FIVE incredible Stove Top Dinners in LESS Than 30 Minutes! Mostly One-Pot Dinners!

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Hello friends my name is Becky if you're new welcome back to my kitchen we are going to be doing a week of stove top dinners and we're going to get them all done in less than 30 minutes the first recipe we are going to be making is a garlic chicken tusin noi bake and I think it sounds absolutely delicious so we do need to cook the noyi so I just put on some water to boil and then we need to cut up an onion and our chicken so I think before we cut up our onion and chicken we should get the pan for the chicken preheating these are all brand new recipes to me I've never made before but they all sound really really good so the first recipe calls for 5 tbspoon of butter which seems like a lot but I think this is making the sauce so we're going to melt that while that's melting I'm going to get the onion diced up I was thinking about doing the chicken first because the chicken's going to go in the stove first but then I would have to use another knife so we're GNA use one knife today and we're going to cut the onion up first so that we can try to have less dishes so not only are we going to attempt to try to have dinner on the table in less than 30 minutes this week we are also going to see if we can do it with as few dishes as possible because what's the point of trying to get a fast dinner on the table if you then have to spend a ton of time doing dishes I have one onion that I am going to dice now we can cut up our chicken this recipe calls for chicken breast I thought out chicken thighs today just because that's what I grabbed out of my freezer so we are going to use chicken thighs I'm sure they will work just as good I'm going to cut any big pieces of fat off and I'm going to dice these into kind of bite-sized pieces so much for trying to save a knife I forgot I needed to shred some cheese I don't have any pre-shredded right now so I am going to need a knife to cut open this mozzarella cheese I need a half a cup of mozzarella cheese and then this recipe does not call for any parmesan cheese but what is a tusin sundried tomato recipe without some Parmesan cheese so I'm going to go ahead and get some of that grated up as well cuz I know Josh and I will both really like that so I have just a little bit of mozzarella cheese I'm going to get grated here calls for a half a cup and I'm just going to use however much I grate from that I cut off that block so that looks about right now I have a chunk of Parmesan and I'm probably going to grade about 3 tablespoons of this to add to our dish that's way more than we need so I'm going to put that in a little container our chicken has really nice color to it so I'm going to add the onions one nice thing about using chicken thighs is I don't have to worry about them overcooking too much our water is boiling now for our noyi so I'm going to open these up and then while I'm standing here I'm going to go ahead and open up my 1 cup jar of broth and then sundried Tomatoes Now the recipe I found online that I'm following calls for mushrooms I don't have mushrooms I have sundried tomatoes and we're going to be adding spinach to this and so I thought this would be a good substitute so I'm kind of cooking from the pantry as well so not only are we trying to do 30 minute meals on the stove top but a little bit of pantry cooking too our onions are nice and soft so we're going to add some garlic and froz spinach going to let that thaw in there my nooi are done and I don't want them to overcook and I'm not ready to put them quite in my sauce yet cuz my sauce is not done yet so I am going to go ahead and put them into this bowl just so they don't continue to cook in this water and one thing to note if you are cooking homemade noi from Frozen you want to make sure your nois are completely completely Frozen when they go into the water you don't want them to thaw at all before you cook them or they will fall apart so I'm going to turn this off get the lid back on this and our sauce is almost done it's just taking a little bit longer because I'm using that frozen spinach and I need the spinach to thaw and my handle on my spatula is very hot so as soon as this is thawed we can add the next ingredients I think I can go ahead and add them now I'm going to add some of my sundried tomatoes in here these are a little bit bigger than I was expecting so I think I'm going to take some kitchen shears to them and just chop them up just a little bit our spinach is almost all Tha in there I am going to add a pinch of red pepper flake to help balance the flavors out that's my own addition and then now we can go ahead and add our cream this is what's going to give us a velvety velvety sauce we're going to mix that together let that kind of reduce and marry all the flavors together for just a minute I wish you could smell this sauce it's smelling Divine and we haven't even added the cheese yet so I'm going to go ahead and add that next I'm going to reserve some of the parmesan cheese for topping and once we mix in this cheese and get it all melted and ooey gooey I want to go ahead and taste test if I had realized how quick this sauce was going to come together I probably would have waited just a minute to put the noi in so that instead of putting them into a bowl I could have just transferred them directly into this sauce but that's okay we're learning okay that is all melted and it looks so good let's taste the sauce if you don't have noi or you don't like noi you could make the same sauce with regular pasta that is incredible little bit of heat the sweetness from the sundried tomatoes and the contrast with the parmesan cheese I think is perfect I went ahead and I turned the stove off oh my goodness friend this smells so good going to get