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looking for amazing deals on the best new games check out g2 a calm and use code fzg at checkout for a discount all right guys welcome back to five nights at candy's - we're going to the final night at least there might be extra nights but I'm pretty sure is a finite fight our night v for some reason wants a five night so night five guys is gonna get pretty crazy we should haven't seen blank we haven't seen the rat so I'm kind of worried here because those are some pretty scary animatronic oh okay as soon as I say it okay wait so does he just follow yeah okay I guess he follows the camera oh wait oh she's in there all right he's in there all right so this is a bit difficult so there's just three of them now oh man this is hard how do i how do I keep track of three of them what the heck okay this is not gonna be easy at all oh my can this dude banging on the vents this is okay this is going to be really hard actually let's turn this one on see if we can get them over there somehow also if you guys enjoyed the series make sure has demolished like went down below because it greatly appreciate I greatly appreciate it I can't even speak right now this is going to take a lot of focus actually because I've got to keep them all in my view and not lose track of any of them oh my god so three animatronics and one group banging on event this should be fun alright let's turn this one off there should be someone in here nope dang it you didn't go in there that's a bit of a problem all right now he is can using their Cindy's in there okay so we're in a good spot right now what the all right as soon as I say that this dude just teleports in front of me thank you oh my god okay um there he is no no no no crap yeah I just give myself over to I screwed myself over I think I did no I did yeah no turn that off okay what vent okay there he is let's leave that one on while we check what's in front of us are we good who's in that one okay Cindy candy and then blank was he was in there so that's kind of scaring me now I'm blank yep there is and this chick turned off that camera I think we might be screwed yep yep yep yep yep yep oh he's gone wait is he gone oh he's actually gone okay um I don't know how we just arrived that oh he actually left for some odd I'll take it though I mean now he's back again okay oh my I am screwing myself over at this point is this dude okay in there yeah we are this is not going well this camera's this one's off I need it on oh no I need this one on please please why isn't it all there deserted no no he's in the vents I'm dead yep I'm dead I have no idea when he's gonna attack but I'm I'm pretty sure I'm dead unless he for somebody to be out dang it all right so this is definitely adding some challenge to the game that's for sure I came over missing girl I didn't even read it because I think I skipped right past it oh yeah if you ever seen a mouse cursor actually turned out on purpose because you guys thought the game was lagging when it wasn't that's just how the game looks so I tried to show you guys you know where I'm clicking so you guys know it's not you know like each is how the game is alright so let's see oh my god this is difficult for sure okay where are okay there's candy we just we got to make sure we don't lose any cameras or any phones and now I probably said cameras so many times I mean phones as long as we just keep all the phones active I think we should be okay but I need them turn off what the heck is that noise okay oh there he is I'm gonna turn this one on because I feel like there's one in the room with me now okay always good to be safe though you know better be safe than sorry huh get it I don't I don't even know what I'm saying I'm focused on oh my god come on man that really screws you over if they even turn off one I think blank is in the room he is okay I think he's back in here now yes he is let's turn that one on try to get him back out of there candy is right there and this dude's being on there no I was just about to turn it off - oh come on man not fair at all I please I need these camera I need these phones back on I don't know what turns them back on because sometimes they go on faster than other times and I'm just like how do I do that you know where's blank oh god he's right in front of me oh he's gone holy crap oh no he turned off that one now oh you maniac I need this dude out of here right now turn this one off get this dude out of here get him out get him out turn this one on no it's crap Candy's Cindy's in there oh my god candy you I hate you candy all right I can't even say their names right now I'm so far oh my god come on okay this is definitely the hardest night and I just lost that phone gray gray that's what I wanted wanted to happen is anybody in here no okay let's now turn that off okay oh my god no I need this back on I need this back on or I'm screwed I absolutely need it back on he's gonna get in he's gonna get in the same thing happened last time - come on turn back on please oh my god come on come on come on come on come on yes oh my god thank you now I'm probably having animatronic in the room about the sodomy yep there it is okay well this is difficult that's to say the least alright we're gonna have to continue again here dang this is hard much harder than the other nights that's for sure because I mean it's mostly just the penguin and the phone's not turning back on that's like screwing me over so we've got to keep all of the phone's powered while also not getting attacked by that stupid penguin alright let's