Fixing the Live Action Lion King

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- [Narrator] Some people love to boast about how strong they are and how much they can lift at the gym, but if you really wanna test someone's fitness, just ask them to pick up this chair. (ambient music) You'll have to stick around to find out whether anyone actually succeeded in this seemingly simple task. And while I have your attention, have ever wondered how smart a crow is, or what it looks like when a guppy gives birth? Would you try Pringles-flavoured ice cream? These are just a few of the amazing things you'll see in this episode of, "Things You Will See for the First Time in Your Life." (bright upbeat music) The world is full of many mysteries, and back in 2015, rangers at Eisenhower State Park near the Oklahoma border, encountered one of the particularly slippery kind. (birds chirping) (woman speaking indistinctly) At first, they thought that someone had left spaghetti in the middle of the road as part of some twisted prank. But when they got a little closer, they realized these were actually clumps of wriggling worms. The piles were lined up in a near-perfect straight line and offered no clues as to how they may have ended up there. The worms were only found in the back part of the state park that had been closed off because of flooding, and they stuck around for two days before heading back into the soil, leaving only their manure behind. Biologists now have two leading theories for this strange herding behavior. The first is that the heavy rains saturated the ground so much that the water forced the worms onto the dryer parts of the pavement. The second theory is that the worms may have mistaken the sound of the rain for the sound of predators beating down on the ground, so they moved to clump together and avoid them. Anyone fancy spag bol' for dinner? When Disney announced that they would be releasing a live-action remake of "The Lion King" back in 2019, die-hard fans weren't so sure about it. The hand-drawn designs of cartoon favorites like Pumbaa and Timon, were replaced by ultra-realistic VFX animals which according to many people, just couldn't live up to the classic. But visual effects artist, Jonty Pressinger, and illustrator, Nikolay Mochkin, set out to combine these two distinct styles using deepfake technology to see if there really is such a thing as "the best of both worlds." (ambient music) The wide-eyed, expressive faces drawn by Mochkin in the style of the original movie, have been blended seamlessly with footage from the live-action remake to create a visual style that is both realistic and true to the original. As you can see in these side-by-side shots, the lovable characters now have all the features which made them so iconic in the first place, from Scar's piercing yellow eyes and haggard face, to Simba's bewildered, innocent expression. Listen up, Disney, maybe it's time to start making remakes of the remakes. It would take someone with a real sweet tooth to say they've tried every ice cream flavor on the market. But how would you feel about Pringles-flavoured ice cream? (ambient music) No, this isn't a sick joke, this interesting ice cream creation was dreamt up by "Helados Roll" on YouTube, a channel which is stocked full of the most bizarre flavor combinations you can imagine. To create this spicy desert, the mastermind behind the channel first takes a tube of Paprika-flavoured Pringles and lays them out in rows on a flat metal ice pan. Next, they pour milk over the chips and use metal spatulas to smash them up a bit. And this is where it gets really interesting. (metals clanging) As the ice pan reaches temperatures as low as -30°C and the milk begins to freeze, the Pringles, which are gradually cut into teeny tiny bits, begin to mix in with it. (bright upbeat music) With more slicing, dicing and chopping, the milky, Pringley mixture turns into a frozen goop vaguely resembling ice cream, which is then spread out evenly over the pan. (ambient music) Now, if you've ever had ice cream rolls, a popular frozen desert that originated in Thailand, you probably have a good idea what's gonna happen next. After sprinkling on some more Pringle dust for good measure, the metal spatulas are used to create perfect, wafer-thin rolls of ice cream. The rolls are then served up in a paper cup with a squirt of cream, chocolate sauce and some extra chips for decoration. I know Pringles are supposed to be addictive, but I'm not so sure about this desert. Would you try it? If I said leaves could be exciting, you'd probably think I'm crazy, right? Well, check out this awesome video that was sent in by viewer, BCJMythical, and maybe you'll change your mind. Wait, what? Is this some kind of optical illusion? Nope, it's just nature, bro! As you can see when this lotus leaf is only part-submerged, it isn't actually