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see how you start shooting as you're moving and then there is just none of this like mini mini micro adjustment this is literally what you want to work on now and now the problem is you're stepping a lot right so Mr Logan will hear you unfortunately and they will expect you with P us if the teammate is making noise I'll make noise I don't give a [ __ ] then cuz it's was teammate making noise yeah oh nice shots and you have a smoke you should drop it like ASAP do you know why you should drop it anywhere is this like fried chicken or something in your uh yeah it's yeah I love fried chicken just random my cross is so small oh you you actually have my Crosshair style that's weird okay you watch Theo yeah so the angle clearing is not perfect and then you also need to understand that as the first one out right out of Palace you should be kind of jumping around the Angles and trying to push forward so you create space for your teammates to stand here and shoot right because if these enemies are able to kind of calmly fight the first guy in which is you you're not going to be in a perfect situation with the other teammates since they're just going to kill you and then shoot at the other teammates but if you jump out of Palace and jump on S side right they they will have their cros fixed on you so it will go like up and down and your teammates will have easier fights against them right so as the first one you want to be jumping around the corners and just going to side basically creating space right yes yes I realized that after I die like you know after I died I was like I could have done better but like I don't know it doesn't happen instantly for me it sucks it's mostly so the enemies are feel in danger they can calmly take the duels right because someone is pushing them yeah and their crossair placement is going to be all over the place cuz it's like enemies all around them and all that want them to feel that I guess hey you guys actually decide to kind of go be here sort of it was weird yes I mean to be honest you're kind of aggressive here right you you don't need to be in the middle of the site of Galil and the the the push is generally a bit disjointed as well look two of your teammates are still mid right and you guys are pushing B you could have waited slightly longer in the ABS here like there's after after we got that kill or after no no like even now like right now there's no need to be pushing in In This Moment oh okay I even now after you got the kill like right now you you didn't have to push further than here back side because your teammates are M right so so there's no need for you to be here and I'm pretty sure by the way here this duel right I will even slow it down for you right now I'm pretty sure you didn't reenter your mouse here so here when you were fighting that guy you moved your mouse over and you started shooting do you see yes yes yes so you didn't reenter it so that's why it's kind of jittery and it's not like very calm um moving faster I would if I was small fast movement I would have been already at The Sweet Spot you should have done a big snap like fast fast snap and then adjust like micro to him but you you did like a slow movement to the right and then you shot from the right of the mouse pad and those as well you were kind of in the middle of nowhere so that also didn't help do you know all the insta smokes yeah yeah bro you're a nerd I don't know like half of them there's 15 right I know oh okay well I know like all of the normal spawns and an extra one like move yeah yeah I don't know all of them bro like there's map to do it but it's so many well how many four plus 5 I guess I know like 13 12 or 13 God damn that's lot still wait is that yours did I [ __ ] it up yeah is the t- smoke this is a terrible t- smoke oh no it was not my smoke yeah I know I know I know it's not yours but I'm going saying is it yours as a team oh a team okay yes and yeah and you're just not looking at jungle right so and now you're not looking at site which you should [ __ ] so it's General awareness of where the enemies are based of what you kill so let's make it logical first you get killed the GU STS usually the guy STS is normally what player like con player right yeah there's one more inside has to be but I don't know if yeah there he he's [ __ ] there there is one more guy playing a somewhere and one more guy playing jungle usually the oper but in this case he didn't have the op right so the next logical point you should look at is either side or jungle where when you we're crossing jungle you should probably look at jungle and also I'm not going to say anything but you were exposed to short as you were going here on to the right I wasn't to I wasn't huging the right side yeah yeah no you were now but after that kill you weren't right now you exposed to short you're exposed to Jungle and you're exposed to side so the better call I mean there is actually a guy short but he's still like kind of hidden and he's not picking you so here you should get closer to that wall on the right and just pick that guy jungle right and then if you see no one jungle you should like Ste keep clearing jungle and then turn around towards side and now it's turn time to turn around toward side he probably CT pushed Palace push [ __ ] or side that's where he can be probably so let's see so I can hug the wall on the CT side and face the site maybe that's probably the best way to I guess yeah you should go here here here then you kill this guy then you HCK this wall here here and then you start Hing this wall and clearing like this and then you go into City I believe it's not in refra I don't think it's in refra the one coming up mid I don't know yeah to a con to a I remember back in the days when there was wpr Maps there was a scenario like that but I think in refr they didn't put it um wait you bought a P250 and the CER what the [ __ ] my my mindset here oh I don't know about the purchase but like my mindset here was to just play around that AK yeah that's a good idea actually but um you could have bought like small cavlar the klar on the body and the desert eagle for example I don't really I'm not really a fan of P250 to be honest in this case when you guys are fored buying did I have enough money to buy a deagle yes and and small ker without head armor oh without head armor okay I always buy head armor as a te I don't know if that's a bad idea when you don't have a better pistol maybe it's worth considering a better pistol over head armor you know okay and now the problem