FIX! - 2010 Malibu cranks/no start up problem solved

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hello everyone uh today I have here a 2010 Chevy Malibu and I was uh experiencing some problems with startup on this vehicle at random times it would just stop starting up and uh I went through a few uh different procedures uh first was changing the ignition switch uh which is uh very common and then I did the ignition uh cylinder as well uh those two didn't solve the problem so I did some further Diagnostics on this vehicle uh now uh anyone who is running into this problem please don't go ahead and buy uh ignition cylinders and ignition switches and start on those right away you you want to start with the basic so uh first is testing the fuel pump and how I figured out it was the fuel pump was uh I bought some um startup fluid and injected it into uh the um uh the intake over here and uh you can find the intake actually underneath here so you have to actually pop this off so once you get this off you can actually pull this cover right off so this cover goes right off so you can just go ahead and pull that straight out just give it a little little push here and that's the fuel intake the sorry air intake over there so you could actually inject some um uh startup fluid into there and see if it starts up so mine I injected the fluid in there and it would start up for 1 second or so and then shut off again so that gave me a hint to um the the fuel pump um I realized that there wasn't any fuel coming into the the engine and that's what was causing the issue um now what I've discovered is uh GM uh has poor re relays so I tested all these relays over here everything was perfectly fine over here and at times you would find that some of the relays um when it would start up the relay would be working perfectly fine uh but then after uh I had the uh the startup issues um at that point there was one of the relays that was uh kicking off so uh that was the actual problem so you might take it to a mechanic and it would start on that day and then the mechanic would test it and he would be like okay everything's perfectly fine but that Relay can uh just go off on you at random times so I'm going to show you which relay that is so that's actually the first step um I actually changed the relay on this car it's work working perfectly fine now so um I would recommend doing that as well that's your first step so what I'm going to show you here is uh you actually have to go into a trunk um so I'll open up the trunk here I'm very in a very tight space here so I'm just going to pull that up so we'll open up the trunk okay once you open up the trunk here um in this melu okay so in the trunk uh right over here so once you get inside the trunk on the left side over here there's actually a little panel over here that you can open up so once you open this panel up um there's a f fuse box right inside uh so open up this fuse box and and uh you could just pull out the relay uh for the fuel pump which is this guy over here um and if your vehicle is uh an older Chevy you might just want to double check on this chart over here uh to see which one the fuel relay is and in my case it's the 37 so um 37 right there at the bottom uh is the fuel pump so uh that's this guy right over here so I'm going to pull back a little bit and I'll show you which one it is so that one right at the back there that's your fuel pump relay here you want to pull that one out okay also going to show you how to test relays so uh what you want to do is uh Once you pull out that relay it has a little diagram on it so uh I'll just find that diagram it's right over here uh so this diagram basically tells you that uh if you uh connect uh positive and negative to 85 and 86 so yeah 85 and 86 uh yeah so if you connect a a battery to positive negative to 85 and 86 it will actually just uh short circuit uh 30 and 87 connecting them together so uh giving uh current to uh the fuel pump and turning it on so uh what you can do is just get a battery 12vt battery run wires from your battery to these two terminals here 85 and 86 so if you look on the side here 85 and 86 should be diagonal so uh we'll have it uh these two here so you just want to connect a positive negative it doesn't the order doesn't matter just connect them to positive and negative and you should hear a click if you don't hear a click that means your relay is bad so 85 and 86 once again most of the relays here are 85 and 86 and 87 830 short circuits when you connect 85 and 86 at the time you're testing uh this relay it might work so if it is working and you can't start your car then you might have uh the cylinder issue or the ignition issue but if it's not working go ahead and change that or what you could do is make a wire like this and uh you know you could just straight ahead just short circuit 30 and 87 so I could put this wire again along 87 and uh 30 um and uh then plug that relay back into my uh fuse box and see if that starts it up that's initially what I did um I actually short circul this and this and I went ah Hadad to try and start up the car and it started perfectly fine uh after a few moments I tested this relay again and it was working so um I'm not sure what's going on uh I'll have to uh go and buy another relay but uh meanwhile I am just boring another relay from uh my horn so uh that's going to just get me to the dealership and I'm going to go and change that so that is uh just one way you could diagnose this vehicle uh this has given me a hard time like I said I I I did a lot of uh uh different things on this vehicle and uh didn't realize that it was just such a small issue so I hope this helped and uh leave any comments and I'll be sure surely uh able to answer any uh problems you might have and thank you for watching
Channel: Engineer Shah
Views: 441,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no start condition, car won't start, relay problem, relay, no start, malibu starting, malibu won't start, 2010 malibu, no start malibu, 2011 malibu, 2012 malibu, 2013 malibu, 2009 malibu, chevrolet startup, chevy wont start, fix startup problem, how to fix chevy start
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2016
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