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check it out I got the new monitor in my you know you guys keep asking me my live streams did I bring it home yet nope not yet monitor is in monitor Works didn't do a video about that there's no point where I showed you how it doesn't work so it'd be the opposite it works but I'm about to tear the whole system apart again because Devourer sent me something that absolutely positively needs to go in here yeah your next gaming PC from build Redux compare pricing to buying the parts yourself and stop overpaying pick your starting budget see your estimated gaming performance and then see your PC based on your choices plus Redux offers a growing support Hub to answer all your questions and it's backed by a two-year parts and labor warranty so you're covered pick your budget pick your games and get build Redux so I think while I'm in there I'm going to actually go ahead and change out the fans 2 to the new infinity mirror fans from Liam Lee because I didn't even notice this it was actually a subscriber that commented this that the single fans from the Infinity Series um come with the breakout cable to uh just a standard argb header I say standard the the motherboard style not the JSC style so that means I would be able to use them without having to use their control box and I think the side lighting and infinity mirror would go really well with the overall look of the specter 3. but the whole reason why I'm taking this apart is the fact that I received this package from der Bauer or Roman depending on how you know him and this is an absolute must-have for anyone running 12th gen uh Steve did a very uh informative piece and you know Steve is definitely your go-to guy when it comes to this kind of stuff this really in-depth testing and stuff I absolutely Steve is but Gamers next is a game a hard time to make one of his hair and stuff it's okay I have gray hair people make fun of mine he's the one that really does some good pieces regarding this type of information so he's already done all full testing on this this is a new bracket designed by thermal Grizzly which is uh their Bowers company to properly tension and hold down the Intel 12th gen so it's made out of metal you can hear that it's got the thermal Grizzly name and stuff on there right it's the CPU contact frame look at the back it's milled perfectly it's for the indentation of the CPU and what this does is it eliminates the lever mechanism that 12th gen has if you look at the contact paper that Steve use it's very uneven the side where the lever is pushes down harder than the opposite side so it lifts and it creates an uneven contact patch across the die and then two it also causes warping or bending of the substrate over time which also leads to very bad cooling situations this is a 12 900k it's got my water block on there actually know doesn't sell that Corsair and Amazon does but uh it's a collaboration with Corsair it is my block I came up with that design yeah and here's the thing because I'm not planning on doing any sort of crazy crazy overclocks or whatever I could have probably been just fine not using this but I want to try it out I didn't do any sort of before testing on this because this the point of this video for me is not about is this product worth it I know the Bauer's already done his r d on this I know Steve has already independently tested it and I know it's going to work just fine um I just don't want to bend the CPU over time and I don't want to have cracked thermal paste because of it bending and I don't have temperature problems later I mean I have to tear it apart again at some point in the future so I'm just like let's just get it out of the way now so to get the monitor the monitor out this is entirely my doing because I had to add a monitor to a place there was never intended to have one but now we do I have to take the power supply screws out and swivel the power supply out of the way just so that I can get to the bottom of the the bolts or the nuts that are or screws that are going up right there that have the seven mil nut on it otherwise I can't I can't get to the bottom screws I had Nick leave the hole in the 3D printed piece the size that it was that way those screw those those screws don't just fall down because of the fact that they are technically threaded into that plate as well that's what I love about the iFixit kit and this bendy thing allows me to do that [Music] that's the thing with this case there's nothing conventional about it at all so it's very much um very abnormal the nice thing about having all these swivels and things everywhere is one it makes a little easier to get the tubes and stuff in and out two I can just swivel that up out of the way so now anything in there is trapped in there so now the graphics card is essentially free the graphics in the gravis card out is honestly going to be the hardest part of this whole thing that now I should go just pull it out as one complete unit with RGB plug there we go all right I mean it's a lot easier than when I'm putting it together for the first time because everything already has its spot and what I tend to do on stuff like this I'll make like a little plug just with like the paper towel to put in there that way if it does start to drip a little bit at least there's something to sort of catch it while I have time to sort of go oh crap something's happening you know so I can just do that it won't catch everything obviously but it does something because it's very tight in this region here that's what they said the thing about these Stick Boy radiators like this is man do they hold on to a lot of fluid okay so I can unplug that and then this RGB so I'll be replacing this whole harness the nice thing is the length on this is crazy versus what I'm gonna have with the other one because I had to use the jst jumper here to like terminate it which made it twice as long as I needed but the other cable coming already terminated to the fittings that are the the plugs that I need means I should have less cableage to deal with up here which will be nice so we're almost to a point now to where I can get the motherboard actually I can't get the motherboard out of here now and that could deal with the front red later and we're free that actually wasn't all that bad honestly could have been worse so I think that block is getting replaced I could be wrong and this is Uncharted Territory for me now so I'm a little bit scurred I remember correctly this is my lapped CPU also I think I put the lapped one in here so this will be the their Bower bracket plus a lap CPU which should give me really good Temps theoretically and get my js2 sense block out of here available at Corsair and Amazon so many people are like how did I never know about this I don't know maybe you should watch the videos I'm only posted on Instagram and Twitter and YouTube community and YouTube itself and no they haven't done is an actual video about it because