FIXING Avatar's MESSY Season 1 | Netflix ‘Avatar the Last Airbender’

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this is going to be the biggest change Avatar Roku Shrine is at the same place that Jong Jong the deserter is hello Hooligans today we are fixing Netflix's avatar The Last Airbender and if you don't think there's anything that needs to be fixed then I'm happy for you a lot of OG fans myself included are just a little bit disappointed at how the live action turned out don't get me wrong I actually did enjoy the season and I really hope everybody watches because I need a season 2 so I can see Toof I don't actually think the adaptation especially in liveaction needs to be a onetoone recreation in fact I think it should have changes because otherwise there would be no point in watching it but I do think some of the changes that they did make were questionable and there were a lot of good opportunities that they missed out on that could have made the season even better so what I'm mainly going to focus on is how I would restructure the plot overall and how I would fit the 20 episodes into Eight Episodes what I'm not going to do is get into the nitpicks like the casting choices the dialogue the humor boom's character Choice why a can fly etc etc etc because we will be here literally all day obviously what I say is not going to change what's already been made although that would be super cool I just think it will be a fun thought experiment so let's not take this super seriously I'm going to assume that each episod episode is 60 Minutes long so that we can fit most of the plot points in without rushing so there will be a few episodes that I will be completely omitting including imprison which sorry to the five Haru fans out there The Great Divide the fortune teller and B of the water tribe partially also I am not going to be including aula May and Tye I'm going to save them for the second season although aula can appear in the flashbacks and this also applies to oai as well I want to see him less and mostly focused on flashbacks only because they already didn't have that much to do in this season so it really felt like they were just included for fan service all right let's go to episode one so I'm actually going to keep this mostly the same this episode will cover the first three episodes of the original show so the only major changes I would make to this episode is lessening the amount of flashbacks in the beginning I really don't think we should show the entire genocide happening all at once in this episode we can start the flashbacks with San killing the Earth Bender that's completely fine but let's stop the flashback right when guazo talks to the council so then we account for 10 minutes of this flashback and then we move on to present day so obviously qara and Saka finds Ang brings him back to the village and then this part I am also going to change a little bit I don't want Ang to learn about the genocide right away so instead what we're going to do is have Saka almost talked about the genocide and then qara stops him from talking about it because she thinks that he will be traumatized forever if he learns about it and this is kind of what happens in the show qara is very protective over a immediately so everything else is the same we're introduced to Zuko he arrives at Wolf Cove he fights Saka he threatens to burn down the village and Ang goes with Zuko so that the water tribe is safe and then Ang manages to escape and then fly back onto Opa and then they fly away to the southern air Temple so let's say all of that took 30 minutes we still have 20 minutes left to explore the southern air temple in the Netflix show they spent about 5 minutes at the southern air Temple so it was super rushed so instead what we're going to be doing with this 20 minutes is have Ang exploring a little bit more so while they're still flying on Opa Katara tries mentioning the fact that Ang might not like what he sees when he arrives at the temple but then Ang he's still in denial he's like nobody can get up to the air temples if you don't have air bending so qara is secretly like okay okay we'll see so a gives them the tour of the Southern Temple and he starts reminiscing about the good old times we get another flashback to when guazo actually has to tell Ang that he's the Avatar and that they will always be friends no matter what and then we stop the flashback there and then Ang discovers the room that guazo has died in and then the rest of the episode ends the same way Ang goes into the Avatar State qara Calson down and hugs him and somber music plays as the episode ends now let's get into episode two so I'm going to be adapting the Warriors of Kyoshi and the water bending scroll which they kind of do already except the water bending scroll is given to qara instead of her taking it so instead what we're going to be doing is for the first 20 minutes it opens with qara and Ang practicing water bending because one of my biggest problems with the season was that Ang didn't water bend at all so qara tries to teach Ang her waterbending knowledge but then Ang is just naturally better than qara and so she gets jealous and wants to stop training they go to the market to find some food and then this is where they find the Pirates and they invite them to check out their collection catara finds the water bending scroll and steals it the Pirates notice this and start chasing the gang but luckily they fly away on Opa safely and so we still have 40 minutes for them to be on Koshi Island so while they're flying on Opa Ang notices Koshi Island and decides it might be smart for them to stop there because he can learn more about being the Avatar so the rest of the episode is mostly the same the Kyoshi Warriors capture the gang before realizing Ang is actually the Avatar then they hang around Koshi Island for a bit and Saka gets his one-on-one time with Suki also personally I would have loved to see Saka in kyoshi's makeup and here I'm going to make a few more changes with the water bending scroll qara continues training for water bending but Ang is still better than her because qara is jealous of Ang she ends up snapping and yelling at him to stop showing off and then Ang gets upset and leaves he goes back to kyoshi's Statue to meditate and then Koshi appears before him so meanwhile the Fire Nation appear on Kyoshi