see oh my god they're teleporting everywhere alright they're both on that side a blanket was on this side where they hiked a blank okay of course of course did I not just check that camera blink I hate you blink oh my god right ah this is difficult to say the least oh my god now I lost both of those already checked is anything in front of us no good and now they're both in that room and he's in that room I'm just gonna I don't even know what to do at this point honestly it feels like I checked the camera and he's not there and then like he's there like he ends up being there but I just don't see him I don't know it's weird try to get him out of here okay good got this one back on line but he's in there so it's not much I could do about that and then she's in there alright let's go ahead and take care of this dude while we're at it get-get-get monkey man all right oh crap all right turn that on Oh candy why is that candy who disappeared okay good oh my god he was in there dang it link is about to be in front of me and that's gonna be a bit of a problem I just I'm worried that it's kind of I don't know like I'm worried that they're gonna like appear on the camera after I've already checked it and I'm like double checking them all right where is this dude at yeah get out of here monkey man all right I don't got time for you all right let's see they're all three on these three cameras I will accept that greatly actually that's awesome keep them all Mike really I was just on that camera I was literally I went down for like a split second and then she's there and she disabled oh crap this isn't good okay you got it Oh disable it I mean don't disable it I'll turn it off you know what I mean I I'm trying to win here all right there we go monkey man gone um where is blanket that's the next problem okay there he is I found him guys don't worry haha okay thanks man just thanks for turning that off for me because that's what I wanted you to do because yep thanks oh crap we are probably screwed yep she's in this room now all blank is actually in that room that's a surprise let's get rid of monkey man over here check what's in front of us there we go okay they are all on these cameras let's see if we can get candy okay okay they're moving up good they're moving up perfect just stay up don't go back down whatever you do Oh No blank where did you go where did you go crap okay we're fine no oh my god I was just about to check it - why do you do this to me no don't you even think about why was he banging on the vet now he's not all right that I don't even wanna know what that guy was doing he Oh blank he's in the room now perfect let's turn on this one oh they're mine here dealer oh no no oh close one all right that that phone is not turning on I gotta figure out why they don't turn on like there's got to be something behind it like maybe if I if I stay in that room or something it turns on faster or maybe there is nothing that helps I don't know all right he's gone monkey man where are you oh my god is he in this room with that no where the heck is he or is he oh there he is okay oh man okay we're doing good we're doing good we're doing good this is so hectic turn this one on I don't get him out of here alright 3 a.m. we might be able to actually get this for once where did candy go I'm in Cindy alright I don't know where she went but she's not here so I'm okay with that let's see who no no I didn't press the thing oh my gosh come on come on okay turn this on check what's in front of us blank is there let's just hope for the best that he just leaves yeah you did we got to get rid of monkey man and then let's turn this one on just to make sure there's no one else in front of us again okay now let's turn this one on try to get them off of us a little bit now where's blanket blank where you at bro ski there you are hello nice to see you okay try to get them all back from us far away from us that is alright we're doing good I mean we we've got this kind of lockdown right now it is 3:00 a.m. he's already gone I didn't have to press it he went into the room where he heard it which is kind of weird because isn't he afraid of the I guess he's afraid of the phone noise but then he was like hey the phone noise in here I'll just run in here and try to bang on this vent alright let's just try to keep these dudes off oh no no I hate that cuz like you don't realize it like it doesn't click until it's too late like you already started doing stuff alright blank you gotta go alright where where let's turn this one on for now and then turn it off because I do not want okay where'd he deep okay let's turn that on I'm barely even I'm like not even speaking properly right now I'm trying so hard to beat this it's just like it takes so much like stuff there's so much stuff going on that I don't know it's hard to pay attention oh no that's not good losing even one phone never good turn this one on just in case there might think I think Blanc is up here so we should be okay okay let's turn that one on check what's in front of us nothing good now we can see okay nothing where's okay I see em all now my dogs are barking that's not good let's hope they just can't hear that even though I think you guys can but sorry guys oh no blank you got a step back guys step back okay good he did um let's see we're so close to beating this right now I just want to win it I'm in it to win it right now okay let's see if we can get okay yep Candy's back on that one 5 a.m. we've got this in the bag guys we have got this they are on camera 13 14 15 I think we've got it guys I think we