FiveM Server Sided Sounds and Sirens Tutorial

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all right in this video we'll be looking at custom server-sided Sirens we're going off the cuff so no scripts here um so if you hear me stumble or there's some gaps or um just excuse those sorry but I'm trying to help you guys out by making this video and I don't have the time to write all that stuff so we're going to be just um going on a brief overview of what are the steps to make the custom server-sided siren awcs or the actual files needed for them to get over to your client game so first make a plan how many different Sirens are you going to be using how many tons per siren and how many awcs are you going to use we'll talk about those here in a little bit so come up with how many different departments you're going to use how many siren tones per each of those departments download the siren tones that you plan on using from lcpfr or other sites rename them do I recommend renaming them to air horn whale Yelp priority instead of their default GTA tones and get them all organized into a folder so if it came in an RPF you're going to want to extract those tones if there's other junk in there just go ahead and remove that just get all the tones organized to their respective folders then we're going to replace the server-sided siren placeholders which will come with that resource with the new tones that we just downloaded very tedious take your time a mistake here could be a headache later yeah then we're going to create an AWC by dragging an OAC into openiv and I'm about to give you guys a definition for that so I'm going to hang on with me you'll kind of understand what's going on and then we're going to drag that AWC back into our server-side siren resource from openiv so let's talk about what these acronyms are OAC and AWC open audio containers or an open IV format which contains all the details needed for openip to make an AWC you can think of this as a recipe it is the instructions for openiv to make an AWC an AWC is an audio wave container it's a built in with Rockstar and GTA 5 they came up with this and it has a lot of special parameters and that's why we use openiv to build that for us it's pretty complicated this is what 5m uses awcs 5m does not look at oacs the game doesn't use oacs so what we're trying to get to is an audio wave container that the game will then we look at the graphic at the bottom we're going to drag our OAC into openiv openiv will then go out to the folder get all the tones and build them into our result of an AWC let's talk about some of the limitations involved here some of the no-nos before we get started in the example you cannot change the name of the tones do not rename the tones from the server-side design resource you're going to obviously be renaming the tones that you downloaded but you cannot change the name of them on the server-sided side you cannot change the name of the OAC folder the AWC file because it's pretty complicated how this stuff works it just doesn't work that way you cannot change the name of it it will not work for you guys larger long tones may not work there are limitations to GTA 5. Rockstar made it to only support basically what they needed it to do there's no point for them to bake in extra stuff so a super long or super large tones may not work similarly if your AWC the resultant file is too large because your tones are too large combined it may not work as well and you cannot have missing tones so if you don't need a tone on the server-side design resource I recommend you use an empty WAV file or you can leave the placeholder in there but you cannot just delete it and pretend it's gone obviously open IV is looking at that recipe and it will not be happy if you don't have all the ingredients there wav files must be mono Channel and 16-bit PCM this is more complicated audio stuff if you're making your own Sirens um just keep that in mind most of your Sirens that you can download off lcpr are already going to be compatible with this horn whale all right so on the left here I have my folder of siren tones and on the right I have the server-side it's iron resource OAC that I'm working on I copy the name by double clicking on it and then I delete it and I copy over the tone that I'm replacing with double click on it and paste the new name so it's a lot of renaming a lot of copy and pasting and that's where these errors can come into play If you hit the wrong tone or you miss a tone and then you have to go back later and do it again so I recommend enabling the size display for the actual file it'll kind of help you see um which ones you have and have not because typically you're you're turned well all the pre placeholders are around the same size so I'm just going to continue doing that and I'll get back with you when I'm done [Music] all right so now that we've replaced our wave files and each of our OAC folders I'm in here we have all of these chosen working we can go ahead and make our awcs from our road of oacs so to do that we're going to open up open IV turn on edit mode and for simplicity's sake I'm just going to create a folder call that server side returns since we won't actually need this in our base game later um we'll just add this here and we can delete them after we're done so we'll go ahead and drag and drop all of our oacs in here that'll create the awcs so just use the recipe to make a resultant awcs and now we can drag and drop them back here we'll do copy and replace so now we have our awc's we're ready for 5m to stream this to each of the clients and we'll be able to utilize those tones so now that we're done we can actually delete this folder and don't need it anymore we can exit out of open ID all right so for the remainder this video we'll be talking about how to actually get 5m to play these Sirens um and to do that we'll be using luxart vehicle control version 3 which is the resource I've made as a siren and light controller so the remainder of this will be for that purpose we've already had we've already replaced our tones we already have the awcs 5m now has has access to those if you're integrating this with another resource you might need to go find another tutorial on where you would do that there I know there are some out there that have instructions actually play those tones but yeah let's continue with lvcv3 so I have open our sirens.lua which contains all of the sirens that the script will use and I