Five Finger Death Punch - I Refuse (AUDIO)
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Channel: 5FDPVEVO
Views: 14,953,954
Rating: 4.8757935 out of 5
Keywords: i refuse, 5fdp, 5fdp vevo, Five Finger Death Punch, Five Finger Death Punch VEVO, i refuse 5fdp, five finger death punch i refuse, Vevo, Vevo Music, Vevo Official Music Video, Hard Rock, Hard Rock Music
Id: 1Pw_co4mNH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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I hate this band lol but this song is alright. Iām glad you like It
Agreed, I'm currently listenening to their album now, holy shit it's awesome!š¤
I love 5 finger death punch, the new album is great too.
Great song! It was probably one of my favorite songs on the record together with Top Of The World and Fire In The Hole. The album was definitely better than Got Your Six imo. Their first two albums are still my favorites though.
i got the album on cassette
They were one of my favorite bands for their first four albums but they have totally fallen off my radar since then. I give the new albums a shot hoping they will find their way again, but this was a miss for me. Stuck in My Ways and Bloody are pretty good tracks but the rest of it didn't do anything for me.
Album didn't really impress me. Not terrible, but also didn't blow me away. Lacks a strong lead single like Lift Me Up or Wash It All Away. Also, Fake and Sham Pain are just pure cringe.