silver in color, it just looks that way. This is all down the super-hydrophobicity of the leaf, also known as "The Lotus Effect". In some Asian religions, the lotus plant is revered as a symbol of purity. Their giant leaves remain clean despite the water and mud on which they rest. Scientists have found that the basis for their self-cleaning and water-repellent properties, lies in the rough surface of the leaf itself. When viewed under a microscope, the lotus leaf has a series of tiny protrusions known as papillae, which are then covered in bumps of a hydrophobic, waxy material. This combined structure traps a layer of air between the surface of the leaf and the water droplet, preventing it from ever getting truly wet. When the leaf is submerged underwater, it is covered all over in these tiny water droplets which act as a mirror to its surroundings, giving it a silvery appearance. You really do learn something new every day. Do you wanna earn yourself a shout out? Just get in touch at with anything weird, wonderful or downright amazing you've found online, and you could be featured in the next episode. And if we like your clip enough, we might even buy it too. So, what are you waiting for? There're certain things humans aren't built to survive, like having your head chopped off, maybe, but the same rules don't always apply to animals. Just ask this slug. (ambient music) In case you're wondering, yes, that is a decapitated slug's head. And, yes, it is still very much alive. This species of sacoglossan sea slug was studied as part of a research paper looking into autotomy, which is the voluntary shedding of a body part, such as appendages or tails. The researchers identified a small groove at the slugs neck which could act as a breakage plane to facilitate a kind of extreme autotomy. To test their theory, they tied a fine nylon string loosely around the slugs neck and watched as the slug automatized. That is, voluntarily chopped off its own head within a day. (bright upbeat music) The pericardium region which contains the vital organs including the heart was left inside the body, while the head continued to move autonomously on its own. Researchers speculate that these sacologossan slugs can incorporate chloroplasts from algal food into their cells to use for photosynthesis, which may facilitate their survival after being separated from the body. While the severed body shriveled up and died, the slug surprisingly started regeneration of the heart within 7 days and completed regeneration of the whole body within 20 days. (bright upbeat music) Researchers theorize that this unique ability seems to be a self-defense tactic which allows the slugs to remove parasites from their body. This adds a whole new meaning to the phrase, "cut the toxic people out of your life." One of the most valuable lessons we're taught from an early age is never to never judge a book by its cover. But based on her appearance alone, what do you think this woman does for a living? You might guess that she's a model or an Instagram influencer, but you couldn't be more wrong. Allow me to introduce you to Anna Khramtsova: one of Vladimir Putin's very best soldiers. She may not look like your typical solider, but that makes her even more impressive. 32-year-old mum-of-one, Khramtsova was part of the National Guard of Russia, whose job it is to secure borders, take charge of gun control, combat terrorism, defeat organized crime, protect public order and guard important state facilities. She has a family background in law enforcement and the military. Her father was in the army and the police for 30 years, while her mother was also in uniform. In 2019, Khramtsova was named Russia's most beautiful soldier, after topping a list of over 1,000 entrants to the contest, which asked servicewomen in the National Guard to upload their best pictures. But her good looks have been both a blessing and a curse. Not only did she face sexism on the force, but in 2020 she claimed that she had been axed from the National Guard altogether because female colleagues were envious of her physique. Since being let go, Khramstova has hinted that she will try to appeal the unfair decision. One thing's for sure, I wouldn't wanna get on the wrong side of her. If someone walked up to you on the street and offered you $350 to pick up a chair, would you take it? Of course you would, but you might just end up regretting it. (bright upbeat music) In 2020, fitness fanatic and YouTuber, Vadym Cavalera, AKA Buff Academy, took to the streets of Mexico with a challenge: the strongest person who could pick up this wooden chair would take home 300 Euros. The rules were simple: the chair must be picked up by the bottom of the leg with a straight arm. No matter who stepped up to the plate or how much iron they'd been pumping at the gym, it seemed like the chair proved much harder to lift