Fitting Staircase Spindles ~ Extension Build #17

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[Music] where's james [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you take the horizontal business [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh yes a minute which is okay james i think it's time um we just had a little chat about this staircase because we've had a few comments about it and i'd just like to address those comments because it's fair enough people have been making staircases for centuries and people think there's one god-given way of making staircases and nothing else can be done but i noticed okay surrey staircases it's a little bit unconventional on his way of making them because he didn't use wedges yeah so what do you think about that uh i quite like it it's gonna upset some people i know that if you think about it the wedges that are made well say for example you're a soft wood tread a soft wood string and a soft wood wedge they're all going to shrink all of them and the point of the wedge is you can tighten it up a later date but they're glued in as well so if the glue hasn't broken down by that time then you've got to try and break it to tighten it up and also you've got to remove the plasterboard backing off the staircase or whatever else that's fireball off yeah whatever yeah fortunately if it's in a situation where it's open which is highly unlikely nowadays because for fire regulations especially on a lot of conversion it's got to be boarded with fireballed and even downstairs uh they're asking for sound insulation underneath staircases as well so yeah yeah it's going to be a pain getting all that backing off just to tighten them wedges up so i quite like that we don't have wedges as mark explained from surrey staircases that they just leave a one millimeter gap just enough to be able to slide the the tread in with the expanding polyurethane and it just it really does just you know tightens it right up the screws are just there to hold it in position whilst it's once it's going off yeah this is the important thing is that people look at that screw and they think that screw is doing a structural job but actually once that polyurethane glue has expanded around the whole of the housing on all sides you know it's there isn't it and and obviously the screw stops it spreading apart what we would have maybe done with clamps some years ago if you do it in a joinery shop you might got a couple of sash clamps out and then in fact you'd need more than two because it would spread in the middle wouldn't it exactly so the polyethylene glue can push the you know the strings apart slightly yeah yeah so you stick a screw in there to hold it in position while the polyurethane glue goes off which is five minutes yeah after that you could actually take those screws out if you but why bother there's no point you just leave them in there you know so um unless you've got a market for secondhand schools so that's the first thing so so with that with those treads being completely surrounded with polyurethane all round on the housing like you said it's only a one mil gap so yeah it doesn't spread out that far um you reckon the squeaking is a thing of the past yeah yeah i mean we've we've been using uh mark for quite a few years now um and we've done a lot of loft conversions using this exact method in fact with the mdf treads as well which a lot of people seem to be surprised about that we're using mdf it's not an inferior product it's you know in many ways it's it's superior to yeah it's stable isn't it exactly it's not a shrink no it's in one piece so when you take something like that kite which is quite big if you did that in softwood you would be doing it with stuff which was basically glued up out of several pieces of soft wood otherwise if you've got a bit that wide how wide would that be that would be well it's a good five six hundred mil to start with you're never gonna get it so so you you've got a choice of either putting several bits of soft wood in there glued up yeah which could you know shrink and crack whatever cracking because then you've got to nose it off how thick is that mdf uh 25 mil so it's 25 mil mdf got a riser underneath it yeah the final sin if you like is that he put it in from the bottom yeah which a lot of people are you always start from the top and i must admit you know there are advantages to starting from the top in as much as you don't have to butcher that your post when you get to the top it's just in there isn't it you know uh but in this case there wasn't room to swing a cat not really it's pretty tight the post would have actually been butchered if you like anyway because i put the trimmer in the wrong place you know i was i was out by about 18 to 20 mil all right um so it was getting over a problem there yeah so it was my it was my fault simply got over that problem with that you've faced off that what's that bit of mdf yeah yeah all faced off so it's all quite neat there's no no huge gaps in there and can you just give that new post a wiggle for me just to check it's welcome yeah so that's that's just solid as well we're tied in this is these are housed in here and here and screwed through it's all glued in it you know and it's just telling me the housed in those handles yeah how did you do that because those posts were fixed yeah they were um well spread these two i just spread apart yeah but i mean they go in about the top and bottom you're probably looking about 12 to 15 millimeters oh so it's not a tenon it's not a full tuner notice it's fully housed so rather than a long tenon obviously i couldn't get a long tenon in through there and then put a peg through the side so so i've housed fully the whole thing and then screwed through from the either end of the post to put it in tight but yeah they're fully housed in so that if there was any shrinkage in the length it's never going to cause a gap to create there yeah that's clever actually that's good and the other thing is draw darling and i know draw dowling the reason they used raw dowels in new york post was because they couldn't clamp the string to the post because the strings on an angle there wasn't a clamp because it was possible to do it so so you had to draw down so why don't you draw dowel on these uh we don't need to it's similar to the way the treads go into the string we we can it's cut so tightly and we're using the polyurethane glue and we we can put one the bottom in and we can put a screw in the bottom pull the top over screw at the top and then it's it's in there and once that glue's gone off it's not going to come out so you could down the screw heads if you wanted you could yeah you could do that and you know honestly with with the drawer doweling you you couldn't put too much pressure on anyway because it would just split the end of the tenon out inside yeah so you couldn't really like you know hammer them home massively to get a load of pressure on it um yeah so it it works you know we can make it look like that if we put a i think that clears up some stuff i mean let's just say there are different ways of doing the job and yeah respect to the guys who just want to carry on putting the wedges in but yeah you can move forward with modern materials yeah a hell of a lot better than pva oh yeah they can crack out colin oh definitely no i i put my money honestly if i was a gambling man i'd put some money on this staircase not creaking yeah well i'll join you because like i say we've been using them for years now and we've been back to a few and they just don't creak they really don't i mean there's no reason for them to
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 33,905
Rating: 4.8869777 out of 5
Keywords: how to fit spindles, how to fit spindles on a staircase, how to fit spindles on stairs, how to fit spindles to base rail, how to fit spindles and handrail, how to fit spindles on landing, Fitting Staircase Spindles, Estwing E24C Curved Claw Hammer, HiKOKI NT65GS 2nd Fix Gas Finish Nailer, home improvement, period staircase and hallway renovation
Id: uF_yF4ehUL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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