【日本關西五天四夜ep.4】初遊京都 經典行程|夜晚散步祇園 八坂神社|伏見稻荷大社 千本鳥居|清水寺 全球唯一榻榻米星巴克|鴨川懷石料理|Japan Vlog

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Hi! Hello, I'm Liv The film finally arrived at Kyoto, the last stop of Kansai travel This time, I booked a hotel only three minutes walk from Kyoto Station 『RIHGA GRAN KYOTO』 "RIHGA GRAN KYOTO" is the hotel opened in 2020 I liked the photos when I booked the room The location and room price are excellent I like it more after I check in In addition, there are public pools that can be soaked in soup There is a basket available in the room If you like the combination of modern and traditional design as me If you want to travel to Kyoto, you can join the consideration list Bathrobe is also a Kyoto brand "SOU ˙ Joint payment of SOU After packing up, I took the bus to the Bafan Shrine Lots of snacks on both sides I don't know if it comes during the Spring Festival The atmosphere is very good after lighting at night This year is the Year of the Rabbit. There are rabbit patterns everywhere So powerful I just saw a new Japanese opera after my trip from Kyoto "The caterer of the Kabuki Family" If you miss the scenery in Kyoto, I highly recommend this play There is an illusion when walking on the road It seems that time here is still I used to hear that Kyoto is full of shrines It has no attraction for me when I was a child But when I grow up Although different beliefs But you can appreciate the beauty of Kyoto from another angle And then towards the garden The camera can't really capture the feeling you actually see If you have a chance, you must feel here yourself There are hand-painted illustrations on the street to introduce the surrounding walking attractions Even the illustrations on the iron door are very cute This is a famous shop in Kyoto I was attracted by this big glutinous rice ball It turns out to be the gift "Fuyu" that the kabuki and geisha will receive at the end of the year There are various mascots inside A dark Yachuan I don't know if I was too tired at Universal Studios the day before yesterday My feet really hurt this night I just want to go back to my room and lie down 😂 Just now there is a soliciting shop in the alley next to Xiandoucho I want to go back to my room to have a rest People are really uncomfortable, and nothing is pleasing to them Hurry up and take the bus back to the hotel After returning to Kyoto Station, I also saw a beautiful water spray performance I always feel familiar with the lights of the Kyoto Tower Think about it. It looks like the color of Conan's clothes (Only later did I know that Conan really came to Kyoto) Although there should be no connection between the two 😅 Early this morning, I took a tram to the "Daohe Station", which is 20 minutes away from the downtown The destination is the "Thousand Birds House" ahead The exposure of the mobile phone was accidentally lowered that day. I didn't expect that the effect was very beautiful I really think that Japanese obsessive-compulsive disorder has created all kinds of beauty Actually, I really want to know how to deal with this offering From here, it is the entrance of the Thousand Birds House The arrival time of the day is about 8:00 a.m Where the sun is still slanting It's really beautiful The thousands of bird houses here are just around a whole mountain If you have time, you can arrange a walk The name of this shrine is "Kyoto Fujian Rice and Lotus Society" I don't know if anyone like me sees the word "rice and lotus" and only thinks of sushi with bean skin I checked it online before I knew it had allusions The god of rice and lotus is the patron saint of Japanese farmers And the messenger of "Rice and Lotus God" is the fox It is said that foxes like to eat fried mice 🙈 In order not to kill animals, it is changed to fried bean skin So the sushi with bean skin is called "rice and lotus sushi" It's really a blockbuster here It's really lively during the Spring Festival From a positive perspective, there will be no donor's name Turn around and you can see the names of the donors of each bird house Now I want to take the tram to the direction of Qingshui Temple I wanted to eat the roast crab meat stick last night This should not be made of real crab meat The boss recommended Jiameinazi and soy sauce Take the Osaka tram to the direction of Shimizu Temple The other station just got off is also decorated with bird houses Next is the non-stop mountaineering trip People who have seen other films before have not noticed that Qingshui Temple is on the mountain It is also a steep slope Pretend to look at the decorations in the roadside window and have a rest The weather is so beautiful I really think the streets in Japan are so quiet that I can't think about it Remember the volume when you travel to Japan 😂 The front is Qingshui Temple It is said that they have been renovated in the past two years Qingshui Temple should be the most important scenic spot in Kyoto What a broad view This is the highest triple tower in Japan The color is beautiful. I just want to enjoy it quietly Now go buy tickets and visit Go ahead and you will find Qingshui Temple What is most worth seeing is the clear water stage ahead Only 