without toppling over than it seemed. But that doesn't mean it was completely impossible. (bright upbeat music) What makes this simple so hard? Although the chair itself only weighs around 5kg, it becomes incredibly difficult to lift from this position because all that weight is acting against your outstretched arm, which doesn't allow you to find a decent pivot point. Of course, Cavalera himself had no trouble stepping up to show people exactly how it's done. (crowd cheering) What a machine! Next time someone brags about how jacked they are, just give them a chair and make them prove it. Do you call yourself a dog person, or are feline friends more your forte? Caring for and feeding your pet may be one of life's simple pleasures, but what happens when you've got 10, 20, or even 30 mouths to feed instead of just one? Well, just take a look at this scene of kitty chaos and you'll find out. (cats meowing) You're probably thinking, gee, this person must really love cats. The lucky guy on this clip who goes by the name, Karmanno, on YouTube, lives on a farm which is populated by a herd of cats. And when the herd gets hungry, they come knocking. (cats meowing) (ambient music) Anyone else think this has all the makings of a low-budget horror movie about someone living on a ranch and having to escape a bunch of hungry cats constantly coming after them? Well, thankfully, this guy had the food on hand to quell their hunger and keep them on his side before they overwhelmed him and ate him for breakfast instead. Who knew cats could be so intimidating in such large numbers. There're plenty of rituals us humans regularly go through to maintain our appearance. And unless you're intentionally growing them out, one of those rituals is nail trimming. But our four legged friends aren't able to cut their own claws when they're getting a little too long, and that can result in a whole host of problems, just ask this cranky kitten. (woman talking indistinctly) (cat meows) (woman laughing) This poor kitten was playing in his owners room when his claws got stuck in the curtains, and now he looks like he's holding the entire fabric of reality together. Thankfully, his tiny mews were enough to tell his owner that he was in trouble, but they just had to snap a video before rescuing him from his perilous situation. This ticked off kitty is definitely saying, "Don't just stand there human, help me!" What would you guess some of the world's smartest animals are? Chimpanzees or elephants maybe? And what about crows? Believe it or not, these foreboding birds are actually pretty smart. See for yourself. (bright upbeat music) When presented with a selection of rocks and two tubes containing a tasty reward, one filled with water and the other filled with sand, the crow quickly establishes that dropping rocks into the water will make the water level rise, while the sand-filled tube won't have the same effect. This experiment was part of a study conducted by the University of Auckland in 2014. The crows were tested with 6 differed water displacement tasks and succeeded in four of them. In the second test, they were presented with heavy and light objects and recognized that the heavier objects would make the water rise faster. (bright upbeat music) In the third, they chose solid objects over lighter ones, and in the fifth challenge, they even dropped objects into a tube with a higher water level rather than a lower one. However, they failed at two of the harder challenges: one which involved the width of the tube, and another which required them to understand a more complex U-shaped tube design. Although they didn't pass every task, according to the study's authors, the results suggest that crows possess a sophisticated but incomplete understanding of volume displacement. In fact, this kind of understanding rivals that of a 5-7 year old child. That's the last time I underestimate these surprisingly smart birds. Tattoos have always been a controversial subject. It seems like you either love them or you hate them. Of course, opinions are slowly changing about body modification these days, but I'm not sure this extreme look would go down too well with your grandma. Then again, this dude is old enough to be a grandpa himself. This is 72-year-old, Magneto, real name, Wolfgang Kirsch, who is officially the most tattooed man in Germany. Kirsch used to work in the post office in the GDR, and had to wait until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, to get inked. He got his first tattoo when he was 46-years-old, and has since had 86 tattoos in 20 years, spending a grand total of 720 hours under the needle. As you can probably tell, 98% of Magneto's skin excluding only the soles of his feet, is now covered in swirling patterns and colors, even including his eyeballs. You might not think it would even be possible, but scleral tattooing is the practice