Fixing a Viewer's BROKEN Gaming PC? - Fix or Flop S5:E13

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I recently built a computer for my son however when I turn it on I can't get past the boot screen I can't get into the BIOS or boot menu and after about 15 to 20 seconds the PC shuts off I've tried different Ram a different graphics card a different SSD keyboard and mouse with the same results other than the CPU and motherboard I'm not sure what else to do this year is that viewer's broken gaming PC well she's a wee bit small in all seriousness I think these kinds of builds are super cool the fact that you can pack so much performance into such a small footprint is no simple feat and inside this particular NZXT H1 V2 is an Asus RG stricks z590 gaming Wi-Fi motherboard an Intel Core5 10400f a GeForce RTX 2060 and 16 gigs of ddr4 not the latest Hardware sure but still a very healthy combination for some 1080P and 1440p gaming I was also informed when the owner met me that most of these components were purchased secondhand he actually just recently built this system only for him to run into this screen here when first booting up and apparently he can't get past this and I think it has a lot to do with this warning message right here USB device over current status detected system will shut down after 15 seconds you can't load into let alone install Windows on the detected m.2 in this post screen and that's about all the info we have so there's something maybe drawing too much power from the motherboard maybe it's the motherboard itself I think this is the first time I've ever seen this message it's going to be an interesting one but hopefully by the end of this one we can have the system back up and running with a fresh install of Windows are you ready stay with me if you're planning your next PC build then consider checking out our sponsor VIP SCD key their Windows 10 and 11 OEM Keys sell for a fraction of retail and will unlock the full potential of your OS it'll also remove those pesky activation watermarks click the links below to get started today and be sure to use our special offer code skgs for a sweet discount on a variet of options including Windows 10 and 11 Pro and home and more he there and welcome to fix or Flop if you're new just know that everything you see us do in this playlist is free of charge to the owners of the rigs in question we don't charge for labor we don't charge for replacement hardware and all of it is possible thanks to your viewership so thank you very much I'd also like to mention that if you live in or around Orlando Florida and you have a broken PC or know someone who does let's say it doesn't power on at all or maybe it turns on but it doesn't send a picture to your monitor maybe it runs tooo hot maybe fans don't spin etc etc feel free to reach out to me via the link in this video's description it'll send you to a form where you can describe your issue submit photos and we'll try to get to you as soon as we can now then it's time to fire the system up and attempt to replicate the issue described by the owner again if we see something along the lines of this screen here then we're on the same page and if we aren't well GG we could be facing multiple separate issues which is a nightmare to troubleshoot here we go powering on all right so that's a good start like all the fans are spinning including this one little case fan here at the back of the H1 it's important to note this is the V2 so this has the revised Riser cable which apparently doesn't catch fire so that's nice we are waiting for a post here any second now there we go all right so that looks healthy and it goes right to this where it again tells us that we have an old over current status detected and true to its word after 15 seconds the system promptly shuts down now I can just simply fire it back up again but it's going to repeat this over and over and this is why the owner was getting frustrated with the rig there's something either attached to the motherboard or maybe miswired that it is not liking heck it could even be the motherboard itself this being secondhand it happens things go wrong although I'd be willing to bet it's probably like a wiring issue or something you know this is not a lot of space to work with here it's very easy to miswire connect the cable where you shouldn't and there's a lot of crunching going on as well some stuff that doesn't look too good at least on the surface example a now I've tried to square the camera with the sides of the case so that we're looking perpendicular into it you can see that we've got these two dim slots here only two on this ITX motherboard of course and the top slot is uh it's it's bent a good bit just try not to bend this any more than you really have to I feel it's also important to note that prior to picking this up I had had the owner attempt to power a system on with all of his USB devices disconnected so things like his keyboard and mouse all his peripherals just uh detached from the system outright in an effort to circumvent that overcurrent notification it didn't work though we can access most of the internals by removing these two captive Philip screws that hold the radiator portion of this AO in place and it should just hinge down like so kind of a clever design and I think what we're going to do is start by disconnecting all of these nonvital cables so things like front panel USB 2 USB and uh well anything else we can find so now the only things we've still connected are the 24 pin the eight pin EPS the graphics card its supplemental power and the ddr4 just the vital stuff I do have one fan attached as well just to see if uh if the system's on or not I'm not sure if we're going to get LEDs or uh any not notification from the board other than just the lights being on while we actually do have the power supply fan so we'll use that