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what's going on guys welcome to five nights at candy's - guys it is finally out the height for this game is absolutely insane right now literally it like crashed game Joe it took forever to download game but I got it and now we're gonna be getting into it now you guys seem to really enjoy find its cage because I just left like those two other videos like just this week and you guys demolished two like but on that so you guys can't demolish like but on this I'd greatly appreciate it and also comment down below what your favorite character from finance at Candis is and even find the county's two because well we're about to get into this so here you go guys smash like went on below and of course comment and let's get in the so first of all if I sound a little weird I am not in my normal recording setup so there might be a little bit of an echo it shouldn't be that too noticeable though hey are you there oh man what is this here you there lol you lost the bet okay what what bet then again I never finished fun at the candies one guys so I may be missing some things you know what that means what does it mean you have to spend five nights in that old factory again oh wait why okay so we're going back to the original one or else poeple people will think you're a chicken scared type or apply if you know let's see if they'll actually work they'll avail what that's actually super cool I wonder if it says lmao - anything you put in there tell me the college it down below what you guys put in there and if it actually replies the same thing to everybody because that'd be crazy it like he put in like a bunch of automated responses that'd be super cool actually alright so oh my god you were surrounded by darkness press space to use the camera flash from your cell phone okay use this to briefly be able to see down the dark hallway flick the mouse downwards to see the camera panel okay click on the camera I wait wait wait okay click on the camera icon to view the cameras you can all you can call any of the internet internal phones oh come on I keep doing that in the building through the camera panel any phone you will call will make a ring noise which will echo throughout the central hall the animal truck can only hear the phone's if they're in the same room as the phone or if they're in a central hallway use the phones to lure them tongs out of the central hall before they get to you but be careful if they reach the room with the ringing phone they'll try to okay okay I think I've got it that's it's like I know in these first few episodes everyone usually gets mad at me because I have no idea what to do okay wait so how many times can I use that dip though it's only okay so I can use many times that I want but it's only in short bursts okay let me see where the animatronics are though so you got candy sin Cindy I can finally say that one oh wait what I do okay I'm looking for use here but obviously you know will catch on so far I don't see any animatronics that means that they're in front of me no they're not okay so there's no doors there's no nothing there's only these like only these phones so if you mess up you're kind of dead okay very okay there she okay so if I call her over here also the phone rings and they kind of like go to pick it up oh okay hang it up hang up okay I got it okay okay so so far obviously this is the first night so it's gonna be pretty simple but this is definitely gonna get difficult I can definitely see this being hard okay wait what where did okay hold on hold on call her over your call over here go back go back is that too far for her okay so this reminds me heavily already of five nights at Freddy's 3 because of the whole Balloon Boy thing and stuff like that and so far I like it I mean it's it's not overly complicated you know it's one of the things that you know kind of deterred me from a lot of fan games is that they they they try to improve on the finance at Freddy's mechanics a lot and it just ends up making it really difficult but this is actually pretty simple okay wait he's not wait okay wait where's she moving where she moving okay she's moving in there okay yeah so so far this is pretty simple it's Cindy I want to say that yeah that's Cindy the amateur auntie I can never see their name which if you guys you know follow channel for long enough you know that way what the how do you get get out of here how about a hick all right so that's one of the things too is the camera only disables if you're looking at it so it doesn't save all of the camera wait wait wait wait wait what wait wait why isn't she going to the camera what wait no what oh no oh no oh no wait okay oh my god go back get out of here leave oh no this chick is crazy okay there she goes hopefully she went back to that know where oh my god this chick no okay she's back in here turn off the camera uh let's just use one in all the other rooms except for that oh we can leaves one at a time okay now where the heck no oh no no okay where where is she okay she's in here oh man is a little hectic also um if you guys are seeing like it looks kind of laggy that's not that that's not the quality that's not that's the actual game doing that so don't worry that's how the game is supposed to be all again the screen recorder I was like wait kinda looks like it's lagging but that's actually how the game looks for me too and it's not actually liking obviously is how the game is supposed to look and I like it so far alright we're wait no oh crap I think I'm dead oh no okay she's in there I'm a caller in the camera 14 I want this chick as far away from me as possible get out of here thank you okay she's in there now um if I call over here though won't that yeah they'll still lead to me so I think right here in the spot that she's in right now is perfect it is 3 a.m. oh no it is 3m but she is gone okay I don't like how she just disappears like okay she's in there yeah that seems to be some sort of glitch or something I mean maybe it's not glitch it could just be intentional but like I was on the camera she didn't appear there inside left the camera and came back so that's kind of oh oh okay she thought ahead she already went there thank you for obeying Cindy I know Amanda be like calling these people the wrong names wait oh you can actually see an animatronic on the wall back there oh my where Oh No