is you're stepping a lot right so Mr Logan will hear you unfortunately and they will expect you with P us so do you know where you need to stop stepping timing wise to not be heard by the a players this may be if the teammate is making noise I'll make noise I don't give a [ __ ] then because it's was teammate making noise I don't know was he if you can hear the sounds I don't know I if he wasn't then I'm an idiot I know why I'm making steps if he was making steps then I won't walk he was he was making steps but in general I'm I just want to tell you this is the timing here to stop making steps if you don't want to be H by the a players right here right around this corner yeah and generally when you guys are sneaking up palas it would be worth not making because do you see the rotation right now happening on the on the radar that's crazy yeah it's it's a lot of people rotating over towards you so I don't give give you a great future here in Palace in this little choke point I mean you know we got destroyed anyway I know but in this round I'm I'm just saying like look at the setup already right this is [ __ ] already yeah like you can't really go yeah yeah unless you're friend with a condom on the head does something Miracles like he tries yeah I baited the [ __ ] out of him too yeah did I lose my gun here I don't know why I didn't buy a gun think I [ __ ] up my buy or something yeah I actually need to see what you have bought you bought Cav without any gun [ __ ] up I was planning to buy a deagle and I [ __ ] up yeah 2,300 2,300 well wait you we won that round no you lost you lost I was confused um you have 2,400 you probably should save this round I think yeah yeah I just if the team guess I just go with the team stuff but like but the team is saving is it yeah let me see I'm the only one that didn't a AV guy has money for next round the green guy has money for next round uh blue has money for next round and orange is the only odd one so you and orange are the weird ones buying so if you go with the most of the team you should actually be saving so in this case what I would recommend buying when you have 2,300 is just honestly buy a desert eagle you should never buy a full armor and head armor like body killer and head armor without any better gun okay I mean deagle without any armor is okay you say yeah but armor without is not okay no yeah because what comes out of you having a Glock when you have full armor and you're not easy to kill Glock is going to take five years to kill someone anyways right so with a dle without armor you can one up someone and it's still like uh and it's still still possible to kill someone but even if you the caver gives you time to to shoot because you're not like one shot uh from the enemies well you still need to take a lot of time to shoot them so it doesn't make sense so you're basically giving yourself more time to fight with the kler and then you're leave like cutting the time to prolonging the time to kill them because you don't have a better weapon that's what I mean so weapon over caver always thr here think I run back maybe you can pick up a weapon now oh yeah you have though okay this makes sense you knew it from all along that you're going to pick up no okay I didn't know that of course but like I do think about that when I buy I'm like if I could just get a gun you know I have the Kevlar and everything I'm a you know I have everything set yeah but oh nice shots I do have a smoke you should drop it like ASAP do you know why you should drop it anywhere like throw it anywhere no because it creates more angles for you right now you just killed two players from this position and they know you're here right but if you throw a smoke right hand click maybe in the middle of sight or to the right of you wherever you create more angles you know they don't know where you are anywhere just toss it anywhere that could be in the smoke I could be anywhere now around the smoke okay yeah just TOS it right now just drop it on the ground whatever I see o and again you could have toasted right anywhere yeah but I didn't hear you at the time yeah I know oh no this guy's going to walk on on you nice try nice try this was a really nice try to be honest my my Conor stripes are better I shoot when I'm moving and [ __ ] okay so just going up cat the guy is full peeking now you should not look towards cat anymore o o oh we got it okay the problem was a little like Jitter here I don't know if you did it because you expected him to peek out or look so you see this guy and he's going to be like a Jitter to the right I think it's like I'm just not calm like for some reason like when I see an enemy like I don't know just freaking freak out or something I mean this this is okay but oh no to be honest this was an easy kill because you spotted his you look you you you even spotted it in the game right I just whiffed H about yeah I know oh no I should have had so easy easy kill you Just sh to quickly right in general you were shooting a bit too quickly in this whole run yeah there is like this as I as I said what's lacking in those all of those shots is this little small making sure that you're on them that's little like micr track in the end this didn't happen in all of these duels this is good taking mid control I respect that even though your teammates are uh going a we still not scared and this I kind of I'm weirded out by just crouching like that and yeah this is just misses but it's okay it's good impact you know you went out M you put some pressure If I'm you if I'm like in the middle by myself I'm going into cor a bit faster you know you kind of slow down on top m is it a good idea to look for timing like sometimes it's worked for me I don't know if it's always a good idea like the wa for timing for pressure on a side yeah yeah and then gas from the back yeah that's a good idea but then you can't be uh making yourself obvious that you're in mid if you made yourself obvious that you're in mid before you can't just find the timing you have to be like completely silent for example go from under oh okay okay like where the [ __ ] did they go yeah so here you should go up to the left instead of going down uh to towards the chair and peek short you know you want to cover your teammate again you start shooting a bit too fast right terrorist win see how you start shooting as you're moving and then there is there none of this like mini mini micro adjustment this is literally what you want to work on now on this like small micro adjustment yeah I think the stuff I'm training should eventually right yeah yeah