our nois in here I'm just going to gently toss them in this sauce now we get to make the perfect bite and taste it with the spinach the sundried tomato and a Yi maybe a little piece of chicken this was basically a pantry meal I just took a recipe I used what I had on on hand I had sundried tomatoes instead of mushrooms I used frozen spinach instead of fresh I used chicken thighs because I on accident pulled those out instead of chicken breast and this is well I need to taste it but I think this is going to be a winner for Josh I plus a little parmesan cheese never hurt anyone this is so good friend it's comforting it's warm it's Rich it's creamy a little bit of sweetness from the sunri tomatoes like I mentioned winner winner Josh is on his way home he'll be here in just a minute to come home to a warm dinner I'm excited the house smells incredible I will see you next time we were in the kitchen making dinner on the stove top in hopefully less than 30 minutes this took me about 23 minutes to get this completely finished from start to finish hello friend welcome back today's stove top 30 minute dinner is corn chowder I've been in the kitchen for quite some time getting a bunch of projects done we just canned 40 or we're still in the process of canning 49 jars of black beans and pinto beans they're processing now so I'm going to go ahead and get dinner started I did make up some muffins to go along with dinner tonight and dinner is going to be really easy this morning we're making corn chowder did I say that this morning I went out into the garden harvested two carrots and two stocks of celery and I've got one onion here I'm going to get a couple tablespoons of butter melting while we chop the vegetables I think I'm probably only going to cut one of those carrots cuz I don't want to make a huge amount of soup I like to cut my celery pretty small so I'm going to run my knife long lengthwise down and then we'll just chop it yeah I think I'm going to just cut this big one and these two little ones I'll put over here and we'll use those for snacking we're going to get our mirror POA into our Dutch oven with salt and pepper our Mi PO is about halfway sauteed so I'm going to give myself a little cheat and use some hash Browns instead of having to peel and dice the potatoes I have these in my freezer and they kind of need to be used up so we're going to go ahead and get those in here let those defrost for a minute while the onions and pepper or onions and celery and carrots keep cooking the next step is to open a jar of broth and get that poured in here and we're going to use this to scrape up any of the brown bits that are on the bottom of the pot this soup comes together really really quickly this is what makes it so yummy this is fresh corn I preserved up this summer still completely Frozen which is no problem I'm going to turn the heat up on the stove we're going to get that in there that's going to drop the temperature that's why I want to turn the heat up on the stove I'm going to cover it and we're we're going to let that simmer for a good 15 to 20 minutes and then I'm going to share with you my secret ingredient that I have always added into corn chowder it's not traditional but it is oh so good and that will be coming up when we finish up the soup my soup has been simmering away now so now we're going to add the ingredient that's going to make this over the top delicious we're going to add oop some heavy cream and that's not what's going to make this overthe top delicious this is not traditional in corn chowder but my sister and I used to make corn chowder all the time together and we would always add shredded sharp cheddar cheese so that's what I'm going to add now I'm going to take the immersion blender and just zip it a couple times in here I still need to give that a taste test but before I do that real quick I just washed up two green onions I'm going to garnish with green onions I think the fresh green onions with the rich creaminess of the soup really just brings it over the top so let's go ahead and give this soup a taste test now dinner is coming together in less than 30 minutes does that bring back memories my sister and I used to make corn chowder we lived together at my parents house when we were in college and we used to do a lot of cooking we would find different recipes sometimes completely random recipes we've never tried and then sometimes they were tried andrue and if we were doing a tried andrue recipe it was always corn chowder was kind of our go-to and I I don't even think I've ever made corn chowder for Josh so let me show you how I'm going to Dish this up see how rich and thick that is oh my goodness this is going to be such a good dinner so there's the soup and then we're going to put a few green onions and we are going to top it yes with a little bit more cheese I'm going to give this one more bite just because it's so good and then I'm going to Dish up Josh and I and we're going to go sit down and enjoy this warm comforting fall meal go make some corn chowder it's so good do yourself a favor add a little bit of sharp cheddar cheese so good another alternative instead of using mirp which is the carrot celery and onion you can do this exact same recipe but it's really really good as well if you do onion and bell pepper instead of the carrot and celery especially with the cheese so good I'll see you next time we're making a stove top dinner BR this next recipe I am so excited about I saw it on Instagram and I don't know about you but I have so many saved recipes on my Instagram account and I never make them I was thinking it might be fun to do a week of just viral recipes but this one I saw the other day it looked so good it looked so easy and I happen to have all the ingredients on hand so we're going to go ahead and make it and that is a Ramen a red curry