FIXED IT... sort of (Custom Firmware for TrimUI Smart Pro - MinUI)

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I know what you're thinking the trim UI smart Pro needs to be simpler and needs to lose a lot of features to make it [Music] better that makes no sense at all what I'm trying to say today we are looking at the trim UI smart Pro using Min UI this is an operating system that is simple on purpose and so you lose a lot of features and those features are you limited to certain systems so you can't Tinker around with PSP and stuff even though I couldn't really play those systems but it can play everything up to PS1 but you do lose you know the ability to play some of the weird and wonderful systems that some of us do enjoy looking into you lose box art you lose the ability to use the joysticks although we never like the joysticks to begin with and there's no Wi-Fi capability which saves battery you don't have any need for Wi-Fi because there's no box out scraping so those are all the negatives but let's get into the setup guide and then I'll tell you why this is a good thing for your trim UI smart Pro if you're watching this you are a nerd yes yes you are excitingly I now have PCB way as a channel partner to feed our nerdy energy together so check out their website they have a very handy tool to do custom pcbs CNC Machining 3D printing and a whole lot of other stuff to create your nerdy projects PCB way also wanted me to tell you about the competition where you can win 1 mlion no sorry $1,000 in their 10year anniversary badge design contest that's $1,000 so please check the link in the description for the rules thank you PC beware for partnering with my channel to take me one step closer to turning this YouTube thing into a career okay let's start by going to the link in my written notes and we scroll down to the download then find that menu I file in your downloads folder EXT extracted so we're going to click on extract all extract all right and we are extracting so the nice thing about this is there are readme files so we're going to go to the first readme now in this downloaded extracted folder on the left hand side of my screen is bios and ROMs we want to go to our bios and we want to preload the BIOS into the respected folders which can get tricky I will list in my written notes which bios files Go in which folder your super famicom doesn't need bios files now we are taking our trusty SD card reader this must be powered down getting the SD card out and we are plugging this into the laptop your computer all right when inserting the card it's very important to not fix the card so if you click on this popup at the bottom here continue without scanning don't scan and fix because you will make mess up the card so let's put our trimi smart Pro SD card on the left downloads on the right hand side here menu ey folder on the rightand side so now inside of here we've got a trim UI folder which we're going to drag to the root so like we're not going to go into any folders on the SD card so just drag it over onto the SD card just do this for all current items say yes let everything carry over and the other thing we're going to drag is this meni zipped folder we're not going to unzip it and we're going to drag it over say yes and that is it now you can eject your SD card remove it from our computer and we're going to get started pop the SD card in and power the device on installing menu ey yippe so let's just review what we're getting here um I just want to mention and I'll put some writing on the screen now that so you can go onto your device and create a collections folder I've put this in my notes but essentially it's a collections and then you would create a text folder uh let's say for instance the Mario games. txt and then you would create the file extension where that that Mario game is and list them so I'll put it on the screen now how to do it and uh so it's a bit of a DIY situation but then you can actually create collection collections just like it was on the original uh trim UI software okay but now we really are dumbing down the software so what do you get in return you are getting a very very simple user interface which you know I didn't like this device that much I mean I gave it a good review because of the price but now I actually probably am going to use this for my lower end systems because it is so simple now there's the systems and then there's a recently played that's it you know um and then you go in and there your games there's no box art let's go into recently played let's open a game now when you're playing a game you press menu and it takes you into the in-game menu this is probably the best executed in-game menu that I've experienced on any device up until this point you know um usually they're over Dum it down or it doesn't work very well this is excellent so there's continue there's save load um and Now options there's a surprisingly large amount of options here for something that's been dumbed down so much so we've got front end where we can do our integer scaling so um aspect is where it stretches it to the screen but keeps the aspect ratio native which is your integer scaling which is really nice on the screen because you'll be surprised at how large the integer scaling can be on some of these games and then full screen now let's say for instance we want to play this particular game in full screen which I don't but let's just do that you also have a overclocking option there let's go Max fast forward speed there so now we want to change some other things we want to go in here we can change the aspect ratio there's are some cropping options a color palet option sound quality very high high let's put it on high then we go into controls here we can actually map controls here what I wanted to do was so a button B button turbo a is going to be X turbo b is going to be y shortcuts so here I'm going to do R2 as my save states shortcuts and I'm going to do L2 as my load State shortcuts those buttons are quite difficult to press and so that will work quite well you can also do I mean if you are playing Pokémon games and you want to fast forward you can do toggle fast forward here let's just put toggle fast forward R1 okay and then we save changes so we can save for the console we can save for the game so you can save for for this system for this console system or you can save for the game I'm just going to save for the game for now in case I screw something up here so there we have it it's in full screen so just this game is in full screen I now have fast forward I've got save states there are save states go in here load State there we go he's up on the screen there yep that's working it also has some pretty intuitive over here main menu uh options so show you the battery indicator there uh now let's press one so that goes into sleep mode I see the lights on for Sleep Buren which is a bit strange and then you press and hold to power off I mean it tells you what to do which is also cool like a open B back X resume which will actually resume the game um where you left off which brings me on to my next point so we're here we press and hold power quick save created powering off wait for those lights to go off so we know that that it's off there starting up again and it autor resumes where we left off you know a lot of these features are things that we look for in other systems you know like the system that I keep saying is the best um onion these are some of the things that are on onion that make anun no s so good and then if you press and hold menu you can set the brightness and then there's a volume indicator for the volume and when you're doing the volume it actually says Press menu and you'll get the brightness so now you've seen the good and the bad and I want to kind of make a case for why this is a good idea and to be honest when I got this device I did the review I gave it a good review because it was affordable and it played a lot of nice games but I never picked it up again and the reason is the software it's just not great it was okay but it wasn't great this is simple doesn't have box art I do like box art but it is so simple to use and with the auto resume feature that's reserved for systems like onion OS that I love and adore because it makes everyday life with the device manageable and it also gives good battery life cuz you're always powering it down because you know that it's just going to power back up into your game and so even though you're losing so many features and so many systems if you can put up with that I think this is an excellent system it also is an excellent system if you are setting up a device for a friend you're buying it as a gift because this is really simple and easy to use
Channel: Adin Walls
Views: 5,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trimui smart pro, Minui, Minui on the trimui smart pro, Custom firmware for the trimui smart pro, Best firmware for the trimui smart pro, How do i fix the trimui smart pro firmware, Better firmware for the trimui smart pro, Better software for the trimui smart pro, Upgrading the trimui smart pro
Id: TJ-T6xM9cDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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