have opened some documentation here so this is Luxor engineer stock page a page I wrote about all the different information and tools and things that you might need us so if we navigate to the server-side siren integration page talks about some of the resources in this case we're using server-side it sounds irons will request the audio Bank um so we need to find the audio banks for these here I just do a little um find command and we're going to paste them on inside the irish.lua above here now lvc does have a limitation of seven awc's and that's why I'm use seven here it is a limitation based on 5m side because it's a Lewis script Els I know I think can use or but it's not something I can fix it's something citizen FX problem we'll just keep copying and pasting these over all right so now once we have all the we've requested all the script audio Banks this is telling 5m hey we're going to be using these let's go ahead and get them loaded and ready to go we'll continue down here so I already included a yes a list of all of the specific [Music] example siren table with every single tone and like I said you can copy and paste this it's just going to be a little harder because you're going to have so many different tones to look at so what I recommend doing is doing it manually and so we'll just go ahead and start copying down uh for example in this case I'm actually going to start with LCPD ENT police siren you know it's a little more here we go what I'm going to do is just copy and paste this over here I'm going to make a note so copy and paste this over here add up and so now I would go in and rename these Sirens to what you would like them to be in my case I'm using the 295 this is the whale tone help but you get the concept you'd go through here and rename them to whatever name that you would like them to have how it's helpful to keep them organized for a little sure I will go ahead and look at he and since I am copy and pasting them I'm gonna have to change the numbers on these big deal we have 15 but down here and we'll need to know that for uh in the future and go ahead and all right and so I would continue renaming this I'm not going to go ahead and do that right now very important that you um don't lose track of your numbers and you're making sure that all your numbers are working because we'll need them later to actually sign them to the barge if you get those off uh you're going to be a little bit confused when you're playing the wrong fire in town so you're going to continue doing this until you have all of the sirens that you've streamed here included in your Sirens table for simplicity's take I'm just going to go ahead and copy over I've already done this so let's copy and paste that over all right so for simplicity's sake I went ahead and just copied and pasted um a table that I've already done in the past um but you just complete the process copy and paste over irons over here make sure that you renumber them so that they're in order um and this is actually from the example pack that I have on the Lux art vehicle interval extras Repository the link in the description and on my Discord as well so in this pack we're going to be having we have the Weyland 295 the federal signal touch Master Delta Master com B Wayland Cent comp gold a fire horn a power call and a q siren as well you'll notice that I'm not actually using all the sirens here so you don't have to include if you have an empty placeholder you don't need to include that and so you can go through and listen to each of the tones as you fill these out make sure that you get the name right and if there is any empty ones you can actually emit those we don't need them so in this case you know bcft has um six tones I believe included in the sound pack but we're only using two of them the rest of them are going to be empty placeholders and then we can go through and actually assign our siren so we would replace the game name the vehicle here there's a lot of documentation out there um I have previous videos on how to go ahead and assign those Sirens I'm not going to talk about that in detail here but you'd replace um this section here with the game vehicle that you'd like to assign these Sirens to now you can get a game you can test out your Sirens see if they work if they work great you're all set you have finished up if they do not you can download the server-sided siren Ester which is a little resource I made to actually test out these and make sure to figure out is it an lvc problem or is it a server-sided siren problem so if you download this make sure you install rage UI which you can find on my lvc download um you can open up you need to open up the config and actually set the name so here we're using SAS so we'll set the name first and we'll start it and you can go through and play each of the tones the tones do not play then it's a problem with your server-side it's Sirens resource either you didn't build the AWC correctly there was an error that you missed um or it's just too large we recommend somewhere between a thousand and two thousand kilobytes but it kind of varies so if it doesn't play using this try re-doing it make sure that the file side if the AWC looks like it's too large which you can cure the size if it sticks out versus your other ones and that might be the issue you might need to rearrange Sirens a little bit or turn tones a little differently if it does play in here but not in lvc then you have an error here you have copied the wrong line or you're missing one of these remember you can only have seven of these so cannot have any more Sirens beyond the ones that are contained these awcs um so double check that and hopefully you can get it resolved if not feel free to make a ticket or create a thread on my Discord um audio on my Discord if you go to audio support that's going to be for everything server-side design related or you can go to lvcv3 if you're having an issue making or Sirens Lua that should wrap everything up feel free to comment below join the Discord check out my example on the repository which I'll link below and check out Luxor engineering documentation for helpful stuff thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Trevor Barns
Views: 21,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fivem, gtao, police, roleplay, rp, siren, server sided, server, side, lvc, luxart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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