Fixing & Feeding

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hey guys today is October the 5th we've had about five straight days of this cloudy rainy weather and this tropical storm that came up through the U.S just hasn't been a whole lot of action on the farm not really great working weather just walking through the barn I like to check on the robots pretty often they've been working well they really like this wetter weather the floor is just clean easier when it's like this been really happy with the floor scrapers once we got them honed in and working properly it's been pretty nice just love that clean floor helps keep the Stalls a lot cleaner we are having an issue with our feed Pusher though lately it's been acting funny so we're trying to work on that later today I'm just going around with the broom right now and pushing in in general we like our feed Pusher because I don't really worry about putting feet up at all I'll usually run for months at a time without having to really mess with it but when it's not working it's a real pain our trolls are just a flat floor like this you might wonder why we don't have some sort of J trough with a curve that will come up here so they can't push the feet out from what that is every day we want to clean the trolls and if you have that type of thing you're gonna have to shovel it out so this way every morning we're able to just go in we can run this together right along the trough sweep it all together whatever and then scoop it right out the problem with the gh12 is they're still going to throw feet out of it cows like to throw it and so you still have some mess outside of it the other thing is with the headlocks we like to be able to give shots some days we'll lock them in and then we'll we'll just reach right in at their neck be able to give them a shot if you have a big curb here you wouldn't be able to access the cows very well [Music] we're gonna work on that feed Pusher then but first we want to work at this one silo a cord that runs up to the unloader in our fourth cutting halog silo going bad so we're actually going to be switching the cord from the end cell into that one because we're not going to be using that last unloader anymore this last Steve Silo we had corn silage in and we just got it empty it was non-bmr we were feeding to the heifers so it has like ground Drive Pats unloader in it decided we're not going to use it anymore we fit all the sides you need in the bunks so we're going to steal this cord and just use it on the other side 's about for a new core it's ten dollars a foot so if it's 75 foot core would be 750 just for the wire we got the worn cord pulled out of this Silo now so you can't really see anything inside there but I just unplugged it unloaders run off 220 so you need a big cord running up the shoot here the way up to wherever the door goes into the unloader just gonna pull the feder cord up through let's hoping the ends would be the same but they're actually slightly different so it has the circular ground there on the bottom so just gotta switch them we're just wiring it into the switch box now [Music] so he's gonna turn the breaker on pretty confident that it'll work [Music] let's see what we can find with this robot maybe that's all it would be I talked to our service guy about what the issue has been sounds like something with the wiring in the the top cap at one point we had the top of this thing get broken off get it back on again without having to replace anything but there's a couple wires on here that are disconnected for the pause button and stop button up on top emergency stop and is working without them being hooked up but I guess we're thinking these are probably shorting out first thing we're going to try is just clean those wires up might try to reattach the one that we can foreign we'll just have to see what it does keep an eye on it no it's gone better get out of here [Music] thing works awesome most of the time I'm gonna feed the cows now for the afternoon first thing I'm doing is mixing up a batch for the dry cows got a little bit of halogen already and we just add some soybean meal straw for the cow and then silage foreign off the corn silage you can see how far we fit off already it's been about four weeks since we started feeding this Year's corn salad cows are doing well on it [Music] that's still a fun job even though I've been doing it for many years we got all the dry coffee loaded now I sent some corn and soybean meal and then a mineral and we give our free fresh cows in the bucket We're Gonna Save about 50 pounds per cow in the pre-fresh pen we have 15 cows in the pre-fresh pen so I'll get about 750 pounds from the dry cow barn and wide that mineral to it foreign [Music] mineral to the rest of the dry cow feed this mineral here the best way I can explain it is it's helping these cows get ready to have their calf so that they can throw calcium from their bones they can lack calcium in their in that transition in the milk I don't know the best way to explain it I could do a better job but we like the cows to be eating this at least two weeks before they have their calf we find a Kevin a lot better and have a better transition into milking it's a antionic salts some good science that people have figured out over the years to help cows do better just let that mix for a minute and then we'll drive right around here run out to our new pen there [Music] foreign right now there's 15 cows in this pen so before we expanded it would have been way overcrowded right now and we did have 18 actually in here the other day had some new calves born but it's nice they all have plenty of space to eat now I'm gonna start mixing the cow batch put the Grain in and a little bit of straw shredded cow foreign foreign back there and then toasted soybeans which we were harvesting in the last video we'll put in 310 pounds of molasses foreign we got some minerals to add while we run The Silo that we fixed this morning got fourth cutting halogen it foreign silage [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 73,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: Rgox6tmdpac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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