Ramen soup so let's go ahead and get going the first thing I added to this is just a little bit of oil do you all have a bunch of recipes you want to try from you know Instagram or Pinterest or something like that that is some ginger that you just haven't gotten around to trying because you know we tend to go with what we know especially when we're busy and we don't have much time and we just need to get food on the table I just added some garlic to that and then I've got some curry paste actually this is green curry I want to do a red curry this should come together in just a matter of minutes so we're going to get some curry paste in there we're going to sauté all that together it already smells incredible and it's only been cooking for a minute well this is sautée it's almost done I don't want the garlic to burn I'm going to open one jar of chicken broth just a pint cuz we're not going to make a ton here and then we've got one can of full fat coconut milk you could make this with chicken we're doing vegetarian today just because I want to make it as quick and easy and I think it's going to be a Hardy enough without any meat in it today so this looks ready for me to go ahead and add our chicken broth this is why I like splashing a little bit this is why I like to make my chicken broth really simple so if I need to use it in say an Asian dish it doesn't have a bunch of herbaceous notes to it that wouldn't typically typically go in this type of dish now we're going to add our can of coconut milk and we're going to let this simmer together for just a few minutes and while that's simmering we're going to go ahead and wash and get our carrots ready I will link the recipe that I saw the video that I saw to make this I'm just kind of using that as a guideline for what I'm doing based on what I have on hand and I have a lot of carrots from the garden she used carrots and I think this is going to be delicious so the way we're going to process these carrots to put them into our Curry it's kind of it's not going to be a super brothy soup cuz I want it to be super hearty with the noodles she also used I think if I remember correctly I can't remember now an egg noodle but I have a bunch of ramen noodles so I'm going to use Ramen there's a ramen restaurant in Portland that has this Curry Ramen broth and it's my absolute favorite so that's kind of what I'm when I saw the recipe it made me think of that and I thought you know what I I can make that I can make that so that's what we're doing today I did decide to peel my carrots this time and I think I'm going to cut the tops off this could be if it turns out well a new favorite and an easy recipe to pull from but sometimes it's just a matter of forcing yourself to kind of try new things to get those recipes in Your Arsenal so for the carrots I'm going to make them into shreds like this and this is how we're going to put them in the soup so that they cook up really quickly no I think two carrots is probably going to be a good amount for this it's already smelling incredible and it's only going to get better cuz I'm going to add a good tablespoon of peanut butter couple splashes of soy sauce a drizzle of sesame oil this is toasted sesame oil a splash of vinegar this is rice wine vinegar mix all that together I want to give this a taste test that is delicious I think I'm going to add a tablespoon of brown sugar cuz my peanut butter is not sweetened and that curry paste has quite a bit of heat to it going to try it again well let me make sure that Sugar dissolves okay that is incredible now that our broth has come to a rolling boil I'm going to go ahead and put my Ramen Pucks in here this is a rice Ramen that I got at Costco let's see if I can get them all in the broth along with our carrots so we're going to cook our carrots and our ramen at the same time the ramen only takes a few minutes to cook these are almost done so that took less than 10 minutes to pull together I had some green onions in the fridge I just sliced up I grabbed some cilantro out of the garden this morning I wanted this to be almost like a sauce and stew which is what we've achieved we do want to get a little bit more broth in there with some of the carrots I'm going to top that with quite a bit of fresh Sal mantro from the garden green onions and some garlic chili paste and a drizzle of sesame oil this is is one of the prettiest things I have made in a long time so let's give this a try see if I can do this without making a complete mess the noodles look perfectly cooked look at that that is so comforting so delicious it does have quite a bit of heat to it and I love it what would probably bring this over the top would be to squeeze a fresh lime over it that is one thing I don't have but I am glad that I have the fresh herbs because it's so Savory with the peanut butter and the curry and all those Savory flavors that the fresh herbs really kind of cut through that if you got this at a restaurant you would pay $15 for this bowl and I used it with things I just had on hand so I'm going to go enjoy this I'm going to Dish up Josh's and I'm really excited that I have this recipe in my Arsenal because this would make a fantastic quick lunch when you don't have any lunch fixings or leftovers in the fridge so good I will see you next time we make a 30 minute or less stove top dinner one pot recipe we're add it again I've got this pot on the stove we are going to make Stove Top Hamburger Helper from scratch I've never done this before I think it's going to be good to our pot and our little bit of oil we're going to add one lound of ground beef and we're going to make this entire recipe in this one pot this recipe is coming at the perfect time because I've been in the kitchen doing kitchen projects we have salsa ver here canning from this year's Garden tomatillos and so I'm even