as our reference point I'll detach the pump this will not stay on long enough for that to affect temperatures in any serious way boy if this uh if this still creates a problem then we might have to take the platform out of the case and maybe do a motherboard swap I don't think the card is going to be to blame it would be it would be weird for the card to be giving this notification here okay so this uh is still giving us the same notification Okay so it says a little further down yeah over current status detected yeah kind of at a loss at this point of what to do next we'll just we're just going to have to start swapping things out one by one until something sticks visually all of our USB ports look to be okay I don't see any pins that are crisscrossed or shorted out internally here uh the type C's look to be okay nothing wrong with the RJ45 Port I mean visually at least on the uh back side of the board things look okay whoops just realized I missed the uh front panel type c connector we'll try one more time with this although I I highly doubt this is going to fix anything 12 seconds later oh who whoa hold on and hindsight I'm really glad I tried this that is shocking this is like a totally different set of warnings here this is totally normal though like no keyboard it it thinks that we swapped CPUs and that uh we don't have a CPU fan connected which is true but we're not getting the overcurrent warning at all in fact it looks like it's going to try to boot us into the bios for the first time since this rig was was assembled I mean at first glance everything looks okay here too they're just just strange I honestly can't explain that it looks like just disconnecting the front type-c connector has fixed our over current issue what a shocking twist there again I'm really glad that we restarted that system and tested one more time with that type-c cable disconnected I've never seen this before but it works now we've got everything else reconnected the way that it was before it's still a bit messy I've got to clean that up but the only thing disconnected is a type-c cable and you can see now we've loaded into the BIOS no problem this first fan here this one connected to the uh radiator was completely off though and I think it had something to do with where it was connected there's a little Hub behind this bracket and so I rerouted that fan to the CPU fan header on the top of the motherboard and all we're going to do here is lower the uh RPM a bit so we're going to change autod detect to pwm and we're going to change standard to silent and uh oh yeah that is noticeably quieter so now the fan won't run at like max speed all the time it'll just ramp up when it needs to also notice one of these front panel board screws is loose for some reason I'm going to tighten it up for him so that the power button isn't as floppy now there is one more test I'd like to perform with respect to the USBC connector on the motherboard I want to know if it's the motherboard or if it's the cable running from the the case because as far as I'm aware even though we have a front panel board built into the H1 it looks like the type-c cable is just a pass through more or less so there might be a short in the cable itself or the header on the motherboard might be dead and what we're going to do is connect another case's type- C cable to this motherboard to see if we can replicate the issue and that'll be of course from a case that I know has a known working type-c cable to rule out that extra variable there's another problem though uh I can't get past this screen here it like wants to load into my windows bootable media and then it just doesn't it it stops it freezes and it's stayed like this for a good 5 minutes without doing anything at all I'm not sure he had a couple things enabled in the Bios like secure boot um and I've been tinkering with those to try to get around whatever this holdup is my last bet is CSM which I don't like tinkering much with but sometimes CSM does work wonders so we're going to try toggling that and seeing if we can actually install Windows I'm not going to share with you how long it's taken to get to this point where Windows is finally installing in the meantime I also upgraded his m.2 he had a 512 gig uh nvme in there just a gen 3 Drive I upgraded him to a Gen 4 along with two terabytes worth of storage so qu quadrupling that for his sonar this is the son's rig so want to make sure he has enough space for his games I was also having a bit of trouble again in the Bios uh toggling CSM secure boot just things that I don't really like messing much with because it seems like for every system we work with the settings have to be different in order for things to function properly we've managed to get it up and running here and uh well I'm hoping that we don't run into any other problems because it's like 9:00 at night I started working on this build like at 10: in the morning and while that's setting up we'll go ahead and unpack just a random extra case I have laying around this is actually from antec and uh it has a USBC Port uh on the uh on the outside of the case so we have a cable that we can plug directly into that motherboard to see if it is in fact the case to blame or the motherboard port all right so the system as is loads up repeatedly into the windows uh home screen there for setting up for the first time that's exactly what we want and this of course is with the USBC cable disconnected but everything else is plugged in where it should be now what I want to do is turn the system off and connect another USBC cable so this one from antech again it's the same connector it's just a this one's white and I want to see if we can get the same overcurrent notification with this one connected I know this one is okay because we've gotten a system to post with this connected before no it's looking a