okay there she is you can see them a tronic on the wall right here looks like like a drawing of a raccoon or something obviously it's probably not a raccoon do they by my luck and then you got a black bro that's not a raccoon that's a squirrel like come on man how do you not know that I don't know people ways get mad at me alright wait wait wait wait where is she wait where is she oh no okay I hate that I hate that how it doesn't show her until she's there like ah that's so creepy where's candy at though it's kind of weird though I don't know I'm pretty excited though to see where this game goes because right now you know it's simple but as you guys saw by that gameplay trailer you're gonna have the rat and the chimp and blank you're gonna have everybody kind of coming at you at once which is gonna be pretty crazy so far she hasn't actually turned off the phones either which surprised me because I've left them on on accident without knowing she's there I were to go okay I'm gonna press this one because she yeah she should be in this one all right so yeah so far I've got her kind of in this good spot obviously once there's more than one animatronic this isn't gonna work but for right now oh crap right now it's only her so oh no don't tell me she's moving closer okay she move back oh my god go to camera 13 go get get get get get Cindy get get oh no come on where'd she go oh my god she's moving closer no talk to come on come on don't do this don't do this don't do this go back go back no oh no she's coming closer she's coming closer no no no no no no no no no which one do I use oh no oh no oh no what is that am I gonna die oh what was that oh she turned off the phone okay oh that was her turning off the phone no no no I used the wrong one I didn't mean to call her there oh no okay so it looks like if you flash the light on her she kind of goes away okay oh my god she's moving so close go back get get out of here Cindy I don't like you Oh No okay she's not there you're like it wouldn't work for a second that kinda scared me okay she turned off one of the phones okay so she's in there okay oh good thing he does that like doesn't doesn't like when the phone turns off so you kind of know you know she's not about to slaughter you you know oh man this seems to be kind of like weird she's not she does not seem to like okay no she's in the other room she turned off the camera okay go go go go get out of here it's five AFI p.m. wait 5 p.m. oh yeah I guess that makes sense no wait no wait how is it 5 p.m. it's nighttime what okay I was like wait something about that doesn't seem right apparently it's 5 p.m. okay right we're here at night okay it's wait is it illegal past six and then oh no I hope now that's gonna be really hard all right let's see what happens here five right now it's about me six great where is she how's she gonna want to learn her into one of these rooms just so that oh no this is not good turn off the turn off that turn off that oh no where is she okay she's not in front of me so I think the flash sends her back to the offices here which is good obviously okay stay in these rooms stay in these rooms where'd you go where'd you go she's moving forward why is she moving forward obey the cat oh there we go okay so that's interesting it's 6:00 p.m. instead of 6:00 a.m. like I said before I don't really know the story for this game so I probably missed out on something but there we go okay got something at the end what is this what the heck oh whoa this looks cool search okay that's locked this looks really cool all right I like this a lot whoa okay so we're playing as the monkey or the chimp whatever you want to call it why do I have an X next to me Oh Virgin 2 so the version 1 and version 2 and apparently I guess he didn't get a version 2 because he has an X beside him I don't know I'm probably got that wrong but just taking a guess there guys all right and then we got some arcade machines and cool these are obviously little hallways that we can go to see what we can find here oh man this place is huge okay we can't go that way so there's two hallways that we didn't go through in that other room I probably should check those first but I didn't think about it I kinda didn't even know their hallways oh we got it okay we got a key in in the office this kind of looks like 1989 it's kind of like the 5s raised one office because obviously there's two doors but then again the other office had two doors I don't know all right let's see we got a key to something just don't know what oh look a little oh I thought that was a real can dish like a cardboard cutout all right I don't know if these might be doors those like these gray things I'm gonna try it on each one of these just to be sure okay nothing there so it's probably in that main room that we are in oh yeah the lock I forgot all about it see I'm like I always forget things like even simple things like that so he's gotta head back to the main room and unlock that door okay let's see what's in there all right here we go guys probably a jump-scare okay okay that kind of scared me loud sounds not cool all right so I think that's we're gonna end this episode guys if you guys enjoyed smash that like button down below oh thank you so much amigo for taking me back to the menu that's actually super cool helps with videos I don't know if he did it on purpose or not that's awesome um thank you guys so much for watching I want to say thank you guys for all the support you guys have been showing in the past few videos because it has been insane I've gained so many subscribers over these past few days and I just want to say thank you guys so much and if you knew the channel subscribe because well this is what you guys are gonna be getting horror games and financing candies and fighting the phrase in total so thanks so much for watching I will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 358,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FNAF, Five Nights at Candys 2, FNAC, FNAC 2, gamejolt, five night, five nights, at, candys, FusionZGamer, thezeldafan911, five nights at candys gameplay, five nights at candys 2 gameplay, five nights at candys 2 walkthrough, five nights at candys 2 download, night 1, bonnie, freddys, chica, candy, cindy, RAT, Blank
Id: lCLJ2wyzh2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2016
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