going to use some pre- diced onions that I have in the freezer for this recipe so I don't even have to dice up onions I did not realize that until after I was reading it to how to cook the pasta that the recipe doesn't actually call for diced onion it calls for onion powder but I went ahead and threw onion in cuz in my mind everything has onion in it and so when I saw onion I assumed it was a chopped onion and it turns out beautiful with the chopped onion so once we've got our onion and our meat in there I did season it with salt and pepper a tablespoon of ketchup a couple teaspoons of mustard Wier Shire sauce and garlic powder and to make this recipe even easier if you want to try it follow the recipe and just add onion powder but this right here friend is the key to why this recipe is so incredibly convenient is you add your pasta to the meat mixture dry we are going to cook the pasta with some chicken broth in theast pot we are cooking the sauce in so we didn't even have to get another pot out to boil to boil some noodles which is pretty incredible this is faster than getting take out while the pot is cooking the pasta it takes about 10 minutes for the pasta to cook and for the pasta to absorb the moisture of the broth you can see here that it absorbed it really really well once it's cooked you're going to add the few final ingredients which is some sour cream and the sharp cheddar cheese if you wanted this recipe to be even faster you could use pre-shredded cheese but the recipe does say in the notes that you get a creamier more velvety sauce If you shred it yourself which is why I typically always shred my own cheese because I think the texture when it melts is better but if you're looking for a fast dinner where you know you might want to get takeout you might be tempted to try this recipe because it comes together so incredibly quickly and then we're going to going to season it with some parsley this dinner came together in less time than it took for the 15 minutes for my salso ver to process it smells incredible it almost smells a little bit like a fast well I guess there's no mushrooms in it I was going to say a fast stroganov but it's got all that cheese in it so it's going to be I think really good let's give it a try I don't know if Josh grew up with Hamburger Helper I did add those parsley flakes that was a little addition and then when I re looked at the recipe I thought it called for diced onion it called for dried onion so I did add two ingredients to this recipe but I think it smells incredible it was easy so I hope that I like it because the fact that you cook the noodles in the pot with the sauce and the meat talk about literal one pot meal wow the mustard I can taste that has a little twang to it with the sour cream and the beef really balances it out and then you've got that cheddar cheddar flavor this is good now it's got me thinking what other flavor profiles could I pull out and cook the noodles and the pasta in the pot all at once because the noodles have a great texture I was worried that because they were cooked in the sauce and everything they might have a weird texture they have a great texture you could use sausage instead of beef and totally transform the flavor of this dish mhm this is fantastic I absolutely love it that last last dinner got me thinking what else can I make one pot so I put in Google one pot dinner with orzo cuz I have orzo and I like orzo haven't made it in a while so what I got is one pot garlic butter chicken and Oro and we make the whole thing in the pot just like we did before and it should take less than 30 minutes if not quicker so the first thing I need is some chicken and this is another one of those recipes that is kind of a pantry pole item most of us have all of these ingredients in our kitchen at one time I've been loving doing these series with you where we pick you know the stove top the instant pot the crock pot or whatever it might be and we make five dinners around it because it's really increasing my repertoire of really fast and easy dinners I'm learning a ton and I'm having a lot of fun so thank you for being here as we pull these meals together so I have some chicken thighs here I'm going to pull four of them out and I'm going to go ahead and kind of remove any of the excess fat here because these are going to cook pretty quickly and not really have time to render that so I'm just going to take a second to trim it you don't have to do this step this recipe does call for chicken thighs but I'm sure if you only have chicken breast go ahead and use those instead now that we have our chicken thighs trimmed I've got the stove on we can go ahead and warm our Skillet you do want a skillet that has a lid so I'm using my brazing pan that's maybe a little more oil than I need but that's okay so we're going to heat this up while that's heating up I'm going to go ahead and take a second to season one side of my chicken thighs I'm just going to sprinkle a little bit of paprika on one side salt and pepper I'm going to season them on one side and then I'll put them seasoned side down in the frying pan and once I've got them in the pan then I will add the seasoning to the other side of the chicken thighs so that we can have both sides of the chicken thighs nice and brown this is another one of those recipes where the whole entire recipe is going to be made in this one pot which is pretty incredible so we don't need to use another pot to boil our orzo we can do everything right in here and that's why we need a pan with a lid we are not looking to fully cook this chicken cuz it's going to cook with the orzo so once you've got it nice and brown we're going to remove it from the Heat and I was supposed to add oil and butter earlier and so I'm going to go ahead and add my butter now and we're actually going to toast the orzo in