Five noteworthy 3D Gaussian Splatting things in 2024!

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the year 2024 has arrived last year was an interesting time in the field of 3D Graphics in particular 3D cson planing technology studed to take off and new research and development work in its field is constantly being published but where is this development going and what should we pay attention to I collected five interesting [Music] things hello boys and girls it's oie here again I said the year has changed and I thought now would be again a good time to review where we are going with 3D gaussian splatting technology I went through a few new tools and apps and although many of them were already developed in last year I thought I'd give a quick summary of them now because they are very interesting cases and that we should be following their development on this year so let's start going through the list first I would like to highlight a new plug-in which has been developed again for the unreal game engine platform it is called X verse 3dgs and it is developed by Chinese coders from xers Technologies at the glance it doesn't make much of a difference to previous gaussian plugins that have already been developed for unreal before this this one works in the same way utilizing Niagra particles like previous plugins developed by Luma AI or the Japanese AA Research Institute but what makes this x verse plug-in interesting thing is that through it you can now create and train your own gaussian splatting models on your own computer directly from Unreal Engine for that you need to download separate xers tool package which contains all the scripts and workflows for making gaussian models with a tool extension installed the model can be generated through the xers blockin in unreal from the MP4 video file however I noticed that you still need the correct version of Cuda to make this work Cuda version 11.8 seems to work best with this plugin the just released new Cuda version 12 is still too new and prevents the training phase from happening so keep this in mind if you want to try this feature although the local training with the XE tool is very very slow and requires a lot of vram memory and power from your RTX graphics card this concept where you can create 3D gaussian splatting models directly from the game engine is an interesting idea and it should be one way to produce gaussian models in the future processing and calculating models on your own computer is in some cases a more conven venient way to implement personal models than sending the data to thirdparty cloud services xers gausian spatting plugin and XE tool application are free and you can find them on GitHub next we will look at the old familiar 3D presso service I made a few videos last year that introduced this Korean online service and at that time 3D pressor offered conversions from video to 3D using Nerf technology now their services has also adapted the gaussian splatting technology and is able to offer 3D models generated from videos on their website the quality of the cian planning models does not really differs from what we are used to seeing in the services of polycam or Luma AI but 3D presso is a good extension to the group of sites that offers these processing services in addition 3D presso is developing other interesting AI applications that produce 3D models Recon laps the company behind the service is interesting and I think it's worth following their work and Publications in this ongoing year 3D presso uses the credit based Bean system in their m model generation Services every new users gets 30 beans for free with which you can try what kind of a 3D models it can produce from your videos the service can be found at the web address 3D bro. AI on number three I would like to introduce a web-based 3D design tool called spline spline is a nice and easy to use 3D application that offers many possibilities to produce interactive 3D user interfaces and Views that you can easily embed and use on different websites and now spline has also brought goian splatting models into this environment you can easily import a gaussian point cloud and combine it with other 3D Primitives and objects the editing tools allows you you to cut and crop the gaussian point cloud in the spline editor and with the help of the interactive functions it is relatively easy to build your own web-based viewers with which you can rotate and scale your cian models with the development of webg and JavaScript libraries like 3js it is very exciting to see where the use of 3D Graphics in the web browser will develop and what its use will be capable of in the future spline relies on these Technologies and its latest AI addition make it very interesting 3D service especially the latest announcements which spline creators have made and which are aimed at creating 3D user interfaces and various mobile applications are fascinating this may be some something that we will see in Apple's upcoming vison Pro virtual headset in the future so for that reason alone it is good to follow what will happen in spline development in 2024 spline online services can be found at web address spine. design it is free to use but if you want to take advantages of all its features I recommend looking at the pricing options and now that we started talking about virtual reality as number four I'd like to highlight an application called Gracia it is a VR viewer that lets you easily experience gaussian splatting models in virtual reality Gracia works best when you download it onto your computer and start it with virtual headset it works with every headset wender that provides open XR compatible runtime the VR device must therefore be connected to your computer with the cable it might work as well with the airlink wireless connection but Gracia does not support Standalone headset yet the application has few readymade gaussian splatting models in its library but the application becomes more interesting when you upload your own ply files into it from the beginning gaussian splatting and virtual reality have been in my opinion the killer feature where this new 3D technology could flourish and take the VR to the next level but is it what we have been waiting for how do gaussian Point Cloud work in VR I had the chance to test functionalities of this on Oculus Quest 2 and it seems like decent experience of course moving and scaling the model with virtual controls took some time to getting used to but it was all in all interesting probably this would work better with Pro classes or with the latest Oculus 3 goggles and with the more powerful computer but the experience was promising even though I'm not a big fan of VR headsets that have to be connected to the computer with the c graia is an opening in the right direction to the accessibility of gaan splatting environments in VR devices Gracia is free and the application can be downloaded for Windows systems from Gracia doai and then with number five I want to introduce a Chinese 3D scanning application called Kiri engine Kiri has developed its function and 3D scanning methods recently and it is comparable to the polyam service its core is in a mobile application that works on both Android and Apple's IOS systems in addition to this the service can also be used in a web browser most recently 3D go planning features have also been added to giri engine but what makes this scanning service special is that unlike Luma AI or polycam in giri engine you can now edit your go gaussian scans and it works on mobile this is probably the first application where the gaussian point Cloud can be trimmed and cropped directly with the smartphone a relatively easy to use user interface has been built into Cur engine app with which you can control the cropping area or even use the brush tool to remove gaussian points in addition to the gaussian splatting features Kiri engine also offers traditional photogrametry scanning methods that utilize the smarter devices lighter scanner and camera I recommend trying kir engine its full features can be used for a suitable monthly fee the application can be found in Apple's App Store and Google's Play store and online at gir engine. apppp well here it was here were the five different application or Services Each of which develops the gaussian planning techniques and are in my opinion worth following this year have you came across any interesting application that utilize gaussian spting technology leave a comment in below and don't forget to also watch my previous video on this topic where I went went through six different tools that you can use to edit gaussian models if you like this video remember to hit the like button and subscribe to my channel I will continue editing the point clouds thanks for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] watching the day better
Channel: Olli Huttunen
Views: 6,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerf, neural radiance fields, Neural flying, Luma Ai, Ai, 3D model, 3d Rendering, Nerf model, scannig with 360 camera, 3d scanned, created with ai, Ai modelling, Training NeRF, gaussian splatting, 3D gaussian splatting, 5 gaussian splatting tools, Five noteworthy gaussian splatting services, kiri engine 3d scanner, Spline design, VR viewer, Gracia VR, Xverse plugin, 3Dpresso, Gaussian viewer, Splatting things in 2024, point cloud, PLY files, VR
Id: Sxy7tcRZh-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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