fix flutter error | zsh command not found flutterfire | Firebase | mac

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[Music] hello everyone today we'll try to solve the problem like we show it now f i write this commment flatter fire configure and press enter I have this error I get this error this only for this terminal same problem and flatter up if I write in the terminal for right this command and press enter I get this error this only if you have zsh type of U type of terminal before we start solve this problem please click on the sub subscribe and share this video to support other guys please comment below the video if you have any question let's start the first step go to terminal and terminal we need to and some line to Bath file by writing this first step I will copy this and run it here make sure you don't have make sure you don't have any space and press run if you got if you get this screen like me press e if you not get screen you will get this this page for you this will different make sure you n do Z CH RC after that press from keyboard the key I make sure after press key I you get this inser after that we will add the path this we pressing I this is path I copy it to here export copy from here after that I press down row to get to the last and I move it by right K to go to end I will press enter to get new L after that I will P the command make sure you have this and this same and this same have the same after that Focus to insert and we need to press esape from the keyboard press Escape after press the Escape we need to save this file by pressing as we write here Skip and this command colon WQ from the keyboard right colon here Focus here w q and press enter now we exit from this file now we check if this file save comment or no we write it again press enter press if you have this screen press e now we sure it's added and I will skape well press and I will close terminal we need the last step restart the terminal WR on the terminal Qui after that you can close flatter up close vs code run flatter up again or you can run terminal again and write the commment to check if problem is solving or now now we see the problem is solving now we'll check it from flatter up write the same command maybe we need to close this to get this this is common for you maybe sh is clear press enter now the project start fing Firebase project this mean the problem is fix it we will waiting yes this is fire Firebase response Please Subscribe and share this video to support other guys and write any comment below the video if you have any question thank you for watching bye
Channel: BS2Prop
Views: 1,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CmBRE83kHtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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