this oil and butter and it said you want a little bit of extra oil still in your pan as well so I'm going to use some of this butter and oil hopefully to kind of scrape up some of those brown bits we're going to use broth in just a minute so we'll be able to get all the brown bits up but that's just all pure flavor we can add our orzo now and we want to toast the orizo in that oil and butter until it turns brown just a little [Music] bit I think I'm going to let that just sit there for a minute and I'm not going to stir it at all so you can see how some of that orzo is toasting up nicely so we're going to just work on turning this and scraping up those brown bits cuz that's just pure flavor right there I think my orzo has some nice color to it so I'm going to add the garlic this is green even though it is garlic because it's homegrown garlic powder with garlic Scapes which is a portion of the garlic when you grow yourself is green and I dehydrated it and turned it into homegrown powder and that's why but it tastes just like garlic okay that's got some good color to it I don't want it to toast any more got our garlic in there I just opened up one jar so four cups of chicken broth and woo that's hot it's a lot easier to see now how nice and toasted our orzo got we're going to take our chicken and we're going to Nestle it on top of the orzo you could probably do more than four chicken thighs probably would be better pour that goodness in there for the amount of Oro but that's how many it called for so that's what I'm doing and then we're going to put the lid on and have it simmer for 20 minutes once this is done simmering then we've got a couple more ingredients but it's basically done at this well you know what I think I'm going to add this is not in the recipe but I want this to be a true one pot recipe so I'm going to add some frozen peas to this if you had spinach I think spinach would probably go really well in this as well so now we're going to put the lid back on and let that simmer for 20 minutes I did end up putting this on a smaller burner so it could simmer a little bit slower and I stirred it about twice through the cooking process just to make sure it wasn't sticking the chicken is fully cooked through I checked its temperature and it's at 165° so now what we're going to do because the orzo is cooked chicken's cooked we're going to take parmesan cheese and just cover the top with Parmesan cheese you could even put a little bit of cream in here if you wanted I'm going to put the lid on just so that that can kind of melt a little bit I'm going to turn the heat off and I'm going to let the residual heat melt that cheese I think it should be done oh my goodness yes let's give this a little taste test Josh is not quite ready for dinner yet so we're just going to give it a try let's get a little piece of chicken here I'm going to put the lid back on so it stays nice and warm for when Josh is ready for dinner oh my goodness it smells so good I am so glad I decided to add the Pea cuz that just made it a totally one pot dinner I need to grab a fork so we can cut into the chicken the chicken is so tender that's the beauty of chicken thighs I love using chicken thighs because it's really hard to overcook them and make them dry but I'm sure you could substitute if you prefer chicken thighs you could substitute chicken thighs in this recipe okay we're going to make a perfect bite we've got some cheese some peas some Oro and let this cool off for just a second and then we're going to try it I did add the paprika too so the paprika was my my addition because I don't have any cracked black pepper right now I didn't feel like pulling out my blender or my mortar and pestel to do that so I substituted paprika and then maybe tomorrow I'll grind up some pepper I have pepper in my house I just don't have any ground friend these dinners we've been making these one pot dinners have just all exceeded my expectations this would be good if you had like maybe a/4 cup or a half a cup of cream to drizzle right at the end to add a little bit of sweetness but just like this wow so good I just set my bowl down because I want to eat dinner with Josh when he is ready for dinner I love the texture of orzo I don't cook it with it a lot I like to make Oro pasta salads but I really like the texture of it so I should cook with it more this has got me thinking all these recipes have got me thinking about how to get homemade easy Pantry kind of pole meals on our dinner table with less time and less dishes and this very few dishes we have the pot the knife The Cutting Board and a couple spoons and that was it so a when in my book I consider that if you want to see some more of these five recipe meals inspired by either a crock pot or an insta pot I can put those there you can go enjoy between now and my next upload I just want to thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me I hope this was encouraging got your creative juices flowing and see that you can adapt recipes if you find them online and instead of having peas you could put spinach if you had spinach in this I added that it wasn't in the recipe but now I just made a one pot meal so friend thank you so much for being here thank you for being you I really appreciate the fact that you take time out of your day to spend time with me in my kitchen in my garden in my pantry at the grocery store when we go grocery shopping so thank you for being here thank you for being you and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 378,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easy Dinners, Fast Dinner, 30 minute dinner, from scratch dinner, dinner made easy, cook with me, dinner recipes, dinner ideas, whats for dinner
Id: tgKHUvidqkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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