Island Suki Saka and the rest of the Koshi Warriors end up fighting off Xiao then qara feels really bad about what she did to Ang so she goes to find Ang to apologize but she accidentally runs into Zuko qara notices that Ang is still in the spirit world because he's talking to Koshi and so she defends Ang's body against Zuko unfortunately Zuko is still a better Bender at this time so qara loses and in the process of fighting here qara loses her necklace and Zuko picks it up and then the episode ends pretty much the same way kioshi takes over Ang's body and scares off all of the firebenders moving on to episode three here are where the changes start getting a little bit bigger so I'm going to be adapting the Northern Air Temple and the king of amaso episodes we're not going to be doing jet he will be coming later and we're definitely not doing the secret tunnel episode because it doesn't come until the second season I'm so sorry so at the very beginning of the episode we have a flashback of boom's childhood and him playing with Ang and then in present day the gang is about to enter omashu but instead of jet they actually see Sai and teao teao recognizes Ang's tattoos and knows that he's an airbender and they explain that they lived on the Northern Air Temple before and now they move to omashu so they can find work so teao and Sai sneak them into to omashu and then this middle part is also pretty much the same the gang stays with sayano for a little bit and at the same time Zuko and iro arrive in omashu so instead of jet helping qara realize that Sai is selling weapons to the Fire Nation she just kind of stumbles upon it and so then she brings it up to Saka but then it's quickly interrupted when Zuko starts attacking Ang I really like what they did with Ang and Zuko fighting without bending that was a really cool scene so I'd like to keep that in there but I'd like to have qara and Saka join in on the fight towards the end which provokes Zuko to fire Bend and also we can throw in the Cabbage man Cameo here iro then tells Zuko he needs to run now or he's going to get captured so he fire bends himself to create a distraction and then the Earth Bender police capture Ang Katara Saka and iro iro is getting transported to bosing s for causing disturbance so let's say all of that took 40 minutes we still have 20 minutes to explore the Boomie plot line Boomie throws A Feast for Ang and then Bo traps qara and Saka in geminite and tells Ang that he needs to defeat Boomie in a fight at the end Ang finally realizes it's Boomie instead of him realizing at the very beginning and then the very last scene is teao looking at Sai angrily while the fire Nations look at their newest model of the war balloons I think this way it really emphasizes that Sai is responsible for the invention of those war balloons and foreshadows later on okay let's move on on to episode 4 so here I will be adapting the spirit world episode plus half of the Storm episode what we're not going to be doing in the spirit world is Wong no UA Fox no Co instead we're really going to be focusing on flashbacks this episode so this is the episode where I want to begin it with the flashback of the genocide and of course gatel the whole time is asking where is ang where is ang and then the flashback ends and then Ang wakes up to qara telling him to look at the burned Forest so let's say the genocide flashback was 10 minutes and now we still have 50 minutes to explore the rest of the episode so we begin with the group finding the burn forest and they stop there qara tells Ang about how there are new seeds in the forest so it will regrow and this gives Ang some hope they go to the nearby Village and this is where Hai appears the gang tries to fight him but Hai just ends up taking all of them into the spirit world okay listen in the original hey drag Saka into an unknown location and then in the Netflix show qara and Saka randomly end up in the spirit world too so I think this is a good compromise for hey to drag all of them into the spirit world so for the rest of the episode Saka and katara's plot lines are pretty similar they will have flashbacks about their past with their dad and their mom and then Ang will encounter guazo because it was in the show and I think it was actually really well done so I would like to keep it so what I will be changing slightly is the conversation that guato is having with Ang so this is where Ang will tell his story of how he ran away and then got trapped in the ocean and then he starts crying Gat reassures him that it's okay it was meant to happen this way he tells guat that he doesn't know what to do and how to be the Avatar and then guato tells him that he actually was friends with the previous Avatar Avatar Roku he might be a great resource in helping him so guat tells and where he will find roku's Shrine so while all of them are in the spirit world let me get the same scene where the Earth Benders being very aggressive towards iro and then we get a flashback of him at lien's funeral I think this was also a really well done scene in the show and then we get the scene where Zuko is trying to save iro from the earth Benders so Ang finds ha again and then gives him the seeds that he found earlier and tells Hai that the forest will regrow so then Hai becomes a panda again he clears the fog of lost souls and he returns Saka and qara back all right episode five this is going to be the biggest change so I want you all to just hear me out so I am going to be adapting part of Botto of the water tribe but only the June stuff the deserter jet and the Avatar Roku episode allinone hear me out so I'm basically going to say that Avatar Roku Shrine is at the same place that Jong Jong the deserter is this is because both the original show and the Netflix show when Ang goes to the temple to to see Roku it's a huge side quest that doesn't result in a lot in the Netflix version Roku just gives Ang the mother of faces token in the original show Roku just tells Ang about San's Comet and then he takes over Ang's body but I think that would be repetitive in this adaptation because we already saw Kyoshi taking over Ang's body I also think it is really necessary to include the deserter episode and I'm sad that they didn't adapt it for Netflix okay so let's just get into how I'm going to structure this episode so at the very top of the episode Ang