Fix Tekken 8 PC Crashing Issue with Process Lasso - Step-by-Step Guide

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen and if you have stumbled across this video you're probably just as pissed off as I was when I downloaded Tekken 8 went to fire it up for the first time and it crashed right to the desktop now the reason it does that or at least the reason it does that for me is because I have an Intel I 9900k now you might be thinking wow that's you know one of the top ofth line Intel processors right now why is that causing the game to crash well the Intel 12th 13th and 14th generation processors utilize a hybrid core technology the cores are split up between performance cores and efficiency cores and what I believe is happening in this case is uh the game itself is just not optimized correctly to utilize that hybrid core techn technology and hopefully a patch will be coming soon that will fix that but until then there is a fix uh but unfortunately it does require third-party software to apply and that's just because the crash happens instantly as soon as the game opens now I have demonstrated the same fix on Assassin's Creed Odyssey in a previous video and you don't need process lasso for that because at least you can get the game running going to your task manager and apply the setting uh before the game actually crashes or has any faults so I'll go ahead and demonstrate with Tekken 8 I'm going to open it and it's going to crash and you can see we had the little crash there and we're done you know Tekken eight just crashed so we'll go and try it again and see if we can get a different error message that at least keeps the Tekken 8 process open so we'll try and launch it one more time nope it's just going to crash and burn on us so normally how you would fix this or at least the Assassin's Creed way is inside of task manager I'll go ahead and bring over my task manager even though teeken 8 is not open but right here uh you know you can right click on a process and choose efficiency mode and then hit okay that's the fix it's enabling efficiency mode for teken 8 but the problem is is as soon as you close text uh task manager or you close Tekken 8 you know the game crashes to the desktop the process goes away any settings you apply to it go away as well so we need a way to ensure that when the game launches that efficient mode is enabled and in unfortunately there's no way to do that right now in Windows we need a third party application and that application is going to be called process lasso um I'll have a link below in the description now process lasso is a paid application you can use it for free but it does have a nagware element it will ask you to purchase uh you know the application every time you open in and then you have to let that window sit for 5 to 10 seconds and then the application will run and you can use it but hey it works so I'm going to go ahead and demonstrate that now so here is my process lasso and hopefully teeken 8 you know I'll be able to bring in process lasso and show you guys uh what I do here when Tekken 8 opens or when we catch the teeken 8 process oh perfect we got a different error message that keeps that process open for a second so right here we have the Polaris WI 64 that is the teeken 8 process I'm going to right click on it efficiency mode choose always and then on and now that Tekken 8 has crashed and it's closed the process has gone away but the great thing about process lasso is it's going to remember to put that process into efficiency mod as soon as it shows up so I'm going to go ahead and launch Tekken 8 again and it's going to work we're not going to have any problems with it and there we go Tekken 8 is launched and it's working now this is I'm using Windows 11 uh so if you're using Windows 10 uh I believe in Windows 10 it's called eco mode not efficiency mode so slight difference there but anyways guys this is the fix that worked for me hopefully if uh you're having a similar problem you have a 12 13th 14th uh gen Intel CPU get yourself processed lasso do what I did the game will be fixed it'll run happy fighting good night guys thanks for watching I will catch you on the next one goodbye
Channel: Player1Gear
Views: 1,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tekken 8, PC Gaming, Process Lasso, Tekken Crash Fix, Gaming Tutorial, PC Gaming Problems, Tekken 8 Crash Issue, Gaming Community, Tech Tips, Troubleshooting, Game Optimization, CPU Utilization, Gaming Performance, Process Lasso Tutorial, Tekken 8 Support, Gaming Solutions, Gaming Fixes, PC Troubleshooting, Tekken Tips, PC Performance, Gaming Help
Id: 30FrFoDtM1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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