but if you need to focus on this like this is your main point so okay these are nice shots so sometimes you're hting these nice shots but there moments where you're not very comfortable and you get caught off guard and that's when the micro adjustments you forget about them you you you counter strife and then you moved again look see how you like ad there oh yeah why did I do that that's why it took you slightly longer to kill that guy otherwise you would be fine to kill that I should have just stopped where I was and just shot right saying extra move yeah I actually respect so much for these smokes I mean it helps that you're playing only Mirage but I used to be playing in The Meta where it wasn't yet uh something to throw this you know and when someone came up with them it was super like popular flash mean like before they were known as a thing yeah I was playing before they were known before no anybody was throwing like any insta smoke anywhere there was no such thing as insta smokes before people got better at this game okay wait and then you moved with W on this guy right there was no reason to move with W here so you should have like peed with a and then you did like two movements as well here by the way so the guy is peeking out the only thing you should have done here is just Crouch or stand and shoot him as he's coming out right but you hear the steps and you to do like this one movement turn around I mean and now you hear him it's going to be one movement s a a again and then shooting right and now you press W see W forward and you should have picked con even though you don't expect this guy here you should have picked con with andd immediately not moved with W here and then you press D and that's why you miss by the way the Crosser was on him it was just bad movement here yeah but the the whole R routine of you smoking and then going up here and then running up cat is pretty good I don't think I don't really have any other play I don't think I don't know if I do you don't need other place if you do this right oh you saw his shadow oh this guy is's so bad nice this oper is terrible by the way I don't know what he was trying to do there also here see here again this is movement mement for you here he started moving with W look see you going forward as you're shooting him that's why you're missing I mean now you're letting him cross towards fire box I know what you're looking at yeah and I think I realized this now and I'm like I don't want to AC cross CT so I'm like let me at least pick he could have gone he could have gone City already yeah that's the problem I realized I was like then I'm giving him way more like I don't know where he'll be at all yeah I have no idea saw you saw him here actually really yeah and again you were moving my shoting and you went stairs you don't going to go don't go stairs in the clutches the the reason why you don't go stairs there's just like suicide is it like L just realized like yeah they are I never get a Kill stairs ever yeah is it why is that I don't actually understand that it's just too many angles or I don't know why it's like everyone's expecting you to be stairs or something yeah no no I will explain every single point right now so first of all when you have a Glock and you're rushing Palace that's generally what should happen we're just going out here you're hopping around make less footsteps right no it doesn't matter but it's just like you're jumping across the the most common angle so cross the stairs angle ideally you want a teammate right with these types of scenarios yeah of course you're you're never going to be jumping around like that if you don't have teammates never MH entry pathway this is like the entry path you should be taking so you crouch here you stand up you clear the Angles and you move up like you can do that faster as well I feel like you didn't clear triple well enough or like the guy could have been like on the other side of triple or like yeah I don't care about it I don't care okay because if he's standing I mean he could be standing there yeah so but that's not such a common spot that someone will be here okay he he will not be he doesn't know if someone is Palace ramp he not going to like stand here okay okay uh don't buy full armor without a gun that's pretty obvious you were shooting a bit too quickly then this micro adjustments as well it's all mechanics and now in clutches you don't go stairs because from stairs well who can kill you side default Palace ramp CT right but if you're here for example now CT can't kill you ramp can kill you palas can barely kill you and you can isolate angles right okay also do that oh um yeah actually if I'm rotating from cat actually since you're showing this uh if I'm coming in from cat um if it's a a hit um I I get myself in this situation right there where you're at in the con area where they showing me yeah and it's I don't have a good success right here like I'm I [ __ ] hate it like it's like if they're all over sight I feel like all I can do is throw some [ __ ] grenades or something yeah you need to FL them out my death for example you need to throw mly defa right that mol is both default and ninja um or Firebox I guess you call it this thing okay so I should have lineups for these yeah what I would do I would Molly this smoke Palace if I still have my smoke and just go and take uh take these DS right uh depending where whether I have teammate City or not I would I would uh clear it or not but generally if they are in C and side and you don't have anybody coming from City that's suicide and you probably lost the run so you want to save okay so you're trying to get towards triple like kind of is your mindset like you want to yeah I want to go like this right I want to get like here and get towards the side like that okay I think I have that mindset okay I think I say that's what I was trying to do is just it really depends on the timing
Channel: pienixcs
Views: 10,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs2 mirage nades, cs2 mirage guide, cs2 mirage, cs2 mirage smokes, how to play mirage cs2, how to play mirage, cs2 premier, cs2 premier mode, cs2 settings, cs2 rank, cs2 tips and tricks, cs2 ranks, cs2 best settings, csgo tips and tricks, cs2 tips, cs2 beta, cs2 tricks, cs2 fps, counterstrike 2, mistakes, counter-strike 2, counter strike 2, cs2, csgo, cs 2, counter strike source 2, counter strike, counter-strike, pro cs2 players, counter-strike:global offensive
Id: q2l_kxLQTmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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