is heading towards the location of roku's shrine that guato told him about on the way there they run into some firebenders and at first there's too many of them to take on but then Jet and his crew appears and they fight off the fire Benders jet tells them that they need to be careful and that they've been scouting for Fire Nation around the area the gang hangs out with jet for a little bit and this is the opportunity to show that qara maybe has a little crush on jet and Saka is really annoyed by that and he says they need to move on so all of that could be done in 15 minutes so meanwhile Zuko has completely lost Ang's Trail at this point so he goes to a local Tavern and this is where he hires June because he has katara's necklace and she can track them down June accepts the offer and zuku leaves the tavern but then it's revealed that Xiao was also in the tavern and he pays June to double cross Zuko so the gang arrive at roku's Shrine but then they're quickly captured by Jong jong's followers and then taken to see Jong Jong who tells them they cannot be here Ang says that he needs to talk to Roku and Jong Jong refuses but then roku's statue starts glowing and then he appears before Jong Jong so then Ang has a conversation with Roku about gatu and also advice on being the Avatar Roku tells Ang that he must master all four elements and that Jong Jong can teach Ang and because Jong Jong is a loyal follower of Roku he agrees to train Ang and then we get a quick scene where we see jet hiding in the trees and spying on them so that could be another 15 minutes and now we have 30 minutes for the rest of the episode so Jong Jong begins training a in the basics of firebending but then Xiao shows up so one of Jong jong's followers tells him about it so then Jong Jong tells Ang to stay there and then he goes to deal with Jiao Ang starts getting impatient with the basics of firebending and then he just attempts to fire Bend which accidentally hurts qara Saka yells at Ang for hurting qara and this is where Ang swears he'll never fire Bend again while injured qara runs away to go heal her hands in water and Saka follows her qara is able to heal her hands but then at the same time they catch sight of jet in the middle of setting up bombs around the camp so now we go back to Ang while he's still beating himself up about burning qara June sneaks up behind Ang with her sheer shoe and paralyzes him and now we see Zuko paying June now that they found the Avatar but remember when I said that Jiao asked June to double cross Zuko this is where her sheer shoe also paralyzes Zuko and then Zuko will drop katara's necklace and then I imagine Jun saying something like I'm just a businesswoman and then she leaves then we get a scene of Jong Jong confronting Xiao but then he gets quickly surrounded by xiao's crew so in a burst of fire Jong Jong disappears now we cut back to Saka and qara they confront jet about the bombs and Jet says that he is willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate firebenders qara feels betrayed and angered by jet because Ang is still in the vicinity of the bombs she ends up fighting jet as her water bending is heightened by her rage qara ends up freezing jet but he says it's too late the plan is in motion already then we cut to long shot from the trees and he shoots an arrow and sets off the bombs we see lots of explosions and many of Jong jong's followers die luckily Ang is just far away from the bombs to be safe qara and Saka panic and they run back to where Ang is however Jack B comes and takes Ang and iro takes Zuko back to the ship and so by the time Saka and qara return Ang is nowhere to be found and the last shot of the episode is qara finding her necklace on the ground all right episode six so this episode will be covering the second half of the storm and the blue spirit so it's almost the same what I'm going to be keeping about the episode is Zuko's flashbacks the 41st division plot and seeing the agnik Kai in action and this is also the episode where we will see a Zula in the flashback and then of course in the present day Xiao has captured Ang Zuko is the blue Spirit he saves Ang and then Ang saves Zuko and then I want to keep the conversation between Ang and Zuko after they escaped because this was also well done and then the final scene is of Zuko crying in the flashback all right so now episode seven and 8 are going to be pretty much the same as what they did in the show the biggest thing I'm going to add back into this from the original version is that a goes back back into the spirit world to seek Co I think this makes a lot of sense because they already have a shrine for kurak and kuruk obviously has a history with Co so it would make sense for kuruk to tell Ang to seek information about the ocean and moon spirit and then the other change I would like is also for Zuko to come capture Ang while he's in the spirit world and then everything else I think the last two episodes were actually well done so I'm going to keep the same including the very ending when Azula takes over omashu and oai learning of San's comment okay so that's how I would fix the Netflix Avatar series I honestly tried to keep most of it the same and just included some of the additions that I think were necessary from the original show so obviously one of the biggest changes that I made was having an entire episode dedicated to Jong Jong and Ang learning firebending I also cleaned up the spirit episode because it was just kind of atrocious that they combined every single spirit in one episode another big change that I had was spread out the flashbacks more so that we didn't see all of it in the first 20 minutes of the show I also condensed the omashu episode because I really just don't think it was necessary to see the cave of Two Lovers at least in the first season are there some plot holes that I created unintentionally that I didn't catch and to reiterate this isn't that serious this is just a fun exercise but I would love to see how you guys would change season 1 I also made a full review of the season so make sure to go check that out okay bye
Channel: jimmyliuwho
Views: 9,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atla, aang, airbender, avatar, sokka, katara, zuko, iroh
Id: J62OmnV3UkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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