seriously have it Oh No okay come on don't screw me over now alright we're fine we can lose that one that's fine it's fine guys don't worry alright we I think we still got this alright he's still up there chillin so we definitely have this under control no we don't oh my god come on don't do this to me please please please phone turn back on turn back on phone turn back on come on phone come on please don't do this to me don't do this me today I'll turn that turn back on turn back on no no no no Oh No you've got to be kidding me that I seriously just lose that I seriously just lose I think I did yep I'm I'm screwed there it is literally seconds from winning and I lose all right so I'm gonna start the video once we get into the mini game and I will see you guys then alright guys I beat it i bjbj beat it literally the same thing happened this time around - but if the monkey just didn't attack right before it happened so I luckily won oh my god so lucky alright so here we are guys going in to what I think is the final minigame here see what happens okay so search we can also use space it says okay so now we're playing as candy before we playing a Sindhi and then before that we play this blank and then I think the monkey islands you can't remember okay so here's blank right here we stefaned the rat though so that kind of makes me think there's probably going to be a second night I mean a night after this like some sort of bonus night or something like that because the rat is definitely in this game we just haven't seen him yet so that's kind of wearing me and see we can find in here though what exactly are we looking for we're looking for Cindy is that we're looking for here or what I don't know anything in here now we can't go in here yet so there's only one other place to look I think that's the that is the office and then outside the Oh what the heck the police okay what are they doing what the heck what are the police doing there oh okay looks like some sort of incident happened they locked us oh wow what happened here okay you can hear somebody laughing - sounds like some sort of laughs kind of like Freddie's laughs but I don't know so he was at the thing and he died I'm guessing that might be us I don't know when that this takes place though because we went in here on a bed on a dare obviously and this is a cop so I don't think that's me that looks like a cop at least so I'm not too sure what happened there okay now there's just that creepy laughter going on so we're still locked inside but they don't seem to know that we're the ones that murdered him if we even all the ones we don't even know that for sure ourselves i'ma check these other areas real quick I want to make sure I didn't miss anything even I think we have to do something in that room yeah let's go back to that room if I were supposed to press space on him or something I don't know even though he's dead I don't know what exactly pressing space on them is gonna do but it's got to do something alright yeah there's the officers again just kind of chillin there alright so maybe we can go through this door over here see if we can anything yeah we can all right so this is leads to the locked door so who did it Cindy it was a you who did it show me show me who did it who did the killing oh alright now we're going back to where he started the locked away room so oh who was in here though the chimp or was it rat oh oh no no no the real killers in there what the heck Oh Oh what did we just get framed by an animatronic I think old factory set for demolition the amended factory on st. Antonia's Road 27 scheduled for demolition sometime next week the now 45 year old factory closed 93 after it was deemed unsafe due to yet another fatal incident inside the factory the factory used to belong to robotics Corp a company that went bankrupt shortly after the factory closed the company was specialized in design and production of robotic animatronics they started in 1962 where they were made where they made mechanical wired control animatronics in over the years the animatronics got more advanced a total of six casualties occurred in the factory over the past 45 years the most remembered one being 1987 when a pair of two twins went missing and were later later discovered to have been killed in one of the assembly machines in the factory Wow okay so there was six casualties Wow okay that's crazy and then there's two fatal things I think now I just hadn't counted at home okay so we have 96 it is actually real and we also have one star so I guess it's going to go on past as I think so night six I'm pretty hyped to see where this goes for sure I guess we're gonna see more of the story and stuff like that and probably rat in the next episode so just demolish I'm going to look down below if you guys wanna see more subscribe for sure if you want to see the next episode and I will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 595,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Five Nights at Candys 2, FNAC, FNAC 2, gamejolt, five nights at candys 2 walkthrough, five nights at candys 2 download, night 1, chica, candy, cindy, RAT, fnaf, five nights at freddys, five, nights, at, freddys, FNAF, bonnie, candy the cat, five nights at candys, simulator, play as, play as bonnie, play as freddy, fan game, fan made, trailer, gameplay, horror, scary, thezeldafan911, FusionZGamer, reaction, jumpscare, FNAF world, scott cawthon, fazbear simulator, bonnie simulator, ending
Id: lMXFlh58wnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2016
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