gonna do two tablespoons of beeswax and 2 tablespoons of mineral oil the good one in one and see how that goes and again we're using the double boiler method always I'm actually gonna add one more tablespoon of beeswax so I'd be three tablespoons of beeswax and 2 tablespoons of mineral oil you want the oil to be in there but not like so Willy okay I just poured it it was almost perfect before I got just a little one right here that's okay so once these dry we're going to pull them this whole thing out and then just peel it away from the wax paper it'll be fine it'll pull away just fine and and then just put them in a light stick so I put it in the fridge to solidify for like 30 minutes mm-hmm and it doesn't take very long so I just killed it away from the parchment paper there you go and then just put it there boom you could also wrap it in the parchment paper or some other kind of paper substance and actually store it like that if you so choose okay but it looks actually look at this here pop it out so you want it to be nice and waxy like that it's not too oily it actually looks really good you don't want it to you know leave any sort of residue behind which this doesn't actually feels good on my fingers and that's something else that you want to keep in mind too a lot of people were using like she butter and stuff like I don't know just keep it simple with fixer wax you know if you want to use animal style that's totally fine but just keep in mind that it could go rancid and then this can be used to waterproof stuff so I'm actually curious to see how it works this is a little bag that I made so I'm just gonna rub it on there and then we're gonna drop some waters on it drop some waters drop some water on it and see how it goes it goes on really nice and smooth as you can see it kind of looks like there's a little bit of a residue being left behind but that's okay I'm not really concerned about that plus it's green with a yellow wax so I'm not concerned about it doesn't look bad okay so this is supposed to be the waterproof side let's see how it acts looks pretty good it looks like it's still kind of soaking in a little bit but it does look like it's also kind of repelling it see how it's not kind of see how it's not soaking in it's more repelling than anything and then this is the non waterproof side see how it's actually soaking in now and I'm dripping it on I'm not like no try to rub it on or anything when I open it up I can feel inside on the water-resistant sign that's nice and dry and then over here I can actually feel that it's a little wet and like kind of moist and cold you know but I can't feel that on this side now you have to take this kind of you know water proofing do with a grain of salt this is more like water resistant and the more that you put on here the more water resistant it'll be okay if you still you know I mean we have to keep in mind that still with a zipper too you know so it'll get through the zipper but you know just a little bit of drops of water on here it's not gonna get through and it looks good this is already kind of waterproof ish a brick to begin with so you know it will depend on what you use this with what how well it'll work you know and you can also use this to clean up leathers and and a whole bunch of other stuff and this I would use as a fire starter absolutely that could be used as that it feels good it looks good and it could be used as a nice little emergency lip balm if you so choose so I'm really happy with this fix and waxed it looks good if anybody has their own recipes for fix and wax leaving down below in the comments there's a crazy amount of recipes for fix and wax out there I have when I was doing my research I saw so many and the majority of them came with lard but unfortunately you know that's that's just not something I'm comfortable with experimenting with at this time because animal fat could go rancid any any in any sort of animal fat so anyway let me know your thoughts and such a super easy project and love working with beeswax there's so many different things you can do as beeswax thank you all so much for watching conquer tomorrow they're preparing today talk to y'all tomorrow bye
Channel: Rogue Preparedness
Views: 2,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix'n wax, fixin wax, what is fix'n wax, what is fixin wax, fix'in wax, prepper wax, survival wax, bushcraft wax, diy, homestead, self-sufficient, self-reliant, SHTF, diy beeswax
Id: rrSDP0qK74M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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