139 columns are used to support without using a nail Go down and you can see "Yinyu Waterfall" The three clear springs represent wisdom, love and longevity from left to right Walk slowly back to Qingshuisaka There are gift shops and restaurants on both sides of the road How can you miss Matcha when you come to Kyoto I suggest you go out earlier if you can You can enjoy the quiet atmosphere After watching the movie, I found that I missed the seven-flavor powder store that I must buy next to Now the next street is Channingban I heard you can't fall here If you don't want to fall down, you just go slowly to the shops on both sides SOU found ˙ SOU's shop, come in and have a look The snacks inside are so cute I think the color of dim sum in Kyoto is very elegant Next door is the popular cloud cake shop After a short walk, I found Yojiya's shop The most famous thing in their family is geisha oil-absorbing tissue The geisha was sold out before noon Discover plum store There are different kinds of plum on the wall I feel like I can't finish shopping all day It's great to walk on the road and enjoy the architecture even if you don't go into the shop Then turn to the right, which is the direction of Erniansaka In recent days, the film has just seen the news. Recently, heavy snow in Kyoto Many people slip around here Many people slip around here and feel so dangerous See the apple pie being made nearby Different from the apple pie in the impression, it is a little like pineapple crisp Now this honey ball is super popular I saw many people taking photos in this building It turned out to be Starbucks, which I have been wanting to come to for a long time I almost missed it This is the only Starbucks with tatami in the world Wow, they also sell "Fuyu" The seating area is mainly on the second floor Unfortunately, I didn't get to the position of tatami Take a rest and continue to start Super low-key signboard Walk slowly to see the path Found a coffee shop opened by a Taiwanese girl on the way There are tea houses on both sides of the street It was only after watching "the caterer of the kabuki" that I could know the face inside It's not easy to meet a kabuki or geisha here The flowers in the daytime can see the path, which can clearly appreciate the architecture Each room has black lattice windows The second floor is covered with bamboo curtains There are many people lined up here It looks like a snack It turned out to be the famous fern cake shop "Dewu" The signs in Kyoto are so low-key Walk out of the Huajian Alley, which is yesterday's Juyuan Store Street Many people are going to see a comedy show Want to go to Xiandoucho for lunch Yachuan must be beautiful in summer I was going in, but I didn't have a seat You really need to be prepared to come to Beijing Because many restaurants may be booked early The last meal of the trip decided to use Huaishi cuisine as the perfect ending The dish decoration of Huaishi cuisine is really beautiful I don't know where to start 🤣 Fortunately, there is only one table left by the window You can enjoy the scenery of Yachuan Actually, there are many places I want to go But there is not enough time. I hope we can come again This time I went back to Taiwan to chat with my mother during the Spring Festival She said she took me to Lanshan before God, how can I have no impression at all Sure enough, I will forget everything if I don't plan my trip This time I went to Kobe, Osaka, Nara and Kyoto Although it is Kansai, each city has a different atmosphere Maybe many people will wonder why Japan is the first choice for tourism In addition to Japanese goods that are super easy to buy I think it's important that they keep the environment clean and tidy and historical buildings carefully Even if the building is old, they are willing to spend several years to repair it But at the same time, their cities are also developing new landmarks Consider landmarks that can integrate into these cultural environments Rather than a scenic spot that makes people feel abrupt So it is possible to visit the same place again after a year or two There will still be some new feelings Recently, I have seen many people come to Japan for tourism I hope everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery in Japan Five days and four nights of Kansai travel film is here I hope I like this series of films. See you next time
Channel: MissLiv 日本旅行和生活
Views: 320,089
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Keywords: Vlog, travel, 日本, japan food, Tokyo, 美食, 旅遊, tourism, 市場, 商店街, 日本自由行, walk tour, 東京旅遊, 觀光, 台日家庭, 日本生活, 日本旅遊, 東京美食, 日常vlog, vlog, 台湾日本, japan guide, 日本餐廳, 日本必吃美食, 東京日常vlog, 日本居住, 日本美食, 東京必吃, 喜歡日本, 東京自由行, 日本必吃, 日本散步, 旅行, 東京旅行, 散步日本, 日本觀光, 旅遊日本, 日本推薦, 日本景點, 旅游, 东京, 旅游vlog, 日本生活vlog, 散步, 日本小吃, daily vlog, 日本超市, 玩遍日本, 自由行, 日本行程, 日本情報, 東京散步, 餐廳, 日本購物, japantravel, 日本飯店, 東京資訊, 日本攻略, 午餐, 老街, 日本物價, 居酒屋, 吃播, 日本生活好嗎, 東京日常, 散步逛街, 糕點, 料理, 購物中心, 日式料理, 東京風景, 移民日本, 日本風景, 超市熟食, 日本百貨, 超市便當, 爆食, 食譜, 日本生活費, 昭和, 美食街, 日本必買, 烏龍麵, 台湾人, 咖喱, 燒肉, 老城, 日本老街, 散步東京, 市集, 家庭主婦, 點心, 小吃, 蛋糕, 車站, 日本留學, 留學生, 移民, missliv
Id: bO1CGB-2yqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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