I find that to be a little pedantic okay the block is off yeah it is my lap block check that out extra performance baby okay let's get that out of the way this is the stupidest looking setup when you look at it from that perspective because normally we see it from the straight on so that just looks so stupid it's fine let me clean this bad boy up I'm getting all this excess off because I don't want it falling down in the socket since we're gonna have a fully exposed socket here I take this off so from watching Steve's video I don't think I have to run this guy on the back let me just put this down on look again oh I got the tension I don't think no those don't even line up I don't know what this is for oh you know what I bet you I know I bet you I know what this is for I think it might be a lapping Aid because if you see how the CPU fits in there perfectly like that see if it's in there perfectly I I believe this to be a lapping Aid to be honest that way you can get even pressure on it that's what these grips are for bet you anything that's what this is I don't need to do that as I've already done it so now is where I need to find the appropriate bit thermal paste out of here probably this one boom I'm good I suppress myself sometimes I really don't want to damage this or otherwise I'll have to go grab another one off the shelf I don't actually have another one of these exact motherboards which means I really don't want to damage it because what that ends up meaning and I'm gonna have to put those standoffs back in aren't I oh no I'm not because I have to use the back plate okay that's right I was like we need better standoffs than I remember now with my own design um I don't know if another oh it helps when I undo the Jesus Jam [Applause] how I dress myself woohoo okay don't drop anything outside how I dress myself in the morning and let alone get these videos done is a mystery to me as well folks so I need those screws and these are just a little retention nuts on there that one because he doesn't provide Hardware so I'm assuming you just reuse it you might have a website documentation on this I really just don't know but I'm the kind of guy that likes to just sort of go for it as I'm trying to lose them which is good then that means I don't have to worry about space behind the motherboard of it not like somehow being an issue because of how thick it is I I could see there being a lot of cases I wouldn't fit behind so I'm fairly certain that that's a lapping tool for the 15th time okay so now I have to put the CPU down it's upside down and then what happens here is We Lay this on top of it now this is the part where it you don't over tighten it if you do memory channels will apparently not work so it's like I kind of want to test this somehow before I put it back in for obvious reasons it's kind of like threadripper it's got to be just right you just want it holding against all the pins they said if you over tighten it then it doesn't then what happens I think one side lifts they said it won't cause any damage it's just what you'll notice is that there are channels of the memory that doesn't work but you can see now this gives it very even tension all the way across that one was still pretty loose I think he said there should be like a whole turn left afterwards I'm gonna try loosening this up a little bit all right so I'm going to test power supply set up here I got a 1050 which doesn't use power I got my 24 pin an EPS power CPU sitting there with a dollop of Pace keyboard mouse this little monitor really comes in handy for post testing let me tell you I have to bring out a big old Monitor and stuff and I'm literally just gonna just go let's go this way there believe it or not that's fine for testing like this all right power on and let's see if we get a video there's nothing to indicate it turned on other than the light because there's no fans hooked up anywhere so I'm looking for here is obviously a post going to bios I think we got a post right now because that just it's green now yep there's our video signal it's gonna probably tell us CPU fan air there's nothing plugged in F1 to run setup okay we have got uh uh 2016 or 64 gigs almost at 16 yeah 64. gigs of RAM yes we do and everything appears to be showing up and working look my CPU temperature is at 35c just sitting there passive with this knock to a cooler on there with no fan or anything it's not even mounted down it's just pushed down on the thermal paste so you can see you can do boot tests like this just fine as long as there's thermal paste and some sort of a cooler to transfer the heat but everything appears to be working just fine if I go to like extreme tweaker yep we've got our dram frequency is correct and then we've got uh our capacity else showing up so if I go now into like memory settings I should see two sticks of ram in there yes perfect shut this off now we can get lunch and I can put it all back in there so these are the cables that actually come with the lean Lee uni fan the infinity mirror fans though is this one cable that automatically terminates to a regular fan header and a regular ardb header on a motherboard so unlike the other ones which as you can see right here terminate to a jst plug on this end which is designed to just go into the controller box so I have all this excess wire because I had to do a conversion cable for it so this is actually going to be a little bit neater because it's shorter and then like we've already showed on our review of this particular fan if you haven't seen it is instead of the plug being forced to come out of one side of the fan only I can now flip it the cable will be any way that I want so the routing and the stuff will be super neat and super easy so let me kind of clean up this table a little bit here now that I've stuffed my face and broken an Xbox controller getting mad at Rocket league in between takes uh we can show you how that all works where the hell is my trash can it's very important to bench test your stuff trust me as somebody that has only had a handful of times in my entire not just YouTube career but ever like just building computers I like 30 years experience building computers now um I've had probably one or two ever be bad out of the box but I'll tell you right now it's the ones you don't test that are guaranteed to give you the most trouble so at least now I know that bracket's on there we're not going to be having any sort of boot issues unless something bad happens between now and putting it in the system I'll uh damage or something which hopefully doesn't happen while I'm this far in the system though if I was going to change out those fans I got to do it now which is what we're gonna do so I'm just making some room I'm gonna try and get creative here because I believe that I'll be able to do this without having to undo these tubes because these are all three connected together because remember they interlock so now I got something to actually support the radiator