Fixing Z Wobble from 20$ Ball Screws with that simple device
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: MirageC
Views: 146,057
Rating: 4.9695783 out of 5
Id: mqSQhwqSzvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Given the facts that mk3/mini:
I'm wondering how much of the artifacts you/anybody are seeing is due to the z-axis choices. You could start by replacing the trapezoidal nut and maybe the z-axis bearings.
The Hevort have 3 z screws, mk3 have 2 and mini have 1. Compensation would probably not work the same way, probably not scalable to 2/1 screw.
I’m definitely having some z-layer artifacts in my prints. I’ve ignored it to this point because it appears to be a mostly visual defect and not a terribly unappealing one at that. Nevertheless, I found this system interesting. I’ve never measured the wobble in my z axis screws but I would expect them to be of relatively low tolerance. It got me thinking about how this system could be adapted to the prusa.