FIXING A Snowblower That Surges With Donyboy73

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hi guys welcome back to my small engine repair  channel behind me i've got a toro snow blower it's   got an overhead valve engine now it's got that  annoying surging where the engine revs up and down   consistently i find it extremely annoying and i'm  sure you do today i'm going to show you a quick   trick to get that surging to stop and it basically  won't cost you anything now this is a toro   powermax 928 it's got a chinese engine overall  it's a pretty good engine on this machine it's   quite smooth when it runs properly and the same  procedure will apply to most snow blowers made   by mtd it could be cub cadet yard works yard  machines so i'm airing out the shop i will start   the machine so you can hear that surging and then  i'll start it up again when i'm all done fixing it   so even though this engine surges it does start  and it runs pretty good except for that surging   and if you have a surging engine sometimes  if you leave the choke on part ways   it will stop the surging but  your engine will burn more fuel so so you can hear the surging you could even see the  light go up and down a bit and that's because the   engine was actually revving up and down because  of the surging now you don't have to take off   the carburetor i want to show you a quick way  i will remove the cover here just to show you   just in case that you're not able to reach the  part that i will show you so what i'll do here   is remove the eight millimeter bolts there's  four now this may vary from engine to engine now there's two 10 millimeter nuts here now you don't have to remove all these parts  to access the small part that i'll show you   i'm just taking it off today so that i can show  you guys better in the video and now you can see   the carb quite easily i'll zoom in on that part  now you need to remove this here this part here   and then pop out another part underneath which  sometimes you can do as i mentioned without   removing the covers this way here if you cannot  access it just remove the covers remove this part   and when you remove this plastic screw here try  to count out how many turns it was screwed in so   that you put it in exactly the same after now the  small plastic part here you can just pop it off   now this bottom part here is in a little  more tighter so just pull it out like that   now this is the small part that i removed and  some of you guys may remember me doing this on   a lawnmower last summer to stop the surging it's  the exact same principle on the lawnmower as well   so i'm going to get right into what you should  be doing here what you want to do is get a micro   drill bit between 13 000 of an inch to 15  thousandths of an inch and as you can see   they're very tiny drill bits now you can easily  buy these on amazon it's a bit holder then what   you do is you turn it manually or you can buy  a chuck like this and put it in your drill and   just drill it out now i'm using good bits today  this is a blue point micro drill bit it's a bit   stronger than the cheaper ones on amazon so i'm  just going to stick it in my cordless drill here   now be careful using these small drill bits  because they do break easily you don't want   it to break inside the jet if you're worried  about that you can use the manual one here   but they can still break using the manual one  now hold it nice and straight in there and just   drill right through what you want to see is  a drill bit come through this big hole here and you can see that drill bit so basically what we've done here is  enlarge this jet i believe it's an air jet   now all you have to do at this point  is stick it back in your carburetor   and your engine will not surge anymore now  if you don't have the drill bits i showed you   you can order them on amazon they come in quite  quickly from there if you're in a pinch you can   try using a paper clip or some other device maybe  a pick but the drill bits work the best by far   so now you have to do is put it back in the  carb and line it up exactly like this because   you need to push it down you're going to  feel that it will go in there a bit tight   and then you want to put this plastic  piece on it just sits on there and now you want to grab the screw  here and you want to put it back and i've just screwed it into  about where it was before   a good way to make sure you put it in  the exact same position it was before   is count out the turns when you remove it and  then count the turns when you put it back in   or sometimes you can just look at the screw on the  other side and just put it in so it sticks out the   same length and basically this is your idle screw  for your snowblower so when you turn your throttle   down this is the screw that you would turn in if  you want it to idle faster or turn it out if you   want the engine to idle slower this screw here  does not affect the air fuel mixture of your   carburetor because it is a non-adjustable carb  so now at this point just put the covers back on now this machine there were four bolts two  on the side here and two bolts back here   and there's two 10 millimeter nuts that hold the  carburetor here one here one there and now tighten   this up by hand do not use an impact and now  you want to tighten up the two nuts evenly here and again these are 10 millimeters and then on this one there are four  bolts they're eight millimeters now if you did do this job on a powermore engine  the bolts are similar they're all on the side and   at the back over here so it's very very similar  and the small jet in this carburetor will be the   same as the one that i just enlarged on the toro  okay so i've got the shop paired out i'm going to   start it up and you will see that there will be  no surging and you will not see the light pulsate so as you just saw guys most of the time  that little trick will stop the surging on   most outdoor power equipment engines so i did it  on a snow blower today but if you have a similar   carb on the lawnmower rototiller any other  equipment if you can pop out that little jet   and you can enlarge it with a small drill bit  that's between 13 000 to 15 thousandths of an   inch you're more than likely going to eliminate  that surging now if you still have surging after   you do what i showed you in the video what you  want to do is meticulously clean your carburetor   put it back together make sure the jets in your  carburetor are clean as well and if it still does   it after you've cleaned the carb enlarged the  jet what i do recommend is to just replace the   carburetor with preferably an oem carb so what  i've done is put the link in the description to   the video i made last summer of me doing this on  a lawn mower check it out because you may have   similar issues with your lawn mowers and different  equipment and i've also put in the description a   link to where you can buy the micro drill bit set  to do this repair yourself so thanks again for   watching guys make sure you're subscribed to my  channel and that you're following me on facebook   twitter and instagram all the links are below the  video and you guys have a great day thanks again
Channel: donyboy73
Views: 66,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fixing, snowblower, that, surges, revs up and down, engine, annoying, sound, carburetor, snow blower, snowblower surging, briggs and stratton, snow blower surging, honda, ariens, tecumseh engine, donyboy73, taryl, mustie1, google, video, how-to, how, to, adjust, clean, air jet carburetor, youtube, poulan snowblower, toro, briggs and stratton carburetor repair, small engine repair, how to, snowblower carburetor cleaning, huskvarna snowblower surging, snow blower carburetor cleaning, craftsman, fuel, gas
Id: tfWNXsH2CVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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