Fix: Error: Unable to access jarfile

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what's up guys my name is tank number here for troubleshoot and today I've got another video for you regarding a minecraft server is so over here I have the 1.16 snapshot server that I went through setting up in one of my previous videos which will be linked down below if you're interested however some users have been complaining that when they used a run dark matter they see an error somewhat similar to this unable to access a jar file server so of course you may be a bit confused error unable to access jar file server but over here we have server jar what exactly is going wrong well if we open up run dot batch we see this over here it basically looks correct we have a Java followed by the RAM that it can use and then we have a jar server no GUI what exactly is wrong here well it's very simple it's the fact that we have server and not server dot jar note that the file extension is important here as soon as I change it to server jar save it and close it then run run dot bat you'll see that as soon as that finishes opening will then see the server startup as such of course the fuelers doesn't start properly and you've made sure to rename it the same as the dot jar file inside of the folder so it might be a minecraft.jar craftbukkit jar server dot jar as long as it has a jar extension then you will hope that it works however if you're still getting the error make sure to look inside of the Windows File Explorer go across to the View tab and make sure that file name extensions is checked once you make sure then make sure that the server jar file itself actually ends in dot jar you may want to go ahead and rename the entire thing type it out yourself server dot jar just to make sure that there's no spaces or hidden characters that you haven't seen after you've made sure of that you can open up the Ihram man yet again and make sure that the name of the server jar file actually matches the one inside of the same folder after doing that double click run dot bat and you'll see that the server should start up as per normal anyways that's rutted thank you all for watching mine is being taken over here for troubleshoot i hope this video helped you and i'll see you all next one ciao
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 237,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unable to access jarfile, minecraft server, unable to access jarfile fix, unable to access jarfile craftbukkit.jar, to, minecraft unable to save download error fix, minecraft (award-winning work), unable to access, how to, access, minecraft how to cannon, unable, minecraft server how to create, jarfile, how to run a minecraft server, tutorial, how to fix java not opening minecraft forge installer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 7sec (127 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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