so as I take off these screws on the front those three fans are going to pull out as a whole together interlocked and then I'll be able to Slide the new three in there interlocked so I won't have to take out those top two screws until I'm ready to do it because I don't want the radiator to be under too much tension by just having those tubes hold it up and I put all the screws in all the locations on the radiator because of the fact that since this is visible without if it wasn't showing it would just not look good very good see if you go with the three pack it comes with this flat ribbon type cable to a very proprietary plug because the three pack is intended to be used with the controller that comes with it so that's why you have to run the single pack uh otherwise you're not gonna get to see very well what's happening there these are the three that or you know I can be able to plug them into your motherboard so here's the control box and all that stuff this is the review unit that we used the only downside about these being the infinity mirror is the fact that they do get kind of ugly with uh fingerprints and scratches and this one actually seems like it's all scratched already I need to grab a different box because these got scratched up in the review that is a downside of these we did show that they are soft material and they do scratch pretty easy brand new package though we'll have little plastic protectors on there so it's quite literally just a screen protector like your phone it doesn't even sit flush kind of looks like crap yeah okay Leon Lee tried dumb it's obvious they recognize that there was an issue here with scratching and stuff on these but it just looks like crap you just can't easily flush I'll leave that on there until it's installed that way doesn't get all scratched up slide on in there [Music] there we go now I can get that out and we're good so I was just gonna put all these screws back in and then take out the side uh little screen covers or Mirror covers that way they don't look stupid and make sure that we're still perfectly horizontal because remember this does slide up and down all right we'll come back when all this remedial work is done it's so much tidier in terms of the cabling you can see this one up here perfect length to run up along the little clip I put there and then up here where it hides behind the rad where you won't see it and then this guy is also perfect length so you're not going to be seeing a ton of excess cabling I'm not having to like scrunch it all up and make it look stupid so I'm actually putting a little bit of gaffer State all right hopefully it holds and doesn't like fall down over time but it'll just look ugly behind the system to just sort of hold these cables foreign these little like I don't know if you can see that even on camera I've got this little like double-sided sticky tape AB whole bunch of those and I don't know the only one I could find otherwise I would put that on the red here too such a chungus of cooling how many coolings would you like one chungus please so I get asked a lot if Kingpin extreme or kpx thermal paste that I'm using right here is really that all that good for like non-super overclocked or ln2 type stuff every single build of mine gets kpx feels a little dirty putting it on a thermal Grizzly products technically and I always pre-spread everything and I use way more than you need because it will not hurt a damn thing every single build I've ever done including our world record attempts and stuff have been done this very way so people are going to be like you're creating air bubbles thermal paste is the area people think they sound smart but they actually sound dumb so this is the RGB cable for the CPU block but I don't really want it to show fortunately the jst plug is really flat so it's kind of easy to maneuver around into places and I can run it right along like so so check that out all right a little bit visible right there but now you don't have this cable showing I the only thing I wish we'd done different with our block is maybe run the RGB cable off the top because of the fact that the logo goes a certain way so being at the top would have made the most sense but that would require kind of a rewire of actually I just want to require the RGB layer to be flipped 180 but you know things you think you think about but you don't realize until you go one of the things I do a little differently with this rig is typically I'll wire the pump up to a separate uh power source so I can flip it on and off but the way it's wired up in this rig that's very difficult to do so I'll basically be flipping it on and as it's like filling I'll be squeezing the hell out of it out of this bottle to try and keep that Reservoir topped off until it's actually flowing completely through the loop power button there we go is everything lit up on the fans all six of them sweet God it's drinking faster than I can ah squeak should be getting a return oh yes there we go we'll be getting a return here in a second there we go I barely caught it look at all those air bubbles flow meter obviously is working good yeah these are subtle they're really subtle but man do they look cools we'll get Phil's live reaction here in a second he's he is the uh the the one that has all like the form taste if that makes sense I'm very much a function first and then form but he's like he'll absolutely sacrifice some function for form he's that kind of guy so from 10 30 to 2 30 plus about a 45 minute lunch I also call it three hours I could do it in probably two or less the full tear down motherboard adapter install and putting it back in this system if I wasn't making a video because video slow things down but not bad all right hey fail I need your opinion on the fans the mirror fans if they were worth the effort I think you're embellishing a little bit no I freaking no one cares about his opinion anymore all right guys thanks for watching now it's finally done working monitor fans have been changed out and uh if you look at it from you know the front view like right over here at this angle you can see now you got the edge Lighting on the top of the case the front you see the fan hubs and you see the side of the mirrors and all that looks real good all right thanks for watching I'll see in the next one oh the last thing I actually really want to do with this is take the Plexi piece to a custom glass maker and have them make that out of tempered glass I don't have to deal with acrylic I'm debating not even putting that back on I think I like it as an open chassis
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 594,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Intel 12th gen, 12th gen cpu fix, 12th gen cpu bending, cpu bending, jayztwocents, jayztwocents persoanl rig, personal rig, personal rig update, 3090, is the 3090 still worth it
Id: 2d1fuSNHM7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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