bit Jank up here right now we are just uh and have this set up temporarily it's connected to this cases type-c Port now we'll power on so essentially one of two things here is going to happen either the system loads into Windows no problem and that would mean that the motherboard is fine and that it's the case's cable that's bad or we get the same overcurrent warning which would mean that the motherboard's connector the header is bad wow it didn't even it didn't even throw up a splash page it just it just loaded straight into windows that is uh wow that's interesting A Bad Case cable now just for a sanity check I always like triple checking findings I'm going to power the system off again we'll keep the camera rolling one continuous shot or well if I can manage it one continuous shot we'll see how that works I'm going to power this back off which I know it's kind of cringey to do while it's loading in Windows but this is a very quick check we're going to disconnect antex type-c cable and we're going to reconnect where where' it go where's the oh here it is we're going to reconnect NZ xt's type-c cable so this last time here let's see if it will do I got to walk on this side let's see if it will do what it was doing when we first started filming this video if it does then uh yeah I mean I expect it will CU that's what we were finding I don't think anything I changed in the Bios would uh would have changed that overcurrent warning so let's see what we get I suppose it wouldn't be the end of the world if it did load into windows no see over current status detected it's that type-c cable it just does not like it so I'm going to tell the owner just to keep that cable disconnected there's something wrong with it you could probably get a replacement from NZXT it's not out of the realm of possibility I'm sure they probably have maybe on hand a few of those laying around if they don't again it's not the end of the world because it's just a type- c Port that you're not going to be able to use this motherboard actually has two on the uh on the rear IO and one of those is a thunderbolt Port so even better than what the case offers and again this is going to his son who I don't think is going to make a huge deal out of it anyway it's not like we could replace the motherboard to fix the issue because it's not the motherboard to blame we'd have to replace the case it's just I think more work than necessary but if that one connection is that vital it's not a big deal to just rebuild the system again in a different chassis um but it's possible that NZXT might be a to hook him up with that one type-c cable so I'll reach out to my contact as well let's see if we can't get that taken care of but worst case it works again it loads into Windows no problem you have a fresh install and I just need to clean this up now because it's an absolute disaster in here almost 10:00 now we are uh finally finished with this one again got a nice little upgrade in there but we didn't actually have to replace or swap anything out to fix the issue it was just a faulty type-c cable which I mean that's that's a first for sure I'm glad it wasn't something more major especially considering a lot of these components were purchased secondhand uh but uh I mean that's good news so I can relate to the owner again it's up and running wants to load into Windows within seconds now no problem thanks to that faster drive and that's about where my journey with this system ends be sure to let me know in the comment section below what you thought was wrong with this rig when you first saw the symptom again I think we did a a fine job honing in on you know USB ports I mean to be fair the the post screen the warning that we saw was was fairly direct so it did allow us to kind of hone in on the issue I think without that I might have emphasized uh the power supply possibly I mean we we didn't really have to do much else we didn't have to take the CPU out or mess with the Ram or the graphics card uh because we already had a a decent clue to start with so U big help from the motherboard that was nice a very quick fix to round things out despite me being a bit confused as to how that all worked I just uh it's just weird I and it being the one that I forgot to disconnect when we tried the first time just running off of only necessary cables I just got really lucky that that I that I caught that cuz if I hadn't we'd probably be in day two by this point but I'm happy we figured it out be sure let me know by giving this one a thumbs up whether or not you enjoyed this video consider subscribing if you have not already check out our relevant links in the description and again if you have a broken system and you live in or around Orlando Florida and it doesn't have to be your system either could be a friend system if you want to you know do the dealing on their behalf that's totally fine uh just uh reach out via the form below and we'll do our best to get to you as quickly as possible again no charge at all involved we make money on the back end by making videos like these and your viewership is I mean that's that's the whole reason why this is possible so thank you so much for watching my name is Greg thanks for learning with me
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 61,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix or flop, fof, fix or flop season 5, fix or flop S5:E13, broken pc, computer repair, broken gaming pc, fixing a viewer's pc, viewer pc, broken computer, pc won't power on, Computer Hardware, greg salazar, PC Gaming, pc won't post, how to fix a broken gaming pc, Technology, how to, computer repair guide, computer repair course, Tech, pc troubleshooting, troubleshoot, pc, computer, gaming, fix, flop, this is crazy, Crazy pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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