of inking the sclera or white part of the human eye. It's extremely dangerous and can even result in loss of vision, so you've gotta be pretty fearless to want to try it. As well as the intricate tattoos across his face, Magneto is covered with piercings, including flesh plugs in his nose, ears and lower lip. But I haven't even told you the craziest part yet. Magneto's name comes from the fact that he also has 17 magnetic implants under his skin, which allows him to attract things like paperclips or coins. I wonder what happens when he goes through airport security. Nature is usually best left alone, but sometimes animals need an extra helping hand from us. In June 2020, YouTuber and outdoor explorer, Soy Nativo, caught wind of the story of a turtle that needed rescuing on the beaches of Veracruz in Vega de Alatorre, Mexico. (men speaking in foreign language) Don't see the turtle yet, that's because it's buried. The poor thing seems to have been buried by a sand dune, which are formed when high winds deposit sand on top of itself in the form of a big mound. Luckily, these kind men were able to spot the turtle's poking out of the sand and started digging as fast as possible. To any passer-by, this enormous shell might look like a big boulder, but there's a living, breathing turtle under there struggling to get out. (men speaking in foreign language) After trying to lift the turtle out from the back of its shell, they decided it's a two-man job, and use all their strength to free the turtle from its front end after digging away some more sand. (men speaking in foreign language) They eventually manage to haul the turtle out of the hole and place it on the sand, but the ordeal isn't over just yet. The men spend the next couple of hours rehydrating the turtle by dousing it in water, as it finally breathes a sigh of relief, spitting out a mouthful of sand in the process. After about two hours, the thankful turtle has finally regained its strength and is able to drag itself to the shore and off into the ocean. I'm not crying, you are. What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen in your neighborhood? Whatever it is, I bet it doesn't quite compare to this. (children speaking in foreign language) These kids in Japan could hardly believe their eyes when they came across an enormous wolf sleeping on a local park bench. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be getting so close if I was them. But the weirdness doesn't end there. (woman laughing) Seems like this wolf can walk on two legs. You've probably guessed by now, this isn't a real animal, just an incredibly realistic fur-suit, created by talented Japanese designer, RadyWolf. Considering the suit is only made from airbrushed faux fur, it really looks like you could walk right up and pet it, if you were brave enough, that is. If I owned this suit, I'd wear it while running errands at the grocery store just to see what people's reactions would be. Fish may not be the most exciting pets, but most people underestimate just how interesting these aquatic creatures can be to observe. You don't believe me, just take a look at this fascinating video of a guppy having babies. (bright upbeat music) That's right, what looks like a semi-transparent little seed being pooped out is actually a new-born baby guppy. This incredible footage was filmed by YouTuber, Tropictank, in his own freshwater aquarium. A female guppy may give birth to as many as 100 babies, known as, "fry" during her lifetime. While each brood generally contains anywhere between 15 and 40 fry, the reason why the babies come out looking like they're already pregnant, is because they're born with a large yolk sac that provides nutrition to the developing embryo. Soon after they enter the world, the fry will absorb this sac. And within 2-3 months, the fry will be mature enough to breed themselves, continuing the cycle of life. Gee, these are some busy fish. Which of these things amazed you the most? If you're not done filling up on amazing content quite yet, there's a whole buffet worth awaiting you in the previous episodes of this series, so why not check them out next. And don't forget to get in touch at And, as always, thanks for watching guys.
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 847,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, lion king deepfake, pringle flavored ice cream, weirdest ice cream, satisfying ice cream making, ice cream rolls maker, slug cuts its own head off, slug regrows head, russia's top female soldier, most beautiful russian soldier, impossible to lift chair, farm cats group dinner time, cat gets stuck funny, cat claws stuck funny, raven intelligence, raven water displacement, most tattooed man, turtle saved from under sand, guppy birth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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