Fix Visual Studio Code Unity IntelliSense AutoComplete (ACTUALLY Working Solution)

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you installed visual studio code if you go to edit preferences you can select in external tools visual studio code if visual studio code is not in this list then you install it poorly if you know where the poorly installed visual studio code exe file is you can click browse and pick it there otherwise just select visual studio code let me just show you that again visual studio code okay don't leave yet go to general and enable autorefresh if you want the project to automatically refresh after you save changes in visual studio code seems like this old behavior that was default has been changed to off by default we can close preferences now we can now right click create c-sharp script let's call it move let's double-click it it opens in visual studio code if i try to do anything in visual studio code however for example transform nothing it already suggests the c-sharp extension is recommended for this file type yeah let's just disable telemetry telemetry nope nope close restart and now it doesn't inform us about c sharp anymore oh there it is okay so you can just press install here or if it's disappeared you can go to extensions and enter c sharp let's install c sharp okay i don't know why it suggests me a color theme what what is wrong with you come on let's close it and it's not working quite yet but you don't need to install any unity stuff you don't need any of them it's so confusing there's so many options but you don't need any of them you only need c sharp only c sharp let's open my visual studio code again okay i can see it's still not loading there is no intellisense working so to solve this we can just close this and then go to assets and open c-sharp project look at that downloading package omnisharp for windows let's wait for that it's 40 megabytes you can see it down here downloading packages you can see how much percent it's done that's nice it's installing more net core debugger if you say so razer language server why this just feels like back using linux again finished ah no it works transform okay it's working now transform uh position plus equals vector free up times point one f let's try that ctrl s unity automatically reloads let's create an object that actually can move let's move the script onto it and start oh right right right we actually want this to happen on update and it's updating and it's moving intellisense is working all you have to do is wait after installing c sharp now let's try this in a new project i don't know why i saved that new test create let's create a new script call it test enter or double click and it's not working transf oh transform no position what's going on these things with references that they make me think that the intellisense kicked in but game no it doesn't work it does not work so it looks like we do have to go for openc sharp project well transfo no transfer no okay let's close this first and then assets open c sharp project transfo okay now maybe transform yes now it works why why why i'm really not sure let's create another new project and see if it really is all it takes assets open c-sharp project um i guess new file test.cs what i guess i have to go to assets new file tests dot cs um well it doesn't fill with all the content so i guess we're going to create a new script file here well yeah i'm just going to delete this create script test and now refresh here assets test transform [Music] transform transform game it doesn't work closing visual studio code double clicking the file game object game object transform no oh my goodness closing visual studio code assets open c sharp project please just work transform works why i hate visual studio code for this but it looks like you have to open the script file once then you have to close visual studio code and then you have to go to assets open c sharp project yet another new project there might be an alternative let's create c sharp test five let's double click the file and now let's go to file open folder and here we're gonna select test four not the assets folder but test four the name of the whole unity project select folder doesn't does it work yet it does not work yet let's refresh okay okay nothing yet let's close it let's restart it nothing yet let's ctrl s to save and transform nothing yet let's close it let's go to assets open c sharp project transform transform now it works i wish i could make a shorter video i hate what is going on that kind of also explains why visual studio non-code is the standard recommended tool just a reminder you don't need any of the unity tools for this to work you just need to for some reason tell unity to freaking open c-sharp project and now with that knowledge let's go and sleep forever ciao
Channel: qubodupDev
Views: 207,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autocomplete, visualstudiocode, vscode, code, mscode, unity, unity 2020, unity 2021, how to fix autocomplete in vscode, vscode intellisense doesn't work, visual studio code autocomplete doesn't work
Id: aorB7hzIOKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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