Fix Your Graph Editor In Blender Now!

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okay so here i am in blender and let me pull up the graph editor so i'm going to select the top corner icon here switch to graph editor and i'll select my cube let's say i want to open up my properties here and i want to grab the zed location so i select this to see okay which one's the zed and i can't quite tell i've picked the zed location so let's say i'll grab here and i'll try and click it but you see when i click it actually selects the x location grab it again and oh wait now i'm on the zed it's just painful and when you've got thousands of keyframes and tons of objects this could be just such a pain to work with so let me show you how to clear it up first thing you want to do is come right up here to file we're going to edit preferences and what i like to do is go to the animation tab and take the unselected opacity and just drag that right down what this does is it dims all the channels that aren't selected so just makes it a little easier to see what you've got picked and what what you don't have pick so now you can see if i select this one here it's really bright but all these are dim so the next thing you want to do is go right over here to the view menu in your graph editor and just go right down here to only selected curve keyframes turn that on okay now what happens is when we come over here and click you can see every time i click i'm getting the same thing it's staying with the y euler rotation so if i select the channel over here in the list that's gonna be the only thing i can grab so i'm no longer running into this problem where i'm grabbing a bunch of stuff this is just so much easier because you can get really specific you can say all right i just want to mess with my z rotation let's say so i'll grab that now it's highlighted it's really visually clear that this is what i have picked i can box select it and i know it's the only keyframe i'm going to grab i'm not going to grab any of these others and now i can move it around and it's just just so much easier to use now you can see these are still down here where i left them so those two settings right there will literally change your life in blender when you're animating so i'd recommend you go change them right now save your preferences and don't forget about them hope you found this helpful video worth your time thanks for watching it if you enjoyed it hit that like button subscribe to the channel if you want to see all the other stuff as it comes out get notified ring the bell to get those notifications and please go consider checking out the patreon join the others there that are supporting the work that i'm doing here on youtube you can also join on youtube by becoming a channel member check all those things out there's tons of great features and stuff for you thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed catch you in the next one see you later bye you
Channel: CBaileyFilm
Views: 29,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender turorial, blender beginner tutorial, scifi, create a short film, create a fan film
Id: kQTXv2wfIrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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